Grimoire of Curses - Sorcerer and Curses (Bestiary v0.5)

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A system by Setsugiri.
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- Wizards and Curses: Grimoire of

Curses – Version 0.5 -

A system by Setsugiri.
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Sorcerers and Curses is an RPG system that adapts the world of Jujutsu
Kaisen. Adapting a dangerous and lethal universe for sorcerers, threats are
more than necessary, which is why the Grimoire of Curses was created, a
guide book for enemies, dangers and mechanics that aim to make the sorcerers'
journey more difficult.

It is a book dedicated to Storytellers/Masters, and it is recommended

that players avoid reading it. Here you will find rules, mechanics and
inspirations. There is a creation guide, but it is only intended to be a guide, not
to limit creativity and ideas.

A system by Setsugiri.
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Manga Arts
Gege Akutami

Original Arts
Ale “Sal”

Layout and Editing



A system by Setsugiri.
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Book Summary
To access the desired chapter, click on it.

Chapter 1: A Cursed World

Chapter 2: Adapted Threats
Chapter 3: Original Threats
Chapter 4: Crafting Guide
Chapter 5: Playing as Curses
Chapter 6: Adapted Threats – Jujutsu Sorcerers

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A system by Setsugiri.
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A Cursed World
Jujutsu Kaisen is a work where sorcerers protect society, using mysterious
cursed energy to exorcise cursed spirits, which arise from negative feelings and
traumas. And, in addition to the spirits, there are those who use them and use
energy in an evil way, known as
curse users and there are also sorcerer hunters.

In short, there is no shortage of threats for jujutsu sorcerers in a cursed

world. Given this need to be obstacles and problems, this book is dedicated to
presenting different enemies and mechanics that can affect the path of

Reading the Grimoire of Curses is recommended only for masters, as mainly

enemy attributes are found. A player with knowledge of them would have the
surprise spoiled, already knowing the enemy's capabilities.

There is also a guide for creating enemies, allowing a DM to easily

assemble their own desired threats, channeling their ideas.

The most important part of this first chapter comes right after, elaborating
more on enemy control, explaining their actions, abilities, possibilities and
details. Assuming a greater level of detail than in the Basic Book, it is
recommended reading for anyone who wants to tell a story with Wizards
and Curses.

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Controlling Threats
The threats of Sorcerers and Curses are controlled by the Master or
Storyteller, whatever you prefer to call them. As the challenge level
increases, so do an enemy's complexity and capabilities, which are placed
on your Attribute Sheet.

The main factors and values of the attribute sheet are:

• Life Points, which represent health and ability to continue

fighting from the threat. By default, a creature that drops to 0 hit points is
defeated or killed. However, more prominent and important creatures
can go to death tests, as can player characters, receiving the possibility
of being stabilized by other enemies. This is strictly the master's choice.

• Armor Class, which is the value necessary for the creature to be hit
on an attack roll.
• Energy Points, which are spent on certain skills. Although it is not
common for enemies to have it, some whose focus is sorcery do,
making it necessary for the master to write it down and administer it.
• Movement, which is the enemy's ability to move, measured in
meters, as is the standard. It can be divided into different types, such as
flying movement, which is added to the total.
• Attributes, with the raw values of each of the six. They are rarely used,
but may come to light in more specific situations.
• Saving Throws, specifying the bonus to each of the four
types of existing tests.
• Initiative, used as a bonus on the roll to define when the creature
will act within the combat turn order.
• Attention, which is the passive value of perception, necessary to know
whether the creature will automatically detect enemies that try to hide.
• Skills, with a bonus on the skills that the creature masters.
• Resistances and Vulnerabilities, important to measure the damage it
receives, being greater or lesser depending on the type caused.
• Immunities, which are conditions that cannot affect the enemy.
• Shares, with the specified value referring to the number of common
shares that the creature possesses. Unless otherwise specified, every
creature has only one bonus action and one reaction.
• Characteristics, which are traits and abilities of the creature, which can
be both passive and active.

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A system by Setsugiri.
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Adapted Threats
This chapter offers the threats from Jujutsu Kaisen, both the anime and the
manga, adapted for the Sorcerers and Curses system. Some more special
threats, like Sukuna, are accompanied by some special mechanics, as
well as other tools to help with their use.

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Choso is a cursed fetus incarnated from death paintings, which masterfully wields the Blood
Manipulation technique, uniting it with his toxic curse blood.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND20)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 28 DEX 26 CON 30 INT 20 WIS 18 CHA 16
Saving Throws: Cunning +17 Fortitude +30 Reflex
+23 Will +23

Initiative: +13 Attention: 34

Skills: Athletics +29 Acrobatics +28
Resistances: Immunity to Slashing Damage, Resistance to Physical Damage, DR20 to
Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Coated Punch. Choso punches with his fist coated in blood.
Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 5d10+45 impact damage.

• Piercing Blood. Choso concentrates the blood and shoots like a

projectile. 40 foot range, +45 to hit, deals 6d12+41 piercing damage.

• Supernova [2 Actions]. Choso condenses blood and accumulates into several bullets that
are fired in all directions. Every creature within 15 feet of Choso must make a DC49 Reflex
save, taking 6d10+60
of piercing damage, or only half as much on a success.
• Blood Edge. Choso concentrates the blood and makes it flow quickly in the shape of a
dagger. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals
4d12+52 slashing damage.

• Blood Replacement [1x per Round]. Once per round, Choso can use an action to regain 120

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• Cursed Physicist. Being a cursed fetus, Choso has a
peculiar. He is immune to bleeding, poisoning and the effects of poisons.
• Poisonous Blood. Choso's own blood is poisonous. Whenever the attacker
receives a melee hit, he takes 2d6+12 damage.

• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Choso can choose to
automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Dagon is a disaster curse that arose from people's fear directed toward the
ocean and its mysteries.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND20)
Hit Points: 3300 Armor Class: 50
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters, 9 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 28 DEX 24 CON 30 INT 24 WIS 28 CHA 22
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +30
Reflexes +17 Will +23
Initiative: +12 Attention: 39
Skills: Athletics +39 Acrobatics +27
Resistances: Immunity to Cold and Slashing Damage, Damage Resistance
Piercing, RD25 to Other Types, Shocking Damage Vulnerability
Immunities: Frightened, Blind, Confused, Charmed, and Poisoned

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Tide of Disaster. Dagon is capable of producing massive waves of water.
Affects a 20-foot cone, forcing all creatures within that area to make a DC49
Fortitude save, gaining
5d10+58 bludgeoning damage, or only half as much on a success. If you
fail, the target is also marked. The space affected by the ability becomes
difficult terrain.
• Inevitable Absorption. Dagon absorbs the water produced by him. All
The creature that is marked is taken along, as long as it is still within the
flooded area, and is quickly devoured and regurgitated, taking
3d10+35 poison damage. After suffering this attack, a creature is no longer
• Domain Expansion – Captivating Horizon [1x per Scene, 3 Actions].
Dagon takes all creatures within 18 meters to his domain, which is shaped
like a tropical island, 100 meters long.
Inside the island, its deadly swarm feature activates. •
Regeneration (1x per Round). Dagon regenerates, healing himself for 120

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• Deadly Swarm. While in his domain expansion, Dagon creates an infinite
swarm of sea creatures, which benefit from his guaranteed hit. At the
beginning of every round, eight sea creatures are created, which can be
divided to attack any creature present in the domain. Each creature
deals 2d10+20 slashing damage, and is guaranteed to hit.

• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Dagon can choose
to succeed on any saving throw.

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Eso and Kechizu

Eso and Kechizu are two of the death painting's cursed fetuses, created through vile
experiments carried out by Kenjaku. With a technique that resembles rot, as a duo they
become a threat, even without reaching the level of their older brother Choso.

First Degree Cursed Fetus (ND15)
Hit Points: 1900 Armor Class: 39
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 22 DEX 24 CON 26 INT 20 WIS 18 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +10 Fortitude +22 Reflex +14 Will +14

Initiative: +11 Attention: 29

Skills: Athletics +21 Acrobatics +22
Resistances: Immune to Poison Damage, Resistant to Acid Damage, RD18 Others

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Poison strike. Eso strikes unarmed, covering his body with his poisonous blood. Range 5 feet,
+36 to hit, deals 3d10+12
bludgeoning damage and 3d10+12 poison damage.
• Decay [2 Actions]. Upon decay, any creature that has come into contact with Eso or
Kechizu's blood will become infected, creating various floral pattern markings,
which will begin to decay the person's body. When using the action, every
creature that meets the condition is infected: an infected creature
must make a Fortitude Savings (DC38) at the beginning of every turn,
taking 6d6+30 poison damage, or just half as much on a success. This ability
only ends when Eso decides to deactivate it or if the user or the infected

to die.

• Maximum Technique: King of Wings [1x per Scene]. Eso

grows wasp wings on its back, formed from its toxic blood. Eso
gains an additional 15 feet of movement, and can fly up
to 15 feet high. Additionally, Eso can attack with his wings: up to
two actions can be used, choosing a target for each, projecting
blood as projectiles, forcing targets to perform a Reflex save (DC38),
receiving 5d12+28 poison damage , or only half on a success.

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• If You Look at My Back. When his back is seen, Eso awakens a
deep fury, deciding that he will kill. A creature that has seen Eso's back
becomes the target of his fury: Eso receives +4 to hit and deals +8
damage on attacks against the creature, in addition to saving
throws performed by it having their CD increased by 2.
• Blood Replacement. If Eso loses one of his limbs, he can replace it
with his blood, forming a replica.
• Flesh and Bone. Because it is a cursed object incarnated in a body
Human, Eso is made of flesh and blood, ignoring vulnerability to reverse
energy damage from curses.
• Cursed Resistance (x3). Three times per scene, Eso can choose to
automatically succeed a saving throw of his choice.

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First Degree Cursed Fetus (ND15)
Hit Points: 1800 Armor Class: 38
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 24 DEX 20 CON 26 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 10
Saving Throws: Cunning +10 Fortitude +22 Reflex
+14 Will +14
Initiative: +9 Attention: 28
Skills: Athletics +22 Acrobatics +20
Resistances: Immune to Poison Damage, Resistant to Acid Damage, RD18 Others

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Spit Blood [2 Actions]. Kechizu inflates his cheeks and spits out a
large amount of blood in front of him. Affects a cone 10 feet from him,
forcing everyone in the area to take a Reflex save
(DC38), taking 8d8+40 poison damage or just half as much on a success. A
creature that fails the save also becomes covered in blood.
• Bite. Kechizu focuses on taking a big bite, mixing it with his blood. Range 5
feet, +36 to hit, deals 3d10+12 bludgeoning damage and 3d10+12 poison
• Decay [2 Actions]. Upon decay, any creature that has come into contact
with Kechizu or Eso's blood will become infected, creating various floral
pattern markings, which will begin to decay the person's body. When
using the action, every creature that meets the condition becomes
infected: an infected creature must make a Fortitude save
(DC38) at the start of every turn, taking 6d6+30 poison damage, or just half
as much on a success. This ability only ends when Kechizu decides to
deactivate it or if the user or the infected person dies.

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• Grotesque Appearance. Kechizu has a grotesque and frightening appearance, forcing any
creature that can see him to make a Will save, becoming frightened on a failure or shaken
on a success, for 2 rounds.

• Blood Replacement. If Kechizu loses one of his limbs, he can replace it with his blood,
forming a replica.
• Flesh and Bone. As a cursed object incarnated in a human body, Kechizu is made of flesh
and blood, ignoring vulnerability to reverse energy damage from curses.

• Cursed Resistance (x3). Three times per scene, Kechizu can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw to your

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Reincarnated Sorcerers
The reincarnated sorcerers were placed in the Game of Slaughter by Kenjaku,
being people from different eras who took on receptacles in the modern era, thus
being able to satisfy their own desires and goals. All those that appeared in the
manga are placed in this section.

Hajime Kashimo
Reincarnated Sorcerer (ND22)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 66
Size: Medium Movement: 15 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 26 INT 24 WIS 22 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +23 Reflex +30 Will +17

Initiative: +15 Attention: 38

Skills: Acrobatics +42 Athletics +40 Perception +33
Resistances: Immunity to Shocking Damage, DR32 to Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Strike. Hajime strikes unarmed, reinforcing his body
with energy. Range 5 feet, +47 to hit, deals 4d10+57 shocking or bludgeoning
damage on a hit. If you have the technique active, your hands are covered
in energy claws, which increase the damage of unarmed strikes to 5d10+60

• Stick Attack. Hajime strikes with his staff, reinforced with

energy. Range 3 meters, +48 to hit, causes
4d12+56 shocking or bludgeoning damage.
• Electrical Discharge [2 Actions, 3PE]. Hajime
Discharges a beam at a charged target.
Range of 60 feet, selecting a target with at least
four positive charges, which must make a
Fortitude Save with DC49, taking 4d8+50
shocking damage, or just half as much on a
success. For each point beyond four, the
damage increases by 2d8 and, if there
are at least 8 points accumulated, a creature
that fails the save also receives the Paralyzed
condition for one round.

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• Electric Cursed Energy. Hajime's cursed energy is
electrified, making it difficult for his attacks to be blocked. All of Hajime's
melee attacks ignore up to 15 Damage Reduction.
• Load Accumulation. Whenever Hajime lands an attack on a creature, it
receives a positive charge, which lasts until the end of the scene or is
• Parry and Attack. As a reaction, attempt to parry a melee attack by making
a Fighting roll (+47) against the attacker. If he achieves a higher result,
the attack is nullified and Hajime can perform an attack action in
• Tactical Guard. Hajime has a firm guard, using tactics to avoid receiving lethal
blows. Every critical hit has a 50% (1 to 2 in 1d4) chance of being negated.

• Hollow Wicker Basket. Hajime knows an ancient technique against domains.

If a domain expansion is raised, Hajime can use his reaction to use Wicker
Hollow Basket, paying 5 energy points to lift. While the basket is active,
Hajime is not affected by the guaranteed hit of domain expansions, and
must pay 5 more energy points per round to keep it active.

• Cursed Resistance (4x).

• Activation: Amber Mystical Creature. Hajime can activate his technique,
Amber Mystical Creature, as a free action, spending 10 EP to do so.
When activating it, he receives benefits and new actions that he can use,
but, at the end of the scene, he will die, with his body collapsing. The
improvements are: receives +5 AC, +9 meters of movement, a +4 bonus on
skill and attack rolls and a 5 increase in Attention. The new actions are:

Vocal Cannon [2 Actions]. Hajime creates a cannon with sound waves.

All creatures within 30 feet, starting from Hajime, must make a DC49
Fortitude save, taking 6d8+50 force damage, or just half as much on a
success. Additionally, a creature that fails the save gains the Deafened
condition for 2 rounds.
Mystic Palms [2 Actions]. Hajime puts his hands together and fires a blast at
from them, affecting a conical area 6 meters from it. Every creature in the
area must make a DC49 Reflex save, taking 7d8+46 force damage on a
failed save, or just half as much on a successful save.

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Ryu Ishigori
Reincarnated Sorcerer (ND20)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 70
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 24 CON 28 INT 20 WIS 20 CHA 26
Saving Throws: Cunning +17 Fortitude +30 Reflex +23 Will +23

Initiative: +12 Attention: 35

Skills: Acrobatics +32 Athletics +38
Resistances: Resistant to Force Damage, RD30 to Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Energy Strike [1EP]. Ryu delivers a melee strike reinforced with a variable
amount of energy. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 5d10+35 impact or
force damage on a hit.
When using this action, you can spend up to 4 additional EP, increasing the
damage by 1d10+5 for each EP spent.
• Split Shot [2 or more Actions, 2EP per Beam]. Ryu Ishigori fires energy
shots that are divided into a variable number of beams. When using this
action, Ryu can spend additional actions to increase the number of
beams, with the default being two. Each beam advances toward a target
within 80 feet, which must make a Reflex save with

DC49, taking 4d12+46 force damage, or

only half as much on a success.
• Granite Explosion [4PE]. Granita Blast is Ryu
Ishigori's signature attack, being a
targeted beam of extremely concentrated
energy. When using this
action, fires at a target within 120 feet, who must
make a Reflex saving throw, taking
8d10+40 force damage, or just half as much
on a success. When using the action, Ryu can
transform it into an area attack, affecting a
conical area 9 meters in front of him, in
addition to being able to spend up to an additional
4PE; for each EP spent, the area of the cone
increases by 1.5 meters and the damage by

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• Massive Release of Energy. Ryu Ishigori has a massive release of

energy, using it to protect himself from further damage. As a reaction,
Ryu can use his energy to cover himself and reduce damage: for each
EP spent, 25 damage is reduced, with a maximum of 10PE spent in
the same reaction.
• Driven Impact. Ryu can use his energy
Cursed to impact the momentum of your strikes. When landing an
attack, Ryu can choose to spend up to 3PE on the hit. For each EP, the
creature hit is pushed back 15 feet, or only half as much if it succeeds
on a DC49 Athletics check.
• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, Ryu Ishigori can choose
to automatically succeed on a saving throw to his

Within the work it was revealed that Ryu Ishigori has a domain
expansion, but it was not demonstrated, making it impossible to be sure of its
specifications. However, if you wish, you can add a domain expansion

By default, a domain expansion will consume 3 Actions and 15PE from Ryu,
causing an effect based on your technique.

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Takako Uro
Reincarnated Sorcerer (ND20)
Hit Points: 2600 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 60
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters, 12 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 22 DEX 28 CON 22 INT 24 WIS 26 CHA 22
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +17 Reflex +30 Will +23

Initiative: +14 Attention: 38

Skills: Acrobatics +39 Stealth +39 Perception +33
Resistances: Resistance to Impact Damage, RD30 to Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Strike. Uro strikes unarmed, with precision and lethality.
Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 4d10+50 impact damage.

• Fine Icebreaker [2 Actions, 4PE]. Uro strikes the surface of the sky,
shattering it like thin ice, hitting its target with the result, a strong shock
wave. 30 meter range, +45 to hit, deals 6d12+62 force damage on a hit.

• Reverse Energy [2x per Round, 4EP]. Uro uses his reverse energy to heal
himself, recovering 120 health points.

• Assassin Tactics. When making an attack against an unsuspecting
enemy, once per round, Uro can deal an additional 4d8 damage,
in addition to receiving +5 to hit.
• Sky Camouflage. Uro can distort the sky to the
use as camouflage. When performing a stealth roll to hide, Uro
can spend 2PE to gain advantage on the roll and hide even in open
• Redirect with Distortion. When targeted or hit by a melee or ranged
attack, Uro can use her reaction to, in response, spend 4PE to perform
an acrobatics roll against the attack roll or skill DC and, if successful,
she nullifies the attack, if it is melee, or changes the target, if it is

• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, Takako Uro can choose
to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Reincarnated Sorcerer (ND22)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 66
Size: Medium Movement: 15 Meters
Attributes: STR 22 DEX 28 CON 24 INT 22 WIS 26 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +23 Reflex +30 Will +17

Initiative: +14 Attention: 40

Skills: Athletics +28 Acrobatics +41 Sorcery +33
Resistances: RD40 for All Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Strike. Yorozu strikes unarmed, putting energy into
your blows. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 5d10+50 impact damage.

