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Lesson 1.

Education in Uzbekistan

Education in Uzbekistan

Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: ðS1 þ S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop mental skill of students through the given topic
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be able
 to develop students’ speaking ability to:
 to recognize and use English words  inform about education system in
in communication; Uzbekistan
 to enhance students’ use of  Make up duologues using new vocabulary
appropriate strategies for developing  Identify some phrases which belong on
integrated skills. this theme
1.  Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson

Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment)

ð flashcards
þhandout(s) þ whiteboard þ computer
English matters student’s book 9 ð poster þ markers ð OHP
N. Gogolitsina. O. Abduvalieva þ pictures ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
ðpower point ð scissors ð tape-recorder
presentation ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays
Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
Students focus their attention
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
to the frame and tell about it
of study.
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
Students listen and fill in the
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks
gaps. They compare their
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1
answers with each other.

2.Main part Activity 1. Speaking task

Students work individually and
(50 minutes) Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central
present their answers.
frame and match them with proper headings.
Activity 2. Grammar
Students work in pairs and
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and
present their answers.
asks students to make their own examples.
Students do the task and
compare their answers with
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the
Students work in groups and
present the task.

Students work individually and

3. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Topic: Education in Uzbekistan

The Constitution of Uzbekistan guarantees the right to education to all citizens of the
country. School education in Uzbekistan is compulsory but free. It is divided into primary
and secondary school levels.
Uzbek boys and girls begin school at the age of sixty-seven. They learn to read and write
and to do Mathematics there. Schoolchildren study at primary school for four years (from
first to fourth form). Then they continue their study for five or 7 years at secondary
education (from fifth to ninth or eleventh form). They go to school every day except for
Peoples have to wear a school uniform. Boys wear a bright shirt and dark trouser and girls a
light blouse and dark skirt.
At the end of ninth form, pupils have a special test. According to the results of this test and
their intellectual abilities, some of them choose to progress to colleges or lyceums, other
play on in school for a further two years.
Studying at colleges or lyceums, the pupils have the opportunity to receive a good
vocational education (learning skills for specific jobs) and secondary education at the same
time. Those teachers who decide to continue studying at school learn in class with a
different aims and content (History class, Mathematics class, etc.) At the end of the
eleventh form they receive a school-leaving certificates.
Not many pupils enter universities and institutions to take higher education. Students at
colleges, lyceums, universities and institutions usually receive state scholarships.

Writing task. Put these words in the correct order.

1. to/ would / enter / I / like / institute
2. is / he / a / going / be / to / teacher
3. pass / pupils / to / have / college / go / exams / to / to
4. is / primary / divided / secondary / levels / school / and / into
5. university / enter / after / many / school / leaving / pupils
1. We always want____ to do the most difficult part of work.
a) someone’s b) someone c) we
2. It can sometimes____ a home.
a) take several months to tell b) pick c) selling takes
3. He sat staring____ the fire.
a) on b) at c) to
4. … sound of … streams was… loud enough for him to hear.
a) a/ the/ an b) the/ the/ a c) the/ -/-
5. I am going … the to have my coat fitted… .
a) to / on b) for / to c) to / off
6. ____ respect to the her feelings you ought to be descreet.
a) in b) with c) after
7. I wish I_________.
a) were a teacher b) do know this c) shall go there
8. I asked what he ____ for lunch.
a) are having b) was having c) should have
9. I have never heard him ____ French.
a) speak b) speaking c) spoken
10. the weather ___ as nice today as it ___ yesterday.
a) is/was b) are/were c) was/ were
Auditory Learners - Remember stories better if they hear them than if they read them, can
follow spoken instruction better than written ones, and say every word in their head as they
read silently.
Auditory Learners can try the following study tips:
• Record lectures and listen to them several times
• Join a study group
• Read and repeat important points out loud.

Visual Learners - Learn best from reading, like to see things written out, and picture things in
their heads to remember them.
Visual Learners can try the following study tips:
• Watch the instructor and take notes during the lecture.
• Organize, rewrite, and highlight notes.
• Visualize words or facts that need to be memorized.

Tactile/kinesthetic Learners - Enjoy hands-on learning, are good at puzzles and mazes, and can
often put things together without instructions.
Tactile/kinesthetic Learners can try the following study tips:
• Make lists or write things out several times.
• Use computers and hands-on study aids.
• Learn by doing and practicing, or by role-playing.

Lesson 2.

Our University. Present simple

Subject: English
Time: 80 min
Topic:Our University Present simple

Aim:to enlarge students` vocabulary on this theme

 To increase students` grammar (using adverbs)
 to enhance students’ use of appropriate strategies for developing writing skills.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 develop their new words on this theme
 Identify this new topic which belongs on this theme
Aids: handouts, a board, markers, posters, colorful paper, scissors, nails or a sticky tape,
pencils, video clips, projector and a screen.


Our University
I am a student of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.I study at
the faculty of History on the first course. I want to be a teacher. There are a lot of
faculties in our University. Our University is a eight-storied building. It is quite big with
sport ground behind it, inside library.. On the ground floor there are the classrooms and
There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshop. Our library is nice and clean.
Two librarians help students to find books they need. There are many bookcases and
bookshelves with a lot of books there.
If you enter the University you see a a lot of big light dining-rooms.
It is always busy and noisy, but it is clean. Here students and their teachers have their
lunch. There are blue curtains on the windows and beautiful pictures on the walls. There is
a conference hall on the ground floor as well. Our presentations are held there.
Students like to go to the sport ground even after the lessons, because it has a lot of sport
equipment. Our University has many classrooms. The classrooms are light and spacious.
There are three large windows in each classroom with flower pots on the window sills.
Each room has teacher's table, student’s desks, blackboard, tablesand charts on the wall,
maps and portraits.
There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography,
English, and Russian. On the third floor there is a big nice assemble hall. A lot ofmeetings,
concerts, festivals are held there.
Our classroom is on the second floor.Its windows face theschool-yard. Our form-mistress
is a teacher of Russian language andliterature respects her very much; she is a kind and
knowledgeable teacher. She teaches us Russian and is so fond of her subject, that each of
us cannot help liking too.
When I think about my University I don't remember its walls and desks; it is my teachers
and class-mates who will be always with me.
I am so thankful to our teachers for what they have done for us.

1. Where is your University situated?
2. What kind of a person is your form-mistress?
3. Is your University rather big?
4. How many floors are there?
5. Is there a library?
6. What do the classrooms look like?
7. Do you like your University?

sport ground — спортивнаяплощадка
behind — позади
tool — инструмент
noisy — шумный
curtain — шторы
gymnasium — спортивныйзал
equipment — инвентарь
spacious — просторный
windowsill — подоконник
to face — выходить
chart — карта
table — таблица

EX:1 Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate
1. The earth ------ round the sun.
2. Rice ------- in Britain.
3. The sun --- in the east. rises
4. Bees --- honey. - make
5. Vegetarians --- meat. – don’t eat
6. An atheist --- in God. doesn’t believe
7. An interpreter --- from one language into another. translates
8. A liar is someone who --- the truth. Does not tell
9. The River Amazon --- into the Atlantic Ocean. flows
TASK 2 Put the verbs in the bracket in the present simple

Homework: Learn the new words and make up sentences

Lesson 3.


Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes
Semester: ð S1 þ S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop mental skill of students through the given topic
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
 to develop students’ speaking ability By the end of the lesson students will be
 to recognize and use English words in able to:
communication; inform about STUDYING ABROAD
 to enhance students’ use of appropriate  Identify some phrases which belong on
strategies for developing integrated this theme
skills.  Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson
Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment)

ð flashcards þ whiteboard þ computer

þhandout(s) þ markers ð OHP ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
ð poster
þ pictures ð scissors ð tape-recorder
ðpower point ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
Students focus their attention
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
to the frame and tell about it
of study.
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
Students listen and fill in the
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks
gaps. They compare their
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1
answers with each other.

2.Main part Activity 1. Speaking task

Students work individually and
(50 minutes) Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central
present their answers.
frame and match them with proper headings.
Activity 2. Grammar
Students work in pairs and
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and
present their answers.
asks students to make their own examples.
Students do the task and
compare their answers with
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the
Students work in groups and
present the task.

Students work individually and

4. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Key words: Accommodation, Experience, Local culture, Develop, Period, Difference,
Benefits of Studying Abroad
 Life’s an adventure. Living abroad can be great fun and it broadens your perspective on
life – there are new friends to make, new experiences to have, plus you’ll always have lots
of stories to tell to the folks back home.
 You can learn another language and immersing yourself in a place where they speak
another tongue is the only good way to become fluent. Even if you are not studying that
particular language on your study course, it may well come in useful later when you are
seeking employment, or in your personal life.
 You can explore another culture. They say that travel broadens the mind and finding out
about other cultures can be fascinating. It can also give you insights and perspective on
your home culture.
 You may have better study opportunities abroad than you do at home. You may be able to
do a course that you couldn’t do in your home country, or be able to study at a college or
university that specializes in your chosen area of study.
 Mentioning that you have studied abroad can look very good to potential employers when
it comes to applying for jobs. The fact that you have lived and studied abroad shows that
you possess valuable workplace qualities such as independence, initiative, and resilience.
It also shows that you are not afraid of a challenge and that you can be adaptable if the
circumstances demand it.
 You may experience language problems if you are studying in a place where they speak a
different language to your native one. Learning a new language can be tougher than you
think, especially if you need to understand it thoroughly enough to complete an
educational course that is conducted in it (plus it can make the process of gaining new
friends and social networking more difficult).
 You may well experience culture shock. Even if you have researched it extensively and
think you know a country, you will find lots of things are very different when you actually
live there. Some of the differences might be practical and obvious, but others might be
more subtle – there are likely to be social and psychological differences in how people
relate to each other and behave, for instance.
 You may find yourself feeling alone and without any of the social and emotional support
from relatives and old friends that you might normally take for granted back in your home
country. Making and developing friendships takes time and it can be more difficult in a
culture that you are not used to.
 There are likely to be increased costs involved with studying abroad – both with the
expense of your education and with everyday living. Language and cultural differences
can sometimes make finding part-time work more difficult. Financial pressures can
undermine your overall enjoyment of an experience if you are not careful.
What is the Definition of Studying Abroad?
The term "studying abroad" typically refers to a program run by an educational
establishment, such as a university, which enables a student to live in a foreign country
while studying at a foreign place of learning. Study periods can be as short as a single
semester, or as long as a year or more. As well as learning from their course, the student
also develops through immersing themselves in the surrounding and initially unfamiliar
culture and environment.

How Much Spending Money Do I Need to Study Abroad?

This depends on the cost of living in the host country, as well as how luxuriously or
frugally you wish to live there. However, assuming that you've already taken into account
the study fees for your chosen course, you will also need money for:

 Accommodation
 Foodandclothing
 Linen, sheets, pillow cases, bathroom products, and other everyday items
 Domestic expenses, such as utilities, phone connection and internet
 Any study related costs, such as laptop, books, files and folders
 Transporttoandfromcollege
 Socializing
 Healthcare
 Travel to and from your home country to the host country at the start and end of course, as
well as during holidays if it's a long course
Tips For Studying Abroad
Be prepared to:
 Learn as much as you can about your host country before you commit/arrive.
 Learn the language and culture of your host country while you're living there.
 Go out of your comfort zone at times and be open to new experiences.
 Be prepared to do things on your own or with people from the local culture when abroad,
rather than just sticking with people from your home country all the time.
 Treat the experience as an adventure - don't forget to enjoy yourself!
What are the disadvantages of studying abroad?
What are the problems faced by a country if someone goes to study abroad?
What is the best age for a girl to travel abroad?
Accommodation (n)-turar joy, bino
Experience-amaliyot, tajriba, kechinma, sinamoq
Local culture-mahalliymadaniyat
Develop-rivojlanmoq, o’smoq
Period-davr, vaqt
Homework: To write essay about studying abroad

Lesson 4.

Oxford - the University Town

Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: ð S1 þ S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop mental skill of students through the given topic
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be
 to develop students’ speaking ability
able to:
 to recognize and use English words in
inform about Oxford - the
University Town
 to enhance students’ use of appropriate  Identify some phrases which belong on
strategies for developing integrated this theme
skills.  Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson
Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment) ð flashcards þ whiteboard þ computer
þhandout(s) þ markers ð OHP
ð poster ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
þ pictures ð scissors ð tape-recorder
ðpower point ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
Students focus their attention
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
to the frame and tell about it
of study.
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
Students listen and fill in the
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks
gaps. They compare their
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1
answers with each other.

2.Main part Activity 1. Speaking task

Students work individually and
(50 minutes) Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central
present their answers.
frame and match them with proper headings.
Activity 2. Grammar
Students work in pairs and
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and
present their answers.
asks students to make their own examples.
Students do the task and
compare their answers with
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the
Students work in groups and
present the task.

Students work individually and

5. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Topic: Oxford - the University Town

This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first
of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and
about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries.
There were no women at Oxford until 1878. When the first women's college Lady
Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to
get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree.
But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less
difficult courses and where it is easy to enrol. Most students in these private school take
business, secretarial or English language courses.
Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class education as well as its beautiful
buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work
here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues and
the four-hundred-year-old library, which has about five million books.
Oxford has same of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels
and libraries are there, four and even five hundred years old, and are full off books and
precious paintings. You can see there many lovely gardens, where the students can read
and relax in the summer months.
1.Lola ... her free time in the nature . A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
2.Diyora ... people to solve their problems. A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
3. Spare
A) free B) many,much C) little D) truly
4. Rewrite
A) remember B) write again C) help D) learn
5. Memorize
A) remember B) write again C) help D) learn
6. There ... twenty-six students in our group. A) is B) are C) am D) do
7.There ... many new buildings in our town. A) is B) are C) am D) do
8. He will arrive ... September. A) in B)at C)on D) after
9. .She left the house ... noon. A) in B)at C)on D) after
10. My son was born ... 1996. A) in B)at C)on D) after

Academic – adjective 1. To do with education or studying, especially at a school or college or
university. 2. Theoretical: having no practical use * an academic point
Academic – noun (plural academics) a university or college teacher.
Academynoun (plural academies) 1. A schoolor college, especially one for specialized training.
2. A society of scholars or artists
Accidentnoun (plural accidents an unexpected happening especially one causing injury or
damage. By accident by chance; without its being arranged in advance. [from Latin
Accommodateverb (accommodates, accommodating, accommodated)1 provide somebody
with a place to live, work, or sleep overnight. 2 help by providing something * We can
accommodate you with skis. [from Latin accommodare= make suitable for]
Accordnoun agreement; consent. Of your own accord without being asked or compelled.
Accordingadverb according to 1 as stated by * According to him, we are stupid. 2 in relation to*
Prince the apples according to their size.
Accountnoun (plural accounts)1 a statement of money owed, spent, or received; a bill. 2 an
arrangement to keep money in a bank etc. 3 a description or report.

