Abubacar FA2

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FA #2

Base on the concept map I did, awkward is written as one of my experiences in Eight Stages of
Psychological Development. From the start, I was a shy type person. I don’t usually talk a lot
especially on my early school days except when it is necessary. Maybe, Islam teachings
influence me because it is said that woman shouldn’t talk to other people casually. They should
limit social interaction, that’s why there is a part of me that’s holding me back to express myself
freely. Despite that situation, I would still try my best to interact with other people. I still want to
do my best to befriend someone. Besides, anyone of us needs a friend that we can rely on and got
our backs when times get rough. To be honest, there’s also a part of me that envies anyone who
can easily make friends. It is always easy for them to make friends. I want to be like them too.
Maybe if I can remove this awkwardness or shyness inside me, maybe I can make friends and
can express myself me. Despite that feeling, there’s also a part of me that prefers to be alone.
Even though I don’t have a lot of friends that I can rely, I can endure my issues on my own, as
long as I have a strong mentality. It’s not that I don’t want to make friends that I can rely when I
have problems, but I just don’t want to burden to anyone and add on their stress, so most of the
time, I rely on myself in solving my issues.
The next experienced I wrote was open-minded. From my elementary years, I experienced being
bullied. It was really one of the painful experienced that until now, I can’t forget. The feeling is
so horrible that I feel like I was in the dark that no one can save me. That time, I can only rely on
myself to endure it. I didn’t speak it up to the higher ups since I was only an innocent kid that
time. Until now, I still don’t understand why the keep on calling me names, and keep on teasing
me. I rarely smile that time. It’s hard for me to be genuinely happy. I realized that my parents
where right that I should be strong and dealing those issues. You need to have a strong mentality.
Because of that experience, I opened to a lot of things and many realizations hit me. That
experienced became what I am today. Even though it’s horrible, I learned a lot of things in life. I
can say that I overcame it and made me mature.

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