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Ending A Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Ending an Essay" can be both challenging and intriguing. Crafting
a compelling conclusion requires a delicate balance between summarizing the main points, offering a
sense of closure, and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The difficulty lies in finding the right
words and structure to leave a powerful final impact.

Firstly, summarizing the key points without sounding repetitive or redundant is a delicate task. The
conclusion should provide a concise recap of the essay's main arguments and insights without simply
restating them. Striking this balance can be challenging, as it requires a keen sense of the essay's
overarching message and a careful selection of words to reinforce its significance.

Furthermore, creating a sense of closure involves more than just wrapping up the content. The
conclusion should give the reader a feeling of completeness, ensuring that they leave with a clear
understanding of the essay's purpose and implications. Achieving this requires thoughtful
consideration of the essay's tone, pacing, and overall structure.

Finally, leaving a lasting impression is crucial for an effective conclusion. Whether it's through a
thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a memorable quote, the ending should linger in the
reader's mind. Crafting such an impactful conclusion requires creativity, insight, and a deep
understanding of the essay's theme.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Ending an Essay" demands a careful and thoughtful
approach. Achieving a successful conclusion involves skillfully summarizing key points, providing
closure, and leaving a lasting impression. It is a task that requires a nuanced understanding of the
essay's content and a mastery of language to create a powerful and memorable ending.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, you may explore the services
available at . They offer support for various types of essays and writing needs,
providing professional assistance to enhance the quality of your work.
Ending A Essay Ending A Essay
It s Only Natural Essay
It is only natural that human beings have always been fascinated in what makes them
who they are and what characteristics of themselves set them apart from other people.
Behaviorists on the other hand believe there is nothing more in where they grew up
because their theory is human nature can be completely understood by the laws intrinsic
in the innate environment. Psychologists influence one another and trigger theories for
additional experimentation. Some psychologists do not care about other s theories while
some battle other s theories. Not many scientists believe the behaviorist theory is as
encompassing as it once was thought to be. One cannot completely dismiss the outcome
the environment has on behavior neither the function it... Show more content on ...
Some debate that one s environment is responsible for mental capabilities; therefore,
alcoholism could be from one s environment or biologically passed. For instance, John
Doe s parent is an alcoholic and noticed the heavy drinking consumed at parties. This
could steer John Doe to an altered mental, emotional, and physical condition (biological
factors). As teenagers develop they are subjected to mixed messages and peer pressure.
Teenagers will experiment to see what they like and do not like. For the teenagers that opt
out, they are likely to be harassed, tormented, and even bullied, thus causing them to
withdraw from social interaction and form introversion.
In this section, three main points will be discussed on how evolutionary, biological
genetic, and environmental factors have an effect on the development of an aggressive
personality. First, peer relationships especially during middle school can influence in the
development of aggression. The failure or success rate of developing peer friendships
during adolescence is a direct indication of the learning that is identified with early
parent and child interaction. Consequently, the individual stages from birth through
adolescence are like building blocks. It is essential that each block is just as strong as
the last one because it has to support the next block (stage). This means if a child has a
positive sense of worth then the child s mood is expected to be friendly, thus interactions
Examples Of The Fourth Amendment
Illegal Search and Seizure The Fourth Amendment was added to the Constitution to
protect people from the searching of their homes and private property with search
warrants. The founders believed that our freedom and the right to privacy would
better be protected. Part of the reason we have this amendment was because of the
King George. When he had started to tax the colonies, the colonist would change to
other ways of getting goods. In some cases that meant smuggling in goods. King
George used a writs of assistance which had been legal search warrants that had a
broad range. As the British would use this to search the colonist pretty much at will
for no reason. Many colonist felt that the King s search and seizures to be unlawful,
and to lack any probable cause for the search. This was a big reason why the founding
fathers added this amendment to the constitution. This amendment would help to
limit and restrain courts and officials from exercising power and authority in violation
against any unreasonable searches and seizures. Weeks v. United States The Supreme
Courts case of Weeks v. United States in 1914 is a prime example for illegal search and
seizure. Fremont Weeks was arrested by police in Kansas City, Missouri; for using the
mail system to transport lottery tickets. While Weeks was arrests police officers had
went to his house to search it. When the police arrived, a neighbor had told the police
where they could find Weeks s spare key. The police used
Religious Issues In Mandala
In 1978, Kim Seongdong published the literary work called Mandala; a novel that
brought him recognition as a writer and led him to win the Literature Prize for Novelists,
but it also meant his excommunication from the Buddhist order he belonged to.
In Mandala, Kim presents the story of a young itinerant Buddhist called Bobun who in
his journey arrives in the Byongsa temple and meets an older monk by the name Yisan.
At first, Bobun is outraged by Yisan s constant drinking and disrespectful words as well
as actions, but he is forced to share the guest room with the older monk; which leads
Bobun to confront Yisan about his actions and eventually both monks engage in deep
conversations regarding what is right and what is wrong, what monks should and shouldn
t do, and what Buddhism really means. ... Show more content on ...
Kim makes a series of accusations and declarations regarding the unpleasant and wicked
side of the religious system through Yisan s anecdotes and the description of the
obstacles both characters confront in the face of a closed ecclesiastical structure that
cares more for money and earthly possessions than the religion it represents. Considering
the strong allegations the author displays, it comes to no surprise that after the release of
this novel Kim Seongdong was expelled from the religious order he was part of.
Finally, the author exhibits the crisis of the clash between the old and the new. From
beginning to end, the story shows diverse situations in which the traditional values and
way of living encounter a barrier in the form of a transitioning Korean society that
become more and more Occidentalized. In a way, the assimilation of western values and
morals presents itself as a factor in the perversion of the religious structure and the decay
of the society, but Kim never seems to blame the westernization for this decline, he
simply displays how the country unavoidably changes and succumbs to corruption and
Narcissism Definition
the original infantile narcissism. However, since then, this self satisfaction has
experienced so many disturbances and disparagements that they have been neatly
organized into one litany of repeated accusations.

