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Harvard Referencing Essay Example

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Harvard Referencing Essay Example" can be quite challenging due
to the intricate nature of Harvard referencing itself. The Harvard referencing system requires
meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines. It involves citing
sources within the text and creating a detailed reference list at the end of the essay.

One of the difficulties lies in mastering the specific formatting rules, such as knowing how to present
author names, publication years, and page numbers. Additionally, accurately citing various sources,
including books, articles, and online resources, adds another layer of complexity. The challenge is not
only in correctly applying the rules but also in maintaining consistency throughout the essay.

Furthermore, the process demands a deep understanding of the different types of sources and how
they should be cited. Students often struggle with distinguishing between primary and secondary
sources, electronic and print media, and understanding the nuances of citing multiple authors or
works by the same author.

Balancing the need for thorough referencing with the essay's content and structure poses yet another
obstacle. It's crucial to integrate citations seamlessly into the narrative while ensuring they enhance
the overall coherence and flow of the essay rather than disrupting it.

In summary, writing an essay on the topic of "Harvard Referencing Essay Example" requires a
significant investment of time, attention to detail, and a solid grasp of the intricacies of the Harvard
referencing system. It's not just about the content but also about adhering to a specific set of rules
that can be challenging for many students.

For assistance with essays on this topic or similar subjects, various resources are available, including
online platforms like , where one can find guidance, examples, and even order
customized essays to meet specific requirements.
Harvard Referencing Essay Example Harvard Referencing Essay Example
Pluto Essay
In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was
discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the
only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the
existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding
this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to
the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capabilityto send spacecraft such distances
has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many
things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.
Pluto s ... Show more content on ...
To be qualified as a planet and object must orbit a star, is not star like in that it is
undergoing internal nuclear fusion, and has a gravitational force that will allow it to
retain a spherical shape. Pluto certainly fulfills these requirements, however, there are
Kuiper objects that also meet the same criteria. These objects have been classified as
minor planets and have been assigned a numerical designation. Despite all the argument
for demoting Pluto to a minor planet, its status has remained the same, even if solely
contributed to maintaining historical context.
As mentioned earlier, Pluto has a rather unusual orbit. Pluto, while it is the furthest
planet from the sun, for twenty years during its two hundred and forty nine year orbit,
it is actually the eighth planet, crossing over Neptune s orbit. Regardless of the fact
that the orbits of the two planets cross, their orbits will not allow for them to ever
collide. This is mainly due to Pluto s orbiting not staying in the elliptic plane. Because
of its unusual orbit, Pluto travels above and below Neptune as the cross, avoiding
collision. What also allows these two bodies to cross paths and avoid impact is that
when Pluto is at one side of the sun, Neptune is at the other. This is a result of Pluto
taking three times as long to make one orbit around the sun in comparison to Neptune.
Pluto crossed in
Senator Ted Cruz s Presidential Campaign
After a crushing defeat in Tuesday s Indiana primary, Texas Senator Ted Cruz ended his
presidential bid, clearing the way for GOP front runner to become the presumptive
nominee. Tonight, I m sorry to say, it appears that path has been foreclosed, Cruz said, as
supporters began shouting emotionally No! And so with a heavy heart, but with
boundless optimism for the long term future of our nation, we are suspending our
campaign. Cruz added, But hear me now, I am not suspending our fight for liberty. The
news of Cruz suspending his campaign came from his campaign manager Jeff Roe
Despite being mathematically eliminated from clinching the 1,237 threshold needed to
secure the nomination, Cruz continued to fight forward all the way... Show more content
on ...
The alliance left both campaign supporters questioning their motives as a recent NBC
News/WSJ poll showed voters overwhelmingly opposed the alliance. The alliance
became shaky just hours after both campaigns announced their divide and conquer
plan when Kasich said his supporters should still vote for him even though he wasn t
campaigning there. The alliance quickly dissolved when Cruz stated there was no
alliance leading to Kasich s campaign to tweet out a subliminal message of I hate liars.
Last Wednesday, Cruz tried to get the media s attention away from Trump s foreign
policy address by announcing his Vice Presidential pick, his former rival Carly
Fiorina. The move was seen as a sign of desperate according to many media pundit who
questioned why would Cruz who was mathematically eliminated from becoming the
nominee pick a running mate just three months before the convention. Cruz hoped the
move of picking Fiorina, who became his strongest surrogate after endorsing the
Senator before the Florida primary in mid March would help with the moderate
Republicans and woman voters. After announcing Cruz Fiorina 2016, Fiorina
campaigned alongside the Cruz, a mistake the Cruz s campaign employed. Previous
approaches in Iowa and Wisconsin used by the Cruz s campaign would deploy their top
surrogates in key suburbs as a divide and conquer approach. It wasn t until Monday that
Cruz s campaign changed their approach but it was already to late when he failed to use
Compare And Contrast Mexica And Aztecs
While the Aztecs were first traveling to the Valley of Mexico, they were influenced by
the people around them. They learned many skills that strengthened their abilities as
warriors. Later in 1519, while the Aztecs Empire was still, growing, Spaniards were
eager to claim land for Spain in a hunt for gold and other riches. The Mexica claimed
that their homeland was a island in a lake called Aztland, meaning the place of the white
heron. The Toltecs had been the last of the powerful Mesoamericans before rise of the
Aztecs. Then, the battles began and while on the battlefield, the Aztecs first made sure
they kept control over the cities that the Tepanecs ruled. The Aztec forces conquered
lands to the east, all the way to the Gulf ... Show more content on ...
As a group, the pipiltin had the largest homes, ate the best food and wore the finest
cloths. Historians think that as many as 90% of the Aztec population were macehualtin.
Some markets became known for selling a particular item, such as wood products or
cloth, and anyone could sell goods they made or crops they raised at a local market. In
their guest for more tribute, the tlatoani of the Aztecs relied on the skill of their warriors.
In the Aztecs, the children s life was surrounded by work and chores, but the children
thankfully got a well education. They had very high religious instructions and at time the
children had to go without food and cut themselves to offer their blood to the gods.
Most historians agree that human sacrifice was part of Aztec religion. Humans had
sacrificed each other in Mesoamerica for thousands of years before the Mexica reached
the Valley of Mexico. Many physicians were skilled herbalists who specialized in the
use of plant life to treat illness. The Aztecs believed the universe had three distinct
parts. At the top was heaven, which had up to thirteen different layers and was the
home of the gods. In daily life, the Aztecs worshipped a number of gods and goddesses
as many as two hundred. The Aztecs valued jewelry of gold and silver, and art in
Microrganisms Functioning to Neutralize Toxic Wastes in...
The presence of radionuclides and heavy metals in our surroundings has become the most
serious environmental concern. These contaminants or pollutants fail to degrade on their
own over time and must be removed or neutralized. Microorganisms act as natural
catalysts in the process of transformation of toxic metals into non toxic ones. This is why
there is an increased interest in the understanding of microbiological processes which
help in remediation of these toxic wastes from the environment (Francis 1990).
Microorganisms basically work by mobilization and immobilization of heavy metals and
radioactive wastes. Mobilization include processes such as methylation of wastes and
thus making them volatile substances, chelation of metals to ... Show more content on ...
This product is also found to be readily acted upon by a variety of degrading bacteria,
algal species and fungal species also (Gadd 1996), (Karlson et al. 1993).