Lesson 5.
For teachers

For teachers
For teachers

Lesson 6.



LESSON 7. Computers Concern You

Computers Concern You. Direct and Indirect speech

Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: S1 *S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop mental skill of students through the given topic
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be able
 to develop students’ speaking ability
 to recognize and use English words
 inform about computers
in communication;
 Make up duologues using new vocabulary
 to enhance students’ use of
 Identify some phrases which belong on
appropriate strategies for developing
this theme
integrated skills.
 Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson

Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment)

ð flashcards
þhandout(s) þ whiteboard þ computer
ð poster þ markers ð OHP
þ pictures ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
https://yandex. uz// ðpower point ð scissors ð tape-recorder
presentation ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time PROCEDURE

Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
Students focus their attention
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
to the frame and tell about it
of study.
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
Students listen and fill in the
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks
gaps. They compare their
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1
answers with each other.

2.Main part Activity 1. Speaking task

Students work individually and
(50 minutes) Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central
present their answers.
frame and match them with proper headings.
Activity 2. Grammar
Students work in pairs and
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and
present their answers.
asks students to make their own examples.
Students do the task and
compare their answers with
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the
Students work in groups and
present the task.

Students work individually and

6. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Topic: Computers Concern You.

When Ch. Babbage, professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the
first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly have imagined the situations we find
ourselves in today. Almost everything in modem world is done with the help of
computers - the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being
used more and more extensively in the world today, for the simple reason that they are
far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can store
great amount of information and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time
required by a human modem computer can. In fact, computers can do many things we
do, but faster and better. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow’s
weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. Let’s look now at some of
the ways in which computers concern people in their daily lives and work.
Many people associate computers with the world of science and mathematics, but
they are also a great help to scholars in other subjects: in history, literature and so on. It
is now possible for a scholar to find a book or an article he needs very quickly, which
nowadays when a million or more new books are published each year is quite an
advantage. You tell the computer which subject you are interested in and it produces any
microfiche you need in seconds.
There are also systems which are being developed to translate articles from foreign
magazines by computer and to make up many lists of information which are needed in a
modem library. So, computer can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many
ways. One can imagine a time when libraries will be run by computers, without human
beings at all.
Or, let’s take another example. When a man drives a car for long distances he has two
problems: to keep the car at a constant speed and watch that he does not run into the
car in front of him. Engineers are now experimenting with a system which has a
computer control of these two problems.
The car’s computer keeps the speed constant. At the same time the distance between
the car and any other car in front of it is measured by a beam of light transmitted
forwards. The beam meets the rear reflectors of the car in front and it is reflected back,
which enables to measure the distance. This information is fed to the computer which
adjusts its speed control accordingly.
GRAMMAR: Direct and Indirect speech
Ко ‘chirma va o‘zlashtirma gap
Qo‘llaniilishi: So‘zlovchi nutqining o ‘zgarishsiz berilishi - ko‘chirma gap deyiladi.
My friend says, “I have bought an intereshing book today”.
So‘zlovchi nutqining bo‘shqa shaxs tomonidan bayon etilishi - o‘zlashtirma gap deyiladi.
My friend says he has bought an interesting book today.
Ko‘chirma gapdan o ‘zlashtirma gap sifatida q o ‘llanilganda quyidagi qoidalarga amal
a) egalik va kishilik olmoshlari o ‘zgaradi;
b) zamonlaming moslashuvi “Sequence o f Tenses”

c) Direct speech Indirect speech.

Simple Present Simple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Simple Past Past Perfect
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Perfect Past perfect
Simple Future Future in the Past

Direct speech
‘I love you”
‘I ’m going out now’
Present Perfect
‘We’ve met before”
Past Simple
‘We met in 1987.
Future _
‘I’ll mend it for you’
Reported speech
He said he loved me.
Ann said she was going out.
Past Perfect
She said they’d met before.
Past Perfect
He said they’d met in 1987.
Future- in the Past,
She said that she would mend it for me.
Eslatma: say + (that)

She said (that) they were happy together,

tell + person (that).
He told me (that) he loved Mary.

Ko‘chirma gapni o ‘zlashtirma gapga aylantirganda, ko‘rsatish olmoshlari,

o ‘rin-payt ravishlari o ‘zgaradi:
Direct speech Reported speech
this, these -» that - those; the
now -» then
today —» that day
yesterday -» the day before
the day before yesterday -> two days before
tomorrow —> the next day, the following day
the day after tomorrow -> in two days’ time
next week (month, year) —> the following (the next)week
(month, year)
last week (year) —> the previous week (year), a
year (a week before)

Umumiy so‘roq gaplar if yoki whether bog‘lovchilari bilan qo‘llaniladi.

He asked me,”Is Mr Smith a doctor”? He asked me if Mr Smith was a doctor.

Maxsus so ‘roq gaplar, so ‘roq so ‘zlar saqlangan holda, b o ‘lishli gap formasida
He asked Jane, “ What are you doing now”? He asked Jane what she was doing then.

Buyruq gaplarda infinitiv formada keladi:

She said to me, “Tell him everything tomorrow” She told me to tell him everything the
following day.
She said to me, ’’Don’t go to the cinema today?” She told me not to go to the cinema
Video for the lesson:

Exercise - 1. Transform direct speech into reported speech.

1. She said to me, “We’ll go boating tomorrow.”

2. He said,’’We’ll stage this play if you help us.”
3. The secretary said, “I ’ve got a message from Mr. Green.”
4. The old man said to me, “I met her many years ago?”
5. Mr Smith said, “They had lunch on the train 2 hours ago.”
6. She said, “I ’m leaving for London tomorrow.”