• Liquid Metal [2PE]. Yorozu attacks with liquid metal, controlling it as the
medium for the attack. A creature within 60 feet must make a DC50
Fortitude or Reflex save, taking 8d8+55 physical damage of your choice, or just
half as much on a success.
• Insect Armor [2 Actions, 15EP]. Yorozu creates an armor
inspired by the biological functions of different insects, covering themselves.
While your armor is active, your strength becomes 30; your unarmed strike gets
+5 to hit and deals an additional 1d10+10 damage; its
movement increases by 9 meters, Insect Wings is
always active and its DR increases by 10, in addition to
becoming resistant to physical damage. Although it
is resistant, the armor can still be broken, being
destroyed if Yorozu receives more than 1000 damage
while wearing it.

• Perfect Sphere [2 Actions, 15EP]. Yorozu creates a

perfect sphere. The sphere manifests at an
unoccupied point within 20 feet, and begins
moving toward a creature of your choice, moving 40
feet per turn; if it comes into contact with a creature, it
8d10+80 bludgeoning damage, or just half as much
a success.

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• Domain Expansion: Whining, Suffering, and Lamentation [3 Actions,

15EP]. Yorozu expands his domain, covering and closing an area of 18
meters. Within this area, your skills have a guaranteed hit and
the Perfect Sphere starts to deal 12d10+120 damage per turn, being
in constant contact with the creatures affected by the domain.

• Defensive Construction. Quickly building a defense to
build once per round, as a reaction, Yorozu can spend 4PE to nullify the
damage of a melee attack he would receive.
• Insect Wings. Yorozu is able to build small insect wings to fly. At the start of
her turn, she can pay 2EP to form wings, transforming her movement
into flight.
• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Yorozu can choose
to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Iori Hazenoki
Reincarnated Sorcerer (ND16)
Hit Points: 2000 Armor Class: 38 Energy Points: 48
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 20 CON 26 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 14
Saving Throws: Cunning +16 Fortitude +23 Reflex +16 Will +11

Initiative: +9 Attention: 29
Skills: Acrobatics +21 Athletics +21

Resistances: RD24 for All Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Flesh Explosion [2EP]. Iori takes out an eye or tooth and throws it to explode. When using this
action, Iori loses 50 life if it is a tooth or 100 if it is an eye; After that, he can throw the
severed limb at a point within 60 feet, exploding it remotely. If a tooth explodes, the
explosion affects a 10-foot spherical area, forcing all creatures within it to
make a Fortitude Savings, taking 5d10+45 force damage or just half as much on a
success. If an eye explodes, the area increases to 4.5 meters and the damage
to 6d10+60.

• Reverse Energy [4PE]. Iori regenerates his body through energy

reverse, recovering 75 health points. This action can only be used twice per round.


• Superior Regeneration. Iori can

regenerate quickly with reverse energy. Whenever he
uses the Reverse Energy action to heal himself, he can
also choose to regenerate a part of his body.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene, Iori can choose

to automatically succeed on a saving
your choice.

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Awakened Sorcerers
The awakened sorcerers had their cursed technique awakened as part of the preparations for
the Game of Slaughter, carried out by Kenjaku.

Awakened Sorcerer (ND13)
Hit Points: 1300 Armor Class: 36
Size: Medium Movement: 18 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 18 DEX 22 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +11 Reflexes +19 Will +7

Initiative: +9 Attention: 24
Skills: Acrobatics +19 Athletics +17

Resistances: RD18 for All Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Hanyu strikes unarmed, with his blows
reinforced with energy. Range 5 feet, +29 to hit, deals
4d10+28 force damage.
• Powerful Grazing. Hanyu does a powerful swoop as he flies. Range 5 feet, +31 to hit, deals
3d12+25 bludgeoning damage.
For every 10 feet Hanyu has moved before this attack, he deals an additional 1d12+5

• Cursed Resistance (1x). Once per scene Hanyu can
choose to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Awakened Sorcerer (ND13)
Hit Points: 1300 Armor Class: 36
Size: Medium Movement: 18 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 20 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +11 Reflexes +19 Will +7

Initiative: +8 Attention: 24
Skills: Acrobatics +18 Athletics +18

Resistances: RD18 for All Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Haba strikes unarmed, with his blows
reinforced with energy. Range 5 feet, +29 to hit, deals 4d10+28 force damage.

• Tear apart. Haba spins its propellers, tearing apart what is close to it. Every creature within
10 feet must make a DC33 Reflex save, taking 4d10+38 slashing damage or just half as
much on a success.
• Slashing Advance [2 Actions]. Haba adjusts his position and advances, cutting everything
in front of him. When using this action, it advances in a straight 40-foot line and every
creature within it must make a Reflex saving throw.

with DC33, taking 6d6+39 slashing damage or just half as much

a success.

• Crunch Projectile. When being targeted by a ranged attack with a projectile, Haba crushes
it to avoid the blow. Once per round, as a reaction, the attack's damage is negated and
the projectile destroyed.
• Cursed Resistance (1x). Once per scene Haba can choose to automatically succeed a
saving throw of his choice.

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Charles Bernard
Awakened Sorcerer (ND14)
Hit Points: 1550 Armor Class: 35
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 18
Saving Throws: Cunning +13 Fortitude +8 Reflex +21 Will +13

Initiative: +8 Attention: 27
Skills: Acrobatics +19 Athletics +17 Perception +17
Resistances: RD20 for All Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Lunge. Charles lunges with Spear G, range 10 feet, +34 to hit, deals 4d12+46
piercing damage.
• Cut. Charles swings his G Spear, causing a slash, range 10 feet,
+34 to hit, deals 5d10+43 slashing damage


• Defensive Reinforcement. Charles manages to reinforce his body with energy

to protect yourself. Once per round, as a reaction, Charles reinforces his body
against an attack, reducing damage taken by 40.
• Predict the future. Charles' technique allows him to
predict the future through manga frames,
generated by filling his pen with the blood of his
enemies. If you have dealt damage to an enemy on
your turn, in the next round it creates a manga frame on
the enemy hit; for each frame, Charles gets +3 to his
AC, saving throws, and attacks against the creature
with the frames.
If he completes three frames, Charles receives an
additional action, which must be used against the same
• Cursed Resistance (1x). Once per scene,
Charles can choose to automatically succeed a saving throw
of his choice.

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Cursed Grasshopper
The Cursed Locust is a 2nd degree curse, born from humanity's fear of the
locust plague. It has a broad, bipedal and humanoid physique, although it still
strongly resembles a grasshopper, as it uses two of its six legs to stand
upright, while the other four serve as arms.

Cursed Grasshopper
2nd Rank Cursed Spirit (ND10)
Hit Points: 800 Armor Class: 31
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 21 DEX 17 CON 21 INT 6 WIS 5 CHA 8
Saving Throws: Cunning +4 Fortitude +15 Reflex +6 Will +6

Initiative: +6 Attention: 17
Skills: Athletics +20 Acrobatics +13
Resistances: RD16 to Physical Damage, RD12 to Other Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Locust Punch [20/x2]. Throws a powerful punch. Range 5 feet, +22 to hit,
deals 4d8+25 impact damage.
• Perforation with Abdomen [18/x2]. Quickly design your
abdomen, with a hard, piercing tip. Range 10 feet, +22 to hit, deals 6d6+20
piercing damage. If it hits an unprepared or blind creature, the attack deals
additional damage equal to half the damage dealt on the roll.

• Mucus Shooting. Shoots black mucus from its mouth, like a projectile,
trying to blind. Range 25 feet, the target must make a DC28 Reflex saving
throw, becoming blinded until the start of the Grasshopper's next turn on a


• Locust Physiology. The grasshopper's body is developed. O

Grasshopper can jump twice the normal distance, in addition to receiving a
bonus to athletics.

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Hanami is a disaster curse that arose from the fear of natural disasters, with a great desire
to rid planet Earth of humanity due to the way it was treated.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND18)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 45
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 24 CON 26 INT 18 WIS 20 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Smarts +14 Fortitude +19 Reflexes
+19 Will +26
Initiative: +12 Attention: 33
Skills: Athletics +26 Acrobatics +25
Resistances: Immunity to Shocking Damage, Resistance to Physical Damage, DR20 to
Other Types, Burning Damage Vulnerability
Immunities: Grappled, Prone, Charmed, Poisoned, Immobile, and Bleed

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Roots. Hanami creates roots that emerge from the ground, trying to trap
enemies. Three targets within 20 feet must make a DC42 Fortitude save,
taking 4d12+38 bludgeoning damage, or just half as much on a success. On a failed
save, the creature also becomes immobile for 1
• Wooden Ball. Hanami creates several wooden balls, which he
fires at a target within 30 feet, +42 to hit, deals 8d8+43
piercing damage on a hit.
• Cursed Sprouts. Hanami releases cursed shoots. Up to two creatures
within 12 meters must make a Fortitude save with CD42. Case
fail, the sprouts will attach themselves to their body, parasitizing the energy; for every
energy point a creature with the sprouts spends, it loses 10 life.

• Flower field. Hanami creates a circle of pacifying flowers. The circle has an area of
4.5 meters. Every enemy within the circle, if they try to attack Hanami, must make
a Will save with DC42 and, if they fail, they are unable to attack, losing their action.

• Regeneration [1x per Round]. Hanami regenerates, healing herself for 100 health

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• Flourish. Hanami's body continues to flourish and regenerate. AND
impossible to cut off Hanami limbs.
• Revealing the Cards. Hanami can reveal her abilities to amplify them.
Every revealed ability deals an additional 2d10 damage and receives
+4 to hit or +2 DC.
• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Hanami can choose
to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Haruta Shigemo
Haruta Shigemo is a curse user, being a peculiar person, who prioritizes his own
preservation and pleasure above all else. He prefers to fight against weak
opponents, having a cursed technique unknown to the user himself, miracles .

Haruta Shigemo
Second Degree Curse User (ND10)
Hit Points: 800 Armor Class: 31
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 20 CON 16 INT 18 WIS 14 CHA 14
Saving Throws: Cunning +15 Fortitude +6 Reflex +6 Will +4

Initiative: +8 Attention: 22
Skills: Acrobatics +15
Resistances: RD12 General

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Hand Sword. Haruta attacks with his sword. A melee target,
+22 to hit, deals 3d12+25 slashing damage.
• Blow to the chin. Haruta throws his sword, which targets his enemy's chin. A
creature within 20 feet must make a DC28 Reflex save, taking 4d10+20
bludgeoning damage, or just half as much on a success. On a
failed save, the creature also gains the Stunned condition
until the start of Haruta's next turn.


• Miracles (6x). Haruta has six miracles stored, like markings

beneath his eyes. Miracles are automatically used to
avoid bad situations, even
without the user being aware. When Haruta is about to have
his life points reduced to 0, a miracle is consumed, saving
his life. When all the miracles are over,
he can be defeated normally.
• Cowardly Hunter. Haruta specializes in dealing with
enemies weaker than him. Attacks against targets that are of
a level lower than half of Haruta's CR have advantage.

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Game is a curse of disaster, with the flames of disaster technique and an appearance
that resembles volcanoes, producing cursed fire.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND22)
Hit Points: 3500 Armor Class: 52
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 30 INT 24 WIS 20 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +18 Fortitude +24
Reflexes +32 Will +24
Initiative: +15 Attention: 37
Skills: Athletics +40 Acrobatics +42
Resistances: Immunity to Burning Damage, Resistance to Physical Damage, DR30 to
Elemental Damage and Cold Damage Vulnerability
Immunities: Frightened, Charmed, Immobile, Incapacitated, Slow

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Flames of Disaster. Game produces concentrated volcanic flames and shoots

them like a heat ray. Range 60 feet, +48 to hit, deals 6d10+60 burning damage.
• Ember Bugs. Game summons small
insect-shaped spirits, which advance and detonate in an explosion. Three targets
within 20 feet must make a DC50 Reflex save, receiving

5d12+48 burning damage, or only half as much on a success.

• Maximum Technique – Meteor [1x per Scene, 5 Actions]. Game generates a
huge meteor that descends from the sky and devastates an area. The
meteor hits a 100 meter area on the next round after using this action.
Every creature within this area, except Game, must make a DC50 Fortitude
save, taking 20d10+50 burning damage, or just half as much on a success.
The entire affected area becomes difficult terrain.

• Domain Expansion – Coffin of the Iron Mountain [1x per Scene, 4

Actions]. Game expands your domain, which is shaped like the interior of a
volcano, covering and enclosing an area of 18 meters. This area becomes
difficult terrain and has a guaranteed hit effect. Every creature, except Game,
that starts its turn in the expansion takes 4d6+12 burning damage.

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• Regeneration [1x per Round]. Game uses your energy to recover your body, healing
yourself for 150 health points.

• Hellish Presence. Jogo's mere presence creates infernal heat. Every creature that starts its
turn within 15 feet of play must make a DC50 Fortitude save, taking 30 burning damage
on a failure, or 15 on a success.

• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Game can choose
succeed on a saving throw of your choice.

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Kenjaku is an ancient sorcerer, who has existed for over a thousand years
thanks to his technique, inhabiting the bodies of different individuals over the
centuries, assuming their identities and carrying out profane and macabre
actions such as the creation of cursed fetuses . countless murders.
Many refer to him as the most evil sorcerer in history.

As he takes on several bodies, he has had many different appearances

and capabilities, but his version will be considered to have Suguru 's body.
Geto, with his technique, manipulation of curses, and many other tricks.
In this specific variation, manipulating curses, its risk is high and it also
requires active participation from the narrator: it is necessary to form a range
of curses that Kenjaku can manipulate.

There are no limits to how many he can keep, but it is necessary to exorcise
the curse to then possess it. When using Kenjaku, choose as many cursed
spirits as you want that he has already absorbed.

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Curse User (ND30)
Hit Points: 3500 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 90
Size: Medium Movement: 18 Meters
Attributes: STR 24 DEX 28 CON 26 INT 30 WIS 30 CHA 26
Saving Throws: Cunning +35 Fortitude +25 Reflex +30 Will +30

Initiative: +14 Attention: 50

Skills: Acrobatics +39 Athletics +37 Sorcery +50 Persuasion +48
Resistances: Resistant to Physical Damage and Poison, RD45 to Others

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Kenjaku strikes unarmed, using energy and martial knowledge. Range 5
feet, +50 to hit, deals
5d10+50 force or impact damage.
• Curse Manipulation. Kenjaku summons curses absorbed by curse manipulation. For each
curse invoked, an action is spent and an energy cost that increases based on its degree
(1, 2, 4, 6 and 10, respectively). The invoked curse is placed at a point within 12 meters,
performing an action once invoked; they can perform other actions independently, having
their number of actions reduced to 1, or 2 if they are special grade, while they can
perform additional actions if Kenjaku sacrifices his actions to command them. •
Reversed Anti-Gravity System [6PE]. Kenjaku uses the anti-gravity technique
with the reversal technique, creating a field of increased gravity around him. When using
this ability, a spherical area 3 meters
from Kenjaku is affected by heavy gravity; Creatures within the area receive the Fallen
and Immovable conditions while the skill is active and attacks
made by them have disadvantage, just as projectiles and
ranged attacks cannot reach you, being taken to the
ground mid-trajectory. The increased gravity field lasts
one round and requires another

round before it can be used


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• Domain Expansion: Ventral Realm Sheath [3 Actions, 15EP].

Kenjaku expands his domain without barriers, which takes the form of a pillar of
amalgamated curses. Its effect is still unknown, but it guarantees a guaranteed hit for
your attacks.
• Maximum Technique: Uzumaki [5 Actions, 20PE]. Kenjaku concentrates curses into a
single spiral, which produces a single powerful attack. Kenjaku can choose any number of
curses to place on the Uzumaki, whose damage is based on their quantity and degree:
multiplied by the rank of the curse, for each curse placed (a special rank would add
5d10+25 damage, for example). The Uzumaki causes destruction in a 30-foot spherical
area, originating from a point of choice within 60 feet, with every creature in the area
making a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC54), taking only half the total damage on
a success. Furthermore, every curse consumed for the Uzumaki who possesses a
cursed technique has the technique extracted for Kenjaku, who can use it only once.
Uzumaki can be used once per scene, and any curse placed on it is lost.

• Reverse Energy [4PE]. Kenjaku uses reverse energy to heal himself, recovering 150
health points. You can also pay 8PE to regenerate a lost limb. Can be used
twice per round.

• Defensive Summon. Kenjaku can quickly cast curses defensively, blocking an attack. When
being targeted by an attack, Kenjaku can use his reaction and 3PE to nullify the attack's
damage, as long as he has at least one curse saved.

• Infallible Planning. Kenjaku always plans and calculates everything

possibility. When failing a skill check, Kenjaku can spend 2PE to roll the test again, taking
the best result.
• Cursed Resistance (8x). Eight times per scene, Kenjaku can
choose to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Kurourushi is a special grade curse, created from collective fear directed at cockroaches, with a
unique physiology, a cursed tool, and a technique in its arsenal.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND20)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 60
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters, 12 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 24 DEX 26 CON 28 INT 22 WIS 16 CHA 10
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +30 Reflex +23 Will +17

Initiative: +13 Attention: 33

Skills: Athletics +27 Acrobatics +38
Resistances: Resistant to Necrotic and Poison Damage, RD30 to Others

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Swarm of Cockroaches [5EP]. Kurourushi produces a swarm of cockroaches, which he
can control and manipulate while enhanced with his energy. The swarm manifests
around Kurourushi, and can be directed at a creature: by directing the

swarm, it will pursue the target until it is destroyed,

having 200 health points; the swarm moves up to 18 meters per
turn, being able to fly and, whenever it comes into contact with the
target, it must make a Fortitude save with DC49, taking 8d8+50 necrotic
damage, or just half as much on a success. Up to two swarms can be
maintained at the same time.

• Blade of Putrid Life. Kurourushi strikes with a blade that mixes life and death.
Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 6d10+44 necrotic damage. Upon
landing this attack, Kurourushi can, as a reaction,
pay 4EP to fire cursed insect eggs at the target: the eggs hatch
immediately, forcing the affected creature to make a Fortitude
saving throw, losing 4d10+30 life, or just half as much. on a success,
and if failed, the creature receives the Bleed condition for
2 rounds, which deals 2d10+20 damage.

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• Earth Bug Trance [4PE]. Kurourushi manifests two insects

cursed flying creatures, which carry a liquid. The insects manifest at a
point within 30 feet, and will float and can chase a creature, moving 40
feet per round. If the insects take damage, they explode and release
liquid, affecting all creatures within 10 feet of them: an affected creature
must perform
a Reflex save with DC49, receiving the Blinded condition for one
round if failed.
• Cursed Regeneration [3PE]. Kurourushi regenerates his own body,
recovering 100 health points. Can be used up to twice per round.

