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Artificial Intelligence,Internet of Things, and Drones. [Section 1]Time spent: Oct 15-16/2022.

1.Henok Belayneh (UGR/3086/14) 4.Hundera Adamu (UGR/1536/14)

2.Mikias Befekadu (UGR/9340/13) 5.Guta Tefera(UGR/7220/14)
3.Aymen Aragaw(UGR/9793/14)

1.Artificial Intelligence and its applications:

Transport: AI methods can be presented as a smart solution for complex systems like transportation that
can’t be efficiently managed using traditional methods. . An example of that includes transforming the traffic
sensors on the road into a smart agent that detects accidents automatically and predicts future traffic
conditions. Also, there are many AI methods used in transport such as ANNs. ANNs can be used for road
planning, public transport, Traffic Incident Detection; and predicting traffic conditions.
Business: Machine learning is used to drive efficiency in many business departments, including: finance
departments and firms that use machine learning to speed up work and reduce human error ;operations
teams that use machine learning-based solutions to monitor equipment and identify in advance when
maintenance and repairs will be needed, thereby reducing unexpected problems and unplanned work
disruptions; and information technology departments that can use machine learning as part of
its automation of software testing to dramatically speed up and improve that process, resulting in better
software developed faster and at lower costs.
Finance: Companies are introducing robo-advisors and virtual banking assistants to simplify
communications and offer a more personalized experience for customers, that rely on natural language
processing (NLP),data mining and human-like reasoning developed by deep learning algorithms, animated
operations, in cases as finance, manufacturing, hospitals, self-driving vehicles, and home environments.

Healthcare: Healthcare has long been viewed by many people as one of the most promising domains for
Machine Intelligence technologies where applications could improve health outcomes and quality of life
for millions of people in the years ahead. Many discussions around healthcare and smart technology have
focused on personalized medicine, telemedicine, the internet of things, and robotics. Some of the key
applications include patient monitoring and coaching, management of healthcare systems, automated
devices to assist in surgery or patient care, and clinical decision support. We have recently also seen
an example of where Machine Intelligence applications such as IBM Watson for Oncology has greatly
speeded up the diagnosis of a rare form of leukemia in a patient (Watson has cross-referenced a patient’s
genetic data to make a diagnosis that would have taken a human doctor weeks to do). Other examples
include machine learning to predict patients at risk, mining social media to infer possible health risks, and
robotics to support surgery.

Legal and ethical issue that can arise from artificial intelligence (AI): include privacy and surveillance, bias
or discrimination, and potentially the philosophical challenge in the role of human judgment

2.The Applications of IoT: Iot = services + Data + Networks + Sensors

Health: The employment of interconnected networks which integrate IOT with healthcare systems can be
useful to tracking or control of pandemic diseases, like corona virus, remotely using body sensor networks
and wearable sensors. And also anyone's bodily functioning can be scanned and checked enabling a person
to get timely treatments and even predict ones diseases from symptoms. particularly this will help Ethiopians
as the physician to people ratios too low.
Agriculture:IOT based irrigation management system can monitor soil,microclimate,and water parameters
for the production of the best possible yield from a land.IOT based systems can also tell when to harvest and
sell using real time field and market data which is a real problem in our country. Tasks like weeding, spraying,
harvesting can be done using smart GPS based remotely controlled machines by creating IOT-based
agricultural systems.
Transportation:IOT transportation incorporates a wide network of embedded sensors, actuators, smart
objects and other intelligent devices when interconnected enable; Smart parking ,automatic traffic light
system, and smart accident assistance and other IoT applications help the traffic and patrolling officers in
managing the traffic efficiently.IoT devices can also monitor the driver’s behaviors and can inform about the
driving style and alcohol levels of the driver replacing the need to check every driver on the road.
Ethical and security threats arising from IoT:Firstly Due to a huge number of services and connections that
are made by IoT devices the systems are very vulnerable to be attacked, an issue called overly large attack
surface. Secondly if attackers have physical access to a device they can open the device and attack the
hardware. And also Institutions can have access to delicate information about you without your consent. So,
if successful a hacker can know everything about the PM, President, War generals, Secret agents and even
shutdown the whole system of telecom or INSA.
3.The application of Drone technology:
Agriculture:In supporting precision farming, drones can do soil health scans, monitor crop health, assist in
planning irrigation schedules, apply fertilizers,etc. Drone in the forestry sector in Ethiopia is believed to be
a supplementary method to the existing methods of spatial data capture for filling the gap of information
and improving the quality of forest information that is needed to comply with international standards.
Telecom:The key application areas in telecoms are maintenance monitoring, asset management and
network planning/implementation. Ethiopia introduced 5G is anticipated to be a major catalyst for
expanded and richer UAV/drone use cases.Drones are able to inspect installed equipment at the top of
towers or over large areas with greater speed – lowering costs and reducing the risks to staff.
Transportation: Ethiopia use UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to deliver medical equipment and supplies to
remote areas of Ethiopia. This would help to distribute medicine and blood supplies to areas where access
to the road is hard and expensive.
Health:Avion is an Ethiopian technology solutions company that develops and implements drone-based
medical supply deliveries to remote areas in Ethiopia that are inaccessible through conventional methods.
The drones deliver medicine, vaccines, and other crucial medical supplies to these areas.
Business and Entertainment: nowadays drone makes easy to have aerial photo/video footage; whereas
aerial drone footages are high quality with low cost. Since filmmakers, video producers and TV station
activities are enhanced by the use of commercial drones; so it can be concluded that commercial drone
operation is enhanced the entertainment industry in Addis Ababa. The live streaming video of Great
Ethiopian Run 2019 via Fana Television, showed us the beautiful aerial view of Addis Ababa.
Ethical and security issues that can arise while using or developing drone: Commercial drone operation is
creating a threat to sensitive facilities like the national palace and government security facilities by flying
over it since in Addis Ababa, drones are flying over where ever they need and there no rules and
regulations to manage it.INSA assures commercial drones are a threat to the critical infrastructures,
government security, and sensitive facilities. There is accidents happened to public & and private property
and individuals in Addis Ababa due to commercial drone operation.
1.Budalakoti, S.; Srivastava, A.N.; Otey, M.E. Anomaly detection and diagnosis algorithms for discrete symbol
sequences with applications to airline safety. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern.
2.Akgüngör, A.P.; Do ˘gan, E. An artificial intelligent approach to traffic accident estimation: Model development and
application. Transport 2009, 24, 135–142.
3.Abadi, Martín, et al. (2016) "Tensorflow: A system for large-scale machine learning." 12th {USENIX} Symposium on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation ({OSDI} 16.)
4. Madhuri Vangeti, Chala Wata Dereso, Ramesh Rudrapati, Miriyala Akhila, Maheswaran Muturaman(IJARET)
11(9),2020.Applications of IoT to track covid-19 in real time.
5. Ethiopia Nigussie, Thomas Olwal, George Musumba, Tesfa Tegegne, Atli Lemma, Fisseha Mekuria; Procedia
Computer Science 177, 86-93, 2020,Elsevier;2020
6.Assessing opportunities and threats of commercial drones in case of Addis Ababa by Habtamu Meresa Haile

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