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Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Then answer the question by choosing the letter of your

1. His analysis of the historical changes and development of human societies noted the key distinction
between traditional societies defined as "'status" societies based on family association and functionally
diffuse roles for individuals. A

a. Henry Maine

b. Emile Durkheim

c. Max Weber

d. Plato

2. He identified mechanical solidarity as involving custom, habit, and repression that was necessary to
maintain shared views. B

a. Henry Maine

b. Emile Durkheim

c. Max Weber

d. Plato

3. He claimed the change that developed modem society and nations is the result of the rise of a
charismatic leader to power in a society who creates a new tradition or a rational-legal system that
establishes the supreme authority of the state. C

a. Henry Maine

b. Emile Durkheim

c. Max Weber

d. Plato
4. Refers to an ideology that favors state interventionism in the economy, with policies that emphasize
domestic control of the economy, labor, and capital formation, even if this requires the imposition of
tariffs and other restrictions on the movement of labor, goods and capital. A

a. Economic Nationalism

b. Economy Nationalism

c. Religious Nationalism

d. Territorial Nationalism

5. The relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, dogma, or affiliation where a shared
religion can be seen to contribute to a sense of national unity, a common bond among the citizens of the
nation. C

a. Economic Nationalism

b. Economy Nationalism

c. Religious Nationalism

d. Territorial Nationalism

6. Occasionally known as socialist nationalism. A

a. Left-wing Nationalism

b. Integral Nationalism

c. Anti-Colonial Nationalism

d. Racial Nationalism

7. It seeks to preserve a given race through policies such as banning race mixing and the immigration of
other races. D

a. Left-wing Nationalism

b. Integral Nationalism

c. Anti-Colonial Nationalism

d. Racial Nationalism
8. This form of nationalism came about during the decolonization of the post war periods. It was a
reaction mainly in Africa and Asia against being subdued by foreign powers. C

a. Left-wing Nationalism

b. Integral Nationalism

c. Anti-Colonial Nationalism

d. Racial Nationalism

9. It is the results after a nation has achieved independence and has established a state. B

a. Left-wing Nationalism

b. Integral Nationalism

c. Anti-Colonial Nationalism

d. Racial Nationalism

10. Also known as Italian nationalism. D

a. Resermento Nationalism

b. Regosmento Nationalism

c. Risgormento Nationalism

d. Risorgimento Nationalism

11. States may be classified by political philosophers as, Except. D

a. Sovereign

b. Non- Sovereign

c. Federated State

d. Federal State

12. A territorial and constitutional community forming part of a federation. C

a. Sovereign

b. Non- Sovereign

c. Federated State

d. Federal State
13. They are subject to external sovereignty or hegemony where ultimate sovereignty lies in another
state. B

a. Sovereign

b. Non- Sovereign

c. Federated State

d. Federal State

14. They are not dependent on, or subject to any other power or state. A

a. Sovereign

b. Non- Sovereign

c. Federated State

d. Federal State

15. It signifies a person who loves his or her country and is ready to boldly support and defend it. D

a. Nationalism

b. Nationalist

c. Loyalty

d. Patriot

16. A communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may
not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or
perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the
information that is presented. B

a. Media

b. Propaganda

c. Activist Group

d. Activist
17. Religious organizations can produce propaganda? A

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. It depends

18. Word that is used in reference to an activity, cause, and others that is currently fashionable or
popular and attracting increasing support. B

a. Loaded words

b. Bandwagon

c. Testimonials

d. Name calling

19. Refers to languages, phrases, and overall verbal and written communication that elicit a strong
emotional response from the reader or listener. A

a. Loaded words

b. Bandwagon

c. Testimonials

d. Name calling

20. A formal statement testifying to someone's character, qualifications, and more importantly to
someone's bravery and patriotism. C

a. Loaded words

b. Bandwagon

c. Testimonials

d. Name calling

21. A form of verbal abuse in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

a. Loaded words

b. Bandwagon
c. Testimonials

d. Name calling

22. A_______ should have a genuine love for his country and should have a sense of involvement in its
day to day affairs, in its economic policies and its international relationships. B

a. Patriot

b. Good citizen

c. Honest citizen

d. loyal citizen

23. Qualities of a good citizen may include the following, except. C

a. A good citizen must be ready to sacrifice his everything for the sake of his motherland. He is also
required to be a patriot and nationalist.
b. He should have firm and deep faith in the welfare of his motherland.
c. He has also to keep in his heart the betterment only of his own country, his own welfare, his own
good and the interest of his self and possess a good moral conduct.
d. He shall obey the law and respects authority and contribute to society and community, or perform
civic duties.

24. Qualities of a good citizen may include the following, except. C

a. He should demonstrate courtesy and respect for the rights of others.
b. He should be trustworthy, honest, and must have tolerance.
c. A good citizen should only have a sense of accountability, moral courage, responsibility, and self-
d. A good citizen cares about the common good.

