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P&O: Chemische Technologie Review article

Microfluidic production of pharmaceutical lipid nanocar-

riers for light-controlled release of active molecules

Jacobs A., Markey P., Martens B., Melis W., Mortiers A., Muyllaert M., Van Strydonck M., Kaya Özkiper K.,
Bolze H.

Department of Chemical Engineering, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, 3001 Leuven, Belgium


Microreactors pave the way to more intensified processes, and this is largely attributed to their small scale. It’s biggest features
are safety, controllability, high mixing capabilities and the improved heat and mass transfer, all surpassing that of the current
technology used in macro scale reactors. The properties of microreactors depend both on the structure and amount of microchan-
nels. However, the reactants determine which microreactor is optimal for mixing and the production of lipid nanoparticles. Lipid
nanoparticles have several good properties, one of their main features is the capability of encapsulating a chosen set of molecules
and forming a carrier for drugs. These sort of carriers can be customized to have a trigger mechanisms for controlled drug deliv-
ery. A possible trigger mechanism is the formation of a singlet oxygen after irradiation with light of certain wavelengths. This
mechanism makes for a controlled release of an otherwise poorly administrable substance.

1 Introduction leading to improved efficacy and reduced side effects [5].

The study of microfluidic systems has increased over This review paper researches the state-of-the-art of
the past two decades [1]. The first application of microreactors and it’s utilization within the manufac-
microfluidic systems dates back to 1950 where it was turing of carriers. A definition of microreactors is
used for the production of inkjet printers [1]. From given followed by a comparison between active and
1980 onward the use of microfluidics began, due to the passive microreactors. Afterwards, lipids are described
advent of micro-valves and micro-pumps. Experiments with some applications. Finally, the release of drugs
with these micron methods led to a better control involving light is explained.
and precision of the devices when the volume of the
fluid was reduced [1]. Some typical characteristics of
2 Batch Reactor vs. microreactor
microfluidic technology are the small-scale particle flow,
rapid response time and the low cost [2]. 2.1 Batch Process
Typically nanoparticles for research are prepared in
One application of microfluidics is the production batch reactors as these allow manageable lab scale ex-
of pharmaceutical lipid nanocarriers. These carriers periments. However, batch reactors experience limita-
encapsulate drugs and consist of specific types of lipids tions due to inefficient mass and heat transfer [6, 7]. In-
such as liposomes, ethosomes, etc [3]. One madvantage adequate heat transfer can hinder the control of highly
of using lipid nanocarriers is the ability to regulate exothermic, fast kinetic reactions, leading to potentially
the release of drugs through exposure to specific types adverse consequences [8]. To prevent overheating, the
of light (UV, visible light,..). This could be achieved feedstock in a batch reactor can be diluted therefore low-
by incorporating photosensitive molecules into the ering the over-all reaction intensity but decreasing the re-
lipid nanocarriers, which would allow the release action rate and altering the yield and selectivity of the de-
of the drug to be triggered by exposure to specific sired product [7, 9]. Hence, a batch reactor is not optimal
wavelengths of light [4]. This approach could allow for highly exothermic reactions [9, 10]. For fast kinetic
for more precise and targeted drug delivery, potentially reactions, the reaction time may be comparable to the

