What Are The Features of Argumentative Essay

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What Are The Features Of Argumentative

Crafting an essay on the features of an argumentative essay may pose a considerable challenge for
many individuals. The difficulty lies not only in understanding the fundamental components that
constitute an argumentative essay but also in effectively conveying those features in a coherent and
persuasive manner.

Firstly, one must delve into the intricacies of argumentation itself, exploring the art of presenting a
viewpoint with clarity and logical reasoning. This involves mastering the skill of constructing a
strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument while remaining concise and impactful.
Additionally, developing a clear line of reasoning, supported by well-researched evidence, is crucial.
The challenge here lies in the meticulous selection and integration of relevant data to bolster the
essay's persuasive power.

Another aspect that contributes to the difficulty of the task is the necessity to anticipate and counter
opposing viewpoints. A successful argumentative essay requires the ability to address potential
objections and present a compelling case against alternative perspectives. This demands both critical
thinking skills and a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, mastering the art of transitions is essential to ensure a seamless flow of ideas throughout
the essay. Transitioning from one point to another while maintaining coherence can be a challenging
aspect of the writing process. The essay must read as a cohesive and well-structured argument rather
than a collection of disparate thoughts.

Furthermore, achieving an appropriate balance between ethos, pathos, and logos – appealing to
credibility, emotions, and logic, respectively – adds another layer of complexity. Striking the right
chord with the audience requires a nuanced understanding of rhetorical strategies and persuasive

In conclusion, writing an essay on the features of an argumentative essay demands a multifaceted

approach. It involves mastering the art of argumentation, researching and presenting evidence
effectively, countering opposing viewpoints, ensuring smooth transitions, and employing persuasive
techniques. Despite its challenges, honing these skills is essential for anyone aiming to become a
proficient essay writer.

If you find yourself struggling with such tasks, it's worth noting that help is available. Various
services, like HelpWriting.net , offer assistance in crafting essays on diverse topics. Whether it's
understanding the nuances of argumentative essays or tackling any other writing challenges, seeking
professional support can be a valuable resource for those navigating the complexities of academic
What Are The Features Of Argumentative Essay What Are The Features Of Argumentative Essay
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Advertising
Julia Louis Dreyfus has succeeded in a field traditionally dominated by men. The
queen television comedy will be back in April 2016 with a new season of the hit series
Veep. Here are 15 things you probably didn t know about the talented, hilarious actress.
Stay tuned for part two, coming soon! Number Fifteen: She Was Rich Before She Started
Acting Dreyfus was born to a very wealthy family. Her great great grandfather founded
the Louis Dreyfus Group, which dominates the agriculture trade worldwide. Dreyfus
insists that it s the company that makes millions, not her family, but they definitely never
struggled financially. The company makes approximately $120 billion a year. Number
Fourteen: Clinton Loves Her in Veep Veep has been named the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In the ad, Dreyfus approaches a co worker and wrongfully congratulates her on being
pregnant. The ad was regarded as insulting and shameful by feminist organizations.
Nonetheless, it was the most successful commercial in the country in 2013. Number
Ten: She s Concerned About L.A. s Environmental Issues Julia is an environmentalist.
She worries about global warming and other environmental issues particularly,
California s water and air quality. She has raised millions to clean up the water supply
in Los Angeles and has also donated money to Heal the Bay. Her California home is,
in fact, solar powered and built on recycled materials. Number Nine: She s Lived All
Over the World Her step father s job as a member of an NGO (Project Hope) had her
and her family moving from country to country for years. She has lived in Sri Lanka,
Colombia, Tunisia and several U.S. states. Number Eight: Her Cousin Owned a
Football Club Robert Louis Dreyfus, Julia s French cousin, was a very successful
businessman in the sports field. He used to be the CEO of Adidas and owned the
Olympique de Marseille, a major French football club. He passed away from leukemia in
2009. Stay tuned for part two, coming
Sweatshops Disadvantages
Sweatshops are work environments that possess three major characteristics long hours,
low pay, and unsafe or unhealthy working conditions (Sweatshops). Sweatshops do not
only employ men and women but they also employ children, children who get their
childhood robbed from to start working at an early age. Many of the clothing companies
that you wear day to day may participate in these sweatshops .
According to the Average Hourly Apparel Worker Wages photograph, many sweatshops
are in third world countries such as China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Dominican Republic,
Honduras, Indonesia and Vietnam. Those are only a few countries out of the many that
participate in sweatshops. While our minimum wage is $10.50 and still increasing, the
hourly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That s 260 million children who aren t getting an education or making good childhood
memories. Most of these children are aged from 5 to 14 years old. The children are
easy targets for them because they are obedient and scared which makes them easier
and better for the employers to control them( Moulds). The children also don t have
voices to speak up for themselves or speak up against their employers. Not only are
children obedient, scared and voiceless, they are also so much smaller which makes
them perfect for some jobs that big adults can t do.
Many of the clothing brands that are trendy and cool are associated with sweatshops. It
s not only clothing companies associated with sweatshops. Many technology stores and
sports companies participate as well. Without knowing so, we support these companies
by buying their products and spending lots of money on them. Some of the clothing
companies are American Apparel, Abercrombie and Fitch, L.L. Bean, Gymboree, Hanes
and Burberry. Some of the sports companies include Nike, Adidas, Pumas, New Balance
and FILA(Are your clothes made in sweatshops). Some of the technology companies
linked with sweatshops according to Moore, Malcolm, are Apple, HP, and Dell. The
companies listed above are not even half of the many that are out there.
People s experiences working here are as awful as we thought it would be. A canadian
reporter named Raveena Aulakh went undercover in a Bangladeshi
Female Cancer Patients Negating Social Ideas of Beauty
My research topic is How can female cancer patients successfully negotiate social ideas
of beauty , I have chosen this question as a research topic as two of my family
members have recently suffered from and lost their lives to this disease and I want to
develop my knowledge of the disease and how it may lead to other health problems. I
have chosen to target the theme of beauty as the changes induced by both the disease and
the treatment are often visible, which sometimes lead to mental health problems or
feelings of great dissatisfaction.

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and invade other
tissues; the disease can spread to other parts of the body through the circulatory and
lymph systems. There are more than 100 different types of known cancer, which can be
grouped into broader categories such as:
Carcinoma this is the cancer that originates in the skin and tissues and progresses to
cover internal organs. Some subtypes of carcinoma include adrenocarcinoma, basal cell
carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma.
Sarcoma this is the cancer that originates in the bones, fat, cartilage, muscle, blood
vessels, or other connective or supportive body tissues.
Leukemia this is the cancer that is established in blood forming tissue such as bone
marrow. This causes numerous abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
Lymphoma and myeloma these are cancers that originate in the cells of the immune

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