1. The manager said to his secretary: Please, get all the documents ready.
Варианты ответов
A. The manager said to his secretary get all the documents ready
B. The manager said to his secretary to get all the documents ready
C. The manager said to his secretary got all the documents ready

Вопрос 2
He said : Do not forget to make all the necessary calls.
Варианты ответов
 A. He said not forget to make all the necessary calls.
 B. He said do not forget to make all the necessary calls.
 C. He said not to forget to make all the necessary calls.
Вопрос 3
She asked me: Have you heard the news?
Варианты ответов
 A. She asked me if I had heard the news
 B.She asked me if I have you heard the news
 C. She asked me if have I heard the news
Вопрос 4
He asked us: Did you enjoy your trip?
Варианты ответов
 A. He asked us if we enjoyed our trip
 B. He asked us if did we enjoy our trip
 C. He asked us if we had enjoyed our trip
Вопрос 5
Bill asked: When are you going to finish this work?
Варианты ответов
 A. Bill asked when are you going to finish this work
 B. Bill asked when we were going to finish that work
 C. Bill asked when we were going to finish this work
Вопрос 6
Harry said: We will go to the computer center tomorrow.
Варианты ответов
 A. Harry said they would go to the computer center tomorrowthe next day.
 B. Harry said they would go to the computer center tomorrow.
 C. Harry said they will go to the computer center tomorrow.
Вопрос 7
My friend says: I hate reading love stories.
Варианты ответов
 A. My friend says he hated reading love stories.
 B. My friend says he hate reading love stories.
 C. My friend says he hates reading love stories.
Вопрос 8
He asks: How often does the bus run?
Варианты ответов
 A. He asks how often the bus runs
 B. He asks how often does this bus run
 C. He asks how often runs this bus
Вопрос 9
Ann said: I am waiting for you at the cinema now.
Варианты ответов
 A. Ann said she is waiting for me at the cinema now.
 B. Ann said she was waiting for me at the cinema then.
 C. Ann said she was waiting for me at the cinema now.
Вопрос 10
Sally said: I had made this cake by two oclock yesterday.
Варианты ответов
 A. Sally said she had made this cake by two oclock yesterday.
 B. Sally said she has made that cake by two oclock yesterday.
 C. Sally said she had made that cake by two oclock the day before.
Вопрос 11
The teacher asked: Are there any students in the library?
Варианты ответов
 A. The teacher asked if there are any students in the library
 B. The teacher asked if there were some students in the library
 C. The teacher asked if were there any students in the library
Вопрос 12
My friend asked: Where did you buy this camera?
Варианты ответов
 A My friend asked where I had bought that camera
 B. My friend asked where bought that camera
 C. My friend asked if I bought that camera
Вопрос 13
Alice said: Do not irritate me.
Варианты ответов
 A Alice said not irritate me.
 B. Alice said do not irritate me.
 C. Alice said not to irritate her.
Вопрос 14
The stranger asked: Could you tell me the way to the station?
Варианты ответов
 A. The stranger asked if I could tell him the way to the station
 B. The stranger asked could I tell him the way to the station
 C. The stranger asked if I had could tell him the way to the station
Вопрос 15
I said: I will go to the swimming pool tomorrow.
Варианты ответов
 A. I said I will go to the swimming pool tomorrow
 B. I said I would go to the swimming pool tomorrow.
 C. I said would go to the swimming pool the next day.

A small data-memory storage area that a computer can use to instantly re-access data
instead of re-reading the data from the original source, such as a hard drive. Browsers use
a cache to store web pages so that the user may view them again without reconnecting to
the Web.
Computer Aided Drawing - Computer Aided Manufacturing. The instructions stored
in a computer that will be translated to very precise operating instructions to a robot, such
as for assembling cars or laser-cutting signage.
Compact Disc Read-Only Memory, an optically read disc designed to hold information
such as music, reference materials, or computer software. A single CD-ROM can hold
around 640 megabytes of data, enough for several encyclopaedias. Most software
programs are now delivered on CD-ROMs.
Typing text into a message box on a screen to engage in dialogue with one or more
people via the Internet or other network.
A tiny wafer of silicon containing miniature electric circuits that can store millions of bits
of information.
A single user of a network application that is operated from a server. A client/server
architecture allows many people to use the same data simultaneously. The program's main
component (the data) resides on a centralized server, with smaller components (user
interface) on each client.
A text file sent by a Web server that is stored on the hard drive of a computer and relays
back to the Web server things about the user, his or her computer, and/or his or her
computer activities.


Internet problems.

Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: S1  S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop mental skill of students through the given topic
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be
 to develop students’ speaking ability able to:
 to recognize and use English words in  inform about internet problems
communication;  Make up dialogues using new
 to enhance students’ use of appropriate vocabulary
strategies for developing integrated  Identify some phrases which belong on
skills. this theme
5.  Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson

Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment)  flashcards  whiteboard  computer
handout(s)  markers  OHP
 poster  blackboard  TV/DVD player
 pictures  scissors  tape-recorder
power point other:_________ other: ________
 visuals
Type of Assessment
on going assessment
on going assessment  participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

 individual  plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
 small group in pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
 whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
 concept attainment  pairing
 presentation activities
 cooperative learning whole group
problem-based cooperative learning
 discovery learning  a project
instruction  peer tutoring
 direct instruction  lecture
 skill attainment  designing visuals
 role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
Students focus their attention
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
to the frame and tell about it
of study.
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
Students listen and fill in the
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks
gaps. They compare their
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1
answers with each other.

2.Main part Activity 1. Speaking task

Students work individually and
(50 minutes) Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central
present their answers.
frame and match them with proper headings.
Activity 2. Grammar
Students work in pairs and
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and
present their answers.
asks students to make their own examples.
Students do the task and
compare their answers with
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the
Students work in groups and
present the task.

Students work individually and

7. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Topic: Internet problems.

Modern life is easy and fun. We have all the amenities. We do not need to go to the
movies, because we have big TVs at home. The children have cell phones with large
displays. Modern technology is useful and convenient. In my opinion, Internet is the most
comfortable thing. Computers are also an important invention, but Internet is better than
any other type of information. Originally, Internet was a military experiment in the USA
of 60-s. But soon it became clear that everyone in the world can use it.

Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces
hundreds of millions of users all over the world. The Internet has already entered our
ordinary life. It's hard to imagine our lives without Internet nowadays. It has become an
important part of every person's life. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be
counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet
today, because there are hundreds of millions of users and their number is growing.

Nowadays, no one can deny the importance of the Internet. Sitting in front of a computer,
clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news about
subject which is interesting for you, play computer games with other players, chat and
send mails to your friends. Internet has drastically changed everything. Since the time of
Internet appearance, many other media sources became unnecessary. You can find the
information you're looking for in 5 seconds. It is very convenient for students,
professionals, experts and all other people. From one side, it's great to have everything
right here online, from the other side, it's a shame that people have stopped reading paper
books and newspapers. Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the
people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it
either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. With the help of the internet
people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other and share
information without leaving their home. It has become easier to meet like-minded people
from all over the world and become friends with them.

There are many different Internet competitions for different subjects which give students
the opportunity to participate even in international competitions. Thanks to the Internet,
people can quickly sell, advertise and share knowledge, idea, and personal feelings. People
enter the world of virtual reality to avoid everyday problems. In spite of all the good sides
that Internet has, there are some drawbacks. First of all, they are viruses, which can be
very dangerous for any computer. That's why it's good to have reliable anti-virus software
installed. Other minus is the violent content. There is a lot of violence and cruelty online.
People are suffering from inappropriate information on the Internet, because it is very hard
to control information from the Internet. Although the Internet offers us large amount of
information, its reliability is dubious because many untrue news stories can be posted and
cause confusions to many people. It is very difficult for us to find out what websites are
reliable and what are not. Also you can get blackmail or spam. I think that the Internet
becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend
a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes. I don't mean that I am
against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.
1.Akmal ... as a detective.
A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
2.Lola ... her free time in the nature.
A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
3.Diyora ... people to solve their problems.
A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
4.Shirin ... the news to all over the world.
A) helps B) reports C) spends D) works
6. You ... answer fully during the interview.
A) need B) should C)do D) are
7. I ... do my homework.
A) n.ed B)must C) don't D) should
8. There ... twenty-six students in our group.
A) is B) are C) am D) do
9. There ... many new buildings in our town.
A) is B) are C) am D) do
10. ... works in a hospital.
A) nurse B) journalist C) interpreter D) shop assistant

Lesson 9.