2.2 Microreactor Microfluidic production of pharmaceutical nanocarriers
mixing time. As a result, concentration gradients within actors in parallel or special geometries [27–29].
the reaction volume can impact the nucleation rate, lead- Microreactors can be categorized as active and passive
ing to the formation and growth of inconsistent nuclei microreactors. In active microreactors, an external field
[7]. These inconsistent nuclei result in a polydisperse induces the disturbance whereas passive microreactors
particle size distributions and large batch-to-batch varia- rely entirely on diffusion or chaotic advection for the
tions [11, 12]. However, more recent studies found that mixing process [1, 15]. The need for external power
the use of a microfluidic batch reactor significantly im- sources makes the design of active micromixers both
proves the efficiency of mass and heat transfer compared challenging and expensive. In contrast, passive mi-
to traditional batch reactors as a resumt of a smaller re- cromixers are easily integrable in more complex system
actor size and high surface-to-volume ratio [12–14]. as they are stable in operation and can be robust [15].
In the subsequent sections, only passive microreactors
2.2 Microreactor are discussed. As for active types, examples are acoustic
A microreactor is a small-scale mixing device specifi- wave-assisted and magnetic-field driven microreactors
cally designed to handle and facilitate chemical reactions [15, 30, 31].
between at least two different phases, such as solids, 2.2.1 High-pressure microreactor
liquids, or gases [15]. Micromixers are characterized Initially, the high-pressure microreactor (seen in Figure
by channel sizes in the sub-millimeter range, typically 1) was designed to produce solid lipid nanoparticles by
between 100-500 µm. The overall volume of these splitting an oil phase with high-velocity water jets during
mixing devices can range from a few microliters to a preemulsification step. [13, 32] Later, it has been uti-
several milliliters [15, 16]. The ability to handle small lized to rapidly blend ethanolic and fluid arrangements
fluid volumes makes microsystems an attractive option in a violent stream system for the development of med-
for drug development and production, particularly ication nanoparticles through antisolvent precipitation
when the drug substance is rare or in low demand, [32, 33]. This type of micromixer commonly consists of
or if it is very expensive [17, 18]. However, larger steel microparts. Two pressure intensifiers, connected to
quantities of the drug substance may be needed for the microreactor, control the inflow of the solutions[13].
clinical trials or commercial purposes, and production
at this scale can be achieved using microsystems as
well. Microsystems enable a continuous production
with a higher product yield and enhanced product space
time yield as a common batch reactor which means
that the reaction time can be reduced from hours in a
batch to minutes or even seconds [19–21]. This constant
quality is largely attributed to the reduced nanoparticle
dispersity obtained by a micromixer in comparison to a Figure 1: High-pressure microreactor [13]
conventional discontinuous batch reactor [22, 23].
2.2.2 Staggered Herringbone microreactor
Microreactors are also suitable for fast hydrogena- A staggered herringbone microreactor (SHM), shown in
tion reactions with short half-lives, as the mass transfer Figure 2, is a so called chaotic advection microreactor,
coefficients in these small-scale mixing devices have designed for both higher flow rates and an increased mix-
been found to be two orders of magnitude higher than ing efficiency. By placing grooves in the microchannel
in traditional batch reactors. This enables more efficient and creating chaotic advection, mixing in the laminar
and consistent reactions, making microreactors an flow regime is intensified by multiple orders of magni-
attractive choice for this application [24, 25]. While tude compared to simple molecular diffusion [34]. As
microsystems have many advantages, there are also a result, ta reduction in the required channel length for
challenges to be considered. For example, scaling up complete mixing is attained [34]. Regarding the direc-
to multiple microreactors can be difficult, as achieving tion of the grooves, a positive groove pattern with a for-
uniform flow towards each reactor from a single inlet ward flow is more efficient for mixing than the conven-
stream can be challenging [26]. However, various tionally used negative pattern. This is primarily a result
approaches have been developed to address this issue of the convex shape at the entrance of the positive SHM
and enable the successful operation of multiple microre- structure that enhances mixing. [35].

Microfluidic production of pharmaceutical nanocarriers
like ethanol, resulting in diffusive mixing and local dilu-
tion of the organic phase [36]. Despite the limited-flow
rate hindering a scale-up possibility and high through-
put, this technique is frequently used in the production
of lipid nanoparticles because of the high mixture level
and encapsulation efficiency [36].

Figure 2: Staggered herringbone micromixer [36]

2.2.3 Segmented Gas-Liquid Flow Microreactor

In addition to the liquid phases to be mixed, in this type
of microreactor a gas phase is injected into the mixing
channel, as seen in Figure 3. As a consequence of the
narrowness of the mixing-channels, the gas bubbles are
of the same diameter as the channel resulting in a Tay- Figure 4: Hydrodynamic flow-focusing [36]
lor flow, a dominant flow pattern in gas-liquid channels.
This type of pattern consists of elongated bubbles sepa-
rated by liquid slugs [36, 37]. The bubbles can almost 3 Lipids
completely fill the cross-section of the channel leaving
only a thin liquid film between the bubbles and the chan- 3.1 Definition
nel wall [37]. Shear stress in the individual parts cre- A lipid is a type of organic compound that is com-
ates a backflow, limiting the stability in the Taylor flow posed primarily of hydrocarbons and is insoluble in wa-
[13, 37]. As a stable Taylor flow is desirable, opti- ter. Lipids are a diverse group of molecules that include
mal volume flows are essential [37, 38]. Some studies fats, waxes, and certain hormones and vitamins. They
have demonstrated that the use of a segmented-flow mi- play a number of important roles in the body, including
cromixer can be more effective than a herringbone mixer providing a source of energy, insulation, and structural
in certain conditions [39, 40]. This can be attributed to support [41]. There are three main types of lipids: fatty
the shear-induced crystallization induced by the presence acids, glycerides (also known as lipids), and phospho-
of an air-water interface, leading to the formation of di- lipids [42]. Fatty acids are long-chain carboxylic acids
verse particle morphologies [39]. These findings suggest that are the primary components of fats [43], while glyc-
that the chemical composition of the samples may signif- erides are esters of fatty acids and glycerol [44]. Phos-
icantly influence the superiority of a given microsystem pholipids are a type of lipid that contains a phosphate
over batch setups or alternative microsystems [13]. group and are an important component of cell mem-
branes [45].

