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A system by Setsugiri.
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- Wizards and Curses: Storyteller's Guide –

Version 0.3 -


A system by Setsugiri.
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Sorcerers and Curses is an RPG system whose purpose is to adapt Jujutsu
Kaisen. And, like every RPG system, someone needs to be the Narrator, guiding
and directing the story.

Therefore, this book was created, with the intention of providing a guide, tips,
many new rules and ways to expand the system, making the most of its
potential in the most different ways!


Wizards and Curses will always be completely free.

A system by Setsugiri.
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Manga Arts
Gege Akutami

Layout and Editing



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Book Summary
To access the desired chapter, click on it.

Chapter 1: The Narrator

Chapter 2: Rules

Chapter 3: Rules

Chapter 4: Expanding the


Chapter 5: Adaptations

Chapter 6: Tools

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A system by Setsugiri.
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The storyteller

The Narrator is the game master, responsible for architecting the world and the
story that players will live, guiding it and creating something
collaboratively. However, he is still a player too, being part of the experience
and having fun together.

The role of Narrator can often be intimidating, taking into account the large
number of responsibilities: assembling NPCs, controlling enemies, creating the
foundations of the story, developing the world and leading the game. In this
book, the Narrator's Guide, you will find several tools that aim to simplify this

You will find Variant Rules, which replace the standard Rulebook, offering
new ways to approach the different parts and mechanics that the game

They will also have Additional Rules, which complement and add new
layers to rules that already exist, giving them greater depth.
In addition, there is the Expanding the System chapter, with sets of additional
mechanics to expand on what has already been presented.

Furthermore, finally, you will be able to find several other additional chapters,
containing adaptations of concepts from the work or characters for the narrator.

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Variant Rules
In this chapter you will find Variant Rules, which are thought of as alternative
versions of rules already presented in the Core Book. To use them, you must
replace the specified rule with the version presented here, thus changing the base.

Their main objective is to offer alternatives to explore certain aspects in a different

way, which can either give a new look to the game or adapt something in a way
that is more enjoyable for the group.

To make it easier to navigate through this chapter, below is a summary of the rules:

Alternative Critic

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Alternative Critic
In the Core Rulebook, critical hits multiply the amount of dice rolled, which
ultimately results in attack rolls with a massive number of dice rolled for each
instance of damage. If you prefer to reduce this, this alternative rule for crit
swaps the multiplier for a sum of damage dice.

In the Critic Rules on page 277, replace the colon with the following set of
rules, with the changes applied:

• A critical always hits, regardless of the target's armor class.

• The attack will have a certain amount of additional damage dice to
the total, which depends on the critical value. Each weapon has a
standard critical value, reported in the weapon table, but it can be
higher, adding even 4 or 5 dice to the total. Example: if a weapon deals
2d6 damage and has a critical value of +3, a critical attack with it will
cause 5d6 damage.

Therefore, to apply this alternative rule, replace the multiplier with the critical
value, keeping the table of weapons, skills and everything else within the standard.
Keep considering that every weapon has a standard critical value of +2.

The rest of the critical hit specifications remain as described in the Basic
Book, such as the guaranteed hit factor being only 20.

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Additional Rules
In this chapter you will find Additional Rules for the system, designed for
situations and needs that were not covered in the Basic Book,
expanding it to new possibilities.

You can just add them within the rules, informing players about the additions,
which may be better suited in specific situations.

To navigate more easily, below is a summary of additional rules:

Advanced Allies
Combat between Players
Money and Economy

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Advanced Allies
Within the Basic Book it is possible to find the Allies system, to place sorcerers or even curses
to accompany the player characters, helping passively in different ways, depending on the

However, if you want a more significant, unique and distinct ally, you can use the Advanced
Allies mechanic, whose objective is to allow the creation of a unique companion for a character.
Being something additional, they are not received within the rules present in the Basic Book,
and it is up to the Narrator to decide when one of them will become present.

To create an Advanced Ally, it must first be assembled like a regular Ally, choosing a type and
level. Once created, if it is defined as an Advanced Ally, it receives the following changes:

• Passing an advanced ally to another character is a free action, once per round, and
now has a range of 7.5 meters.
• The Advanced Ally receives a Signature Ability, which is his own trait. A Signature
Ability is created by the Narrator, and can be either active or passive, depending on
the ally's objective; Furthermore, it is interesting that it relates to the type and level.

