Final Exam (Human Behavior)

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Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Then answer the question by choosing the letter of your

1. A psychotic condition marked by withdrawal from reality, indifference concerning everyday problems,
and tendency to live in a world of fantasy. A

a. Schizophrenia

b. Affective Disorder

c. Paranoia

d. Anti-social Personality

2. Characterized by periods of depression or elation or both (manic, depressed and mixed) .B

a. Schizophrenia

b. Affective Disorder

c. Paranoia

d. Anti-social Personality

3. Main symptom is characterized by suspicion. C

a. Schizophrenia

b. Affective Disorder

c. Paranoia

d. Anti-social Personality

4. This is a mentally- disturbed person who is opposed to the principles upon which society is based. D

a. Schizophrenia

b. Affective Disorder

c. Paranoia

d. Anti-social Personality
5. Having delusions that a certain person is in love with him or her. A

a. Erotic Paranoia

b. Exalted Paranoia

c. Persecutory Paranoia

d. Jealous Paranoia

6. Having grandiose delusions and believes him/ herself as someone with great power or importance;
usually a religious crusader, a social reformer, or inventor. B

a. Erotic Paranoia

b. Exalted Paranoia

c. Persecutory Paranoia

d. Jealous Paranoia

7. The following are the Characteristics of Anti-social Personality, except. C

a. A classic manipulator or con artist.

b. One of the most significant characteristics of this personality is the absence of conscience or any guilt

c. The person has incorporated the moral values of society into his life.

d. He is often a glib and convincing speaker and presents himself extremely well.

8. The following are the factors that cause mental disorders, except. D

a. Biological Factors

b. Psychological factors

c. Environmental Factors

d. Cultural Factors

9. Mental illnesses sometimes run in families, suggesting that people who have a family member with a
mental illness may be somewhat more likely to develop one themselves. A

a. Genetics (heredity)

b. Infections

c. Brain defects or injury

d. Prenatal damage

10. Some evidence suggests that a disruption of early fetal brain development or trauma that occurs at
the time of birth. D

a. Genetics (heredity)

b. Infections

c. Brain defects or injury

d. Prenatal damage

11. A dysfunctional family life, is an example of? C

a. Biological Factors

b. Psychological factors

c. Environmental Factors

d. Cultural Factors

12. Death or divorce, is an example of? C

a. Biological Factors

b. Psychological factors

c. Environmental Factors

d. Cultural Factors

13. Poor ability to relate to others, is an example of? B

a. Biological Factors

b. Psychological factors

c. Environmental Factors

d. Cultural Factors

14. An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent, is an example of? B

a. Biological Factors

b. Psychological factors

c. Environmental Factors
d. Cultural Factors

15. (MR) means? A

a. Mental Retardation

b. Moral Retardation

c. Mental Relation

d. Moral Relation

16. (IQ) means? A

a. intelligence quotient

b. intellectual quality

c. intelligence quality

d. intellectual quotient

17. Mental retardation is defined as an IQ score below. B

a. 60- 70

b. 70-75

c. 75-80

d. 80-85

18. About 10% of the population is considered as mentally retarded. A

a. Moderate mental retardation

b. Severe mental retardation

c. Mild mental retardation

d. Profound mental retardation

19. About 3-4% of the population is considered as mentally retarded. B

a. Moderate mental retardation

b. Severe mental retardation

c. Mild mental retardation

d. Profound mental retardation

20. Approximately 85% of the population is considered as mentally retarded.C

a. Moderate mental retardation

b. Severe mental retardation

c. Mild mental retardation

d. Profound mental retardation

21. Persons have IQ scores ranging from 35-55. A

a. Moderate mental retardation

b. Severe mental retardation

c. Mild mental retardation

d. Profound mental retardation

22. Persons have IQ scores ranging from 20-25. D

a. Moderate mental retardation

b. Severe mental retardation

c. Mild mental retardation

d. Profound mental retardation

23. The following are some of the factors victimization, Except. D

a. Our Materialistic Culture

b. Our Sex Values

c. Decay of Discipline

d. Public Relation
24. It reflected usually in what the people prove or disapprove. When the people fail to condemn a
morally reprehensive act. They indirectly approve the act. When society fails to protest against a bad
situation, then it condones the situation. D