3.2 Liposomes
A liposome is a type of drug delivery system that uses
a spherical vesicle made up of one or more lipid bilay-
ers [36, 46]. Liposomes are similar to lipid nanoparti-
cles (LNPs) in that they both use lipids to deliver drugs
to the body. However, liposomes are often larger than
Figure 3: Segmented Gas-Liquid Flow Microreactor [13] LNPs, with diameters ranging from 20 to 1,000 nanome-
ters [36]. Liposomes can be used to deliver a wide range
2.2.4 Hydrodynamic Flow-Focusing Microreactor of drugs, including nucleic acids, proteins, and small
A hydrodynamic flow-focusing type is a microreactor molecules. Because they are composed of lipids, they
containing three inlet streams with a cross-shaped geom- can be easily taken up by cells, making them an effec-
etry, shown in Figure 4. In this micromixing method, tive drug delivery system. Like LNPs, liposomes can be
lipid nanostructures are formed at the stream interface designed to release their drug payload over a controlled
due to the mixing of an aqueous solution and a liquid period of time [36, 46].

3.3 Lipid Nanoparticles Microfluidic production of pharmaceutical nanocarriers
3.3 Lipid Nanoparticles 3.4 Applications

3.4.1 Drug Delivery

A lipid nanoparticle (LNP) is a type of drug delivery Lipid nanoparticles are a potential drug delivery system
system that uses lipids, to deliver drugs to the body. because their hydrophobic interior allows them to encap-
LNPs are small, typically measuring between 10 and sulate hydrophobic drugs, and their hydrophilic exterior
100 nanometers in diameter, and can be designed to allows them to be transported in water. In addition, lipid
release their drug payload over a controlled period of nanoparticles can be engineered to target specific cells or
time [36]. They are often used to deliver nucleic acids, tissues in the body, making them a potentially effective
such as DNA or RNA, which can be difficult to deliver to way to deliver drugs to specific locations [36]. There are
the body using traditional methods [36]. One advantage several different types of lipid nanoparticles that are be-
of LNPs is that they can be easily taken up by cells, ing developed for drug delivery, including liposomes and
allowing for the efficient delivery of drugs to specific solid lipid nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are cur-
areas of the body [4, 36]. rently being studied for their potential to deliver a wide
range of drugs, including anticancer agents, antibiotics,
Liposomes and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are both and vaccines [4].
drug delivery systems that use lipids to deliver drugs
to the body. However, there are some key differences 3.4.2 Gene Therapy
between the two. Liposomes are typically larger than Lipid nanoparticles have also been studied for their po-
LNPs. This size difference can affect their behavior in tential use in gene therapy. Gene therapy involves de-
the body, with larger liposomes being more susceptible livering therapeutic genes to cells in order to treat ge-
to recognition and uptake by the immune system, while netic diseases [48]. One of the challenges of gene ther-
smaller LNPs can circulate in the body for longer apy is delivering the therapeutic genes to the right cells
periods of time [36, 47]. Additionally, liposomes can in the body. Lipid nanoparticles are attractive as a de-
be used to deliver a wider range of drugs than LNPs, livery system because they can be engineered to tar-
which are primarily used for delivering nucleic acids get specific cells or tissues, and their hydrophobic in-
[36]. Liposomes can carry polar and apolar molecules terior allows them to encapsulate the therapeutic genes
or aqueous solutions due to their bilayer structure. Con- [49].There are several different types of lipid nanopar-
versely, LNPs can carry apolar molecules like proteins ticles that are being studied for gene therapy includ-
or large organic molecules due to their single layer ing liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles [48].These
structure [36]. These structures are shown in Figure 5. nanoparticles are currently being studied for their poten-
tial to deliver a wide range of therapeutic genes, includ-
ing genes that can correct genetic defects or stimulate
the body’s immune response to fight cancer and other
diseases [13].
3.4.3 Cosmetics
Lipid nanoparticles are also used in some cosmetics
products [50, 51]. Lipid nanoparticles can be used to
deliver active ingredients, such as moisturizers or anti-
aging agents, to the skin. Because lipid nanoparticles are
made up of lipids, which are similar to the lipids found
in the skin, they can be easily absorbed into it and can
help to improve the effectiveness of the active ingredi-
ents [50]. In addition, lipid nanoparticles can be engi-
neered to release the active ingredients over a period of
time, which can help to extend the effects of the prod-
uct. There are several different types of lipid nanopar-
ticles that are used in cosmetics, including liposomes,
niosomes and solid lipid nanoparticles. These nanoparti-
Figure 5: different types of lipid nanostructures [36]