The aim is to offer a specific ability to that ally, making him unique and more special. In this case, it
is fair that it is a named and relevant character.

A passive signature skill, for example, can be a permanent bonus or, in the case of a
high level, grant a Cursed or Specialization Skill temporarily to the one accompanied by
the ally.

An active signature ability would be similar

to the effect of an Elementalist or Medic ally, for example. But
not necessarily spending EP, and can only have one limitation
per round.

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Combat between Players

Although it is not the intention of the Wizards and Curses system, which is
focused on pitting players against threats controlled by the Storyteller, combat
between player characters (PCs) may end up occurring.

In this case, it is not difficult to see that a fight between two PCs would end in a
matter of one turn, due to the massive damage that can be caused, as player
damage is designed to be used against enemies with attribute tokens. To
make such a situation more possible and less immediate, there are certain rules
that can be followed:

• All damage caused by characters is reduced by half.

• All healing and temporary hit points received by characters are
reduced by half.
• A character can expend a certain amount of energy per turn
equal to your level. This limitation is only considered for specialization
skills, being disregarded for cursed and technical skills.

• Upon reaching 0 hit points, instead of becoming unconscious and on death

tests, the character receives the Wounded condition. When
receiving the Wounded condition for the 3rd time, in the same
scene, the character becomes Unconscious, representing that his
body has reached the limit and can be finished.

This is just a base set for use, which can be adapted and expanded by you
as the Storyteller.

The existence and use of the Wounded condition is intended to make a battle
between two characters end as soon as one of the characters reaches 0 hit points,
maintaining the chance to resist and fight, albeit with losses.
Its description is:

• Injured: An injured character's life is at risk. To get out of

Wounded condition, enough healing is required to get out of negative hit
points; Upon exiting the injured condition, you receive a level of
exhaustion, representing your body descending to its limit and then being
regenerated into a more weakened state. Furthermore, while in the Wounded
condition, if the character receives damage that exceeds his maximum
health as negative points, he dies.

The possibility of finishing a directly injured character with massive damage aims
to offer more possibilities, but can be ignored to extend the fight.

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Money and Economy

The Basic Book does not present a money system, aiming for greater practicality in obtaining new
items and equipment, through the degree system. However, it is possible to use money in
Sorcerers and Curses, either as something complementary or substitute.

Rule set includes: grade-based salary, equipment price

and price of cursed tools. No specific currency is used, being generic money, which can be
adapted to whatever you want, increasing or decreasing the scale.

Sorcerers' Salary
With such a cruel, punitive and lethal profession, jujutsu sorcerers receive a decent salary for the risk
they take, managing to earn large amounts of money. In Sorcerers and Curses, the salary is based
on your sorcerer rank.

Although it is not explicit in the work, it is considered that there is a common monthly salary,
along with a bonus for completed mission, where the value is higher.

The first table refers to the constant salary for each grade:

Sorcerer Degree Monthly Salary

Fourth Degree $500
Third degree $750
High school $1,250
First degree $2,500
Special Degree $5,000

Below, you will find a bonus granted depending on the level of the mission completed, where
a higher amount is granted to compensate for the risks. It can be used only as a reference,
granting an increase amount equal to 50% of the salary for fourth to second degree and 100% for
first and special degree.

Mission Degree Cash Reward

Fourth Degree $750
Third degree $1,125
High school $1,875
First degree $5,000
Special Degree $10,000

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Equipment Price
Equipment has a base price, which is individual, but follows some standards
such as the level and power of the equipment.

Melee Weapons
Standard Price
Dagger 50$
Parry Dagger 150$
Dual Daggers 200$
Halberd 125$
Stick 75$
Whip 75$
Chain Whip $250
Thorny Whip 200$
Club 100$
Heavy Club $250
Steel chain 75$
Colossal Sword $1,000
Short Sword 100$
Hook Sword 125$
Big sword $300
Long Sword 125$
Tracks 10$
Scythe 100$
Big Scythe $250
Kusarigama $250
Spear 100$
Big Spear $250
Fan 50$
Ax 100$
Big Ax $250
Flail 75$
Gauntlet 50$
Hammer 100$
Big Hammer $250
Nunchaku 75$
Heavy Nunchaku $250
Rapier 125$
brass knuckles 75$
Trident 100$