This self observing agent the ego censor is the conscience. It is the same factor that at
night exercises dream censorship and creates the suppressions against inadmissible wish
impulses. Under analysis in the maniacal delusion of being watched, it reveals its origin
in the influence of parents, tutors and social environment and in the identification of the
ego with certain of these model individuals.

All of these conclusions apply to the psychoanalysis of narcissistic conditions to advance

the concept of ego libido or narcissistic ... Show more content on ...
A repetitive thought process to achieve perfection is the ultimate goal of the OCPD
person and failure is seen as earth shattering. OCPD is the disorder that, on the outside,
seems useful. A drive to succeed is very appealing, but OCPD pushes it past the line of
success and into the realm of isolation, anxiety, and depression.

An obsessive compulsive personality disorder is defined to be enduring pattern of

inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the
culture of the individual who exhibits it. This means that the person s world perspective
has, for the most part, always been skewed with expectations that differ from the rest of
his or her culture. Deeply rooted and longstanding, the OCPD s overly perfectionistic
behaviors seem OK to that person. Psychologists call this ego syntonic, which means that
the person with OCPD feels his esoteric outlook is good and correct.

Because it is a personality disorder, the person with OCPD is comfortable with their high
standards and perfectionist mindset. It is accepted as a virtue, even though it frequently
hampers success. The test taker who stops and overthinks question number 4 will do so
even if it prevents him from from completing all 20 questions on the test. In retrospect, he
might think to complete the test, then review for
Imal A Short Story
Sunlight streamed down on the desert surface as just under the sands, bruised
knuckles punched through the flimsy wooden top of a makeshift coffin. As the dirt
poured into the closed space, the unfortunate person inside packed the dirt towards her
feet and the sides of the rectangular box. After enough sand and dirt was freed, the
woman sat forward and crawled up and out, using her upper body strength to pull her
out of her own sandy grave. As she stood up, blinking in the blaring heat, the woman,
Imala, gripped her shawl down to cover her dark skin from the sun. Her long dark hair
was pulled into a braid, easy for her cowboy hat to sit atop her head. Upon feeling the
sun s heat on the top of her head, she cursed in Apache.
Where s my hat? ... Show more content on ...
In an instant, Imala kicked a couple of long wooden boxes and many other supplies that
were lying on the floor out of the door to the room thrusting them out of the train.
Sebastian whipped his head to look, and in his distraction, Imala drew her revolver and
shot the criminal in the leg. He cried out in pain and she tackled both him and Sebastian
out of the door, off the train. Forgotten in the fight, Eli got up, appearing stunned and
realized he now had to take the controls.
Meanwhile, the skirmish continued outside while the three figures rolled out onto the
desert sands with a thud. Imala was still outgunned, but now Eli could take the train back
to Grace.
You ve really done it now, missy. The bossattempted to get up, but Sebastian decked her
across the face for him. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at her, but the criminal started
Wait, wait, wait! the boss cried out angrily as Sebastian paused. You see the shovel and
box? Imala and Sebastian glanced over to the pile of items Imala had kicked out of the
moving train including boxes and tools. I have an idea. Missy, pick up that shovel and
Nonverbal Communication And Nonverbal Behavior
Research Paper 1 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication includes all
aspects of communication other than words (Wood, 2013).
Nonverbal Communication Indispensable Compliment of Oral and Written
Communication Dinica s article in Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences from 2014
researched how nonverbal behavior aids communication by observing how animals
communicate, since humans are the only species to use language as their main form of
communication. While there were some similarities between animal s and human s
nonverbal behaviors, they discovered that thanks to language, humans have adapted to
using their words to communicate information more and pick up on less nonverbal cues.
Animal communication was limited based on their body features and the range of ways
they could use their bodies to communicate different things. It talks about how children
learn nonverbal communication first and learn to pick up on cues as a young kid until
they become old enough to use full sentences. This makes it so many of the nonverbal
cues are learned at a young age from children watching their parents communicate. It is
believed that women have a better ability at perceiving nonverbal cues since they are
often the ones communicating with young children. The article then goes on to discuss
different areas of nonverbal communication.
The first area is body language. Similar to class it mentions how facial expressions are
great for communicating emotions and posture can

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