cles are commonly used in moisturizers, sunscreens, and
other skin care products [50, 51].
Microfluidic production of pharmaceutical nanocarriers
4 Drug release from lipid based carriers resulting in enhanced cytotoxic effects in vitro. The
As mentioned above, lipids are frequently used to con- responsiveness of photoactivatable LNPs (paLNPs) to
struct organic carriers [52]. Due to their structure, they a different wavelength is easily tuned by substituting
can form multiple different structures which can act as AzoPC with a red-shifted variant red-AzoPC.” [55]
carriers, e.g. liposomes, lipid nanoparticles, oily suspen-
sions, lipid emulsions, lipid microbubbles, etc [53]. Each AzoPC does not stay in his cis-form infinitely: the
structure has its own advantages and disadvantages for molecule transforms back to its stable state over time
different types of payloads that need to be encapsulated [64]. In order to keep the drug leakage going for longer
by a carrier, this in order to stabilize or to deliver them at periods of time, pulsed irradiation of the carriers can
their desired destination [54, 55]. Drug delivery in bod- be used. Pulsed irradiation significantly improves the
ies (e.g. humans, animals, ...etc.) is one of the primary drug release while also preventing any side-effects long
uses for lipid based carriers [53]. exposure to wavelengths may have on the site where the
drug is released [55].
4.1 Triggered drug release
4.3 Singlet Oxygen
Lipid based carriers are frequently used for drug deliv-
ery to specific sites in the body. One of the more promi- Singlet oxygen is a dioxygen molecule which has been
nent research fields where these carriers are frequently brought to one of its excited states. The lowest excited
used are cancer treatments [55]. Due to the strong cohe- state has a long decay time and the highest excited
sive nature of liposomes and lipid based nanoparticles, state has a short decay time to the ground state or the
these carriers can survive long in the human body with- triplet state[65, 66]. It also contains several unpaired
out dissolving [56]. This could leak the anticancer drugs electrons which makes the singlet oxygen molecule
at wrong sites in the body or at the wrong pace. This very reactive when interacting with organic species.
is why triggered release is considered a significant ben- Because of this, the decay time is very easily influenced
efit in this practice [57]. By modifying the carriers, they by the interaction with other species, mostly organic
become susceptible to different parameters which trigger species. Contact and reaction with these species can
drug release [55]. When they are triggered, these mod- result in the molecule being quenched and returning to
ifications have an effect on the formed lipids structure. its groundstate much faster [65, 66].
Triggers can be the presence of ions at certain concen-
trations, e.g. Fe2+ , pH-environment, light [58, 59]. For The easiest method of producing singlet oxygen is
the scope of this paper, only light triggered release will photosensitized generation[65, 67]. This method
be covered as primary source of trigger factors. requires only light, ground state oxygen and a photosyn-
thesizers. During this process, two different mechanisms
4.2 Light triggered drug release can occur; a type one and type two photosensitization
Light is the most prominent source to trigger drug process. Every process starts with photosensitization
release at different sites [55, 60]. Light can be seen which involves the irradiation of a photosensitizer
as a bundle of electromagnetic waves, each with their molecule like organic dyes and transition metal com-
specific wavelength, which can be relatively easy plexes to its singlet excited state. Afterwards these
controlled and changed when compared to the pH- molecules are converTed from their singlet to their
environment and the ions-concentration [61]. Light triplet excited state. This all happens in the presence of
itself doesn’t have an effect on the release aspect of oxygen. In the final step the combination of photosen-
nonmodified lipid based carriers, only on the size of sitizers and oxygen results in the formation of singlet
the particles may vary due to exposure [62]. In order oxygen in two possible chemical reactions; a radical
to make light triggered drug release possible, red-light reaction and a superoxide formation [65, 67].
photoswitchable-phosphatidylcholine analogs (AzoPC
and redAzoPC) can be added to liposomes in order to Singlet oxygen has several characteristics like its
create photoactivatable LNPs (paLNP) [55, 63]. AzoPC extremely high reactivity which makes the use of this
has two forms: a trans- and a cis-form. In trans form, molecule interesting for drug release and in medical
AzoPC is stable and doesn’t affect the drug release [64]. applications like cancer treatments [68, 69]. One inter-
”When stimulated to adopt the cis-form, the AzoPC esting characteristic is the fact that It inflicts significant
containing liposomes exhibit triggered release properties damage to organic molecules in biological systems like

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