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YouTube CEO's latest letter is out, and it’s like the ultimate cheat sheet for creators.

Here's 3 key takeaways + my opinions on each one of them:

Takeaway #1 - YouTube is embracing AI content creation whether you like it or not

Neal Mohan is betting big on AI content creation tools, with the goal of 'leveling the playing field'.

Takeaway #2 - Shorts are not slowing down anytime soon. They are the fastest growing media
format in the world.

Shorts right now are getting over 70 billion views a day. That number honestly doesn't really
mean anything to me, but it's impressive lol. What's more interesting is just last year the number
of channels posting shorts grew by 50%.

Takeaway #3 - YouTube is becoming TV, the living room growth numbers are insane

Here's an incredible stat, the number of channels who get the majority of the viewership from
TV in the last 3 years grew 400%.

A lot of my clients are getting the majority of their views and revenue from TV viewership.

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