• Insatiable Hunger. Kurourushi has an insatiable hunger, seeking to devour
everyone. Once per round, when killing a creature, Kurourushi can take
an additional action on his turn.
• I like Iron. The taste of iron pleases Kurourushi, encouraging him to
fight more fiercely. Kurourushi attacks made against a target that is
bleeding have advantage.
• Parthenogenesis. Kurourushi is capable of, in the right situations,
reproduce a new cursed spirit identical to yourself if you have energy and
cockroaches. When killed, Kurourushi can spend 30PE to transmit
this energy to one of his cockroaches, preserving his existence and
thus returning to life, but with only half of his maximum life and the
energy he had previously, considering the expense of Parthenogenesis. •
Cursed Resistance
(5x). Five times per scene, Kurourushi can choose to automatically succeed
on a saving throw to his

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Mahito, the Human Curse

Mahito is a special grade curse, which likes to play with human emotions, believing it was
born from them, considering it the manifestation of resentment between humans. He
has an extremely lethal technique, Inert Transfiguration, which allows him to manipulate his own
soul and that of other beings.

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND20)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50

Integrity: 200
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 24 DEX 30 CON 30 INT 20 WIS 18 CHA 24
Saving Throws: Cunning +17 Fortitude +30 Reflex
+23 Will +23

Initiative: +15 Attention: 34

Skills: Acrobatics +40 Athletics +37 Integrity +50
Resistances: Immune to Cutting and Piercing Damage, Resistant to Fire Damage
Impact, RD30 to Other Types
Immunities: Frightened, Blind, Charmed, and Deaf

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Transfiguration. Mahito touches someone, transfiguring their soul.
Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, 2d10+10 soul damage. The creature that received this damage
can make a DC40 Integrity check and, if successful, takes only half the damage.

• Adaptive Strike. Mahito adapts his body to deliver a blow that meets the need. Range
40 feet, +45 to hit, deals
4d10+64 damage, of a physical damage type of your choice.
• To sweep. Mahito expands his arm and sweeps everything in front of him. Affects a 15-foot
cone in front of you, every creature in the area must make a Reflex save with DC49,
taking 8d8+52 of a type of physical damage of your choice, or just half on a success.

• Body Reconstitution. Mahito reconstitutes his body from his soul, healing himself for 125
health points. Can be used a maximum of 2 times per round.

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• Mastery Expansion – Self Embodiment of Perfection [2 Actions].

Mahito expands his domain, trapping everyone within 12 meters in a spherical area
measuring 12x12 meters. While inside the domain, all of your attacks are guaranteed
hits, in addition to having the Transfiguration DC increased to 50. It can be
used once per combat.

• Adaptation. Once per round, Mahito can use his reaction to negate a condition he
would receive, adapting his body.
• Absolute Awareness of Self. Mahito is perfectly aware of his own body. Instead of
100, he has 200 Integrity.
• Soul Compression. A creature that has its Integrity reduced to 0 by Mahito takes a small
form, which he can store.
• Form Movement. As a free action, Mahito can transform his
movement in any type you desire.
• Defensive Reconstruction. Whenever Mahito receives a critical hit, there is a 75% chance
that the critical hit will become a regular hit (1 to 3 in 1d4). To do this, he rebuilds his
body when receiving a blow.
• Black Lightning. When using Adaptive Strike, if you get 20 on the attack roll, Mahito uses
a Kokusen, receiving the standard benefits.
• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Mahito can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw.

Discovering the True Essence

Mahito is still a young curse, with a lot of potential to evolve, including recognizing the
true essence of his soul. During a
fight, if you have hit at least one Black Bolt, you can choose to evolve Mahito, exchanging
your enemy token for the Distorted Kill Instant Spiritual Body, updating some values
and actions, but without renewing your Integrity or life points.

While in this new form, he can no longer transfigure, and maintains damage and wear,
such as the inability to use domain expansion if he has already done so.

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Mahito (Distorted Killing Instant Spiritual Body)

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND22)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 54 Integrity: 200
Size: Medium Movement: 15 Meters
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 30 CON 30 INT 20 WIS 20 CHA 24
Saving Throws: Cunning +18 Fortitude +32 Reflex +25 Will +25

Initiative: +15 Attention: 34

Skills: Acrobatics +42 Athletics +42 Integrity +52
Resistances: Immune to Slashing, Piercing and Impact Damage, RD40 to Others
Immunities: Frightened, Blind, Charmed, and Deaf

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Transfiguration. Mahito touches someone, transfiguring their soul.
Range 5 feet, +48 to hit, 2d10+10 soul damage. The creature that received
this damage can make a DC40 Integrity check and, if successful, takes
only half the damage.
• Powerful Blow. Mahito delivers a powerful blow with his fists.
Range 10 feet, +50 to hit, deals 5d10+70 impact or force damage on
a hit.
• Destructive Wave. Mahito hits the ground in order to cause a wave of
destruction. The wave propagates across a 10-foot spherical area from
Mahito, destroying objects and transforming the affected area into difficult
terrain, as well as forcing everyone within the area to make a Fortitude
Saving Throw (DC50), taking 8d8+48 damage. of
strength, or only half as much on a success.
• Drill with Tail. Mahito pierces with its tail and
tentacles, forcing a creature within 20
feet to make a saving throw.
of Reflex, taking 12d6+42 piercing damage
or just half as much on a success.
• Domain Expansion – Self Personification of
Perfection [2 Actions]. Mahito expands his domain,
trapping everyone within 12 meters in a spherical area
measuring 12x12 meters. While inside the domain, all of
your attacks are guaranteed hits, in addition to having the
Transfiguration DC increased to 50. It can be used once
per combat.

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• Parry Blow. Once per round, Mahito can use his reaction to
parry an attack, using its tentacles and tail to block it, nullifying the damage.

• Absolute Awareness of Self. Mahito is perfectly aware of his own

body. Instead of 100, he has 200 Integrity.
• Soul Compression. A creature that has its Integrity reduced to 0 by Mahito
takes a small form, which he can store.
• Defensive Coating. Whenever Mahito receives a critical hit, there is a 75%
chance of the critical hit becoming a regular hit (1 to 3 in 1d4), due to
the perfect coating around his body.
• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Mahito can choose
to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Mahoraga, the Divine General

Mahoraga, the Divine General is a shikigami of the Ten Shadows technique, being
the most powerful of all, never dominated by a user of the technique. With the
ability to adapt to any technique, his power is immeasurable. This adaptation
aims to enable its use as an enemy.

Mahoraga, the Divine General

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (CR 28)
Hit Points: 4000 Armor Class: 50
Size: Large Movement: 18 Meters
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 28 CON 30 INT 26 WIS 28 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +26 Fortitude +26 Reflex +26 Will +26

Initiative: +14 Attention: 50

Skills: Athletics +48 Acrobatics +37 Integrity +48
Resistances: RD30 General
Immunities: Frightened, Confused, Charmed, Poisoned, Fragile,
Incapacitated, Unconscious

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Fist strike. Mahoraga strikes with his powerful fist. Range 10 feet, one target,
+50 to hit, deals 8d8+60 impact damage.

• Sword of Extermination.
Mahoraga attacks with a
blade imbued with
reverse energy. Range
10 feet, one target,
+50 to hit, deals 6d10+50
reverse energy. You can
also choose to deal force
damage, if the target of
the attack is not vulnerable to
reverse energy.

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• Conditional Adaptation. Mahoraga manages to adapt to the conditions he
receives, starting to ignore them. Mahoraga cannot receive the same
condition more than once, adapting to it as soon as its duration ends.

• Defensive Adaptation. Mahoraga adapts defensively to the damage he

may receive. One round after taking damage of a specific type,
Mahoraga becomes resistant to the type of damage received. After
another round, he will become immune to the type of damage received.
Resistance arising from defensive adaptation cannot be ignored.
• Offensive Adaptation. Mahoraga can also adapt to his enemies' defense.
When attacking a target that he cannot hit, Mahoraga receives +5 to hit
against the target, which will continue to accumulate until the first
attack hits. After landing the first attack, it will maintain the bonuses
against the specific target.
• Bypass Defenses. Mahoraga's adaptation allows him to bypass enemy
defenses. When hitting an enemy that has some type of resistance to
your damage, Mahoraga will begin to adapt against your defense. After
one round, Mahoraga's attacks will ignore one level of resistance (immunity
counts as resistance, resistance is ignored) , and after another round,
they will ignore it completely (both immunity and resistance will be ignored).

• Cursed Resistance (6x). Six times per scene, Mahoraga can choose
to automatically succeed on a saving throw.

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Finger Bearer
Finger Bearers are special grade curses that arise from a curse that has consumed one of Sukuna's
fingers, transforming into cursed fetuses until they are born.

They have common abilities from a curse, but they are very powerful due to the finger they
consumed, and are even cruel like Sukuna himself.
They attack any creature that enters their domain. Although they are strong, they do not have any
technique, using only raw energy, which becomes a great limiter.

Finger Bearer
Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND16)
Hit Points: 1550 Armor Class: 41
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 22 DEX 22 COM 18 INT 13 WIS 9 CHA 10
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +16 Reflex +23 Will +16

Initiative: +11 Attention: 25

Skills: Athletics +22 Acrobatics +22

Resistances: RD24 to Physical Damage, RD18 to Other Types

Immunities: Shaken and Frightened

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Punch. Throws a brutal punch. Range 5 feet, +38 to hit, deals 6d8+42 impact damage.

• Energy Shot. It shoots energy in a raw and raw way. 40 foot range, +38 to hit, deals 8d8+33
force damage.
• Cursed Regeneration. The Finger Bearer heals for 60 health or regains a lost limb. Can be
used twice per round.


• Disturbing Presence. Being close to a curse that arose

from Sukuna's fingers is disturbing. Every creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the
curse must make a Will save, becoming frightened on a failure, until the start of its next
• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene, the Finger Bearer can choose to automatically
succeed on a saving throw.

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Sukuna, the King of Curses

Ryomen Sukuna is the King of Curses, a cruel sorcerer, treated in legends as an imaginary
demon, and feared since the golden age of jujutsu.
Even after death, he transformed into a cursed object, divided between 20 fingers, protected as
objects of maximum power.

It can incarnate in bodies through the consumption of fingers, increasing its power based on the
number of fingers that a possible host has.
Within the Grimoire of Curses, there are several attribute sheets for Sukuna, varying their
power level depending on the number of fingers.

Sukuna (2 Fingers)
The King of Curses (ND18)
Hit Points: 2400 Armor Class: 45
Size: Medium Movement: 18 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 26 CON 24 INT 28 WIS 28 CHA 28
Saving Throws: Cunning +19 Fortitude +14
Reflexes +19 Will +26

Initiative: +13 Attention: 37

Skills: Athletics +28 Acrobatics +31 Sorcery +32 Intimidation +32
Resistances: Immunity to Poison Damage, Resistant to Physical Damage, RD25 to
Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Strike. Sukuna strikes unarmed. Range of 1.5 meters,

+42 to hit, deals 6d10+45 impact damage.
• Dismantle. Sukuna cuts whatever is in front of him. Two visible targets within 60 feet, +42
to hit, deals 10d8+30 damage


• King of Curses. Sukuna is feared by curses, being their king.

Shikigamis have a disadvantage when attacking Sukuna.
• Profane Physicist. Sukuna has an unholy and cursed physique, being immune to any type
of poison and toxin.
• Untouchable Soul. Sukuna is immune to soul damage.

• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, Sukuna can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw.

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Sukuna (15 Fingers)

The King of Curses (ND30)
Hit Points: 4000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 90
Size: Medium Movement: 21 Meters, 12 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 28 DEX 28 CON 28 INT 30 WIS 30 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Cunning +30 Fortitude +30 Reflex +30 Will +30

Initiative: +14 Attention: 50

Skills: Athletics +49 Acrobatics +49 Sorcery +50 Intimidation +50
Resistances: Immunity to Poison Damage, Resistant to Other Types
Immunities: Frightened, Stunned, Confused, Poisoned, Fragile,
Incapacitated, Unconscious and Paralyzed

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Power Punch. Sukuna strikes covered with energy. Range 5 feet, +50 to hit, deals 8d10+60
force damage.
• Dismantle. Sukuna cuts that in front of him. Two visible targets
within 60 feet, +50 to hit, deals 14d8+60 slashing damage.
• Leave. Sukuna breaks it in front of him, adapting to his physical resistance. Range 40 feet,
+50 to hit, deals 2d10+20 slashing damage for each point in the creature's Constitution
• Flame Shot [5PE]. Sukuna fires a fire arrow. One target, 120 feet, +50 to hit, deals 12d10+60
burning damage.
• Domain Expansion – Malevolent Sanctuary [3 Actions, 15EP]. Sukuna creates a macabre-
looking sanctuary in a barrier-free domain.
Your dismantle and break actions can be used to affect every creature and object within
200 meters, with a guaranteed hit.


• Macabre Existence. Any creature that starts its turn within 9

meters of Sukuna must make a Will save, becoming shaken on a success or frightened
on a failure, for 1 round.
• King of Curses. Shikigamis have disadvantage when attacking Sukuna.
• Profane Physicist. Sukuna is immune to any type of poison and toxin.
• Untouchable Soul. Sukuna is immune to soul damage.

• Impenetrable Defense. Sukuna ignores critical hits whose result is less than 20.

• Cursed Resistance (8x). Eight times per scene, Sukuna can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw.

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Sukuna (Ten Shadows)

The King of Curses (ND40)
Hit Points: 4500 Armor Class: 55 Energy Points: 120
Size: Medium Movement: 21 Meters, 12 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 28 INT 30 WIS 30 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Cunning +35 Fortitude +30 Reflex +35 Will +35

Initiative: +15 Attention: 60

Skills: Athletics +58 Acrobatics +60 Sorcery +60 Intimidation +60
Resistances: Immunity to Poison Damage, Resistant to Other Types
Immunities: Frightened, Stunned, Confused, Poisoned, Fragile,
Incapacitated, Unconscious and Paralyzed

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Power Punch. Sukuna strikes covered with energy. Range 5 feet, +55 to hit, deals 8d10+70
force damage.
• Dismantle [2PE]. Sukuna cuts that in front of him. Two visible targets within 60 feet, +60 to hit,
deals 16d8+75 slashing damage.
• Break [2PE]. Sukuna breaks it in front of him, adapting to his
Physical resistance. Range 40 feet, +60 to hit, deals 3d10+30 slashing damage for each
point in the creature's Constitution modifier.

• Summon Shadow. Sukuna summons or partially manifests one of the ten shadows, according
to the Invocations (Ten Shadows) section, varying in cost, actions and effect.

• Domain Expansion – Malevolent Sanctuary [3 Actions,

15EP]. Sukuna creates a macabre-looking sanctuary in a
barrier-free domain. Your dismantle and break
actions can be used to affect every creature and
object within 200 meters, with a guaranteed hit.

• Reverse Energy [4PE]. Sukuna heals himself with

reverse energy, regenerating his body at a great
rate, healing himself for 150 health points. You can
choose to use 8PE to regenerate a limb or 10PE to
regenerate technique exhaustion.

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• Macabre Existence. Any creature that starts its turn within 12
meters of Sukuna must make a Will save (DC55), becoming shaken on a success
or frightened on a failure, for 1 round.
• King of Curses. Shikigamis have disadvantage when attacking Sukuna.
• Profane Physicist. Sukuna is immune to any type of poison and toxin.
• Untouchable Soul. Sukuna is immune to soul damage.

• Impenetrable Defense. Sukuna ignores critical hits whose result is less than 20.

• Domain Amplification. Sukuna is able to use domain amplification, spending an action to

activate it, paying 5PE. While the amplification is active, he receives 30 DR against
technique skills and has a 50% chance (1 or 2 in 1d4) to completely ignore damage, but
cannot use his actions that involve techniques. For each round after the first, you must
pay 5PE to sustain the amplification.

• Cut the World. Sukuna manages to cut through the world, discovering through Mahoraga the
perfect formula to attack. To be able to use this characteristic, it is necessary to have
spent at least 4 rounds with Mahoraga active on the field, thus being able to get him
to use his cutting technique. When the trait is released, Sukuna can, once in the
scene, use his reaction to amplify a Dismantle, making it a guaranteed hit, ignore
damage reduction, resistance or immunity, and any effect that can reduce or prevent
damage, such as Domain Amplification or Covering Oneself, thus being an indefensible and
inevitable attack. Additionally, a Dismantle that cuts through the world will have its dice
and damage bonuses doubled, dealing 32d8+150 damage, and if it reduces a creature's
hit points to zero, it will be killed immediately, leapfrogging death's door.

• Cursed Resistance (10x). Ten times per scene, Sukuna can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Invocations (Ten Shadows)

• Divine Dogs: Partial Manifestation [2EP, 1 Action]. Sukuna performs a
partial manifestation of the divine dogs, creating a wave of canine-shaped
shadows that advance against a creature within 40 feet, which must make
a DC55 Reflex saving throw, taking 6d12+60 force damage, or just half
as much on a success .
• Circular Deer: Manifestation Complete [4EP, 1 Action]. Sukuna completely
summons the Circular Deer, a summon that uses reverse energy.
Your enemy sheet will be added soon, but use the Ten Shadows
technique as a base.
• Piercing Bull: Manifestation Complete [4EP, 1 Action]. Sukuna completely
summons the Piercing Bull, a summon that moves in a straight line with
great destructive power. Your enemy sheet will be added soon, but use
the Ten Shadows technique as a base.
• Rabbit Escape [2EP, Reaction]. As a reaction, Sukuna uses the rabbit's
escape, summoning hundreds of them to replace him, thus negating the
damage of an attack that targets him.
• Max Elephant: Water Shot [2EP, 1 Action]. Sukuna uses
Maximum Elephant's abilities along with the Piercing Blood stance
to perform a water shot. Range 24 yards, +60 to hit, deals 10d10+50
piercing damage on hit.
• Mahoraga: Partial Manifestation [5EP, 1 Action]. Sukuna manifests
just the Mahoraga wheel, managing to bring adaptation to oneself
and invocation at the same time, without putting it at risk. When
using this action, he gains the Defensive Adaptation and
Conditional Adaptation of Mahoraga, the Divine General's enemy
sheet .
• Mahoraga: Manifestation Complete [15EP, 2 Actions]. Sukuna fully
manifests Mahoraga, the most powerful shadow. When using this action,
Mahoraga is summoned, using Mahoraga's enemy token , the Divine
General, but with his life reduced by half and number of actions
reduced from 5 to 2, which are performed when Sukuna commands him
as a free action within his turn or acting independently, on his own
initiative, his choice. If Mahoraga is summoned, he will maintain the
adaptations obtained through his partial manifestation, while
Sukuna will lose the wheel and characteristics while he is

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Sukuna (True Form)

The King of Curses, Incarnation of Absolute Perfection (ND45)
Hit Points: 5000 Armor Class: 65 Energy Points: 150
Size: Medium Movement: 30 Meters, 12 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 30 CON 30 INT 30 WIS 30 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Cunning +40 Fortitude +40 Reflex +40 Will +40

Initiative: +15 Attention: 65

Skills: Athletics +65 Acrobatics +65 Sorcery +65 Intimidation +65
Resistances: Immunity to Poison Damage, Resistant to Other Types
Immunities: Frightened, Stunned, Confused, Unprepared, Poisoned,
Fragile, Incapacitated, Unconscious and Paralyzed

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Devastating Punch [1EP]. Sukuna strikes covered with quantities
massive amounts of energy. Range 5 feet, +60 to hit, deals 8d10+80 force damage.