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Ranged Weapons
Standard Price
Short Bow 75$
Longbow 125$
Light Beast 100$
Heavy Beast $250
Hand Cannon $1,500
Shotgun $1,750
Machine gun $1,500
Gun $300
Rifle $500
Sniper Rifle $1,500

Throwing Weapons
Standard Price
Azagaia 10$ per unit
Chakram $50 per unit
Dart 5$ per unit
Kunai 10$ per unit
Network $25 per unit
Shuriken 5$ per unit

Armor and Shields

Standard Price
Light armor 100$
Agile Armor $300
Medium Armor $300
Sturdy Armor $450
Heavy armor $1,250
Massive Armor $1,750
Light Shield 75$
Heavy Shield 125$
Colossal Shield $1,000
Small Shield 200$

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There is also a reference for purchasing Special Items, based on their cost. A
consumable item has its cost halved, while permanent items, such as
Accessories, will have its full cost.

Item Cost Standard Price

Cost Item 1 $250
Cost Item 2 $750
Cost Item 3 $2,500
Cost Item 4 $5,000

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Cursed Tools Price

Cursed Tools are rare and valuable, being equipment reinforced with cursed
energy and the delicate, refined and complex handiwork of someone skilled enough.

To buy a cursed tool, the base equipment it is taken into account, serving
as the initial price, which is increased according to its grade. However, it is not easy to
find tools of the highest grades, with money not being the only concern.

Each tool grade adds to the item's price, being cumulative. Follow the table below:

Tool Grade Addition in Value

Fourth Degree $500
Third degree $1,250
High school $2,500
First degree $5,250
Special Degree $10,500

As mentioned, the value is cumulative per grade. So, to buy a special grade tool, you
would need to add up the value of all the grades.
The prices were placed in this way to also allow one to estimate a value to pay for
improvements to equipment that are already of some level, being easier to improve
from fourth to third grade than to directly obtain a third grade.

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Expanding the System

The Basic Book is the core of Sorcerers and Curses, offering all the basic and
essential mechanics for playing and narrating. However, it is not necessary to just
stick to what is there, as it is possible to expand the system and the experience.

Here you will find ways to expand it, including taking it beyond the
previously presented limit, with new levels and possibilities for evolution
for the characters.

To make it easier to navigate through the chapter, below is a summary of the expansions:

Advanced Interludes
Surpassing Level 20

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Advanced Interludes
Interludes are a mechanic presented in the Basic Book, being the pause
between one mission and another, common in long stories. As already
explained, they occur after the end of a mission, act or sequence, serving as
an opportunity for characters to grow and develop.

In this section you will find new options to place in the Interlude, such as a
Narrator, offering more strengthening possibilities that do not depend
purely on level.

Focusing your Interlude on studies means seeking new knowledge and
practicing certain skills. However, developing a skill is not always easy.

When choosing the Studies option, you can choose a skill in which you do not
have mastery to study, performing Intelligence or Wisdom tests, your choice.
You must perform four skill tests using the chosen attribute and, if you succeed
in at least two of them, you will obtain mastery in the skill. The difficulty of the
check is equal to 12 + your mastery bonus.

You can also choose this option to specialize in a skill you already have
mastery with. You must perform three skill tests with the chosen skill, needing
to succeed in at least two of the three, to obtain specialization. The difficulty of
the test is equal to 15 + your character level.

Technique Review
Focusing your interlude on reviewing your technique means exploring,
understanding and remembering every aspect of your cursed or martial technique,
altering it and reviewing its functioning in a kind of maintenance.

When choosing the Technique Overhaul option, you can modify a

number of technique skills equal to half your character level. Such a
modification allows you to change aspects of the skills, but without completely
changing them, for example, changing the level, range or characteristics
of their operation.

One way to use it, for example, would be to transform a technique skill that
shoots a powerful fire arrow into several small arrows that spread out or level it
up to transform the arrow into an explosion.

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Advanced Training
Training is already an option present in the Basic Book. However, Advanced
Training expands on it, offering a new possibility for development and growth.