A good job!
Work hard, play hard!
Homework: Learn new vocabulary and make up sentences.

Lesson 10.

What is your speciality?

Course Type: practical Time: 80 min
Semester: SII Number of students:
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction to the lesson with the tongue twister.
2. Activity 1: Check the homework
3. Activity 2: Match the words and their definitions.
4. Activity 3: Arrange the job cards in a list in order of the length of time spent training.
5. Activity 4: Write about your job carrier plan.
6. Activity 5: Circle the best title for the text.
7. Activity 6: Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps.
Lesson aims: to explore various types of study sources
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:

 To use relative clauses during By the end of the lesson the Ss will
the lesson
 Analyzing the usage of article  enlarge the lexical stock
 widen their outlook
Preparation (Aids and Equipment)

 Materials: flashcards Whiteboard Computer

Scale up 1. Student’s book
handout(s) markers other:
pen and paper
other: ___________
Type of Assessment
on going assessment on going assessment
participation mid-term assessment
homework final assessment
peer editing other: _____ independent work assessment
ActivityType: LessonLength: (hours/days)
individual In-Class Time: _________________
plenary discussion Out-of-Class
small group Time: ______________
whole class (teacher-students) other
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
concept attainment presentation Independent pairing
cooperative learning activities
problem-based whole group
discovery learning Cooperative
instruction a project
direct instruction
skill attainment lecture
Peer tutoring
other: _______
designing visuals
Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologiya xaritasi)

Steps and Time PROCEDURE

Teacher Activities Student Activities
1.Introduction Revision. Greeting with Ss. T writes a Ss explain orally to the teacher
(10 minutes) tongue twister on the blackboard. Then not written form.
Ss tell it.
2.Main part Activity Listen to the tape and write
whether the statements are true or
(65 minutes) Ss write whether the statements
false. (10 min)
are true or false.
T gives handouts to students, they listen
to the tape and decide if the statements
are true or false.
Activity 2: Make up your own
sentences using the following modal
verbs and word combinations. (10 min) Ss work in groups; they will
make their own sentences
T divides Ss into 3 groups and gives
handouts. The task is to make these
Activity 3 Choose the best answer to
complete the sentences (10 min)
T gives the handouts and explains the
task.Ss answer the questions. Students practice their reading
Activity 4. Read the text about Rustam
Kasimjanov and give a title for
After doing activity 3 T and Ss read the Ss work in groups
text and give the title for it.
Ss work individually. Ss Ss
Activity 5 Find the best suitable title develop their reading
(1-5) for each paragraph (a-e)(10 min) comprehension skills
Activity 6. (15min) Now read the text Ss improve their range of
again and choose the best summary for vocabulary and reading
each paragraph. T gives them comprehension skills
3.Closure T. evaluates the students and gives their
(5 minutes)

Jobs for teenagers

About half of 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of
this age group also go to school. They do part-timejobs before or after school and
at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and
paper rounds(popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular
In the UK, school students are not allowedto work more than two hours on a
school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not
allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later. They
must have at least two weeks’ holiday from school each year when they don’t work
at all.
Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earnsome money. However, they
don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wagefor adults:
£5.52 an hour. For 16 and 17-year-olds, it is £ 3.40 an hour. For children under 16,
there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an
Match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the meaning below.
1. looking after children while the parents are out. ________________
2. get (money) for working. ________________
3. jobs that you do for a few hours a week. ________________
4. the smallest amount of money you can get for working by law.
5. can’t ________________
6. delivering newspapers to people’s homes. ________________
Read the text. Decide if they are true or false. Why?
1. Babysitters work after 7 p.m. _________
2. Part –time jobs are popular with teenagers. _________
3. Minimum wage for 16-year-olds is £ 5.52. _________
4. Teenagers don’t do part-time jobs after school. _________
5. 15 hours in total can young people work during a school week. _________
6. There is no minimum wage for teenagers under 16. _________
TASK 1 Fill in the blanks
educated, surgeon, make a right choice, legal, takes care, language, bring up,
To teach and to _________ _________ children is the most important and noble
thing I’m eager to get the proper __________ .
My grandfather works as a __________ at hospital.
After each operation he __________ __________ of patients until
they are recovered.
It is very important for everybody to__________ __________
__________ __________ of profession.
A lawyer gives you pieces of advice on__________ problems or
gives reasons for defending people in court.
Today English is the __________ of the world.
English is a must for every __________ person.

Lesson 11.


Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: S1 * S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension
Lesson aims: to learn to study with multiple sources
Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson the Students will have
6. To have a clear idea about how the English language an understanding of the terms
has become widespread; an ability use of verbs practice how to give appropriate
7. To teach and practice how to write a mind-mapping. referencing

Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment)

ð flashcards
1. Scale up 1.
þhandout(s) þ whiteboard þ computer
2. Internet sites:
ð poster þ markers ð OHP
þ pictures ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
ðpower point ð scissors ð tape-recorder
presentation ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students attention to the frame of a starter. Students focus their attention
Ask them to look through titles and find their field of study. to the frame and tell about it
1.Introduction their ideas.
(20 minutes)
2. Teacher gives students handouts with the gaps and asks Students listen and fill in the
them to fill in it while listening to the exercise1 gaps. They compare their
answers with each other.
Activity 1. Speaking task
2.Main part
Teacher asks students to read the subtitles in the central Students work individually and
(50 minutes)
frame and match them with proper headings. present their answers.
Activity 2. Grammar
Teacher gives some examples with the new words and Students work in pairs and
asks students to make their own examples. present their answers.
Students do the task and
Activity 3. Working with the verb bring Teacher gives compare their answers with
their partners. They present
handouts to the students and tells them to complete the
their answers to the teacher.
sentences with suitable words. Teacher checks the Students work in groups and
exercises. present the task.