• Dismantle [2PE]. Sukuna cuts that in front of him. Two visible targets within 60 feet, +65 to hit,
deals 18d8+80 slashing damage.
• Break [2PE]. Sukuna breaks it in front of him, adapting to his
Physical resistance. Range 40 feet, +65 to hit, deals 3d12+35
slashing damage for each point in the creature's Constitution modifier.

• Dismantling Network [2 Actions, 8PE]. Sukuna creates a

network of cuts with Dismantle, projecting it forward.
When using this action, it fires a net, which acts as a line 15
meters, starting from Sukuna and going up to 9 meters
forward. Every creature the net passes must make a DC60
Reflex save, taking 20d10+100 slashing damage or just
half as much on a success.

• Kumatoke [1x per Round]. Sukuna uses the Kumatoke

weapon to cause an explosion of lightning. When using
this action, it causes an explosion at a point within 60 feet,
which expands over a 15-foot spherical area.

Every creature in the area must make a saving throw.

DC55 Fortitude, taking 18d12+80 shocking damage, or
just half as much in one

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• Domain Expansion – Malevolent Sanctuary [3 Actions, 15EP]. Sukuna creates a macabre-

looking sanctuary in a barrier-free domain.
Your dismantle and break actions can be used to affect every creature and object within
200 meters, with a guaranteed hit.
• Reverse Energy [4PE]. Sukuna heals himself with reverse energy, regenerating his body at a
great rate, healing himself for 175 health points. You can choose to use 8PE to
regenerate a limb or 10PE to regenerate technique exhaustion.

• Absolute Perfection. With a perfect body, Sukuna can perform
hand seals and effortlessly chant incantations. Due to this factor, during his turn, Sukuna
can freely distribute four ritual improvements to his skills, with a maximum of two per skill,

following what is listed in the Cursed Encyclopedia. Treat it as if your mastery bonus were
6 and your actions technique skills were level 5.
• Perfect Existence. Any creature that starts its turn within 12
meters of Sukuna must make a DC60 Will save, becoming shaken on a success or
frightened on a failure, for 1 round.
• Martial Superiority. With twice as many arms and insurmountable strength, Sukuna is in
constant martial superiority: whenever he makes an Athletics or Acrobatics roll, it will be
made with advantage.
• King of Curses. Shikigamis have disadvantage when attacking Sukuna.
• Profane Physicist. Sukuna is immune to any type of poison and toxin.
• Untouchable Soul. Sukuna is immune to soul damage.

• Impenetrable Defense. Sukuna ignores critical hits whose result is less than 20.

• Cut the World. Sukuna knows how to dismantle the world itself,
using enchantments to reinforce your cut. Sukuna can, once every two rounds, use his
reaction to amplify a Dismantle, making it a guaranteed hit, ignore damage
reduction, resistance or immunity, and any effect that can reduce or prevent damage,
such as Domain Amplification or Cover yourself, thus being an indefensible and inevitable
attack. Furthermore, a Dismantle that cuts the world will have its dice and damage
bonuses doubled, and if it reduces a creature's hit points to zero, it will be killed
immediately, leapfrogging death's door.

• Cursed Resistance (12x). Twelve times per scene, Sukuna can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw.

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Sukuna's host
One of the several threats that Sukuna poses occurs not only in its material
presence, but also by assuming a person as its host. This can occur in the rare
case where a person, when consuming one of Sukuna's fingers, manages to
resist, staying alive.

When consuming a finger of Sukuna, a creature must perform two tests to know
the result of such an event, namely a Fortitude test and a Will test . The Fortitude
test represents physical resistance, preventing control from being taken, while the
Will test represents the mental struggle, of keeping your conscience stronger.

The difficulty of the tests is based on the number of fingers ingested at once,
having a base of 20 and increasing by 5 for each consecutive finger. The difficulty
is the same for both tests. When consuming the first finger, however, it is not
possible to perform a test, and it must be completely dominated if it becomes
a host.

After rolls, there are four possible outcomes:

• By succeeding on both tests, you maintain complete control, suppressing

• By succeeding in the will test but failing the fortitude test, Sukuna will take
physical control, but the host can interfere with his actions, granting
disadvantage in rolls, in addition to once per round being able to force a will
test from Sukuna, against a host test and cancel an action of the host if it fails.

• Upon succeeding the fortitude test but failing the will test, Sukuna
will only take control mentally, trying to suppress the
host's actions. The player will continue to perform actions
normally, but Sukuna will be able to
interfere with its actions, granting disadvantage on rolls, in
addition to once per round being able to force a Will test
from the Host, against a Sukuna test and cancel its
action, if it fails.
• By failing both tests, Sukuna takes complete control,
without interference from the host.

If Sukuna takes complete control, the player will

temporarily stop controlling his character
and the master will take control, using one of
Sukuna's attribute tokens.

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In addition to the dispute for control, there are passive effects of being a
Sukuna host, namely: Metamorphosis and Shared Innate Domain. Each of
them influences differently, and requires the participation of the Storyteller to be

When talking about Metamorphosis, it is the ability that Sukuna has to

form eyes and mouths on its host, thus being able to see and speak without
the need to be in control. With this, it is possible, for example, to provoke your
host at an important moment, seeking to disturb him, as well as watching
events through his vision. No need
test to do so, being something beyond the host's control.

And when referring to the Shared Innate Domain, it is due to the fact that
While having a host suppressing him, Sukuna will be existing in his innate domain,
an internal space, and which appears to coexist with the host's soul. Therefore,
if someone tries to touch a host's soul, they are also trying to touch Sukuna's
soul indirectly.

Furthermore, if a Sukuna host dies, he may receive a second chance from

Sukuna himself, awakening in his innate domain and with the possibility of
interacting with it. The biggest example is what happened in the work
itself, where Itadori died and woke up in Sukuna's innate domain, being led to
accept a vow of restriction that would revive him in exchange for the possibility
of Sukuna voluntarily taking control at a specific time.

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The fact that Sukuna's soul can be reached at the same time that the host's is
touched means that, in order to preserve himself, he may react if the host
receives damage to the souls, according to the Narrator.

Furthermore, by aligning both characteristics and other factors, Sukuna is able to

perform a specific action while controlling the body: Host Transfer. In this
case, he may find someone who interests him as a host, observing through
Metamorphosis and devising a plan to pass from one body to another.

For this to happen, while controlling the body, Sukuna can concentrate his
soul in one of the host's fingers and tear it off, thus creating a new cursed
object that, if consumed by another person, will transform it into the new
host, jumping from a body to the other.

When this occurs, the new host will follow the same standard rules to fight
for control of the body, including immediately losing control when
consuming the first finger. For strength reasons, Sukuna will maintain the
number of fingers consumed when changing hosts so, for example, if he changes
hosts with the previous one having consumed 15 fingers, the new one will
continue to have the equivalent of that.

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In short, being a host of Sukuna is a great negative and regret for the one
who keeps such a cruel being inside, with countless machinations
and plans. However, it also causes peculiar developments in the body of a host
that manages to contain it long enough: a character who is a host to
Sukuna is given a peculiar array of cursed abilities to choose from.

You receive these abilities in the same way you receive other cursed abilities –
one per level – but it is also possible to provide them in an alternative way, at the
Narrator's discretion.

The host's cursed abilities are:

• Superior Affinity. Being a host to Sukuna seems to leave him with a

greater affinity with the cursed energy, facilitating his
development and learning of different applications. If you have this skill,
the level requirement for cursed skills is reduced by 1 for you.
Furthermore, when obtaining this skill, you receive a cursed skill of
your choice, already applying the requirement reduction. Prerequisite:
Level 5.
• Acute Consciousness of the Soul. By sharing your soul with another
being, you begin to become more aware of soul shapes. You become
able to perceive the outline of souls, in addition to having advantage on
Integrity rolls. Prerequisite: Level 6.
• Deep Energy. As host to the King of Curses, his energy supply continues to
increase, almost as if he were tied to a small portion of Sukuna's reserves.
Your maximum cursed energy increases by an amount equal to
the number of fingers consumed.

• Poison Resistance. Being the host of Sukuna, known

also due to your resistance to poisons, this begins to manifest itself in
you. You become immune to the Poisoned condition and gain resistance
to poison damage. At 10th level, damage resistance becomes immunity.
Prerequisites: Level 4.

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Toji Fushiguro, Sorcerer Slayer

Toji Fushiguro is an infamous assassin born into the Zenin clan, with a basically
zero energy level. Eventually, he received the title of Sorcerer Killer, being hired
by several groups to carry out dark work.

Even without energy, it is one of the biggest threats for jujutsu sorcerers, which is
precisely their specialty in combat, with tools ready to eliminate them.

Toji Fushiguro
Sorcerer Slayer (ND20)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 50 Stamina: 60
Size: Medium Movement: 21 Meters
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 30 COM 30 INT 28 WIS 26 CHA 28
Saving Throws: Cunning +24 Fortitude +30
Reflexes +30 Will +24
Initiative: +15 Attention: 45
Skills: Acrobatics +40 Athletics +40 Fighting +50 Perception +38 Stealth +45
Resistances: Resistant to Physical Damage, RD35 to Other Types
Immunities: Grappled, Frightened, Confused, Off Guard

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Gun. Toji shoots with the pistol. Reach 30 yards, +45 to hit,
deals 8d10+46 piercing damage.
• Soulsplitting Katana. Toji strikes with his katana. 1.5 Range
meters, +45 to hit, deals 8d8+54 slashing damage. A creature hit by this
attack takes 10 soul damage and can make a DC45 integrity check to
reduce it by half.
• Celestial Inverted Spear. Toji strikes with his dagger, with range
extended by the chain attached to it. Range 60 feet, +45 to hit, deals
14d6+41 piercing damage. Hitting an enemy with this attack cancels any
cursed techniques that are active, negating their effects.

• Swarm of flies. Toji releases a swarm of flies to distract an enemy. It affects

a 30-foot square area and every sorcerer in the area must make a DC45
Smarts save or be flat-footed.
• Recover Stamina [5HP]. Toji takes a deep breath, drawing on his source of
vigor to continue fighting, healing himself for 120 health points.

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• Celestial Restraint. Toji is an absolute restricted, with 0 energy
cursed on his body. Toji receives +5 on Stealth rolls.
Toji always makes attacks against sorcerers with advantage. Sorcerer
attacks have a 30% chance to miss Toji (1 to 3 in 1d10). Toji is
treated as an object by domain expansions and can ignore barriers.

• Firm Handling. Toji cannot be disarmed.

• Determination. Whenever he fails a test, Toji can spend 2
stamina points to roll it again, getting the best result.
• Heightened Senses. Toji's senses are sharp. He performs rolls
of Reflexes and Perception with advantage.
• Rebound. Toji has 2 reactions per turn. He can use his reaction
to try to counter an attack, making a fight roll against the attacker's fight.
If Toji achieves a higher result, he nullifies the attack.

• Determined Resistance (6x). Six times per scene, Toji can choose to
automatically succeed any saving throw.

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Uraume, the Ice Star

Uraume is a mysterious sorcerer from the past, who was side by side with
Sukuna, serving as the King of Curses' cook. With great knowledge of
Jujutsu and a dangerous freezing technique, his strength was enough to stand
alongside the strongest sorcerer in history.

Curse User (ND22)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 66
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 22 DEX 28 CON 24 INT 24 WIS 30 CHA 22
Saving Throws: Cunning +30 Fortitude +23 Reflex +23 Will +17

Initiative: +14 Attention: 42

Skills: Athletics +28 Acrobatics +31 Sorcery +42
Resistances: Immune to Cold Damage, RD30 to Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Ice Shot [2PE]. Uraume creates an ice projectile, which can
take different forms, and shoot at a creature. Range 80 feet, +46 to hit,
deals 6d12+52 piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage, Uraume's
• Frost Lull [4EP]. Uraume fires super-
chilled in a creature, seeking to freeze it. A creature within 60 feet must
make a DC50 Fortitude save, gaining
8d8+62 cold damage, or only half as much on a success. A creature that
fails the save is also frozen, receiving the Immovable and
Incapacitated conditions as long as the ice, which has
200 hit points, is not destroyed.
• Avalanche [3PE]. Uraume covers his hand in ice and touches
the ground, creating spiked ice that is controlled to
Freeze your targets and bring down icicles on them.
When using this ability, choose three creatures
within 60 feet, which must make a DC50 Reflex
save, gaining the Immovable condition for 1 round
on a failed save; shortly after, spikes of ice
crash down on the three creatures, forcing a
second Reflex save, causing
4d10+40 cold damage, or just half as much
a success.

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• Reverse Energy [4PE]. Uraume heals itself with reverse energy,

recovering 150 health points. Can be used up to twice per round.

• Break the ice. Focusing on freezing and destroying soon after, if
Uraume deals damage to a frozen creature, it can choose to break the ice to deal 5d10+10
additional damage on the attack. If you land a critical hit on a frozen creature, the
creature will lose a limb, based on a roll of 1d4 (1 or 2 – a leg, 3 or 4 – an arm), as the ice
is destroyed together with the body.

• Defensive Master. Uraume has mastery in using energy

cursed in a defensive manner, reinforcing his body. At the beginning of every round,
Uraume receives 150 temporary health points, maintaining a layer of energy over his entire
• Cursed Resistance (6x). Six times per scene, Uraume can
choose to automatically succeed a saving throw to your

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Original Threats
In addition to adapting threats from the manga, Grimoire of Curses offers a wide
range of original threats, created from existing concepts, as well as taking
inspiration from urban legends, folklore, etc.

Use them however you wish! None of this is official, but it could fit into any
mission. To quickly find enemy tokens, along with their CR, use the reference
below, which is in order.

Cursed Cockroach (ND1/4) Cutting Agglomerate (ND6)

Toxic Rat (ND1/4) Acid Scorpion (ND6)
Poison Frog (ND1/4) Dark Stalker (ND6)
Spider Spawn (ND1/2) Curse User (ND6)
Goblin (ND1/2) Electrified Spirit (ND7)
Cursed Bird (ND1/2) Oni Warmaster (ND7)
Cursed Dog (ND1) Pestilent (ND7)
Swarm of Flies (ND1) Acid Walker (ND8)
Cursed Bear (ND2) Ten Looks (ND10)
Oni Fighter (ND2) Life Decomposer (ND12)
Oni Archer (ND3) Mindscourger (ND13)
Robust Oni (ND4) Reflector (ND16)
Choke (ND3) Aka Cloak (ND18)
Possessed Statue (ND3) Hungry Lurker (ND18)
Hungry Shoal (ND4) Curse of Weapons (ND19)
Scorched Spirit (ND4) Yuki-Onna (ND18)
Cursed Monkey (ND5) Teke-Teke (ND20)
Giant Toad (ND5) Dark Watch (ND22)
Giant Hornet (ND5)

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In blank
Cursed Spirit (ND)
Hit Points: Armor Class:
Size: Movement:
Saving Throws: Cunning Fortitude Reflexes Will

Initiative: Attention:

Shares (Owns X Shares)

• Action 1
• Action 2

• Feature 1

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4th Degree Threats

Cursed Cockroach
Cursed Spirit (ND1/4)
Hit Points: 15 Armor Class: 11
Size: Small Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 6 DEX 6 CON 10 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 2
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude +1 Reflex -1 Will -2

Initiative: -1 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics -2 Athletics -2

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Bother with Energy. The cursed cockroach releases energy in a way that
bothers a creature. Range 5 feet, +3 to hit, deals 1d4+2 force damage.

A larger-than-average cockroach, disgusting and deformed in appearance,

but not large enough to be a major threat to an energy user.

Toxic Rat
Cursed Spirit (CR1/4)
Hit Points: 20 Armor Class: 12
Size: Small Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 6 DEX 8 CON 8 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 2
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude -1 Reflexes +1 Will -2

Initiative: +0 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics -1 Athletics -2

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Gnawing. The toxic rat begins to gnaw with its teeth, covered in
toxins. Range 5 feet, +3 to hit, deals 1d6+1 acid damage.

A distorted rat covered in toxic bubbles, with large, sharp teeth.

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Poisonous Frog
Cursed Spirit (ND1/4)
Hit Points: 20 Armor Class: 12
Size: Small Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 8 DEX 6 CON 8 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 2
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude +1 Reflex -1 Will -2

Initiative: -1 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics -2 Athletics -1

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Poisonous Tongue. The frog extends its tongue, covered in poison,

attacking. Range 15 feet, +4 to hit, deals 2d4+2 damage

A larger than normal, robust frog with an exotic, striking color and a spiny tongue
covered in venom.

Spider Spawn
Cursed Spirit (ND1/2)
Hit Points: 25 Armor Class: 13
Size: Small Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 8 DEX 12 CON 8 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 2
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude -1 Reflexes +2 Will -2

Initiative: +1 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics +1 Athletics -1

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Bite. The spider spawn delivers a bite with its fangs.

Range 5 feet, +4 to hit, deals 1d6+3 piercing damage.

The offspring of a cursed spider, still trapped amidst webs it cannot

produce, and sharp, serrated fangs.

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Cursed Spirit (ND1/2)
Hit Points: 30 Armor Class: 13
Size: Small Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 6 DEX 12 CON 8 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 4
Saving Throws: Cunning -2 Fortitude -1 Reflex +2 Will -1

Initiative: +1 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics +1 Athletics -2

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Scratch. Scratches a creature. Range 5 feet, +4 to hit
and deals 2d4+2 slashing damage.

• Play Stone. Throw a rock at a creature. 6 meter range, +4

to hit and deals 1d6+3 impact damage.

A small Japanese Goblin, scratching with claws or throwing stones.

Cursed Bird
Cursed Spirit (ND1/2)
Hit Points: 25 Armor Class: 15
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 6 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 4 WIS 4 CHA 4
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude -1 Reflexes +2 Will -2

Initiative: +2 Attention: 7
Skills: Acrobatics +2 Athletics -2

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Shallow. The damned bird swoops down quickly, slashing with sharp
claws. Range 5 feet, +4 to hit, deals 2d4+3 slashing damage. If done
after moving at least 6 meters towards the target, it deals 1d4+1
additional damage.

A bird with a macabre shape, being altered by cursed energy.

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Cursed Dog
Cursed Spirit (ND1)
Hit Points: 50 Armor Class: 13
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 10 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +2 Fortitude +2 Reflex +3 Will -2

Initiative: +3 Attention: 11
Skills: Acrobatics +3 Athletics +2

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Bite. The dog advances, delivering a bite. Range of 1.5 meters,
+6 to hit, deals 2d4+6 piercing damage.


• Pack Combat. The Cursed Dog is prepared to fight in groups, taking

advantage of this. Whenever there is an ally within 1.5m of its target,
the dog receives +4 to hit rolls.

From a distance, it looks like a simple dog. Up close, it is a distortion of what

is considered man's best friend. A huge mouth with sharp, protruding,
pointy teeth, worn, dark and bloody skin and an enormous hunger
for blood.