When choosing the Skill Training option, you must choose a specialization skill whose
requirements are met, making it the objective of your training. Afterwards, you must
choose one of your attributes and describe what the training is like, performing four
skill tests with the chosen attribute. The tests have a CD equal to 12 + half your level,
and the character must succeed in at least three of them to complete their training.

If you are unable to complete the training, you maintain your successes and can try
again in another interlude.

A character can gain only one additional ability from this training up to 9th level.
Starting at 10th level, you can obtain an ability from

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Surpassing Level 20
Being a jujutsu sorcerer is a constant journey in search of power, overcoming
barriers and breaking limits. In the world of jujutsu, there are those who manage to
transcend the ordinary, becoming a source of power that alters the balance of

This rule is intended to allow player characters to surpass the level 20 limit,
reaching another level of play, with a level of power and versatility more similar to
that of legendary sorcerers, such as Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna.

Its use creates a new horizon for Sorcerers and Curses, allowing the use of higher
level curses and battles on a larger scale. From this point on, the characters will be
able to, for example, destroy cities or fight various

enemies alone.

To create challenges appropriate for this level of

game, you have to resort to enemies with Level
Challenge also higher than 20 and sometimes even
even together.

It is not a simple rule of thumb, so it is only recommended for

those with more experience as a Narrator or who are really looking
for an experiment, given the difficulty
to balance and create combat for players.

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Upon reaching level 20, if you want to continue with evolution, you can allow characters to continue
leveling up, with the new maximum level being level 30. Instead of functioning like ordinary
levels, their evolution follows certain special rules.

To start, consider the following table, with the necessary experience values:

Level Experience Points 220,000 Level Earnings

21 Increased life and energy.
22 240,000 A legendary skill.
23 260,000 Increased life and energy.
24 280,000 A legendary skill.
25 300,000 Increased life and energy.
26 320,000 A legendary skill.
27 340,000 Increased life and energy.
28 360,000 A legendary skill.
29 380,000 Increased life and energy.
30 400,000 A legendary skill.

If you use the Milestones system to level up, simply choose a time for the characters to level up.

As seen in the Level Gains part, at every odd-numbered level there is an increase in life and
energy, while at even-numbered levels you receive a legendary ability.
Even if new specialization skills are not obtained, it is necessary to choose which specialization the
new level will be, making it possible to maintain Multiclass.

When referring to the increase in life and energy, the specialization chosen for the
new level for the values is used as a basis , with the difference that the life value is maximized,
so, if the increase is 1d10, you receive 10 additional maximum health.

Legendary skills are powerful and typically general new skills that characters can obtain,
further expanding their capabilities, although some legendary skills have
requirements from other specialization skills, being enhancements of them.

If you wish, you can also create your own legendary skills, expanding the range presented.

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List of Legendary Skills

Below you will find the Legendary Skills that can be made available
for the characters.

• Unparalleled Agility. Its agility • Favored by Energy.

and speed are unparalleled, You are favored by the
allowing movement that is almost cursed energy itself, managing to
impossible to follow. When you increase your knowledge of
obtain this ability, your it. To the
get this skill, you get 2 skills
movement increases by 6
meters. cursed to your choice.
• Improvement of • Inexhaustible. Your source of
Attribute. Upon obtaining this energy or vigor is
skill, you increase the value of an inexhaustible. When you obtain
attribute by 2, being able to this ability, your maximum cursed
surpass the maximum energy or stamina
of 30. points
• Enlightened Knowledge. increases by 6.
His mind was illuminated with • Unbreakable. Your body is
extreme knowledge. unbreakable. When you gain this
When you obtain this skill, you ability, you gain an additional 30
choose 3 skills to receive maximum health points.
specialization in.
• Absolute Consciousness of • Untouchable. You are untouchable.
Soul. You know When you obtain this ability, your
perfectly the outline of your soul, Armor Class increases

expanding it. Upon obtaining this in 5.

skill, your maximum Soul Integrity • Constant Motivation.
value increases by 25. Landing good shots is a constant
motivation to keep fighting.
• Dominance in Technique. Whenever you land a critical hit,
You master your own cursed you gain 15 temporary health,
technique, managing to which you can stack.
create different uses for it. When
you obtain this skill, you receive 2
technique skills


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• Deny Death. Before your choose to succeed

power, even the call of death can be automatically in a

denied. Resistence test.

