Additol-Vxw-6206 en A4

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Technical Daashee


Waer-emulsiable, nonylphenolic ehoxylaeree combinaon drier Meal conen
approx. 5.00 % Cobal
approx. 0.22 % Lihium
approx. 7.50 % Zirconium


Deermined per bach: The leadree and bariumree combinaon drier Addiol VXW 6206
produces in waerborne alkyd resin pains a good se-drying combined
Dynamic Viscosiy DIN EN ISO 3219 wih an even hrough-drying.
dynamic viscosiy [mPa.s] 150 - 1000
(25 1/s; 23 °C) Addiol VXW 6206 conains a balanced meal combinaon which is or an
opmum oxidave drying necessary.
Non-Volale Mater DIN EN ISO 3251
non-volale mater [%] 63 - 68
(1 h; 125 °C; 1 g)
Addiol VXW 6206 may be added as siccave o all waerborne oxidavely
No connually deermined: drying alkyd resin pains. Especially suiable or exernally emulsied alkyd
resin emulsions.
Colour / Appearance VLN 250 x
colour viole PROCESSING
Ash Conen DIN EN ISO 6245 Addiol VXW 6206 may be added undilued o he resin in orm o delivery.
conen [%] 16 In crucial sysems, endency o speck ormaon, we recommend dispersing
approx. he combinaon drier wih he pigmens and llers.
Densiy (Liquids) DIN EN ISO 2811-2
Recommended quany o be added: 1.0 - 3.0 %, calculaed on solid resin.
densiy [g/cm³] 1,09
approx. x


Flash Poin (CCCFP) ASTM D 6450 A emperaures up o 25 °C sorage sabiliy packed in original conainers
fash poin [°C] 66 amouns o a leas 730 days.
When sored a emperaures below 20 °C Addiol VXW 6206 ends o
sligh crysallizaon, which is reversible by heang or 24 hours o 40 °C.

In comparison o Addiol VXW 4940, Addiol VXW 6206 conains no barium
siccave and i is nonylphenolic ehoxylaeree. I is more easily
incorporaed ino exernally emulsied waerborne alkyd resins.

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Technical Daashee

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companies. ©2020 allnex Group. All Righs Reserved.

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