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Swarm of Flies
Cursed Spirit (ND1)
Hit Points: 50 Armor Class: 13
Size: Large Movement: 6 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 0 WIS 0 CHA 0
Saving Throws: Cunning -2 Fortitude +3 Reflex +2 Will -2

Initiative: +2 Attention: 10

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Swarm Advancement. Flies move towards a target. Range of 3

meters, +6 to hit, 4d3+3 piercing damage. A target affected by this attack must roll 1d4,
moving in a random direction.

A swarm of small cursed flies, which gain strength by uniting. Their buzzing sound is enough
to alert you to their presence.

Cursed Bear
Cursed Spirit (ND2)
Hit Points: 75 Armor Class: 14
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 14 DEX 10 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude +5 Reflex +2 Will +2

Initiative: +1 Attention: 12
Skills: Athletics +4
Resistances: RD2 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Kick. The bear delivers a powerful kick. 1.5 meter range, +8

to hit, it deals 2d10+8 impact damage.

A large and resistant bear, but corrupted by cursed energy and fear, with a macabre appearance.

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Oni Fighter
Cursed Spirit (ND2)
Hit Points: 110 Armor Class: 13
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 4
Saving Throws: Cunning -1 Fortitude +5 Reflex +2 Will +2

Initiative: +3 Attention: 10
Skills: Athletics +5
Resistances: RD4 to Physical Damage

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Punch. The Oni throws a heavy punch. Range 5 feet, +8 to hit, deals 3d6+8 bludgeoning
• Grab [Bonus Action]. The Oni attempts to grapple a target in melee range.


• Born Fighter. When attacking a target it is grappling, the Oni Fighter

does it with advantage.

A huge Oni, armed with its own fists, which are devastating.
Its skin is resistant to physical damage, in addition to having a lot of vital energy and a
willingness to fight.

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Oni Archer
Cursed Spirit (ND3)
Hit Points: 75 Armor Class: 14
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 16 CON 10 INT 8 WIS 16 CHA 8
Saving Throws: Cunning +3 Fortitude +0 Reflexes +6 Will +3

Initiative: +4 Attention: 16
Skills: Acrobatics +6 Marksmanship +8
Resistances: RD2 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Shoot Arrow. The Oni Archer fires a precise arrow. Range 60 feet, +10 to hit, deals 4d8+6
piercing damage.
• To aim. The Oni Archer takes aim, preparing to fire with absolute precision. Your next attack
will have advantage.

• Precise Look. Once per round, the Oni Archer can make a Marksmanship check with a
DC equal to the AC of the creature he intends to attack.
If its result is greater than AC, it can use Aim as a bonus action against the target creature.

A large Oni, but focused on agility, carrying a huge bow, which is wielded perfectly due to its sharp
gaze and aim.

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Robust Oni
Cursed Spirit (ND4)
Hit Points: 150 Armor Class: 18
Size: Large Movement: 6 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 10 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +3 Fortitude +7 Reflexes +1 Will +3

Initiative: +1 Attention: 14
Skills: Athletics +9
Resistances: RD6 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Shield Strike. The Robust Oni strikes a blow with its shield.
Range 5 feet, +8 to hit, deals 2d8+10 impact damage.

• Protect. The Robust Oni chooses a creature to protect. The protected

target gains +4 AC and 4 General DR.

• Infallible Guard. Any effect that reduces the Robust Oni's Armor Class will
only reduce it to half its normal value.

A burly Oni, brandishing only a shield and looted pieces of armor. His focus
is to protect his allies, but he can attack with his heavy shield.

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Cursed Spirit (ND3)
Hit Points: 110 Armor Class: 16
Size: Medium Movement: 6 Meters, 12 Meters Swim
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +0 Fortitude +3 Reflex +6 Will +3

Initiative: +5 Attention: 13
Skills: Athletics +8 Acrobatics +10
Resistances: RD3 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Grab. The Drowner tries to grab a creature. Range of 5 feet, the creature must
make an Athletics check versus a Strength check.
Drowned Acrobatics. If the creature fails, it takes 3d6+6 slashing damage
and becomes grappled. If the creature succeeds, it takes only half the
damage and avoids the condition.
• Debilitating Bite. The Drowner bites a creature. Range 5 feet, +10 to hit,
deals 3d10+5 piercing damage. A creature hit by the bite must also
make a DC16 Fortitude save, taking the Slow condition on a fail.

• Water Physicist. The Drowner does not need to breathe, ignoring the
need to hold air while submerged. Even when in water, it receives a
bonus of +4 on rolls to grab and grabbed creatures receive -4 on rolls
to escape.

A curse similar to that of a sea creature, distorted into a humanoid appearance that
is disturbing. It is common in spaces with bodies of water, drowning people after
trapping them with several filaments.

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Possessed Statue
Cursed Spirit (ND3)
Hit Points: 225 Armor Class: 13
Size: Medium Movement: 6 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 6 CON 20 INT 0 WIS 0 CHA 0
Saving Throws: Cunning +0 Fortitude +6 Reflex +3 Will +0

Initiative: -1 Attention: 10
Skills: Athletics +8
Resistances: Immune to Poison Damage, DR6 to Physical Damage

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Smash. The Statue throws itself to crush a creature. Range 5 feet, target
creature makes a DC16 Reflex save, taking 3d12+6 bludgeoning damage.

• Stone Body. The Possessed Statue cannot be poisoned, and ignores the effect
of any poison item.

A sturdy stone statue, possessed by cursed energy until it becomes a cursed body.
Slow but almost indestructible.

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Hungry Shoal
Cursed Spirit (ND4)
Hit Points: 150 Armor Class: 18
Size: Medium Movement: 7.5 Meters Flight, 9 Meters Swim
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 18 CON 16 INT 6 WIS 4 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +3 Reflex +7 Will +3

Initiative: +5 Attention: 14
Skills: Acrobatics +8
Resistances: RD4 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Consume. The Hungry School advances to consume a target. Range 10 feet,

+12 to hit, deals 4d8+12 piercing damage.


• Hunger of the Shoal. If Hungry Shoal deals enough damage to knock a target
down, it gains 30 temporary health.

A huge school of cursed fish, which can both float and swim, savagely consuming
its target.

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Scorched Spirit
Cursed Spirit (ND4)
Hit Points: 150 Armor Class: 18
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 14 CON 18 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +7 Reflexes +3 Will +3

Initiative: +3 Attention: 14
Skills: Athletics +5
Resistances: Immune to Burning Damage, DR5 General

Shares (Has 1 Share)

• Burning Hug. The Scorched Spirit charges at a creature.
Range 5 feet, +12 to hit, deals 2d10+19 burning damage.

• Flame Breath. The Scorched Spirit releases a puff of flames. Affects a 10-foot cone,
forcing every creature in it to make a DC17 Fortitude save, taking 6d6+9 burning
damage, or just half as much on a success.

• Burning Presence. The very presence of the Scorched Spirit burns
its surroundings. Every creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the Scorched Spirit must
make a DC17 Fortitude save, taking 2d6+4 burning damage on a failed save, or just
half as much damage.
in a success.

A cursed spirit in constant flame, burning and melting everything in its proximity. It is common in
places where people have died from fires, perpetuating screams of agony.

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3rd Degree Threats

Cursed Monkey
Cursed Spirit (ND5)
Hit Points: 225 Armor Class: 21
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 18 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +8 Reflexes +3 Will +3

Initiative: +5 Attention: 13
Skills: Acrobatics +8 Athletics +14
Resistances: RD5 to Physical Damage

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Grab. The Cursed Monkey attempts to grab a creature, making an Athletics roll at +14
against the target's Athletics or Acrobatics.

• To punch. The Cursed Monkey delivers a powerful punch with its

arms. Range 5 feet, +15 to hit, deals 2d10+6 impact damage. When attacking a grappled
creature, the attack is made with advantage.

• Arms Advantage. An additional pair of arms reveals itself as a
great martial advantage. Once per round, when making a grapple attempt, the Cursed
Monkey may choose to gain advantage on it.

A huge monkey-shaped curse, carrying an additional pair of arms and a devastating punch.

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Giant Frog
Cursed Spirit (ND5)
Hit Points: 290 Armor Class: 18
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +3 Fortitude +8 Reflexes +3 Will +1

Initiative: +5 Attention: 13
Skills: Acrobatics +8 Athletics +10

Resistances: RD8 to Impact Damage, RD4 to Other Physicals

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Piercing with Tongue. The Giant Toad pierces with its tongue,
projecting it like a shot. Range 15 feet, +15 to hit, deals 3d6+6 piercing damage.

• Smash. The Giant Toad tries to crush a creature by jumping on it.

she. Jumps at a creature within 30 feet, which must make a DC18 Reflex save, taking 3d10+3
bludgeoning damage, or just half as much on a success. The Giant Toad moves to
the same place the target creature was.


• Long Jumps. The Giant Frog can jump twice as far as

would jump normally.

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Giant Wasp
Cursed Spirit (ND5)
Hit Points: 225 Armor Class: 21
Size: Large Movement: 10.5 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 20 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 10
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +3 Reflex +8 Will +3

Initiative: +7 Attention: 14
Skills: Athletics +8 Acrobatics +10

Resistances: Resistant to Poison Damage, DR8 to Other Types

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Sting. Performs a stinging attack, 3 meters range,
+15 to hit, deals 3d6+6 piercing damage.
• Quick Dodge [Reaction]. As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, the wasp may try to
quickly dodge with its wings. The attacking creature must roll the die again, taking
the worst result.


• Cursed Stinger. The giant hornet's cursed stinger is imbued with heavy venom. Every
creature that receives a Sting attack must make a DC18 Fortitude save. If it fails,
the creature becomes Poisoned, repeating the test at the end of each of its turns,
getting rid of the poison on a success. A creature affected by poison once cannot be
affected again.

The Giant Wasp is nothing more than a wasp that emerged from fear of such a creature, armed with
a huge stinger, large wings with a frightening buzzing noise and a distorted appearance.

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Cutting Agglomerate
Cursed Spirit (ND6)
Hit Points: 290 Armor Class: 21
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 18 DEX 12 CON 20 INT 6 WIS 4 CHA 4
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +10 Reflex +4 Will +4

Initiative: +3 Attention: 13
Skills: Acrobatics +7 Athletics +10
Resistances: Immune to Slashing Damage, DR2 to Others

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Cutting Turn. The cutting cluster lunges at a creature, spinning to sever its body. Range 5
feet, +17 to hit, deals
4d6+6 slashing damage.

• Extend Blades. The cutting chip extends its blades,

trying to cut everyone nearby. All creatures within 10 feet of the Cluster must make a
DC20 Reflex save, taking 4d8+4 slashing damage, or just half as much on a failed

• Body of Blades. If a creature grabs the Slashing Cluster, it takes 2d10+5 slashing damage at
the start of every turn. Additionally, whenever a creature attacks Slashing Cluster melee,
it will take 5 slashing damage.

A curse whose body is just a cluster of blades, which can extend by tensing the body.

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Acid Scorpio
Cursed Spirit (ND6)
Hit Points: 225 Armor Class: 24
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 14 CON 20 INT 6 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +4 Fortitude +10 Reflex +4 Will +1

Initiative: +4 Attention: 14
Skills: Acrobatics +8 Athletics +9
Resistances: Immune to Acid Damage, DR5 to Others

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Claw Strike. The scorpion strikes with its claws, tearing the target apart.
Range 10 feet, +19 to hit, deals 3d6+11 damage

• Acid Sting. The scorpion advances quickly with its stinger. One
creature within 10 feet must make a Reflex saving throw, gaining
3d10+10 acid damage, or only half as much on a success.


• Adapted Movement. The acid scorpion is prepared to move through unsuitable

environments, ignoring difficult terrain.

A curse that takes the shape of a large scorpion, with acid running down its
entire body and concentrated in its claws and stinger.

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Dark Stalker
Cursed Spirit (ND6)
Hit Points: 290 Armor Class: 22
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 10
Saving Throws: Cunning +1 Fortitude +4 Reflex +10 Will +4

Initiative: +7 Attention: 18
Skills: Acrobatics +11 Stealth +14
Resistances: RD12 for All Types

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Shadow Stab. The stalker stabs with a shadow blade, range 5 feet, +17 to hit,
deals 2d8+13 psychic damage.
• Cover yourself with Shadows [Bonus Action]. The pursuer covers himself with
other people's shadows. If you are in an environment with some shadow,
use your bonus action to gain advantage on the next stealth roll.

• Attuned to Shadows. If the Shadow Stalker succeeds on a stealth check
against all enemies' Attention, he may choose to hide in the shadow of
any creature within 20 feet.
If you attack a creature from within a shadow, the target will be flat-
footed and will take an additional 2d8 damage. The Pursuer is expelled from
the shadow if it disappears.

The Dark Stalker is a small

manifestation of one of our greatest
fears: the dark. In front of
In his presence, you cannot trust even
your own shadow. It is a humanoid
figure, slender and with two dagger-
shaped hands, while its face shows
nothing but emptiness.

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Curse User
Cursed Spirit (ND6)
Hit Points: 225 Armor Class: 21 Energy Points: 10
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 16
Saving Throws: Cunning +4 Fortitude +2 Reflex +4 Will +11

Initiative: +4 Attention: 19
Skills: Acrobatics +8 Sorcery +16
Resistances: RD12 to Energy Damage, RD8 to Others

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Shooting. The Curse User fires a gun. Range of 12 meters,
+15 to hit, deals 2d8+9 piercing damage.
• Energy Shot [2PE]. The Curse User fires a shot of concentrated energy.
Range 60 feet, +17 to hit, deals
2d10+10 force damage.
• Create Barrier [Bonus Action]. As a bonus action, the User of
Curse can create up to 4 barriers, with 20 health points each.
For each barrier he creates, 1 EP is spent.

• Jujutsu knowledge. The Curse User knows techniques well
jujutsu. If you make a saving throw to resist a technique effect, you receive
+3 on the test.

A Curse User is a sorcerer who has decided to use jujutsu for evil.
This example focuses on ranged attacks and staying safe.

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Electrified Spirit
Cursed Spirit (ND7)
Hit Points: 360 Armor Class: 24
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 20 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 4
Saving Throws: Cunning +4 Fortitude +4 Reflex +11 Will +2

Initiative: +7 Attention: 15
Skills: Acrobatics +12 Athletics +10
Resistances: Immune to Shocking Damage, DR3 to Others

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Electric Punch. The Electrified Spirit throws a quick punch, covered in lightning.
Range 5 feet, +18 to hit, deals 4d8+8 shocking damage.
• Lightning Discharge. The Electrified Spirit discharges lightning. The beam
is discharged to a point within 40 feet, causing an explosion in a 10-
foot spherical area, forcing all creatures in the area to make a DC22 Fortitude
saving throw, taking 6d6+6 shocking damage, or just half as much
damage. a success.


• Electrified Aura. The aura of the electrified spirit carries the same
attribute of its body, forcing every creature that starts its turn within 10
feet of the spirit to make a DC22 Fortitude Savings, taking 2d10+5 shocking
damage, or just half as much on a success.
• Enhance Reflexes. The electrified spirit can enhance
their reflexes with an acceleration through electrification. Once per round,
the Electrified Spirit can choose to gain advantage on a Reflex saving throw.

A curse of distorted physique, with an electrification throughout his body and energy.

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Oni War Master

Cursed Spirit (ND7)
Hit Points: 525 Armor Class: 21
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 12 CON 22 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 12
Saving Throws: Cunning +2 Fortitude +11 Reflex +4 Will +4

Initiative: +3 Attention: 16
Skills: Athletics +17 Acrobatics +9
Resistances: RD12 to Physical Damage, RD8 to Other Types

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Armed Coup. The Oni Warmaster strikes with his halberd.
Range 10 feet, +18 to hit, deals 3d8+15 slashing damage.
• Shield Push [Bonus Action]. The Oni Warmaster tries
push with your shield. A creature within 5 feet must make an Athletics
check against the Oni. If the creature fails, it is pushed back up to 15 feet
and knocked prone.

• Presence of War. The Oni's presence attracts war.
Every “Oni” creature within 30 feet of the Master

of War receives +4 on attack rolls.

• Master's Commands. The Oni can
command those at its side, like
a warmaster. The Warmaster
can choose an “Oni” creature
within 9
meters and spend your
reaction to allow the creature to
perform an action of your choice.

A large, threatening and

powerful Oni. It has a carapace as
hard as stone, while it masterfully
wields a heavy weapon and a strong
shield. Their presence encourages
others of their kind to fight with more determination.

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Cursed Spirit (ND7)
Hit Points: 360 Armor Class: 24
Size: Medium Movement: 7.5 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 10 CON 20 INT 6 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +4 Fortitude +11 Reflexes +2 Will +4

Initiative: +2 Attention: 15
Skills: Athletics +8
Resistances: Immune to Acid Damage, Resistant to Poison Damage, DR10 to Others
Types, Vulnerable to Burning Damage

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Plague Vomit. The Pestilento releases grotesque vomit and
impregnated with a plague. Reaches a 3 meter cone, every creature in it
makes a DC22 Fortitude save, taking 4d8+12 acid damage, or just half as
much on a success.
• Release Swarm. The Pestilence releases a swarm of insects from its own body.
The swarm charges at a random creature within 30 feet, attacking with +18
to hit, dealing 2d10+15 damage

• Disgusting Aura. The Pestilence emanates a disgusting and uncomfortable
aura. A creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the Plague must make
a DC22 Fortitude save or take 2d8+4 acid damage.
• Cloying Presence. The very presence of the Pestilence makes any creature's
stomach turn. A creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the Plague must
make a DC22 Fortitude save.
If it fails, the creature is sickened for 1 round.

The Pestilento is a humanoid figure, but with a swollen body, with its pores leaking
a green, smelly and grotesque liquid. A swarm of flies and beetles always
accompanies him. Its odor alone is capable of making ordinary civilians faint,
threatening their lives greatly with its course of plague and disease.

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2nd Degree Threats

Acid Walker
Cursed Spirit (ND8)
Hit Points: 450 Armor Class: 26
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 12 CON 22 INT 6 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +5 Fortitude +12 Reflex +5 Will +3

Initiative: +4 Attention: 16
Skills: Acrobatics +9 Athletics +11
Resistances: Immune to Acid Damage, DR8 to Others

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Corrosive Bite. The acid walker advances with a bite
covered in acid. Range 5 feet, +19 to hit, deals 4d6+11 acid damage.

• Acid Bubble. The walker creates a corrosive bubble, which explodes and
covers a creature. A creature within 30 feet must make a saving throw

Fortitude DC24, taking 3d8+16 acid damage, or just half as much on a


• Acid Explosions. The pockets of acid in the Walker's body
can explode to cause damage. Twice per round, upon receiving an
attack, a bag explodes, forcing all creatures within 10 feet to make a
DC24 Fortitude save, taking 2d10+10 acid damage, or just half as
much on a failed save.
• Corrosion Track. The Acid Walker leaves a trail wherever he goes.
Whenever you pass a place, moving, that place is covered in acid, becoming
difficult terrain and dealing 2d6+6 acid damage to a creature that steps in
the wake.