Once per scene, if you would be • One with the World. You are

reduced to 0 hit points or less, you one with the world, letting
may choose to ignore all excess nothing go unnoticed.
damage. When doing When you obtain this skill, you
gain +10 to Perception and
that, you also maintain a Attention.
• Aim for Success. You always aim for
amount of health equal to twice success, wanting to get the
your health level most out of your
character. potential. Whenever you fail a skill
• Absolute Preparation. You are check, you can spend 2 energy
I always prepare for any points to reroll the die, giving
situation, wanting to ensure I am you the best result. This skill
the first to act.
When you obtain this ability,
you gain +5 Initiative. cannot be used in attack tests.
• Legendary Resistance. In
At certain times, his own • Reach Summit. You reach the
determination allows him to culmination of what you specialize
resist certain effects. Upon in, getting the most out of your
obtaining this

skill you pass to power, twice dedication and commitment.

a day, Prerequisite: Level 26.

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Specialization Peak Skill

There are certain skills that represent the pinnacle of a specialization,
extracting the most from its potential. A character can only obtain one
specialization pinnacle skill, and must meet all requirements.

After choosing the Reach Apex legendary skill, you can choose one of the skills
below as long as it meets the requirements:

• Invincible Flow. Legends tell of a restricted one who perfected

His body was so strong that it was capable of going head to head with
sorcerers whose power could be compared to that of gods. You can
enter a state of flow where you match him, becoming almost invincible.
As a free action, you can spend 6 stamina points to enter the Flow state,
where you receive the following benefits: all your attacks deal
additional damage equal to your fighting bonus and half your fighting
bonus on hit, you receive + 12 on saving throws, your critical strike value
reduces by two numbers, your critical multiplier increases by +2x, you
receive 30 damage reduction and your Armor Class increases by 12, in
addition to being able to perform an attack bonus added to your attack
action. This state lasts for a single round, and after leaving it you
receive 2 exhaustion points. Prerequisite: 20 Levels of
Restricted, Human Body Apex.
• Strength of Infinity. In the history of Jujutsu there was a sorcerer whose
energy bordered on infinity, as did the dimension he carried within him.
For a few moments, you can manipulate the strength of infinity itself.
As a free action, you can enter the state of Infinity, where your movement
becomes flying movement, level one and two technique skills have their
cost turned to zero and you can dominate even the energy and
technique of others, releasing a new action within combat: as a common
action you can force a creature to make a Will saving throw with difficulty

increased by 6, and on a fail, you can force the creature to use any of
its abilities against a target of your choice, including itself. This
state can last up to three rounds, but for each round maintained you must
pay 4 energy points and receive an exhaustion point at the end.
Prerequisite: 18 Expert Levels in Techniques, Perfect Manipulation
and Skill Dominance.

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• Invincible under the Sun. There is talk of a sorcerer who, even though
he was blind, perceived all his surroundings and found a way to reach
his peak, becoming invincible and eternal under the sun. On your
turn, you can, as a free action, enter a state of Invincibility, where your
Armor Class increases by 12 and you receive +12 on Strength checks.
resistance, you have all the positive effects of your stances active
simultaneously and have your critical value reduced by one, in addition to
being immune to enemy critical attacks. You can maintain this state for up
to four rounds, but for each round maintained, you receive a point of
exhaustion at the end and pay 2 points of cursed energy.
Prerequisite: 18 Combat Specialist Levels, Assume Stance,
Quick Preparation and Posture Master.
• Tide of Life. A peculiar sorceress was known for her technique
the only one who used the waters of life, thus never letting his allies fall.
Drawing inspiration from this, you can bring a tide of life to your allies: you
can spend your entire turn covering all your allies with your aura, which is
greatly expanded. A creature covered by its aura cannot have its hit
points reduced to zero nor its soul reduced and ignores any condition that
is imposed on it, in addition to receiving its basic healing at the
beginning of every turn. You can maintain this ability for up to four rounds,
but for each round you maintain, you gain one point of exhaustion
when you end it and spend 4 points of cursed energy. Prerequisite: 18
Levels of Support, Intervention and Soul Purification.