a. Our Materialistic Culture

b. Our Sex Values

c. Decay of Discipline

d. Public Morality

25. In this era, money has always been looked upon as the supreme goal of life to many people. Money
and the things money can buy seem to be the strongest motivation for the existence and the efforts of
the individuals. A

a. Our Materialistic Culture

b. Our Sex Values

c. Decay of Discipline

d. Public Morality

26. In all crimes, it has been said that, "if there is a complainant, there must be a defendant? B

a. Correct

b. Wrong

c. It depends

d. Maybe

27. Awarded to a person’s physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and similar injury. A

a. Moral damages

b. Actual or Compensatory damages

c. Nominal damages

d. Liquidated damages
28. Awarded to a person for such pecuniary loss suffered by him as he has duly proved. B

a. Moral damages

b. Actual or Compensatory damages

c. Nominal damages

d. Liquidated damages

29. That agreed upon by the parties to a contract, to be paid in case of breach thereof. D

a. Moral damages

b. Actual or Compensatory damages

c. Nominal damages

d. Liquidated damages

30. Amount awarded to a person in order that his right, which had been violated or invaded, may be
recognized. C

a. Moral damages

b. Actual or Compensatory damages

c. Nominal damages

d. Liquidated damages

31. Civil damages, are separate and distinct from criminal liability? A

a. Correct

b. Wrong

c. It depends

d. Maybe

32. An act decriminalizing vagrancy, amending for this purpose article 202 of act no. 3815, as amended,
otherwise known as the revised penal code. A





33. Women who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct. A

a. Prostitutes

b. Prostitute

c. Protitutes

d. Prostitution

34. Is the study of victimization, including the psychological effects on victims, relationships between
victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal Justice system. D

a. Victims

b. Victimization

c. Crime Victim

d. Victimology

35. Is a person who has been physically, financially or emotionally injured and/or had their property
taken or damaged by someone committing a crime. C

a. Victims

b. Victimization

c. Crime Victim

d. Victimology

36. Refers to the origin or cause of a victimization: the constellation of variables which caused a
victimization to occur. A

a. Victimogenesis

b. Victimization

c. Crime Victim

d. Victimology
37. A victimization where the victim causes, in part or totally, their own victimization. B

a. Victimogenesis

b. Victim Precipitation

c. Crime Victim

d. Victimology

37. Is a physical, psychological, social, material or financial condition whereby a person or an object has
a weakness which could render them a victim another person or persons would recognize these
weaknesses and take advantage of them. B

a. General Victim

b. Vulnerability

c. Victimization

d. Victimology

38. Is a person who has been physically, financially or emotionally injured and/or had their property
taken or damaged by someone, an event, an organization or a natural phenomenon. A

a. General Victim

b. Vulnerability

c. Victimization

d. Victimology

39. Refers to an event where persons, communities and institutions are damaged or injured in a
significant way.C

a. General Victim

b. Vulnerability

c. Victimization

d. Victimology
40. Is an academic scientific discipline which studies data that describes phenomena and causal
relationships related to victimizations. D

a. General Victim

b. Vulnerability

c. Victimization

d. Victimology

41. The violation of a national or international standard in the use of organized powerful forces such
that persons are injured physically, mentally, emotionally, economically, or in their rights, as a direct and
intentional result of the misapplication of these forces. A

a. Abuse of Power

b. Abuse of Authority

c. General Abuse

d. Authority

42. Activities which are applied in response to victimizations with the intention of relieving suffering and
facilitating recovery. D

a. Victim Assistance

b. Victim Support

c. Victim Recovery

d. Both A and B

43. The intentional application of sexual, physical, emotional or Psychological injury to a child to include
neglect at the hands of her or his parents or care-provider within the confines of their family or place of
care. A

a. Child Abuse

b. Victim

c. Victims

d. Child Trafficking
44. A formal process for face-to-face meetings in the presence of a trained mediator between a victim of
a crime and his/her offender who committed that crime. A