A curse that carries several pockets of acid in its body and an aura

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Ten Views
Cursed Spirit (ND10)
Hit Points: 800 Armor Class: 31
Size: Medium Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 12 DEX 8 CON 18 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 8
Saving Throws: Cunning +15 Fortitude +6 Reflex +6 Will +4

Initiative: +2 Attention: 28
Skills: Acrobatics +9 Athletics +11 Perception +18
Resistances: Resistant to Psychic Damage, RD10 to Other Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Observe. Ten Gazes watches a creature, its eyes damaging the mind. Observes
a creature it can see, forcing it to make a DC28 Will save, taking 4d10+20
psychic damage, or just half as much on a success.

• Immobilizing Gaze. Provides an even more concentrated look,

managing to immobilize the observed. Observe a creature you can see,
which must make a Will save with DC28, receiving the Slow condition
on a success or Immovable on a failure, which lasts 2 rounds.

• Unfailing Attention. Holding a huge amount of eyes, it is almost impossible to
go unnoticed by his gaze. Ten Glances makes Perception rolls with
advantage to search for creatures.
• Multiple Eyes. With multiple eyes, Ten Glances is immune to the Blind
condition unless he receives it four times in the same scene.

A curse with the body covered by a dozen eyes, which seem to be able to destroy
just by observing.

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Life Decomposer
Cursed Spirit (ND12)
Hit Points: 1000 Armor Class: 34
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 18 DEX 16 CON 24 INT 8 WIS 6 CHA 6
Saving Throws: Cunning +6 Fortitude +17 Reflexes +9 Will +9

Initiative: +6 Attention: 20
Skills: Acrobatics +15 Athletics +16

Resistances: Immune to Necrotic Damage, DR12 to Other Types

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Play Decomposer. The Decomposer touches a creature and prompts its
decomposition. Range 10 feet, +27 to hit and deals 4d12+32
of necrotic damage.

• Death Release. The Decomposer releases death through the cracks in its body. All creatures
within 15 feet of him must make a DC31 Fortitude save, taking 3d10+28 necrotic damage,
or just half as much on a success. A creature that fails the save gains the Fragile
condition for 1 round.

• Absolute Decomposition. With the main purpose of decomposing and ending life, the
Decomposer presents a great risk. When reducing a creature to 0 hit points, it
enters death's door with 2 failures marked, having its life decay quickly.

• Hunger for Life. The hunger to absorb life, when satisfied, gives power to the Decomposer.
When managing to kill a creature, the Decomposer recovers 100 life points.

A curse with a savage appearance, with countless cracks that spill a liquid that seems to
decompose any life.

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Mind Scourger
Cursed Spirit (ND13)
Hit Points: 1300 Armor Class: 36
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 10 CON 18 INT 16 WIS 20 CHA 12
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +11 Reflexes +7 Will +19

Initiative: +3 Attention: 28
Skills: Acrobatics +13 Athletics +16 Intimidation +14
Resistances: Immune to Psychic Damage, DR13 to Others

Shares (Has 3 Shares)

• Agonizing Cacophony. The Mindbreacher causes a cacophony that instills deep
agony. All creatures within 60 feet that can hear the sounds must make a
DC33 Smarts saving throw, taking 6d12+32 psychic damage or just
half as much on a success.
• Sound of Condemnation. The Flagellator produces a more elaborate sound,
which seems to bring condemnation to those who hear it. All creatures
within 40 feet that can hear the sounds must make a DC33 Will save, taking
4d10+20 psychic damage, or just half as much on a success. If the save
succeeds, the creature gains the Doomed condition for 1 round; on a failure, he
also receives the Exposed condition, with both conditions lasting 2 rounds.


• Disconcerting note. When being targeted by an attack, once per round, the
Scourger can use his reaction to release a note that disconcerts the attacker,
forcing him to make a DC33 Smarts saving throw, with the attack being
nullified on a fail.
• Disjointed Mind. The Mind Scourger has an already disjointed and meaningless
mind, being immune to mind control and the Frightened, Confused
and Charmed conditions.

The Mind Scourger is a curse with what appear to be bizarre, distorted instruments
attached to his body, the sound of which is destructive.

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1st Degree Threats

Cursed Spirit (ND16)
Hit Points: 2000 Armor Class: 41 Energy Points: 48
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 16 DEX 10 CON 28 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 8
Saving Throws: Cunning +16 Fortitude +23 Reflex +11 Will +16

Initiative: +4 Attention: 26
Skills: Athletics +19 Sorcery +21
Resistances: Resistant to Elemental Damage, DR5 to Others

Shares (Has 2 Shares)

• Prismatic Shot. The Reflector uses its energy to produce light in its body and
perform a prismatic shot. 40 foot range, +38 to hit, deals 4d10+44 radiant
• Reflect [Reaction]. The Reflector focuses energy into your body to
reflect something created from it. When being the target of an energy
attack or skill, it consumes energy to reflect it, returning it to the user or
reversing the path. The energy cost depends on the level of the
reflected skill: 2 for level one; 4 for level two; 6 for level three; 10 for level
four and 20 for level five.


• Reactive Combat. The Reflector focuses its combat on reactions. Instead of a

reaction, the Reflector has 3 reactions per round.

A curse whose body is completely covered in a material similar to glass,

capable of reflecting cursed energy and absorbing any element well.

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Aka Manto
1st Rank Cursed Spirit (ND18)
Hit Points: 2500 Armor Class: 45
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 24 DEX 30 CON 26 INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 16
Saving Throws: Cunning +14 Fortitude +19 Reflex +26 Will +19

Initiative: +14 Attention: 32

Skills: Acrobatics +38 Athletics +25
Resistances: Immunity to Slashing Damage, Resistance to Physical Damage, RD20 to
Other Types
Immunities: Bleeding

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Bloodthirsty Cut. Aka Manto strikes with his dagger, cutting in a bloodthirsty
manner. Range 10 feet, +42 to hit, deals 5d10+52 slashing damage. A
target hit by the bloodthirsty slash receives a mark.

• Hemoexplosion [2 Actions]. Aka Manto causes an explosion of blood,

destroying the marks left. Every creature within 100 feet that has at least one
mark must make a Fortitude saving throw DC38+
2 for each brand beyond the first. If you fail, you lose
2d8+8 life for each mark. If this happens, you will
only lose half of the total.
• Maximum Technique – Rivers of Blood [1x
per Scene, 4 Actions]. Aka Manto
focuses all his energy to cut and create
rivers of blood around him. When using
Rivers of Blood, Aka Manto performs two
Blood Slash actions against every creature
within 18 meters of him, gaining advantage
on this attack, in addition to causing loss of
life instead of damage.

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• Red or Blue? At the beginning of every turn, Aka Manto must ask a
creature “Red or Blue?”, and the creature suffers consequences depending
on the answer: ÿ If it answers red, the next
bloodthirsty slash against the creature
The creature will ignore resistance and immunity to damage, in addition to
applying two marks instead of one.
ÿ If you answer blue, the next bloodthirsty cut will generate water to suffocate
the target, who must make a Fortitude save with DC44 or receive the
Disoriented condition for 1 round and receive 4d10 additional impact
ÿ If the person does not respond or tries to get around it with another
response, they will receive both effects.
• Bloodlust. Aka Manto has an insatiable thirst for blood,
feeding him. Whenever you land a bloodthirsty cut, Aka Manto heals for half the
damage caused.
• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, Aka Manto can choose to
automatically succeed on a saving throw.

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Hungry Lurker
Cursed Spirit (ND18)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 45
Size: Large Movement: 18 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 26 INT 20 WIS 12 CHA 14
Saving Throws: Cunning +19 Fortitude +19 Reflexes +26 Will +14

Initiative: +14 Attention: 29

Skills: Athletics +36 Acrobatics +38 Fighting +38 Intuition +19
Resistances: Resistant to Poison Damage, RD25 to Others

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Sharp claws. The Hungry Lurker slashes with sharp claws.

Range 10 feet, +42 to hit, deals 8d8+48 slashing damage.
• Grab and Smash. The Hungry Lurker tries to grab a creature with part of its hands, in
addition to crushing it. Make a Fighting roll against the creature, which must resist with
Athletics or Acrobatics and, on a failure, it will be grappled, in addition to receiving
4d12+50 impact damage.

• Devour [2 Actions]. The Hungry Lurker attempts to devour a creature with its sturdy jaw.
The target must make a Reflex save

with DC44, taking 6d10+60 piercing damage, or just half as much on a success. A grappled
creature makes the saving throw with disadvantage.
If the creature fails to resist, the Lurker devours part of its body, managing to evolve,
receiving a Metamorphosis characteristic, until it has all of them.

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• Adaptive Movement. The Hungry Lurker can adapt
very well to move in any situation. It ignores difficult terrain and can use
its movement to climb walls and stick to the ceiling without any harm.

• Predator's gaze. The Hungry Stalker's eyes are suited to

hunting. It ignores darkness effects completely.
• Feeding. The Lurker is able to feed itself to recover its own body. When
you kill an enemy, you can use your reaction to devour its body, recovering
life points equal to the constitution value of the devoured creature
multiplied by 10.
• Metamorphosis – Absolute Carapace. The Lurker evolves its carapace,
making it even more resistant and harder. Gain immunity to one damage
physique of your choice, in addition to increasing your DR from 25 to 40.
• Metamorphosis – Unrestricted Movement. The Lurker evolves his
movement to be unrestricted. It forms wings and can use its movement
to fly, which increases from 18 meters to 24.
• Metamorphosis – Ultimate Weapons. The Lurker evolves its weapons, the
claws, to be definitive. The increase bonus goes from +42 to +48, in
addition to dealing 2d8+12 additional damage in the Sharp Claws
attack. • Metamorphosis – Unshakable Resistance. The Lurker adapts to
being able to resist any obstacle and problem. Receives a +5 bonus on
resistance tests, in addition to always performing a TR of your choice with
• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, the Hungry Stalker can
choose to automatically succeed on a saving throw of his choice.

A cursed insect capable of stalking, climbing walls and always finding a

way to satisfy its hunger for evolution. It represents a common threat at first, but
each time it devours a different individual, a new trait will be released.

Armed with sharp claws and several paws that resemble human hands, its
versatility in combat is remarkable and it will follow a mysterious path in its

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Curse of Weapons
Cursed Spirit (ND19)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 47 Energy Points: 57
Size: Medium Movement: 18 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 24 INT 22 WIS 18 CHA 16
Saving Throws: Cunning +21 Fortitude +21 Reflex +27 Will +15

Initiative: +14 Attention: 33

Skills: Acrobatics +29 Athletics +27 Marksmanship +39
Resistances: Immune to Piercing Damage, Resistant to Slashing Damage and
Impact, RD20 Others

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Fast shot. The weapons curse performs rapid fire. Range 60 feet, +43 to hit, deals 6d10+45
piercing damage.
• Precision Shot [4PE]. The weapons curse creates a sniper rifle and fires with it, concentrating
energy to the point of creating a shock wave with the bullet. Range 150 feet, +45 to hit,
deals 10d10+50 force damage.

• Assault Discharge [2 Actions, 4EP]. The weapons curse creates two machine guns
and discharges them forward. Affects a 10-foot cone in front of you, forcing all
creatures in it to make a DC47 Reflex save, taking 8d12+48 piercing damage or just half
as much on a success.

• Ultimate Technique: Absolute Devastation [3 Actions, 15EP]. The curse of weapons

concentrates energy to create weapons with your entire body, causing the
absolute devastation of an area from multiple shots converging into one. When using
this action, choose a point within 120 feet, from which a discharge and explosion will occur
that affects a spherical area of 30 feet. All creatures in the area must make a DC47
Reflex save, taking 6d10+60

piercing damage or just half of it on a success, which comes from shots. After the shots,
the explosion occurs, forcing a Fortitude save with DC47, taking 7d12+52 force damage,
or just half on a success; a creature that fails the save also gains the Disoriented condition
for 2 rounds, due to the shockwave.

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• Inevitable Destruction. Destruction from gunfire is inevitable. Once per
round, Curse of Weapons can spend its reaction to cause an attack to
transform immunity into resistance, in addition to ignoring 30 DR.

• Firearms Master. The Curse of Weapons dominates

completely this type of weaponry. Whenever you are the target of an
attack with a firearm, you perform an Aim test against the attack,
canceling it if you exceed the result.
• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, the Weapons Curse
can choose to automatically succeed on a saving throw.

A humanoid curse with the special ability to manifest different firearms in its
body, firing concentrated energy to the limit or common projectiles
manifested from it.

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1st Rank Cursed Spirit (ND18)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 45

Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters, 9 Meters Flight

Attributes: STR 20 DEX 24 CON 25 INT 28 WIS 28 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Cunning +19 Fortitude +14 Reflex +19 Will +26

Initiative: +11 Attention: 37

Skills: Acrobatics +30 Persuasion +38

Resistances: Immunity to Cold Damage, Resistance to Physical Damage, DR20 to

Other Types, Vulnerable to Burning Damage

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Frozen Skewers. Yuki-Onna creates ice spikes and fires. 18 Meters Range, one target, +42 to
hit, deals 8d8+40 cold damage.
• Winter Breath. Yuki-Onna produces a powerful gust of freezing wind. All creatures in
a 15-foot cone in front of Yuki-Onna must make a DC44 Fortitude save, taking
6d10+35 cold damage, or just half as much on a success. A creature that fails also
gains the immobile condition for 1 round.

• Ultimate Technique – Blizzard Fury [1x Per Scene, 3 Actions]. Yuki-Onna focuses all her
power on bringing the blizzard to the battlefield.
Every creature within 40 feet must make a Fortitude saving throw with

DC44, taking 12d10+40 cold damage, or only half as much on a success. A creature that
fails the save is frozen, being incapacitated until the ice is broken, which has 200 HP.

• Storm Aura. A constant stormy blizzard surrounds Yuki-Onna. Any creature that starts its
turn within 10 feet of the Yuki-Onna must make a DC44 Fortitude save or take 4d8+18

cold damage. All terrain within 6 meters of it counts as difficult terrain.

• Frozen Coating. Yuki-Onna constantly coats her body with ice. At the beginning of every
round, she gains 200 temporary health points.

• Cursed Resistance (4x). Four times per scene, Yuki-Onna can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw.

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Special Grade Threats

Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND20)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 60
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 24 CON 22 INT 18 WIS 16 CHA 14
Saving Throws: Cunning +17 Fortitude +30 Reflex +23 Will +23

Initiative: +12 Attention: 33

Skills: Acrobatics +37 Athletics +40 Stealth +37
Resistances: Immune to Slashing Damage, RD35 to Others

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Slash with Scythe. Teke-Teke strikes with his scythe. Range 10 feet, +45
to hit, deals 7d10+49 slashing damage.
• Throw Scythe [4EP]. Teke-Teke throws his scythe, which
expands through energy. Affects a 10-foot cone in front of you, forcing
every creature in the area to make a DC49 Reflex save, taking 8d8+42
force damage, or just half as much on a success.
• Body Regeneration [4PE]. Teke-Teke uses energy to regenerate its body,
recovering 150 health points. Can be used twice per round.

• Domain Expansion – Season of Dividing Tragedy [3 Actions, 15EP].

Teke-Teke opens its domain expansion, covering and enclosing an area of 18
meters, which turns into a train station trapped in a perpetual night, with a
part of its space being the tracks.
Within the expansion, his Scythe Strike attack is guaranteed to hit, in addition
to forcing a creature hit by it to perform a DC49 Athletics check, being
pushed 6 meters on a failure, or 3 on a success. If a creature is pushed onto
part of the tracks, a train will be summoned immediately, advancing against
the creature that falls, which must perform a Fortitude Saving Throw with
DC55: on a success, it takes 15d10+50 force damage and performs two rolls
on the extreme consequences table for limb loss; on a failure, your hit
points are reduced to 0 and your body is split perfectly in half, leaving you
unconscious and, unless someone puts your body back together in the same
round, you will die at the start of the next. To reunite the body of someone
broken by the train requires the equivalent of regenerating 2 lost limbs
and a full action.

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• The Sound of Crawling. Just the sound of its crawling is characteristic,

frightening just by being heard. The first time Teke-Teke moves on its
turn, every creature within 60 feet it can hear must make a DC49 Will
save, gaining the Shaken condition on a success or Frightened on
a failure, both of which last 1 round. .

• Imperceptible Presence. Teke-Teke specializes in hiding,

managing to make his presence almost imperceptible. Teke-Teke perform
stealth checks with advantage.
• Cursed Resistance (6x). Six times per scene, the Teke-Teke can
choose to automatically succeed on a saving throw to its

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Dark Watch
Special Grade Cursed Spirit (ND22)
Hit Points: 3300 Armor Class: 30 Energy Points: 66
Size: Large Movement: 9 Meters
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 24 CON 30 INT 24 WIS 20 CHA 16
Saving Throws: Cunning +25 Fortitude +30 Reflex +25 Will +19

Initiative: +12 Attention: 37

Skills: Acrobatics +34 Athletics +42 Stealth +34
Resistances: Immune to Necrotic Damage, RD40 to Others

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Smash [2PE]. The Dark Watcher uses his large hands, reinforced with energy, to
crush a creature. 10 foot range, +45 to hit, deals 6d10+60 impact damage.

• Sonic Wave [5PE]. With energy and brute strength, the Watcher causes a sonic wave
when he claps his hands. All creatures within 30 feet of the Watcher must make a DC49
Fortitude save, taking 5d12+68 force damage, or just half as much on a success. A
creature that fails also gains the Disoriented condition for 1 round.

• Domain Expansion – Depths of

Burial Darkness [3 Actions, 15EP]. The Dark Watcher
raises his domain expansion, covering and
enclosing a 18-meter spherical area, which will
become a cave-like space, which
remains in perpetual darkness. Inside the

expansion, the actions of the

Watchers are guaranteed
to hit and the complete
darkness effect is applied
to all creatures; your AC
is doubled as is your

movement, and it will be

Invisible, blending into the darkness.

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• Insist on Strength. The Watchman can insist on seeking success that
involves his strength. Once per round, you can pay 2PE to reroll a test
that uses strength, getting the best result.
• Extreme Physique. Big, burly and strong, the Watcher cannot be
grabbed by creatures that are a smaller size category than

• Breaking Necks. With his large hands, breaking a creature's neck is the same
as simply breaking a stick. When performing the Smash action without
being noticed, it will be a guaranteed critical, also multiplying the
damage bonus.
• Cursed Resistance (6x). Six times per scene, the Dark Watcher can choose
to automatically succeed a saving throw of his choice.

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Creation Guide
Although there are several threats and enemies in the Grimoire of Curses, a
master may still end up having ideas that are not found here or needing
something very specific to the situation. And creating an enemy is not always simple.

Therefore, in this chapter there will be a creation guide, designed to offer a

good reference on each part of the assembly, as well as base values for each
aspect. These are not rules, but rather recommendations, as there is no way
to form an absolute guide, given the countless factors that affect combat,
such as the players' level of knowledge and experience, number of
characters and much more.

Step 1: Concept
Before putting together the systematic part of a creature, placing the numbers, it
is necessary to think about its basis, its concept. What defines the creature as
a threat? How is she dangerous to the group? What are your main weapons?
Your combat strategy?