• Power of the Trinity. In distant times, there was talk of three legendary
sorcerers, each representing one of the aspects - body, mind and soul
- and who together formed the unshakable trinity; Having mastered these
aspects, too, you can temporarily draw from the same power as them.
Once per day, as a free action, you can draw the power of the trinity for
one round: you gain 40 damage reduction to all damage types and
automatically succeed on all saving throws; all of your attacks are hits,
requiring only the roll for the possibility of critical and cause 10 more
damage, and when your turn ends, you can take another turn immediately
When this round ends and you exit this state, you receive two exhaustion
points. Prerequisite: 18 Fighter Levels, Synchronized Body,
Peaceful Mind and Quiet Soul.

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This chapter is dedicated to adapting aspects and events from the anime
or manga itself to the Wizards and Curses system, facilitating the work of
implementing them within the game.

It is worth warning that there will be spoilers for those who have only watched
the anime, so proceed at your own risk, and it is recommended that you have
read the entire manga before reading this chapter!

To facilitate navigation, below is a summary of the adaptations:

Game of Slaughter

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Game of Slaughter
The Slaughter Game is a kind of deadly game, organized by Kenjaku,
coming into force shortly after the Shibuya incident, with the aim of “forcing the
evolution of humanity” by optimizing cursed energy.

Here, it will be adapted and translated into Wizards and Curses, as a game
mechanic. It serves as an interesting basis for an entire campaign using the
system, having narrative potential and, mainly, for combat and powerful

Due to the complexity of its rules and other context-dependent factors,

certain aspects may end up being left aside or reduced when adapting.

First, its narrative context will be addressed, within the story:

The Slaughter Game was created with mass use of the Inert Transfiguration
technique, adapting the brains of two types of people to jujutsu: those who ingested
cursed objects and those who received cursed techniques even
without an appropriate brain for it.

Those who had ingested cursed objects served as vessels for jujutsu sorcerers of
the past, with the objects being the remains of sorcerers that Kenjaku had made
a contract with. Meanwhile, those who had a technique even without a proper
brain just awakened their techniques and became new sorcerers of the
modern era.

Soon after, millions of cursed spirits were released throughout Tokyo. Every
part of the plan and game is intended to force a conflict between hundreds of
sorcerers, reflecting the golden age of Jujutsu.

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Now, aware of the history and purpose behind the Slaughter Game, it is
necessary to delve deeper into its operation itself. First, the Slaughter Game
created ten colonies throughout Japan, isolated by barriers. Each of the
barriers is named after the area it covers and is intended to be a battleground
for players.

At the beginning of the Game of Slaughter, those who were not players had
a chance to leave, while players who started inside the barriers did not have that
same chance, being forced to stay inside. Anyone who is not a player and
enters a barrier will be invited to participate in the Game of Slaughter
and given permission to enter. A new player is teleported to one of nine
locations within the barrier.

Therefore, the Game of Slaughter works from delimited locations, allowing

the creation of scenarios for its events and development. Certain players did
not have much choice other than to participate, as will be seen in the Game
rules, with implicit characteristics that limit freedom.

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Inside the barriers is where the Game of Slaughter actually takes place. And, as
expected from a game, there is a set of rules that all its players must follow:

1. Once a player has awakened his cursed technique, he must declare his
participation in the Slaughter Game in a colony of his choice within 19
2. Any player who breaks the previous rule will have his technique
cursed withdrawal.
3. Non-players who enter a colony will become players at the moment of
entry, and will be considered to have declared their participation in
the Slaughter Game.
4. Players score by killing other players.
5. The point value of a player's life is decided by the Game Master.
Game. As a general rule, sorcerers are worth 5 points and non-sorcerers
are worth 1 point.
6. Except for the point value of his own life, a player can spend 100 points
to trade and add a new rule to the game.
7. The Game Master must accept any proposed new rules, provided
that does not have a lasting effect on the game.
8. If a player's score remains the same for 19 days, he will have his cursed
technique removed.

These are the basic rules of the Slaughter Game. Obviously, there is something
behind the rules, which is the fact that having your technique cursed is
equivalent to the death of a sorcerer. Therefore, participating ends up being
forced, with rejection resulting in death.

The only exception is players without technique, who would not be killed by
refusing to participate.

It is also important to highlight that: rules cannot be removed and that participants
who are cursed spirits will also have a default value of 5 points.