a. Victim offender Mediation

b. Restorative Justice

c. Victim Trauma

d. Crisis Intervention

45. A systematic formal legal response to crime victimization that emphasizes healing the injuries that
resulted from the crime and affected the victims, offenders and communities. B

a. Victim offender Mediation

b. Restorative Justice

c. Victim Trauma

d. Crisis Intervention

46. Includes emotional and physical experiences that produce pain and injuries. C

a. Victim offender Mediation

b. Restorative Justice

c. Victim Trauma

d. Crisis Intervention

47. Is the provision of emergency psychological care to traumatized victims so as to help them return to
an adaptive level of functioning and to prevent or mitigate the negative impact of psychological and
emotional trauma. D

a. Victim offender Mediation

b. Restorative Justice

c. Victim Trauma

d. Crisis Intervention
48. A formal administrative procedure provided by law which provides only money to victims for "out of
pocket" real expenses directly resulting from the victimization to be paid by the state after the victim is
found to qualify according to specific criteria determined by the respective state or federal law. A

a. Compensation

b. Salary

c. Restitution

d. Victim Survey

49. A formal judicial procedure used by a judge after guilt is determined as part of a sentence which can
provide money and/or services to the victim for damages or suffering which resulted from the
victimization to be paid o performed by the offender. C

a. Compensation

b. Salary

c. Restitution

d. Victim Survey

50. Are privileges and procedures required by written Law which guarantee victims specific
considerations and treatment by the criminal justice system the government and the community at
large. A

a. Victim Rights

b. Salary

c. Restitution

d. Victim Survey

51. The scientific study of violent crime victims for the purposes of addressing investigative and forensic
questions. B

a. Victimology

b. Forensic Victimology

c. Scientific Study of Crime

d. Forensic Crime
52. Is an identifiable person who has been harmed individually and directly by the perpetrator, rather
than by society as a whole. A

a. victim of a crime

b. Victim

c. Witness

d. Offender

53. Victims may experience the following psychological reactions. D

a. Increase in the realization of personal vulnerability.

b. The perception of the world as meaningless and incomprehensible.

c. The view of themselves in a negative light.

d. All of the above

54. It posits that the location and context of the crime bring he victim of the crime and its perpetrator
together. C

a. Quantification of victim-proneness

b. Fundamental attribution error

c. Environmental theory

d. Victim facilitation

55. Defined as the relationship between perpetrator and victim of a crime. A

a. Penal couple

b. Society as crime victim

c. Penal relationship

d. Party Relationship
56. The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime (OFOVC) is an independent resource for
victims of crime. It was created in 2007 to ensure the federal government meets its responsibilities to
victims of crime. A

a. Victimization in Canada

b. Victimization rate In United States

c. Victimization in Europe

d. Victimization in Austria

57. This country, victim services include free access to legal advice and representation, counselling and
monetary compensation. A

a. Austria

b. Canada

c. Europe

d. United States

58. Victims of crime of violence committed thin the Republic of Estonia are entitled to state

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. It depends

59. Is Denmark victims of crime can access a number of services and support mechanisms to guide them
through the criminal justice process? A

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. It depends

60. In Denmark, services and Support mechanisms are implemented through? D

a. Danish Victim law

b. International law

c. Ombudsman

d. Domestic legislation

61. Any game or scheme the result of which depends wholly or chiefly upon chance or hazard and
wherein consisting of money, articles of value, or representative of value are made. A

a. Gambling

b. Vagrant

c. lottery

d. All of the above

62. Any other mechanical invention or contrivance to determine by chance the loser or winner of money
or any object or representative value. A

a. Gambling

b. Vagrant

c. lottery

d. All of the above

63. One found loitering about public or semi-public buildings or places, or tramping or wondering about
the country or streets without the visible means of support. B

a. Beggar

b. Vagrant

c. Scavenger

d. Insane

64. Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of ill-fame, ruffians or pimps and those who
habitually associate with prostitutes. B

a. Beggar

b. Vagrant

c. Scavenger
d. Insane

65. Who has no lawful means of livelihood or subsistence. C

a. Beggar

b. Vagrant

c. Scavenger

d. Insane

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