Ask yourself about its characteristics and write it down, to later translate it into
the RPG. Good threats can be described in a simple and effective way, such
as Sukuna, who is “a cruel sorcerer, capable of producing almost invisible cuts
that can easily destroy anyone ”. Although it is summarized, it highlights its
main form of destruction, which is its cuts.

Another important factor is that, for the most part, threats will appear only once
or a few times, needing to show the maximum of their capabilities in a single
combat as, normally, the characters will want to neutralize the threat at once.
Prioritize quality over quantity, because just as a creature with few abilities can
become boring, one with many can become exaggeratedly complex.

Furthermore, think about the function of the creature, as there are those
enemies faced in groups, such as lesser curses, and those that are made for
the group to face alone, such as the Jujutsu disaster curses, which are extremely
powerful alone, thus requiring ways to defend yourself and lots of life points, to
last against an entire group.

Remember something important, too: curses are cruel and extremely powerful.
Sorcerers are sometimes easily taken down by those of higher level, who are
feared by all and faced only by those who take their abilities to the maximum.

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Step 2: Size and Movement

With the concept in mind, you need to start putting together your attribute sheet. A basic
point, although not always considered, is its size and its ability to move.

The size affects, mechanically, the space it occupies, its natural reach and in combat,
granting bonuses in stealth or fighting maneuvers.

Movement is also linked to size, as normally larger creatures will have a greater displacement
as well, since the step of a colossal creature takes it much further than that of a small creature.

First, you need to choose between one of the six size categories which are, respectively, tiny,
small, medium, large, huge and colossal.
Below, there is a table with the properties of each size.

Category of Modifier
Example Busy and
Size Stealth/Maneuver
Tiny Fly Curse 1.5m +5/-5
Small Divine Dog 1.5m +2/-2
Average Humanoids 1.5m 0
Big Mahoraga 3m -2/+2
Huge Ganesha 4.5m -5/+5
Colossal Rainbow Dragon 9m -10/+10

When talking about the space occupied by the creature, it is relevant on maps that use the grid
system. A creature that occupies 3m occupies 3m x 3m, which becomes 2x2 squares on a
map, since one square is equal to 1.5m.

After choosing the size, the only thing left to do is choose its movement capacity. In the next
table, average movement values will be indicated that account for two factors: creature size
and speed. Even within
an equal size category, there are creatures that are faster than others, and this is common.

Just be careful with the extremes, as a very low movement is a huge disadvantage while a
large movement allows strategies and makes combat difficult for those with little reach.

Another important factor is that quadrupedal creatures can usually move faster than bipedals.
Curses with a less human body may have this possibility.

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Movement Table (Bipeds)

Size Slow Normal Fast

Tiny 3 meters 4.5 meters 6 meters
Small 4.5 meters 6 meters 9 meters
Average 6 meters 9 meters 12 meters
Big 6 meters 9 meters 12 meters
Huge 9 meters 12 meters 15 meters
Colossal 9 meters 12 meters 15 meters

Movement Table (Quadrupeds)

Size Slow Normal Fast

Tiny 4.5 meters 6 meters 7.5 meters
Small 6 meters 9 meters 12 meters
Average 9 meters 12 meters 15 meters
Big 9 meters 12 meters 15 meters
Huge 12 meters 15 meters 18 meters
Colossal 12 meters 15 meters 18 meters

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Step 3: Challenge Level

With the concept and base characteristics of the threat chosen, it is time
to decide the main metric of its power, which is the Challenge Rating (ND). From
the ND it is possible to obtain an estimate of how dangerous the creature will be
for a group of characters, following the calculation that four characters with a
level equal to the creature's ND can face it. Think of CR as the creature's

As said, it is an estimate, as many variables influence its accuracy, such as

the number of characters in the group, their power level, allies, etc.

In addition to choosing ND thinking about the group you want it to challenge,

it is also interesting to take its concept into account. Special grade curses
would have CR20 or higher, arising from the greatest fears, while simpler
and more ordinary ones, meant to be lesser threats, would have a lower CR.

The ND standard is to go from 1 to 20, but, for special cases, it is possible to

exceed this number, such as the Sukuna token in the Basic Book, which has
an ND30. The calculation using a CR greater than the characters'
maximum level takes into account external sources of power, such as items,
and also characters mounted to be stronger.

Choosing ND affects several future steps in the creation guide, as well as

serving as an indication in certain tables.

Another way to view DN is by placing it in the Jujutsu classification system,

which will also be referred to again in the guide. Consider that:

• Threats of CR 1 to 4 would be the equivalent of fourth-degree curses,

faced by novice sorcerers who are in training.
• Threats of CR 5 to 7 would be the equivalent of third-degree curses, faced
by sorcerers with some experience in the field.
• Threats of CR 8 to 13 would be the equivalent of second-degree
curses, faced by strong and well-trained sorcerers.
• Threats of CR 14 to 19 would be the equivalent of first-degree curses,
faced by sorcerers who are close to their maximum, with a lot of
experience, training and practice.
• Threats of ND20 or more would be of special grade, faced by
large groups of strong sorcerers or those whose power is off the charts,
like Yuta, Gojo and Yuki, for example.

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Step 4: Combat Attributes

The next step in creation is one of the most important, which is defining the threat's
combat attributes . Combat attributes include hit points, attack bonuses, average damage, armor
class, etc.

To define these values, the ND chosen for the threat is used, being
placed in the table an average of each value based on each level value

challenge. However, of course only an average is offered, providing values that can just be entered
directly, without any calculations and you can even customize them.

An easy, quick and practical way to customize values is by adjusting a value to be like that of a
threat 1 or 2 challenge levels higher, based on the imagined concept. For example, if you imagined
a very tough threat, you could increase its hit points or armor class by 1 or 2 levels. However,
it is necessary to balance, decreasing some other value by 1 or 2 levels, compensating
a stronger point with another weaker point.

Below, each of the attributes, their values and application will be explained.

Endurance Tests. The table presents three values per ND, representing the greatest threat
resistance, the two average ones and the weak one. Thus, you must distribute these values
among the 4 saving throw skills.

Armor Class and Hit Points. Armor class is the value

necessary for the creature to be hit, which can be either physical resistance or the use of energy to
protect itself, for example. Your hit points represent your ability to keep fighting, in general.

Hit Bonus. The default bonus value to the creature's attack rolls, standardized for all
actions that require one.

Medium Damage. Average damage represents how much damage the creature has the potential to
do within its turn, divided between its various actions. Typically, creatures that are not designed
to be faced alone will have fewer attack options. Average damage does not consider critical
hits or damaging skills. You can divide the average damage as you wish between the actions,
including deciding the dice used and the modifiers, making it interesting to create a balance
between the possible damage, with the dice roll, and the guaranteed damage, with the modifiers.

Difficulty Class. Indicates the DC to resist the creature's attacks and abilities that require a
saving throw.

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Additionally, an unspecified value that, although not commonly used, may turn out
to be necessary or interesting is energy points. A threat would have energy points equal to
its CR x 3.

Bonuses Damage Class of Resist. Resist. Resist. Points

Hit Average Armor Strong Averages Weak of Life
1 +6 12 13 +3 +2 -two 50 14
two +8 20 14 +5 +2 -1 75 15
3 +10 25 16 +6 +3 +0 110 16
4 +12 30 18 +7 +3 +1 150 17
5 +15 35 21 +8 +3 +1 225 18
6 +17 45 22 +10 +4 +1 290 20
7 +18 60 24 +11 +4 +2 360 22
8 +19 70 26 +12 +5 +3 450 24
9 +20 125 29 +14 +5 +4 600 26
10 +22 140 31 +15 +6 +4 800 28
11 +24 165 32 +16 +8 +5 910 30
12 +27 175 34 +17 +9 +6 1000 31
13 +31 210 36 +19 +11 +7 1300 33
14 +34 220 37 +21 +13 +8 1550 35
15 +36 240 39 +22 +14 +10 1900 38
16 +38 265 41 +23 +16 +11 2300 40
17 +40 320 44 +25 +18 +13 2600 42
18 +42 345 45 +26 +19 +14 2800 44
19 +43 380 47 +27 +21 +15 3000 47
20 +45 440 50 +30 +23 +17 3300 49

For cases where a threat exceeds ND20, it is difficult to create an exact parameter,
leaving you to increase the values of what you think is most necessary for the creature
to have at more extreme levels.

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Step 5: Attacks and Skills

After defining the attributes, it is necessary to create the threat's attacks and
skills, which channel the attributes and put them into practice.

Attacks are the main source of damage, using the actions that a threat possesses.
The average damage shown in the table, as mentioned, boils down to the damage
that the creature can cause on its turn, which can be divided between several
or a few attack options.

There is no exact standard for how each attack can work, it is possible to
create attacks that deal less damage but apply conditions or attacks with
massive damage, but that's it. In addition to the possibility of creating more
attack options to achieve a greater range of types of damage that the creature
can inflict, increasing its versatility.

Normally, a threat will have a number of common actions that it can perform
within its turn, with a standard of 1 action for each tier, totaling 5 actions for
special tier enemies. When it says X actions, it refers to common actions,
while a creature will normally only have one bonus action and one reaction.

With the attacks made, let's move on to the skills, which are the special traits of
each threat, placing their characteristics on your sheet. Before defining what the
skills are, think about how many there will be, based on your concept.
A good rule of thumb to follow is that a creature can gain one to two abilities
per rank. Therefore, a third-tier creature (ND5-7) could have between two and
four abilities, for example.

Take this just as a general rule, as it is also possible for a creature to have
few powerful abilities or more moderate abilities, making it difficult to balance
how strong the abilities are.

Abilities can be either active (manipulation of cursed energy) or passive (aura

characteristics, control and properties).
A good source for ideas for active abilities is the system's own cursed abilities,
which involve the use of cursed energy.

You can either create your own skills or use one of the skills listed,
after the creation guide.

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In Wizards and Curses, there are also some aspects that are recommended and,
sometimes, even necessary, which are:

• Out of Turn Actions, which is a common capability in security threats

higher level, allowing them to make an impact even outside their shift,
contributing to the economy of actions. Creatures of first rank or higher
can gain this ability.
• Immunities, which is about a creature being immune to certain conditions,
making it difficult to weaken. Creatures of first rank or above will typically
be immune to some conditions, making it a valuable defensive
• Life/Body Regeneration, which is not a rare resource in the world of
Jujutsu Kaisen. Enemies that are cursed can recover their body through
cursed energy and those that are human can use reverse energy
on themselves. It is common then for more special enemies to be able to
heal themselves with one action.
• Damage Reduction, as well as resistance, are ways to last
better against incoming damage. Most Sorcerer and Curse threats
have damage reduction values against all types, being a general
defensive tool. This is important as characters are capable of
dealing large amounts of damage.
• Cursed Resistance, which is the ability to automatically succeed on
a saving throw, avoiding extremely harmful conditions or effects. It
is a very useful tool for high level enemies, allowing them to last longer.
It is common to find this trait in enemies of second rank or

Although not necessary, all of these characteristics can help create a really
strong and dangerous threat, especially against high-level characters.

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Step 6: Secondary Attributes

To finish a creature, all that remains is to form its secondary attributes, which
are normally less impactful in combat. This does not mean, however, that they
are unnecessary.

The first step in secondary is to actually decide the creature's attributes,

placing a value on the six: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence,
Wisdom and Charisma. A complex calculation is not necessary to know the
attributes, leaving it to the creator's discretion, based on the concept. Keep in
mind that 10 is the median for each attribute.

From these attributes, you can decide two other attributes:

• Attention, whose value is equal to 10 + CR + wisdom modifier.

• Initiative, whose bonus is equal to the Dexterity modifier + 1 for each
degree of the creature.

Finally, all that remains is to decide the creature's skill bonus, finalizing its sheet.
When it comes to a creature's skills, they can be either common or

The standard calculation for a creature's skill bonus is half the CR + attribute
modifier used in the skill. However, just like player characters, there are skills
where the creature stands out, these being the mastered skills.

You choose which skills the creature masters, changing the calculation to CR
+ attribute modifier used in the skill.

However, at higher levels, such a calculation may not result in a truly

impactful value. To resolve this, you may decide to add a +5 or +10 bonus to a
specific skill, indicating even greater dominance and mastery in it.

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Playing as Curses
In Sorcerers and Curses, players will normally be sorcerers, fighting the
curses. However, there is still the possibility of allowing players to be the curses
within the game. To achieve this, this chapter will explain how to raise this

In addition to an origin of its own, it is possible to find a list of unique cursed

abilities, which are based on the unique constitution of a cursed spirit.

Creating a Curse
Being an alternative found in a book intended for Storytellers, it is precisely
necessary that it be something allowed by the narrator and discussed with the player,
since it is a different dynamic from the standard.

It is possible to either create a group of characters made up entirely of curses, or

place a single curse among the group. However, curses are commonly evil and
enemies of humanity.

Curses are divided into three different types, with their peculiarities:

• Vengeful Cursed Spirit: Which are curses that arise from a human who
became a curse after his death, with a spirit corrupted and transformed
into something evil. They are more common to arise from sorcerers who
were not killed with cursed energy.
An example is Rika Orimoto and Michizane Sugawara.
• Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit:
Curses that manifest themselves from the cumulative
fears of the masses, since when many people share
a fear, such as yokais and macabre stories, a
curse can form. Kuchisake-Onna is an
example, arising from an urban legend.

• Cursed Spirit of Disease: These are

curses that arise from plagues and
diseases, which are concepts already
cursed by humanity constantly. One
example is the Curse of Smallpox.

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A curse appears in different ways and can take on different types, which is
decided based on its history and reason for existing. They are peculiar beings,
formed completely by cursed energy, appearing in all possible grotesque
shapes and sizes, in addition to having the instinct to curse humans.

It is natural that curses can utilize cursed energy, as it is what makes up your body.
In addition to having unique skills and techniques, they can also use other
capabilities that involve energy, such as domain expansions. They are naturally
stronger than humans.

Curses can have any specialization, as well as cursed techniques.

Origin Skills
If you are a Curse, you gain the following traits:

Attribute Bonus. A curse receives 4 additional points to distribute among its

attributes, with a maximum of 3 points in the same attribute. Every 4 levels, you
can also increase the limit of an attribute by 2.

Metaphysical Existence. His existence is composed of pure cursed energy.

You cannot be perceived or touched by people who are not sorcerers, except in
death situations. You are immune to damage that does not come from cursed
energy (cursed tools, energy-imbued strikes, cursed techniques). However, you are
vulnerable to energy damage

Cursed Nature. With a nature that derives from

your own energy, you have become more
familiar with it and can reach new heights more
easily. You receive a cursed ability of your
choice, and another at 10th and 15th
level, which you must meet the
requirements for. Furthermore,
You gain 1 additional cursed
energy point per level.

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Exclusive Cursed Abilities

As mentioned, a curse has access to certain cursed abilities that are unique to a
being formed from the energy itself. Certain cursed abilities are equivalent to others already
available to common characters, but with unique aspects.

A curse can also choose cursed skills from the standard list, except for reverse energy

Anatomy Skills
Your own anatomy and body are cursed, so you can develop them from energy in different

Elemental Absorption
You can absorb the element that makes it up, in order to reinvigorate yourself. When you take
damage from your chosen element in Elemental Composition, you can use your reaction to gain
temporary hit points equal to half the damage taken. [Prerequisite: Level 8, Elemental

Natural Weapons
Aiming for combat, its anatomy developed natural weapons. Your natural weapon has a
shape of your choice, and deals 1d6 damage, of one of 3 physical types of your choice. You can
use both strength and dexterity with your natural weapon and, every 5 levels, your damage
increases by 1d6.

Improved Natural Weapons

Your body evolves in order to improve your natural weapons, taking them to a higher level. The
damage die of your natural weapons increases to 1d8, in addition to receiving a +1 bonus to hit
and damage for attacks made with them, which increases by +1 at levels 10, 15 and 20.
[Prerequisite: Level 5, Natural Weapons]

Elemental Composition
You are made up of an element, which dictates a lot about your own existence. When
obtaining this ability, you must choose a type of elemental damage to be composed of: you
receive immunity to the chosen type of damage, in addition to being able to cause it in
unarmed or weapon attacks. [Prerequisite: Level 4]

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Body Growth
Your body grows and develops at an accelerated rate. When you gain this ability, you increase
one size category. From 10th level onwards you can obtain this ability again, up to the maximum
category of Huge. [Prerequisite: Level 5]

Physical Development

You achieve superior physical development, with your own energy strengthening you. When
obtaining this ability, a physical attribute (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) of your choice increases
by 2. Every 4 levels you can take this ability again, but increasing the attribute only by 1, instead of 2.

[Prerequisite: Level 4]

Additional Eyes

Strangely, more eyes begin to appear on his body, sharpening his sense of vision. You gain a +2
bonus to Perception, which increases by +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20; Furthermore, your attention is
now based on 12 instead of 10.


Its body is covered in a coating, effective against physical damage. You take RD to physical damage
equal to your Constitution modifier. [Prerequisite: Level 4, Constitution 14]

Evolved Coating

Your body's covering evolves, increasing your defensive capabilities.

The DR to physical damage granted by the ability becomes twice your Constitution modifier.
[Prerequisite: Level 10, Constitution 20]

Physical Superiority
His body is adapted to be naturally superior in a martial way, forming based on the needs of
combat. You receive a bonus

+2 to Athletics and Acrobatics rolls, which increases by +1 at levels 10, 15 and 20; Additionally, once
per round, you can pay 2PE to gain advantage on a maneuver roll, such as grapple or push.
[Prerequisite: Level 5, Fighting Mastery]

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Control and Reading Skills

Control and reading abilities involve curses' natural proficiency with
cursed energy.

Cursed Absorption
You can absorb traces of energy left by those who wield it. When you
kill an energy user, you regain an amount of energy equal to your mastery
bonus. [Prerequisite: Sorcery Mastery]

Expanded Stock
By recognizing the essence of energy well, due to your connection with it, you
expand your stock. Your maximum cursed energy increases by an amount
equal to your mastery bonus. [Prerequisite: Level 10]

Potential Extraction
You focus on extracting your potential to manipulate and control the cursed
energy that makes you up. If you don't have one, you gain mastery in Sorcery;
If you have it, you become an expert in sorcery. Additionally, you gain an
additional technique ability, gaining one more at 10th level.
[Prerequisite: Level 5]

Constant Protection
You constantly strengthen your body, generating constant protection from the
energy that flows. At the beginning of each round, you gain temporary hit
points equal to your Constitution modifier multiplied by your mastery
bonus. [Prerequisite: Level 10, Constitution 20]

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Special Abilities
Special Abilities are specific and more different in their functioning.
A portion of them involves the replacement of Reverse Energy, using the peculiar
regeneration of curses.

Body Regeneration
Using pure energy, you can regenerate your body from it, healing from injuries. You
become able to spend energy points to heal yourself. As a common action, you can
spend up to 4 points of cursed energy to heal yourself; for every 2 points spent, you
heal yourself for 1d6 + your Constitution or Charisma modifier. At levels 5, 10, 15,
and 20, healing increases by 1d6. You cannot heal other people this way, with your
energy being used exclusively to heal you.