Students work individually and

8. Closure give a summary of today’s
Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson.
(10minutes) lesson.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation


Warm up activity
Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.
1. What words come to your mind when you see pictures?
2. What language are these words and do they have any equivalents in your own language?
3. What other examples of English in your daily life can you give?
Look at the photos and discuss the places you see with your partner.
Where the photos are taken? READING. Ask your students to read these
sentences and giving their opinions like, I agree, I completely agree, I mostly
agree and so on.
Possible answers:
The first photo presents a hotel with ‘Silk Road Palace’ notice located near
International airport and in twenty minutes from the Navoi city center.
The second Photo views ‘New Life’ shop in the city center. It offers great choice
of household appliances (maishiy texnika) and other things.
In The third photo you can see the word ‘welcome’ which the language used on
the signboard to show you that they are very pleased to see you
The fourth photo views ‘Texno Plaza’ shopping center with its hotel. It also
recommends playing indoors entertaining 5 D computer games

Note that at first sight the views with English notice / title / announcements /
advertisements seem to be photographed in any English speaking cities, in fact, the
foreign language stream has already flown into Uzbekistan as well. Moreover, the
population is continuously acquiring English words in their colloquial use. E.g.:
carwash, all males in Uzbekistan visually recognize it to be the place offering the
cleaning service for automobiles.
Look at the pictures of some particular groups of people in Uzbekistan what
are they? and match the given English words with them

For teachers
Look at the photo and answer the following questions
1. How many languages do you think they speak? What is the reason they
learned them?

Possible answers: 1. Sevara speaks Uzbek, English and Russian fluently. Angela
Merkel – German chancellor speaks her own German and English languages
2. the reason of learning English to Sevara that she has to communicate to
foreigners when she is on concert tour and also she need to sing songs in
English charmingly.
3. the reason of learning English to Angela Markel , that she makes
different agreements with presidents all over the world as a chancellor of


Look through the following questions. Listen and according to the record choose
the right answers. More than one answer is possible.
2. What makes communication easier?
a) language learning b) words c) knowledge of English
3. What languages were offered as an alternative international language?
a)Chinese, Russian b) Mandarin, French c)Esperanto
3. In what areas of Tashkent city English signs are less popular?
a) Chorsu, Chopon ota, b) Kukcha c) all areas
4. according to the speaker`s opinion, what places can be good to enlarge one`s
a) City center b) Chopon ota street c) language centers
Key words
Ubiquitous(adj)- being or seeming to be everywhere at once-(uzb. har erda hozir, hech joydan
qolmaydigan) - вездесущий; повсеместный
Equivalent(adj)- equal in use,size,value or effect.-(uzb. teng qiymatli) - эквивалент
Signboards- korxona, muassasaning nomi yozilgan lavha(osib qo’yiladigan) - вывеска
Inevitable-unavoidable or sure to happen-(uzb. qochib qutilib bo’maydigan, muqarrar) -
неизменный, постоянный
Constructed- built or put together-(uzb. qurilgan, yaralgan, ishlab chiqilgan) - созданный
Rationally- maqsadga muvofiq, mantiqiy - рационально; разумно
Foreseeable- kutilayotgan, oldindan ko’riladigan, bilinadigan - able to be foreseen or predicted -
предсказуемый, предвидимый
Homemaker-housewife-(uzb. uy bekasi) - хозяйка дома; мать семейства
Absorbed-very interesred inor by something or someone-(uzb. berilib ketgan) - поглощенный
(чем-л.), увлеченный (чем-л.) , занятый (чем-л.)
Particular-related to one person or thing-(uzb. maxsus, alohida, o’ziga xos) - редкий,
особенный, специфический
Intrinsic-essential to the basic nature or something-(uzb. ichki, o’ziga xos) - важный,
значительный, существенный
Interrupt-to break into(a conversation etc.)-(uzb.xalaqit bermoq, buzmoq, bo’lmoq) -
обрывать, прерывать, внезапно прекращать
If your students` listening isn`t good hand them in tape script
Wide spread use of English today is obvious, and the fact of its becoming a global
language is inevitable. Presently, it has spread its roots all over the world. In the
field of politics, economics and diplomacy English became an essential skill.
Hence, students of all directions and specialties are highly interested in language
acquisition. The environment itself supports learners, providing them with
language bits from all around.
The Internet makes learning process incredibly easier, in ways that were not
possible before. It makes it easier to connect with people who speak different
languages. An enormous amount of information is processed in English and more
than half the world`s technical and scientific papers are published in English as
The widespread use of English has been a great argument. The Chinese
government is promoting the teaching of Mandarin in order to establish Chinese as
the new international language. (Mandarin =the official language of China,
Taiwan, one of four official languages in Singapore). Yet the difficulties in
means of writing Chinese characters, and the tonal nature of the language, make it
unlikely to come out as a preferred language for not native speakers of Chinese.
Another case is French. French used to be the language of diplomacy and the
preferred language of international exchange. Educated people in Europe, as well
as the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East were proud to speak French.
However, this is much less so the case today. And subsequently Esperanto is
offered up as an alternative. It was offered as a politically neutral international
language. It also has been constructed quite rationally and easy to learn, but in the
foreseeable future no society is to change English as a highly convenient means of
international communication to any other language.
The same is about our own country. Wherever you go whatever you deal with you
surely stumble on something in English. Not only in capital Tashkent but in distant
regions you come across English expression. For instance, here in Tashkent even
in some areas like Chorsu, Choponota or Kukcha where national bias are favored,
one may count out lots of English acquisition is now less laborious owing to the
whole environment contributes its improvement. Also less actual is the argument
of lacking due environment, because basic world are mostly known for inveterate
housewives as well.
Complete the sentences using the expressions from the box. Explain

is inevitable.- .[ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bl ] - certain to happen and unable to be avoided -

tonal nature; - /ˈtəʊ.n ə l/ -a quality in the voice which expresses the speaker's
feelings or thoughts, often towards the person being spoken to – tabiiy ohangi
tabiiy tallafuz
constructed rationally; mantiqiy, maqsadga muvifiq, asosliy qurilgan (Rationally,
he knows that she won't go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.)
in the foreseeable future- yaqin kelajakda /fɔːˈsiː.ə.bl ̩/in/for the foreseeable future
- as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for
much less so the case; bu vaziyatda ancha kamaygan
to say nothing of; - bu haqida gap bo’lishi mumkin emas
inveterate homemakers;-- [ɪnˈvet.ər.ət] ashaddiy, tinib-tinchimas uybekalari
to hamper – vaziyatni qiyinlashtirmoq/og’rlashtirmoq
Complete the sentences using the expressions from the box. Explain their
is inevitable; tonal nature; constructed rationally; in the foreseeable future;
much less so the case; to say nothing of; inveterate homemakers;
1. In order to make it neutral and easily absorbed Esperanto w as
2. I t ______________ that English becomes a single international language.
3. A specific ______________ of the Chinese language hampers its spreading.
4. Popularity of French as a language of diplomacy and exchange is
5. English is unlikely to be replaced by any other language
6. Common words and expressions like ‘open’, ‘close’, ‘enter’, ‘shop’,
‘happy’ are popular even amon g _________________________________
7. English words are popular enough in all cities and towns _______________
tourist centers.

Homework 1 : read and tell your opinions on this topic


ENGLISH is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world that other
languages adopt many English words, especially the ones related to media and
technology. If you look around in cities and towns in Uzbekistan, you will find
English everywhere, including internet, meeting, fashion, signs and so on.
Moreover, we all surely have a couple of mates or relatives who master English
pretty well. Most young people in Samarkand, Bukhora or Khiva are more
acquainted with English speaking competence as those places are considered
tourist centers in Uzbekistan.
Even some school-aged children are able to explain directions in easy language
and have good idea about price expressions and shopping in general. A lot of
public transportation, economy and finance English words or expressions like
play, parking, sale, super market, attention, warning, please, push, pull, caution,
crisis, budget, auction, exchange, money or payment are undoubtedly known for
people of any age in Uzbekistan.
English has also become the language of world travel. For an Uzbek tourist
visiting Italy or Turkey or France, it would be excellent if he or she can speak
Italian or Turkish. However, if she can’t her best choice is English. So if you use
English in your everyday life you will be an excellent speaker of English.