b)Autotrophic Leaching:
The chemolithic and acidophilic bacteria help in carrying out the autotrophic leaching of
metals. They function by fixing carbon di oxide and obtaining energy from the oxidation
of ferrous ions or reduced sulphur compounds, and form Fe(III) or H2SO4 as the end
products (Bosecker 1997). The microorganisms involved in this process are Thiobacillus
thioxidans, Thiobacillus ferroxidans, Leptospirillum ferroxidans (Ewart and Hughes

Also the production of sulphuric acid by Thiobacillus species is a form of

bioremediation of sewage wastes. This technique has been used to remediate the
problems of heavy metal contaminated soil, water, sewage etc.
c)Heterotrophic Leaching:
Heterotrophic metabolism can also account for leaching as it can cause the release of
proton or organic acids (Burgstaller and Schinner 1993). For eg., Uranium reacts with
chelating anion like citrate and form very stable Uranium citrate complexes (Borkowski
et al. 1997).

Now, many microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi are able to act upon these metal
chelate complexes and thus form products which are non toxic to environment.

3.1.2 Metal
Cryptography Is A Science That Transforms Information Into...
In recent times providing security to the information is the major issue. There are many
applications developed by the cyber terrorists, cyber criminals, script kidders etc. to steal
the private information like passwords, ATM pin numbers, and credit card details so on.
One of the solution to protect the information is Cryptography, which is the focus of this
Cryptography is a science that transforms information into secure form by providing
basic protections. These protections include confidentiality, Integrity, Availability,
Authentication, and Nonrepudiation (Ciampa 189). Let s understand the characteristics
of information and their description (see table 1).
The term Cryptography was originated from Greek. In Greek Crypto means hidden
and grapy means writing. Simply, cryptography means scrambling data so that it
cannot be read or access by an unauthorized person. The ancient cryptographer Julius
Caesar sent messages to his commanders by shifting each letter in his message to three
places down in the alphabet. A was replaced by D, B was replaced by E and so on
(Ciampa 186). This method of changing the original text into a secret message is called
encryption and retrieving back to the original form is called decryption.
The clear plaintext is given as input to the cryptographic algorithm. According to
Stallings cryptographic algorithms consists of mathematical functions which are used to
encrypt and decrypt the data (44). A key is a mathematical value which
Comparing Colonial Government And Government Today
There are many similarities and differences between the colonial government and
government today. When comparing them, you will find that not a lot has changed. From
then to now, there has been advances and new ideas. Despite the changes or advances,
certain things never advanced or got changed , some ideas were left behind. What has not
changed? What has changed and what makes them different rather than similar? What
was colonial governmenteven like? The colonial government had governors. Governors
had the final decision and could persuade assemblies to do what they wanted by
disobeying a not paying their salaries. Colonial Governors had an advisory council,
colonial assemblies, colonial courts, and town meetings. The advisory council would
get together with Virginia Assembly (or VA) to create or select VA s houses. One
house was called Council of State and the other, House of Burgesses. This was a
bicameral legislature which was the lawmaking group or body with two houses. Colonial
assemblies would do the same. The lower house in bicameral legislature could raise taxes.
... Show more content on ...
What is it like? Government today is a lot like England s Parliament. A Parliament is
the England s legislature. There are two houses in government today called the House
of Representatives and the Senate. The American Parliament is called Congress.
Congress is the lawmaking body just like the Parliament is. Congress has the authority
to create a law from a bill. Members can discuss problems and/or solutions that may
help society. If they form a bill to attempt to find a solution, they can present it to all of
the Congress members in efforts to make it a law. If they don t approve, the law can
die. Once a bill dies, members can rewrite the bill until Congress approves. If and when
Congress approves, it then has to complete the final steps to become an official law.These
final steps may include, getting ratified and getting

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