Augmented Regeneration
Its regenerative capacity was greatly expanded, developing better. Your healing die
with Body Regeneration increases to d8, and you now add twice your constitution or
charisma modifier. The maximum amount of points that can be spent to heal yourself
is now equal to twice your mastery bonus. [Prerequisite: Level 10, Body Regeneration]

Maximum Regeneration
Your regenerative capacity is pushed to the maximum, demonstrating how you
master the ease of regenerating from curses. Your healing die with Body Regeneration
increases to d10. The maximum amount of points that can be spent to heal increases
by 2. [Prerequisite: Level 16, Enhanced Regeneration]

Limb Regeneration
You become able to regenerate your limbs with energy, which is done more easily.
You can, as a common action, spend 16 points of cursed energy to regenerate a lost
limb or internal wound.
[Prerequisite: Level 12, Enhanced Regeneration]

Unstoppable Flow
Energy constantly flows throughout your body, to the point where your
regeneration is almost unstoppable. At the start of your turn, you can heal yourself with
bodily regeneration as a free action. If you don't, you may heal as a reaction to having
your health reduced. [Prerequisite: Level 12, Body Regeneration]

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Domain Area
You tap into one of the areas of cursed abilities, making it your domain. The
level requirements of cursed skills of the selected type decrease by 1; By
obtaining this skill, you can take a cursed skill of this type. [Prerequisite:
Level 10, Sorcery Specialization]

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Adapted Threats – Jujutsu Sorcerers

When deciding to play as a curse, the enemies and threats become jujutsu
sorcerers, being the enemies of curses and those who focus on exorcising as
many as possible.

To make it easier to obtain enemy tokens for a curse-focused campaign, jujutsu

sorcerers are adapted as threats in this chapter.
Therefore, you can find tokens for Nanami, Gojo, Itadori and several other
relevant sorcerers who are aligned with the jujutsu school.

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Yuji Itadori (Shibuya)

Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND16)
Hit Points: 2300 Armor Class: 40 Energy Points: 48
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 24 CON 24 INT 18 WIS 16 CHA 18
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +23 Reflex +16 Will +16

Initiative: +11 Attention: 29

Skills: Acrobatics +33 Athletics +34 Integrity +33
Resistances: Resistant to Impact Damage, RD25 to Cutting and Piercing,
RD16 to Other Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Itadori strikes in unarmed combat, using punches and kicks reinforced
with energy. Range 5 feet, +38 to hit, deals 6d10+30 impact or strength damage, your
• Manji Kick [1x per Round, Reaction]. Itadori quickly releases his knees in reaction to a
blow, looking to dodge and attack back. When using this reaction, Itadori performs an
Athletics test and, if the result is higher than the attack test, he dodges the attack
and attacks back with a powerful kick, forcing the target to perform a Reflex save with
DC42, receiving 5d12 +38 impact damage, or just half as much on a success. A
creature that fails the save also gains the Stunned condition for one round, due to the
impact of the blow.


• Extreme Strength and Reflexes. Itadori has strength and

extreme reflexes, becoming even more refined when reinforced with
energy. Whenever making an Acrobatics or Athletics check, Itadori
can choose to pay 2EP to gain advantage on this check.

• Divergent Fist. Arising from a bad custom,

the divergent fist is Itadori's own technique.
When dealing damage with an attack, Itadori can choose to store
half of this damage to be dealt in the next round, representing
two parts of the strike; when the other half of the damage
is dealt, the creature must make a DC40 Fortitude
save, and if it fails, the damage will be dealt as if the
enemy were vulnerable.

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• Black Lightning. Itadori was chosen by the black sparks, achieving

apply Kokusen. When rolling a 20 on an attack roll, the damage will have a 3x multiplier
and will ignore any type of resistance or immunity.
• Host of Sukuna. Itadori is Sukuna's host, having his
body altered by this. Itadori is immune to the poisoned condition and poison damage;
Furthermore, when sharing his soul with Sukuna, if Itadori is going to receive soul damage,
Sukuna will attack the one who tries to inflict the damage.

• Energy Boost. Itadori is always defensively reinforcing his body with energy. At the
beginning of every round, Itadori gains 100 temporary health points.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene, Itadori can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw to your

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Megumi Fushiguro
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND16)
Hit Points: 1800 Armor Class: 38 Energy Points: 48
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 18 DEX 22 CON 18 INT 26 WIS 20 CHA 18
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +11 Reflex +16 Will +16

Initiative: +10 Attention: 31

Skills: Acrobatics +22 Athletics +20 Stealth +32
Resistances: RD20 for All Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Megumi enters unarmed combat. Range 5 feet, +38 to hit,
deals 5d10+20 impact damage.
• Shadow Jump. Megumi jumps at a shadow she can see within 40 feet, taking
shelter in it. It is also possible to jump from a shadow
to the other.
• Dark Concealment. Megumi hides in darkness and shadows,
becoming almost invisible. When using this action, perform a Stealth test;
for the rest of the round, against any creature whose Attention is lower than the
test result, Megumi receives the Invisible condition.
• Summon Shadow. Megumi summons one of the ten shadows, according to the
Invocations (Ten Shadows) section, varying in cost, actions and effects.
• Escape from the Rabbit (1x per Round). Megumi summons rabbits to escape an
attack. As a reaction, when being targeted by an attack, Megumi can summon
rabbits, nullifying the attack by moving to a point within 9 meters
of her choice.

• Comfortable in the Shadows. Megumi is proficient in
stealth, and this proves even stronger while in the shadows. If
you are in an environment suffering from the effects of darkness,
Megumi gains advantage on stealth tests.

• Stock of Shadows. Megumi can store items within her

own shadow by quickly pulling them out.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene, Megumi can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw of her

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Invocations (Ten Shadows)

• Divine Dog: Totality. Megumi invokes the Divine Dog: Totality, the
joining the two dogs into just one, in the face of the death of one of them. The
sheet for this invocation is not yet adapted as an enemy, use your sheet
from the Cursed Encyclopedia as a base. • Nue.
Megumi summons Nue, a large bird capable of producing
electricity and move quickly. The sheet for this invocation is not yet adapted
as an enemy, use your sheet from the Cursed Encyclopedia as
a basis.
• Frog. Megumi summons the frog, a small shikigami capable of using its long
tongue to immobilize. The sheet for this invocation is not yet adapted as an
enemy, use your sheet from the Cursed Encyclopedia as a basis.

• Maximum Elephant. Megumi summons the ultimate elephant, her most robust
invocation, in the form of an elephant capable of firing devastating jets of
water. The sheet for this invocation is not yet adapted as an enemy, use your
sheet from the Cursed Encyclopedia as a basis. • Divine
General Mahoraga. Megumi summons the Divine General Mahoraga, a
shikigami he cannot control, but demonstrates great power as an emergency
resource. When invoking, use the Divine General Mahoraga token
present in this book, and he will attack all creatures included in the
exorcism ritual, including Megumi himself.

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Nobara Kugisaki
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND16)
Hit Points: 2000 Armor Class: 40
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 22 CON 20 INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 22
Saving Throws: Cunning +11 Fortitude +16 Reflex +23 Will +16

Initiative: +10 Attention: 29

Skills: Acrobatics +27 Athletics +21

Resistances: RD25 for All Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Hammer blow. Nobara strikes with her hammer. Range 5 feet, +38 to hit, deals 3d12+40
impact damage.
• Nail Shooting. Nobara fires nails, hitting them with her
hammer. Range 60 feet, +38 to hit, deals 6d6+35 piercing damage. Nobara can choose to
use additional actions to fire multiple nails at once; If a nail misses, it becomes stuck in the

• Hair clip. Nobara remotely explodes one of the nails attached to the environment, causing an
explosion of energy. When using this action, a nail of your choice explodes, affecting a
spherical area of 3 meters; Every creature within the area must make a Fortitude saving
throw with

DC40, taking 5d10+35 force damage, or just half

in a success.

• Resonance. If you have a trace or piece of a
creature, Nobara can combine it with her straw doll, allowing the use of
Hammer Blow on the doll, where the damage will be reflected back to the

• Black Lightning. Nobara is able to reach black lightning. If you get a 20 on

an attack roll with Hammer Strike, your critical multiplier will be
increased by +1x for damage, in addition to ignoring any resistance or

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene Nobara can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw of her choice.

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Yuta Okkotsu
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND30)
Hit Points: 3000 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 120
Size: Medium Movement: 15 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 30 CON 24 INT 30 WIS 24 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +25 Fortitude +25 Reflex +30 Will +18

Initiative: +15 Attention: 47

Skills: Acrobatics +50 Athletics +48 Perception +47
Resistances: Resistant to Physical Damage, RD35 to Other Types

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Yuta uses unarmed combat, reinforcing his body with energy.
Range 5 feet, +50 to hit, deals
6d6+66 impact damage.
• Katana. Yuta swings with his katana. Range 1.5 meters, +50 to
to hit, deals 8d8+58 slashing damage.
• Energy Wave [3PE]. Yuta releases a wave of energy from his sword. Affects a
15-foot cone from Yuta, forcing every creature in it to make a DC52 Fortitude
save, gaining
6d10+60 force damage, or only half as much on a success.
• Reverse Energy [2x per Round, 4EP]. Yuta heals himself with reverse energy,
regenerating himself greatly. Yuta recovers 150 health points,
being able to spend an additional 4PE to regenerate a lost
• Summon Rika [10PE]. Yuta manifests Rika, his shikigami who
allows him to copy techniques and accompanies him in combat.
Rika has not yet been adapted as an enemy, but you
can use her record in the Cursed Encyclopedia as a
• Domain Expansion [15EP, 3 Actions]. It is known that
Yuta is capable of using domain expansion, but it was not
shown in the work.

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• Copy. Yuta is capable of copying cursed techniques, as long as Rika
manages to bite the user of the technique while summoned. Whenever
Rika hits a creature with a bite, if it has a technique, Yuta becomes able
to use her skills: if this happens, Yuta can use his actions and energy
to perform actions and use the creature's technique. You can also
decide that Yuta already has certain techniques copied from before, adding
to his standard actions.
• Superior Defensive Reinforcement. Yuta makes up for his simple
physique with an intense boost of energy in his body. At the beginning
of every round, Yuta gains 200 temporary health points.
• Black Lightning. Yuta is able to achieve black lightning. If you get a 20
on a melee attack roll, the attack will have its critical multiplier increased
by +1x and will ignore any type of resistance or immunity.

• Cursed Resistance (5x). Five times per scene, Yuta can choose to
automatically succeed a saving throw of his choice.

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Kento Nanami
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND20)
Hit Points: 2850 Armor Class: 50 Energy Points: 60
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 24 CON 24 INT 22 WIS 20 CHA 18
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +30 Reflex +23 Will +17

Initiative: +11 Attention: 35

Skills: Acrobatics +36 Athletics +37 Integrity +36
Resistances: Resistant to Physical Damage, RD30 to Other Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Blunt Sword. Nanami slashes with her blunt sword. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit,
deals 4d10+40 force or impact damage.

• Light Proportion [1PE]. Nanami scores a target with a light ratio.

During a round, Nanami can choose to aim in proportion, receiving -3
on hit, but having her critical value reduced to 19 and her multiplier increased
by +1x on attack.
• Average Proportion [3PE]. Nanami marks a target with a ratio
average, more lethal. During a round, Nanami can choose to aim in proportion,
receiving -6 on hit, but having her critical value reduced to 18 and her
multiplier increased by +1x on attack, in addition to ignoring an RD value equal
to 20.
• Extreme Proportion [6PE]. Nanami marks a target with an
extreme proportion, which turns her blows into
something devastating. During a round, Nanami
can choose to aim in proportion, receiving -10 on hit, but
having her critical value reduced to 17 and her multiplier
increased by +2x on attack, in addition to ignoring an RD
value equal to 20 and, if she hits critical on the attack, the
creature that receives it loses a limb.
• Collapse [2 Actions, 4PE]. Nanami creates a weak point
in the surrounding environment, allowing it to
collapse with a single blow. When using this
action, an area 20 feet from Nanami can be
destroyed, turning it into difficult
terrain and causing damage with

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• Like a Wall. Nanami is resilient, and sometimes hitting her is like attacking a wall. At the
beginning of every round, Nanami gains 150 temporary health points.

• Black Lightning. Nanami is able to place black sparks in certain strikes. When you
get a 20 on an attack test, the attack multiplier increases by +1x and it ignores any
resistance or immunity.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice a scene Nanami can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw to your

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Naobito Zenin
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND20)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 55
Size: Medium Movement: 24 Meters
Attributes: STR 20 DEX 30 CON 20 INT 20 WIS 20 CHA 18
Saving Throws: Cunning +23 Fortitude +23 Reflex +30 Will +17

Initiative: +15 Attention: 35

Skills: Acrobatics +40 Athletics +30
Resistances: RD32 for All Types

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Naobito strikes unarmed, reinforcing himself with
energy. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 4d12+64 impact or force damage. If
you attack an enemy frozen in a frame,
This attack will be a guaranteed critical.
• Freeze in Frame [2PE]. Naobito delivers a blow with the intention of forcing
an enemy into a frame. Range 5 feet, +45 to hit, deals 5d10+45 impact
damage. An enemy hit by this attack must make a DC50 Reflex save,
being frozen for one frame if it fails.

• Freezing in Response [Reaction, 4PE]. Naobito freezes an attack coming

towards him. As a reaction, Naobito performs a Reflex test and, if the result
is greater than the attack roll, the attack is canceled and frozen, nullifying the

• Quick Reflex. Naobito has a quick reflex due to his technique,
being able to perform 2 reactions per round.
Impeccable movement. Naobito's movement is impeccable,
leaving no gaps. Naobito's move does not cause attacks
of opportunity.
• Emotion of the Decaying Petal. Naobito succeeds
use the cursed ability Emotion of the Decaying Petal.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene,

Naobito can choose to automatically succeed a saving
throw of his choice.

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Satoru Gojo
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND40)
Hit Points: 4500 Armor Class: 60 Energy Points: 120
Size: Medium Movement: 30 Meters, 18 Meters Flight
Attributes: STR 30 DEX 30 CON 30 INT 30 WIS 30 CHA 30
Saving Throws: Cunning +40 Fortitude +30 Reflex +30 Will +30

Initiative: +15 Attention: 70

Skills: Acrobatics +60 Athletics +60 Sorcery +60
Resistances: RD30 to All Damage

Immunities: Frightened, Stunned, Blinded, Confused, Poisoned,

Fragile, Incapacitated, Unconscious and Paralyzed

Shares (Has 5 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Gojo strikes unarmed, using the blue to pull with his blows. Range
10 feet, +58 to hit, deals 8d10+80 impact or force damage.

• Blue: Implosion [4PE]. Gojo uses blue to cause a creature to implode. A target creature
within 60 feet must make a saving throw.

Fortitude, taking 10d10+100 force damage, or just half as much on a success. If the
creature succeeds on the test, it receives the sickened and slowed conditions;
if she fails, she also loses a limb.

• Crimson Shot [4PE]. Gojo shoots a red one,

putting your fingers together like a pistol. Range 30 yards, +58 to hit,
deals 12d8+90 force damage. A creature hit by this attack must
make a DC55 Fortitude save, being pushed back 60 feet, or
just 9 feet.

a success.

• Purple Void [3 Actions, 10PE]. Gojo unites blue and red to

create an imaginary mass, projected in a straight line
for 36 meters. Every creature in this line must make a saving

Fortitude, losing 15d10+150 life, or only half as much

on a success. If a creature has its hit points reduced
to 0 by this attack, it is erased.

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• Immediate Movement [2PE]. Gojo uses his technique to move

immediately to a point you can see within 40 feet. This move does not cause
attacks of opportunity.
• Reverse Energy [3PE]. Gojo heals himself with reverse energy, regenerating his
body quickly, healing himself for 175 health points. You can choose to use
6PE to regenerate a limb or 8PE to regenerate technique exhaustion.

• Domain Expansion: Immeasurable Void [3 Actions, 10EP]. Gojo expands his

domain, trapping everyone within 40 feet in a 40-foot spherical area. A
creature within the Immeasurable Void other than Gojo or someone touching
him receives the Stunned and Paralyzed conditions. Additionally, a creature
that starts its turn within the expansion must make a DC55 Smarts save, the DC
of which increases by 5 for each round and, if it fails, the creature's mental attributes
are reduced to 0 and receives 8d8+64 damage. psychic damage at the beginning
of all

• Infinite. Gojo is the user of infinity, the neutral state of his technique that makes
him untouchable. Gojo is immune to damage, as nothing can touch him, being
slowed down. This immunity can only be circumvented through: use of domain
amplification within the attack, guaranteed hit from domain expansion or something
that completely nullifies immunity/ resistance.

• Six Eyes. Gojo has six eyes, a rare ocular jujutsu that gives him mastery over
energy and perfect vision. In addition to reduced energy expenditure and
immunity to blindness, Gojo performs perception tests with advantage and,
when he sees a creature with a technique, he can use an action to read its
technique, understanding it. • Black Lightning. Gojo is capable
of using black lightning. If you get 20 on one
attack test with Unarmed Combat, your critical multiplier for this attack increases
by +1x, in addition to ignoring any type of resistance or immunity.

• Simple Domain. Gojo can use the cursed ability Domain

• Emotion of the Decaying Petal. Gojo can use the ability
cursed Emotion of the Decaying Petal.
• Cursed Resistance (10x). Ten times per scene, Gojo can choose to automatically
succeed a saving throw of his choice.

A system by Setsugiri.
Machine Translated by Google

Aoi Todo
Jujutsu Sorcerer (ND18)
Hit Points: 2800 Armor Class: 45 Energy Points: 54
Size: Medium Movement: 12 Meters
Attributes: STR 26 DEX 24 CON 26 INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 20
Saving Throws: Cunning +14 Fortitude +26 Reflex +19 Will +19

Initiative: +10 Attention: 31

Skills: Acrobatics +34 Athletics +35
Resistances: Resistant to Impact Damage, RD28 to Cutting and Piercing,
RD18 to Others

Shares (Has 4 Shares)

• Unarmed Combat. Aoi Todo attacks unarmed, reinforcing his body with energy.
Range 5 feet, +42 to hit, deals 6d10+45 impact or force damage.

• Boogie Woogie. Aoi Todo claps his hands and swaps the places of two
creatures or objects that have cursed energy, as long as he can see them.
• Quick Switch [Reaction]. Aoi Todo uses his technique defensively, quickly
changing places when he is the target of an attack. If there is an object imbued
with energy visible to Todo, when using this reaction Todo swaps places with
the object, nullifying the damage and changing places.

• Sharp reflexes. Aoi Todo has two reactions per round.
• Defensive Reinforcement. Aoi Todo constantly reinforces your body
with energy. At the beginning of every round, Aoi Todo gains 125
temporary health points.
• Simple Domain. Aoi Todo can use the cursed skill
Simple Mastery. • Black Lightning. Aoi
Todo is capable of using black lightning.
When rolling 20 on an attack test, he uses
kokusen, increasing the damage multiplier by 3x and
ignoring any type of resistance and immunity.

• Cursed Resistance (2x). Twice per scene Aoi Todo can

choose to automatically succeed a saving throw.

A system by Setsugiri.
Machine Translated by Google

A system by Setsugiri.

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