Homework 2: provide students with the Handout. They should complete the mind
map according to the them they may add some more options if available. Check
their mind map result

Lesson 12.

Subject: English
Time: 80 min
Topic: I am a teacher

Aim: to enlarge students` vocabulary on this theme

 To increase students` grammar (using adverbs)

 to enhance students’ use of appropriate strategies for developing writing skills.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 develop their new words on this theme
 Identify this new topic which belongs on this theme
Aids: handouts, a board, markers, posters, colorful paper, scissors, nails or a sticky
tape, pencils, video clips, projector and a screen.

I am a teacher

Case Study
Why did you choose to be a teacher?
What do you like most about a teaching career?

True Life: I’m a Teacher (reading section)

When boys and girls go to school, they sit and learn from a person who is very
important to each and every one of them. Their teacher does a lot of good things
for them. Everybody knows that a teacher helps students learn things like math,
science, reading, and writing. What some boys and girls may not understand is that
teachers are also getting their students ready to live life as an adult. Teachers help
kids to learn to behave the right way when in a large group of people. They also
show kids that people must work hard to get what they want. Children probably
would not grow up to be responsible people without the help of their teachers. Yet
another thing about teachers that youngsters may not even think about is what
teachers do outside of the classroom. Teachers actually do a lot of work when they
are not in front of their students to make sure the students learn all of the lessons in
the best possible way. Erica Shields is a second grade teacher who works very
hard, even when she is not inside the classroom. Her students know her as “Miss
Shields.” They certainly appreciate all that Miss Shields teaches them, but they
probably have no idea what her life is like when she is not in the school building.
“A lot of people, including students, think a teacher only works from 9 a.m. until 3
p.m.,” Miss Shields says. “That is not correct at all.” On a normal school day, Miss
Shields wakes up at 7 a.m., makes herself breakfast, takes a shower, and picks out
a nice outfit to wear to work. “It is important to dress the right way when a person
teaches,” Miss Shields explains. “Teachers should look well‐dressed, neat, and
clean. They are supposed to set a good example for the kids, and proper clothing
expresses that.”Miss Shields leaves her home for school at 8 a.m. to make sure that
she is in the building at about 8:35. That is a full 25 minutes before her students
arrive and the class session begins. “I have to get there early to make sure I have
all of my supplies ready and that the classroom is tidy.”
Throughout the school day, Miss Shields teaches a little bit of everything. She gets
a break for lunch while her students eat too. On many days, she gets another break
while her students go to the gym for physical education or to the library for reading
At 3 p.m. she says goodbye to her students and drives back home.
During the late afternoon and early evening, Miss Shields has to correct
any submitted classwork, homework, quizzes, or tests the students may have given
her during the school day. “Grading all of these papers takes a long time because I
have to show all of the students how to do things the right way if they got
something wrong,” she says. “And that is only about half of what I have to do at
Miss Shields also takes time to plan her lesson for the next day of school.
“Teachers have to always be prepared,” she says. “I never know what my students
are going to ask me or in what subject they might need extra help. So, at night, I
make sure I feel comfortable with what I am going to teach.”
Miss Shields will usually work between two and four extra hours at home after
being at school for a little over six hours during the day. There have been some
days where she has worked over seven additional hours.
“I do all of that work because I love my students,” Miss Shields says. “They need
me to be ready for them every day, so I do whatever I have to do to be prepared.”
Task 1 After reading the passage do this test

1. What is Miss Shields’s job?

Miss Shields is a basketball coach.
Miss Shields is a doctor.
Miss Shields is a teacher.
Miss Shields is a waitress.

2. What does this passage describe?

This passage describes two students in Miss Shields’s class.
This passage describes science textbooks.
This passage describes what kids like to do after work.
This passage describes the work of a teacher.

3. Miss Shields works hard.

What evidence from the passage supports statement?
Miss Shields spends hours after the school day ends grading and planning lessons at
A lot of people, including students, think a teacher only works six hours a day, from 9
a.m until 3 p.m.
Miss Shields gets a break for lunch and when her students go to the gym for physical
education or to the library for reading time.
At 3 p.m Miss Shields says goodbay to her students and drives back home.

4. Why might some people think that a teacher only works from 9 a.m . until 3 p.m
Some people understand that teachers help prepare their students for life as an adult by
helping them learn how to behave when in a large group.
Some people only see teachers working from 9 a.m until 3 p.m and do not that time.
Some students like math and science more than reading and writing.
Miss Shields believes that teachers should look well-dressed, neat and clean.

5. What is this passage mostly about?

A teacher named Miss Shields and importance of teaching
Math, science, reading and writing
The right way to behave when you are in a larg group of people
What proper clothing for the classroom is

Task 2 Read the following sentences: “Miss Shields also takes time to plan her
lesson for the next day of school. ‘Teachers have to always be prepared,’she says.”
What does the word prepared mean?

Task 3 Translate these sentences into uzbek.

1. Before coming to the classroom, a good teacher ensures his/her goals of education on
daily basis.
2. Every teacher has different qualities of teaching their students.
3. A teacher is the precious gift from God to us. A teacher is like a God as God is the
builder of whole universe however a teacher is considered to be the builder of a good
4. Good teachers are also the best friends of their students who help them in deciding
true path in their life.
5. There are many teachers in any school or college but only one of them becomes
favourite of any student.

Homework : Write an essay “My favourite teacher and about the influence he (she)
exerted on my life”
(Here are some sentenses you my use in your essay)
Learning of a foreign language is not an easy task. It is a long and slow process takes a lot of
time and efforts. That is why it is very important to have a good teacher. I am very grateful to my
English teacher who made me interested in this subject. She is the person I loved best at school
because our English lessons were very interesting and instructive. We began to study English in
the first form. So she was the first who told us that English is an international language, it is the
language of business, diplomacy and international relations, the language of progressive science
and engineering. She convinced us that it is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for
every good specialist to know English well today. Our teacher is very competent and a good
professional. She has a good command of the English language. From lesson to lesson we
improved our knowledge, learnt more
and more new words, grammatical structures and put them into practice of speaking. We were
lucky enough to have such a patient and tactful teacher. She never mocked at the pupils. She
patiently corrected our mistakes and explained us everything we could not understand. Our
teacher did her best to make our lessons interesting and entertaining. We often worked in video
class, watched English video films and then had a discussion. We got acquainted with English or
American writers reading their works in the original. We communicated with native speakers of
English. The speech of native speakers served us a good example. We listened to pop songs and
tried to understand the words. She always looked perfect and we never saw her face angry or
unfriendly. We felt that she loved us and this is very important in teachers work. Teachers do not
only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other
people. Knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors before you, gives you many
opportunities and advantages.