25. A devotion and faithfulness to a nation, cause, philosophy, country, group, or person. A

a. Loyalty

b. Patriot

c. Nationalist

d. Nationalism

26. He said loyalty is a virtue, indeed a primary virtue, "the heart of all the virtues, the central duty
amongst all the duties. A

a. Josiah Royce

b. John Ladd

c. Milton R. Konvitz
d. Marcia W. Baron

27. A trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle
and good moral being. A

a. Virtue

b. Personal virtues

c. Personal Attitude

d. Individual virtue

28. Are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. B

a. Virtue

b. Personal virtues

c. Personal Attitude

d. Individual virtue

29. A habitual, repeated practice of wrongdoing.C

a. Recidivist

b. Recidivism

c. Vice

d. Individual Vice

30. It is the corruption of the virtues. C

a. depraved

b. immoral

c. Vice

d. rude

31. The following are the Four Cardinal Virtues, except. D

a. Prudence

b. Courage

c. Temperance
d. Patience

32. The ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the
appropriate time. A

a. Prudence

b. Courage

c. Temperance

d. Patience

33. Also termed "fortitude", forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront fear,
uncertainty, and intimidation. B

a. Prudence

b. Courage

c. Temperance

d. Patience

34. Also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation
tempering the appetition. C

a. Prudence

b. Courage

c. Temperance

d. Patience

35. Is one where the circumstances must be weighed to determine the correct action. Generally, it
applies to situations where two people could weigh the circumstances differently and ethically come to
different conclusions. A

a. Prudent Judgement

b. Endurance

c. Patience

d. Weighting of action
36. A bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, even death or threat of death. A

a. Physical courage

b. moral courage

c. Bravery

d. abstention

37. The ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or
personal loss. B

a. Physical courage

b. moral courage

c. Bravery

d. abstention

38. A concept of moral rightness based ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity and fairness,
as well as the administration of the law, taking into account the inalienable and inborn rights of all
human beings and citizens, the right of all people and individuals to equal protection before the law. A

a. Justice

b. Equity

c. Tolerance

d. Chief Justice

39. Is a feature of authority all across the globe.A

a. Territoriality

b. Sovereignty

c. Nationality

d. Head of Territory

40. It is a form of authority that allows the state a nation to govern itself such as the power to enforce
laws and to have full and exclusive control of its resources. B

a. Territoriality

b. Sovereignty
c. Nationality

d. Head of Territory

41.The quality of state or nation power" to be supreme in relation to any other existing social power
within its territorial limits and independence. B

a. Territoriality

b. Sovereignty

c. Head of the State

d. Head of Territory

42. It is regarded as the supreme authority within a territory. B

a. Territoriality

b. Sovereignty

c. Head of the State

d. Head of Territory

43. An administrative division, usually an area that is under the jurisdiction of a state or nation. B

a. Territoriality

b. Territory

c. Head of the State

d. Head of Territory

44. Means the right of jurisdiction, which is the right to create and enforce laws within the area and
covenant not to compete. A

a. Territorial rights

b. Jurisdiction

c. Territorial integrity

d. Territorial power
45. The principle under international law that prohibits states from the use of force against the
"territorial integrity or political independence" of another state or nation. C

a. Territorial rights

b. Jurisdiction

c. Territorial integrity

d. Territorial power

46. A disagreement over the possession or control of land between two or more entities. C

a. Boundary dispute

b. Territorial dispute

c. Both A and B

d. Territorial power

47. An attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief; steady devotion, support, allegiance, or
attachment. A
a. Adherence
b. Admiration
c. Affection
d. Aspiration

48. A strong desire to achieve something high or great; a hope or ambition of achieving something. D
a. Adherence
b. Admiration
c. Affection
d. Aspiration

49. A feeling of liking and caring for someone or something; fond attachment, devotion, or love. C
a. Adherence
b. Admiration
c. Affection
d. Aspiration

50. The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual; the group of qualities that make a person,
group, or thing different from others. A
a. Character
b. Attitude
c. Behavior
d. Instinct
51. To disagree with or express doubts about something; to engage in argument. A
a. Dispute

b. Debate

c. Creed

d. Decency

52. Any system of principles of belief; a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions. C

a. Dispute

b. Debate

c. Creed

d. Decency

53. A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory
and policy; the body of doctrine, myth, belief, and others that guides an individual, social movement,
institution, class, or large group. A

a. Ideology

b. Ideals

c. Idealism

d. Individualism

54. A prejudice in favor of a particular cause; bias; an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or
cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance. B

a. Partisan

b. Partisanship

c. Oppression

d. Both A and B

55. Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control; the state of being subject to unjust treatment or
control; unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power. C

a. Partisan

b. Partisanship
c. Oppression

d. Torture

56. The area which extends up to 12 nautical miles from the baseline of a country's coastal state. A

a. Territorial sea

b. Sea Territory

c. West Philippine sea

d. Philippine sea

57. It is under the jurisdiction of that particular country; however, foreign ships (both merchant and
military) ships are allowed passage through it. A

a. Territorial sea

b. Sea Territory

c. West Philippine sea

d. Philippine sea

58. The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise; the
soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good
judgment. B

a. Smart

b. Wisdom

c. Wise

d. Clever

59. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another; the capacity to place oneself in
another's position. B

a. Apathy

b. Empathy

c. Enthusiasm

d. Esteem
60. An intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval; strong excitement about something; a strong
feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy. C

a. Apathy

b. Empathy

c. Enthusiasm

d. Esteem

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