Players being able to create their own rules adds a certain unpredictability
to the development of the Game. Even though it is not possible to remove rules,
there is still the chance to circumvent them with others.

Now, knowing the intention, operation and rules of the Game of Slaughter, it is time
to explore how it could be used in a Wizards and Curses campaign, in
addition to the practical use of the rules, within the system.

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Adapting to RPG The

Game of Slaughter works within the RPG, adding special rules. It is
possible to use it both as a background for a larger story, as is the case with
the manga itself, as well as just focusing on the slaughter game itself, with a
focus on fights and conflicts. Regardless of how you prefer to use it, it will
be explained how to adapt it to an RPG.

The first factor is colonies and barriers. Being the places where the game
takes place, it is necessary to create a certain amount of colonies. In the
manga, 10 barriers are placed in Japan, while within the RPG you can use a
different number and even a different setting. It is interesting to think that a
smaller number of colonies, for example, would result in a greater accumulation
of sorcerers and deaths in a single place.

It is also important to
work out, within a barrier,
what points a player can
be teleported to when
deciding to enter the game.

There is a certain

You can, for example,

create 8 points, only needing
to roll a d8 to decide
where the player will

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With the setting defined, all that remains is to clarify how the rules will work
within the RPG. It's simpler and more direct than it seems, with just a few implications/
additions. In general:

• Rule 1 is only used narratively, being responsible for forcing players who
have awakened a technique to enter the game.
• Rule 2 is relevant to a special case, involving characters with the Restricted
Origin/Specialization, since their lack of cursed technique means
they can avoid death by denying their participation.

• Rule 3 is important in case characters want to

voluntarily, or by necessity, participate in the Game of Slaughter.
• Rule 4 serves as the basis of the Slaughter Game, allowing you to obtain
of points.
• Rule 5 expands on the basis of obtaining points. All sorcerers and curses
participating in the Game of Slaughter will have a starting value of 5
points, which may be higher, while ordinary civilians are worth 1 point.
As the Storyteller, you will be responsible for deciding whether
there will be characters with a higher value than the default.
• Rule 6 allows players to interact with the Game, adding new rules. Just
remember rule 7, which is a slight limitation on the rules that will be
accepted, as well as the fact that rules cannot be accepted.

• Rule 8 forces a player to engage in the Slaughter Game if they want to

survive. But then again, a Restricted would not be killed, as he had no

As killing players is the main way to get points, it is interesting to create a

list of players. Put the majority with a value of 5 points, whether wizard or curse. Placing
players with a higher value can also be interesting.

It is important to focus on the two main niches of players, which are reincarnated past
sorcerers and new modern sorcerers. Sorcerers of the past have different
techniques, as well as knowledge and power levels, while modern sorcerers can
learn quickly and have distinct and unique techniques.

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To complement the RPG part, every character who becomes a Game of

Slaughter player receives the following talent:

Participant of the Slaughter Game

[By becoming a participant in the Slaughter Game, you
have agreed to a special set of rules. You will be accompanied by a
shikigami called Kogane, who will explain all the rules and warn
you whenever you score. You can also contact the Game Master
from there, spending 100 points to add a rule, with a new rule being notified
to everyone who owns a Kogane.]

It is a talent with a mostly narrative purpose, featuring Kogane, the shikigami who allows
contact with the Game Master and applies the rules. It does not affect the characters
in power, being just a way of placing a player's characteristics within the system.

In addition to the talent, offer a new Origin option

to your players, Reincarnated Sorcerer,
present on the next page.
Being reincarnated, one assumes the body of a
person from the modern era, inserted into a new

To make everything easier, when reincarnating the

sorcerer will maintain the knowledge of his vessel.
Furthermore contextualize it in a new
environment, it also opens doors to use the
receptacle's memories and previous

A reincarnated sorcerer will also

normally have been forced to participate in the Game of
Slaughter to avoid his death.

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Reincarnated Sorcerer
In some past era, you were once a jujutsu sorcerer, living in a distinct and
unique context. Whether in the golden age, the Heian Period, or another nearby
period, curses were more present and stronger.

Having made a contract, his remains were transformed into a cursed object,
later consumed by someone in the present. With the beginning of the Game of
Slaughter, you awakened, taking on a new body as a vessel.
Knowledge of this new reality was retained, as were memories.