Famous- known and recognized by many people:
a famous actress/building
Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.
a city famous for its nightlife

Know- to have information in your mind:

"Where did he go?" "I don't know."
"What does it cost?" "Ask Kate. She'll know."
She knows the name of every kid in the school.
I don't know anything about this.
[ + question word ] We don't know when he's arriving.
I don't know (= understand) what all the fuss is about.
[ + (that) ] I just knew (that) it was going to be a disaster.
She knew (= was aware) (that) something was wrong.
[ + obj + to infinitive ] Even small amounts of these substances are known to cause
skin problems.
formal The authorities know him to be (= know that he is) a cocaine dealer.

Like- We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive

like + noun phrase

I like Sarah but I don’t like her brother much.

Do you like pasta?

She really likes the singing of Luciano Pavarotti.

Work- Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes

an effort, often as part of a job or for study:

Hard work is good for you. It keeps you fit. (work as a physical activity)

I’m not going out tonight. I’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ve got exams next week.
(work as study)

Born- to come out of a mother's body, and start to exist:

She was born in 1950.
We saw a lamb being born.
Diana was born into an aristocratic family.
Ann was born and brought up in Delaware.

School- a place where children go to be educated

Which school do you go to?
I ride my bike to school.

Forest- a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a
wood, or the trees and plants themselves:
the Black Forest
The children got lost in the forest.

River- a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea, a lake, or
another river:
We sailed slowly down the river.

Actor- someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film,

play, or television or radio programme:
"Who's your favourite actor?" "Robert de Niro."

Visit- to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order to spend time

with them:
We visited a few galleries while we were in Prague.
Will you visit me when I'm in hospital?
When did you last visit the dentist/doctor?

Profession- any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill,
often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education:
He left the teaching profession in 1965 to start his own business.
The report notes that 40 percent of lawyers entering the profession are women.
Teaching as a profession is very underpaid.
He's a doctor by profession.

Lesson 13.


Course Type: practical Time: 80 minutes

Semester: S1 * S2 Number of Students:
Lesson Outline
1. Warm up activity
2. Listening comprehension on academic fields
3. Grammar.
4. Reading comprehension

Lesson aims:: to develop students’ speaking ability

Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson students will be able
 to develop students’ speaking ability to:
 to recognize and use English words  inform about him/herself in English
in communication;
 Make up duologues using new vocabulary
 to enhance students’ use of
appropriate strategies for developing  Identify some phrases which belong on
integrated skills. this theme
8.  Learn essential vocabulary of this lesson

Materials used: Preparation (Aids and Equipment) ð flashcards þ whiteboard þ computer
yourself-in-english/ þhandout(s) þ markers ð OHP
ð poster ð blackboard ð TV/DVD player
þ pictures ð scissors ð tape-recorder
ðpower point ðother:_________ ðother: ________
þ visuals
Type of Assessment
þon going assessment
þon going assessment þ participation

Activity Type: Lesson Length: 80 min

þ individual ð plenary discussion
In-Class Time: 80 min.
ð small group þin pairs
Out-of-Class Time: 10 min.
ð whole class (teacher-students)
Teaching Model: Students will be engaged in:
þ concept attainment þ pairing
ð presentation activities
ð cooperative learning ðwhole group
þproblem-based ðcooperative learning
ð discovery learning ð a project
instruction ð peer tutoring
ð direct instruction ð lecture
ð skill attainment ð designing visuals
ð role-plays

Detailed Procedure of the Lesson (Texnologik xarita)

Steps and Time
Teacher Activities Student Activities
1. Warm up
Teacher draws students’ attention to the frame of a
starter. Ask them to look through titles and find their field
Students focus their attention
1.Introduction of study.
to the exercise 1.
(20 minutes)

2. Teacher asks to complete the sentences with the words

on the left

2.Main part
Activity 2. Writing task Students work individually and
(50 minutes)
Teacher asks to complete the sentences using the words in present their answers.
Activity 2. Speaking Students work in pairs and
Teacher order to discuss the questions with partner present their answers.
Students do the task and
Activity 3. Working with the vocabularyTeacher ordersto compare their answers with
their partners. They present
make sentences using the words ; busy, call, country code,
their answers to the teacher.
dial, extension number Students work in groups and
present the task.

9. Closure Teacher goes through the lesson stages and ends lesson. Students work individually and
(10minutes) give a summary of today’s
Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Key words: extension number, country code, busy, call, ring

The Magic Computer .(Inventions of the world)

I had a difficult geography project to finish by the end of the semester. My
teacher wanted it to be typewritten, so I went to the school computer room. But
when I got there, all the computers were turned off. Apparently there was a recent
problem, and technicians were fixing it. I knew of some private study rooms
downstairs. They were small and dark, and the computers were very old, but I had
no choice. At least the computers were operating correctly. I typed and highlighted
the assignment’s title: “Evaluate the Government’s Response to Global Warming.”
But I didn’t know what to write in my essay. Finally I decided to find a book to help
me. I went to the library, checked the book indexes and eventually found a useful
book. Then I returned to the computer. When I looked at the screen, I saw
something so weird that I nearly fainted! The essay was complete! Had somebody
in cyberspace written it? I didn’t know, but I was very happy. I printed it out and
handed it in. I got an “A.” After that, I used the computer for all my assignments.
I’d type the title, wait awhile, and the computer would do it. Every assignment was
perfect; I never had to edit anything. I stopped paying attention to my teacher’s
lectures and spent my extra time in the gymnasium. And my grades got better and
better. A month later, I was walking into class when my friend said, “Are you
prepared for the test?” “What test?” I asked. “The geography test!” he replied. “I
hope you studied. It’s worth seventy percent of our final grade!” I failed the test, of
course. I was completely ignorant about the subject. After that, I made a resolution
never to use the magic computer again. The moral of this story is that if you cheat
at school, you won’t learn anything.
index [indeks] n. An index is a list of words at the end of a book that gives
information. -»If you look in the index, you’ll find the right page number.
lecture [lektfar] n. A lecture is a long, educational speech. -» His lecture on world
hunger was very informative.
moral [m6(:)rel] n. A moral is a message at the end of a story that teaches you
something. -* At the end of the story, Mother explained the moral to the children.
operate [apareit] * To operate means to work or function. -* I’m sorry, but the
trains are not operating today.
private [praivit] adj. If something is private, it is only used by one person or
group. — Don’t look at my diary! It’s private!
re ce n t [ri:sant] adj. When something is recent, it happened a short time ago. -»I
did not know what caused his recent behavior.
resolution [rezalu:Jan] n. A resolution is a personal decision. -> At New Year, I
made a list of resolutions to help me have a better year.
se m e ste r [simestar] n. A semester is a portion of a school year. Jack is in his
second semester of college.
typewritten [taipritn] adj. If something is typewritten, it is written on a computer
or typewriter. -» This is an important, formal project and must be typewritten.
weird [wiard] adj. When something is weird, it is very strange. My best friend’s
dad is a bit weird.
For teachers:1 call2busy.3message4mobile phone. 5ring. 6country code7 answer
the phone 8 hang up.9wrong number. 10 operator. 11extension number. 12text.
13 pay phones. 14 phone number. 15 dial
Homework: Learn the new words and make up sentences.

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