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Issues and Challenges

A. Are there any issues and/or challenges that you are currently facing from the
different aspects of yourself? Identify those issues and/or challenges.

i. Philosophical (values, goals, beliefs, and worldview)

→ She has a toxic belief that when you rely on other, you are weak, or not everyone
could help you. All people have their own problem to deal with. That’s why she keeps all to
herself and try to fix it on her own.

ii. Psychological (mental health, developmental stages, adolescence/adulthood

aspect, academic progress)

→ She was bullied, and that experience has changed her personality. She is hesitant to let
anyone in and be close to her. She believes she is unworthy of friendship and support
from others. She fears that if she lets her guard down and becomes comfortable around
people, they could perhaps hurt her in the future. She also thinks that she has tendency to
drive people away.

iii. Social (family, friends, romantic relationships, other social identities)

→ She lacks the confidence to discuss her issues with her family. She prefers to bury her
feelings and keep her problems to herself because she doesn’t want to be a burden to her
parents or her siblings. If she can fix the problem, she would do it.

iv. Sex and Gender

→ She is expected to be thin because she is a woman

v. Digital Self

→ Some people would use social media to express their feelings. For her, she is afraid to
be judged if she freely expressed herself. Afterall, it’s a public platform and anyone could see
their post.
II. Recommendations

A. What actions do you need to do to resolve your issues and/or challenges?

i. Habits to build

→ Try your best to be calm. It would help you to think rationally because if we don’t, we
might to something that could hurt others or might regret in the future. Don’t let those emotions
affect you.
Another habit we should do is talking to other people. Be comfortable around them. Not
all people would judge you and you will know someone who genuinely likes to be your friend.

ii. Activities to engage

→ Visit the mall, the beach, foreign countries, and other places where you can escape from your
problems. Explore nature and be adventurous. You will feel at peace and more able to maintain
your composure if you are far from the area that is chaotic. You'll forget your issues and be
liberated from the suffering you experience.

iii. Concrete plan of action

→ Always prioritize your well-being. If you are not okay, then express it. Feel those negative
emotions. Don’t be afraid to asked help from others.

iv. People or organization to be involved in

→ Lai should surround herself with the people who really cares for her and that is her family and
friends. They know what’s best for you and they know you better. They have an idea on how to
handle you when you are having a hard time. Lai should rely on them and tell her issues or ill
feelings to them.
III. Mental Health Care Plan

A. Core Values (The Abundance in Life Wheel)

If she will rate her happiness from 1-10, she would say 7. She is happy with her family, with her
friends, she has all the things she needs. There are a lot of things that she needs to achieve or to
do to be completely happy like finishing her school, be a professional accountant, to have her
own family, and many more.

If she will rate her marriage & intimacy she would say 5. She is not yet ready for that huge
commitment and responsibility in life. She has a lot of things to consider like knowing her true
self and being ready to show it to her partner all of her weather it is a positive or negative side of

If she will rate her God & Spiritual, it would be also be 7. She admits that she sometimes
missed her prayers but it does not mean that she lost her faith in God.

If she would rate her physical environment, it would be 8. Her environment is clean and
spacious. It helps her to be calm and relax herself.

If she would rate her career and business, it would be 4. She doesn’t even finish her studies.
She needs to learn more about the career she chose before she succeeds.

If she would rate her lifestyle, it would be 6. She sometimes sleeps late and it is unhealthy

If she would rate her friends and relationships, it would be 7. She can be reliable and help her
friends when needed. She would give them advices and opinions on how to solve this issue.

If she would rate her finances, it would be 6. Her money is mostly splurge on food. She loves to
eat foods that unfamiliar to her or food like coffee, chicken meals, snacks, and many more. She
has a hard time to resist food. She sometimes spends her money on useless stuff like phone
cases, Korean Pop Merchandise, headsets, and many more. She sometimes forgot to save money
for her future.

If she would be rate her giving back, it would be 8. Her religion has a thing called “zakat” where
we give a donation like money, clothes, food, or many more to the unfortunate ones. She would
donate her old things, or give money to them.

If she would rate her personal development, it would be 7. There are things in herself that needs
to change like her shyness to people, and expressing her feelings. She has to be comfortable
around people and interact with them.

If she would rate her family, it would be 8. Her family never fails to teach her what is right or
wrong. She is always grateful that they are always patient to her.

If she would rate her travels, and vacations, it would be 9. She likes to go outside especially to
the mall. It is her way to relax and unwind. She went to a lot of malls and beaches already and
she loves all of it.
If she would rate her health and wellness, it would be 7. She sleeps late and it is an unhealthy
lifestyle. She has a kidney failure when she was born so that’s why she needs to look out for
b. Well-being Action Plan

Always think of good thoughts in mind like Exercise regularly in the morning. Do simply
your crush, family, or anyone inspires you. It routines like jumping jack or jogging around
would help you to have a rational mind and your neighborhood, or watch Zumba dance.
be positive in life. Eat nutritious food like green vegetables,
protein, meat, and fruits. Avoid too much
sweets, caffeine, or junk foods. Watch out
your sleeping habits. Avoid sleeping at
dawn time. Our body needs to rest and we
shouldn’t deny it.

Her support
system would Her faith needs to be strong. She sometimes Her focus
be her family forgot to be thankful to Him in everything she would be her
and friends. has. She should always remember that He is health and
They want her always there to guide her to be a better person. wellness. Fix
to be well When times gets rough, go back to Him and herself first
genuinely. They asked for enlightenment. before she
are willing to
should help
help her fixed
others. She
her issue and
always had
they are always
herself in the
in her side no
matter what

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