The Reincarnated Sorcerer is a versatile origin with few limitations, in addition to

offering a special boost to the character's power, with the idea of someone
already experienced.

Origin Skills
If you are a Reincarnated Sorcerer, you receive the following

Attribute Bonus. A reincarnated sorcerer receives 3 additional points to distribute

among his attributes.

Past Knowledge. You have already had a lifetime to develop your knowledge,
which was maintained in the new opportunity to live.
You gain mastery in 2 skills of your choice and specialization in one skill of
your choice. Additionally, you make History rolls with advantage, as long
as they involve your original period.

Experience of the Reincarnated. You have the experience

of someone who has lived a long life of battles,
studies and training, which at certain times
comes to the surface. Once per scene you
can, as a bonus action, receive a
specialization ability of your choice, meeting
its requirements. The ability lasts until the end
of the scene. After using this ability, you can only use it
again after a long rest. Furthermore, upon reaching 10th level, you
receive an additional specialization skill, meeting the necessary

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A system by Setsugiri.
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Narrator Tools
To assist the Narrator, in this chapter you can find some tools, such
as generation tables, tips and more. To make your navigation easier, below is a

Character Generation Table

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Character Generation Table

If you need to create characters, such as a narrator, you can use the following tables to generate an
idea for a character by rolling several dice in a row.

There is a sequence for creating a sorcerer as a student and another for an already trained sorcerer,
who can be either a regular sorcerer or a teacher, or similar. The intention is to just provide a base
idea, which you can build on.

Sorcerer (Student)
To create a sorcerer as a student, there are five random generation steps, using different
data. Follow the tables below:

Years of Study (1d4)

Result on the Dice Student Year

1 1st Year
two 2nd Year
3 3rd Year
4 4th Year

Sorcerer Rank (1d10)

Result on the Dice Sorcerer Degree

1-2 Fourth Degree
3-4 Third degree
5-7 High school
8-9 First degree
10 Special Degree

Origin (1d10)

Result on the Dice Origin

1-3 Innate
4-6 Inherited
7-9 No Technique
10 Derivative

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Specialization (1d10)

Result on the Dice Specialization

1-2 Fighter
3-4 Combat Specialist
5-6 Technical Specialist
7-8 Controller
9-10 Support

Motivation (1d6)

Result on the Dice Motivation

Money. He became a sorcerer due to a lack
1 of options to support himself or help his
Imposition. Due to a lack of options, he
two decided to follow the path of jujutsu, being
forced to do so for some reason.
Lineage. He was born into a jujutsu clan, leaving
3 him with no option but to follow that path to
the fullest.
Power. Awakening the energy, he
4 became interested in the path of a
sorcerer and cultivating the discovered strength.
Change. Realizing the state of jujutsu
5 society, he entered this world aiming to change
it as soon as possible.
Altruism. Out of a desire to help people
6 and protect society from curses, he
became a sorcerer.

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Sorcerer (Trained)
To create an already trained sorcerer, there are four random generation steps, using different
data. Follow the tables below:

Sorcerer Rank (1d10)

Result on the Dice Sorcerer Degree

1-2 Fourth Degree
3-4 Third degree
5-6 High school
7-9 First degree
10 Special Degree

Origin (1d10)

Result on the Dice Origin

1-3 Innate
4-6 Inherited
7-9 No Technique
10 Derivative

Specialization (1d10)

Result on the Dice Specialization

1-2 Fighter
3-4 Combat Specialist
5-6 Technical Specialist
7-8 Controller
9-10 Support

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Motivation (1d6)

Result on the Dice Motivation

Money. He became a sorcerer due to a lack
1 of options to support himself or help his
Imposition. Due to a lack of options, he
two decided to follow the path of jujutsu, being
forced to do so for some reason.
Lineage. He was born into a jujutsu clan, leaving
3 him with no option but to follow that path to
the fullest.
Power. Awakening the energy, he
4 became interested in the path of a
sorcerer and cultivating the discovered strength.
Change. Realizing the state of jujutsu
5 society, he entered this world aiming to change
it as soon as possible.
Altruism. Out of a desire to help people
6 and protect society from curses, he
became a sorcerer.

A system by Setsugiri.
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A system by Setsugiri.
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A system by Setsugiri.

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