Evaluation of Senior High School

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A research presented to
Ma. Cecilia Ariola

In partial fulfillment for the requirements in

Practical Research 2

Presented by
Virayo, Edrian Amiel, Q.
Lucero, Gregorio,
Abril, Kris john
Tuan, Mcgee, R.
Falco, Ryan, B.
Talib, tudoy, t.

Upon doing our research study entitled“ Evaluation of

Senior High School Students Coping Mechanism in Time
of The Pandemic” Because of the global phenomenon
which was the pandemic the researchers had faced many
obstacles during conducting this study that impedes the
process of developing this research study.

As a token of gratitude and appreciation, we researchers

would like to acknowledge the people who help, motivate
and guided us in accomplishing this research study We
would like to give a huge thank you to our Research
teacher, Mrs. Ma. Cecelia Ariola, who serves as our
mentor that guides us in making our research study, for
sharing her knowledge, wisdom and her experience for
us to understand and develop a feasible research study.
To the LNHS Senior High School students who had
participated as our respondents in this research study,
which they were one of the essentials for us to provide
comprehensible accurate data that helped us to come up
with a good conclusion about our research study.
To our loved ones which is our family and friends who

gave us their time, knowledge, and effort that motivated

us to be able to achieve and finish our research study.
And lastly to our Almighty God who gave us enough
strength and courage throughout the process of making
this research study everything wouldn't be possible
without him. We acknowledge every person who has
contributed and has been part of our journey toward
accomplishing this credible research paper.

I highly dedicate this research paper to Lamian National

High School which has been our foundation in honing
our knowledge, and skills, and establishing our character
to be ready to face the world. To leave a remarkable
legacy to our institution before we graduate that taught
us numerous significant values and lessons that we will
use in the future. To our family, friends, classmates, and
teachers who have been our main support system despite
this pandemic, they are the ones who push us and
encourage us to continue and finalize our research
study. And lastly, to Mrs. Ma. Cecilia Ariola who educate,
supported, and guided us to the success of our research


The coping mechanism of the people especially the senior

high school students during this pandemic have been
their main drive to conquer the challenges that were
brought ahead because of the current situation. Our
research study aims to evaluate the different coping
mechanisms of senior high school students during the
pandemic and to know the importance of their coping
strategies to handle difficult problems, situations, and
major adjustments because of the world pandemic which
is Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19)that caused suffrage
to the people in the entire world. The results of this study
will give full basic knowledge, awareness, and
understanding with regard to the current situation of
senior high school students. Specific people who will be
the beneficiaries of our research study are the students,
teachers, parents, researchers, and future researchers
who will conduct a study that is related to this research
topic. To get the results of the study, the researchers
asked the fifty senior high school students of Lamian
National High School to fill up and answer the given
survey questionnaires that were generated by the Likert

scale through online Google forms. The results of this
research study was distinguished by the weighted mean,
average weighted mean, and Frequency Percentage
distribution that is appropriate to scrutinize in the study.
The research design of this study is a quantitative
research design to get the general viewpoint of this
research study based on the data that were gathered and
obtained. The interaction between the researchers and
senior high school students will determine and evaluate
the importance of the coping mechanism of senior high
school students in order to overcome and surpass the
struggles that were encountered during in thecourse of
the pandemic period.

valuation of Senior High School Students' Coping

Mechanism in Time Of The
Pandemic ………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction and Its Background

Background of the Study……………………….…………….10

Statement of the Problem…………………………………….11

Research Hypothesis…………………………………………..11
Scope and Delimitations…………………………………..….11
Significance of the study…………………………….……….12
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Related Literature…………………………………….……….13
Related studies………………………………………………….14
Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies……..……..15
Conceptual Framework……………………..……………….16

Definition of Terms………………………………….17
Research Methodology Research Design………….18
Population and Sample……………………….18
Research Instrument………………………………….19
Research Procedure………………………………….19
Statistical Method………………………………….19
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Evaluation of Senior High School Students Coping
Mechanism Time of The
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Findings………………………………….32
Conclusion ………………………………….34
AppendicesConsent Letter………………………………….37
Instrument ………………………………….39

Curriculum Vitae of Authors

A)Virayo, Edrian Amiel.……………………………………45
B) Lucero, Gregorio.……………………………………46
C)Abril, Kris John……………………………………47
D) Tuan, Mgee…………………………………….48
E) Falco, Ryan
F) Talib, tudoy
List of Figures and Tables
List of Figures
Figure 1: conceptual framework………………….16
Figure 2: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 3: Frequency of Response on the statement
Figure 4: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 5: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 6:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 7:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 8: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 9: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 10: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 11: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 12: Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 13:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
29Figure 14:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 15:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
Figure 16:Frequency of Response on the statement no.
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Weighted Means in Problem
Statement No. 1 …….22
Table 2: Summary of Weighted Means in Problem
Statement No. 2 …….28
With the drastic changes and challenges brought by the
pandemic, many people had struggled to adjust in our
current situation because of the restrictions and
protocols that were made by our government in order to
ensure the safety of the people and prevent the virus
which is the COVID-19.On March 12, 2020, President
Rodrigo Duterte implemented a major lockdown in
the whole of Metro Manila. Due to the Enhance
Quarantine or ECQ, many things have been prohibited
such as social gatherings, cancellation of face-to-face
classes, travel ban restrictions, non-essential businesses
were closed and suspension of mass transportation
such as buses and jeepneys where issued (Tan, 2020).
During the time of ECQ, there are various protocols that
the government has implemented and should be strictly
followed according to the Centers for Disease, Control
Prevention, that people should be mandated to wear
face mask, face shields and apply social distancing. Ages

below twenty-one years old, and sixty years old and

above where not allowed to leave their respective homes
and etc. With these massive changes in our society, it
contributes to an increase in the percentage of the
vulnerability of the people, especially the students who
has been highly affected by the pandemic and has spent
almost of their entire year in their homes with minimal

socializing and interaction with other people. Students

also faced difficulties in adjusting to the “new normal”
setting because of the Home-Based School Learning
System and other tasks and responsibilities at home. The
main aspect of this study is to determine the relationship
of the students' coping mechanisms on how they deal
their daily lives and how it affects their well-being.

The main point of this study is to know the coping

mechanism of the Lamian National High School students
relation to the pandemic. The researchers aim to find
the significant relationship of their coping mechanisms
strategies with regard in their decision-making and
evaluating to see the differences and similarities of their
perspectives the way to cope in this current situation
and how they overcome their difficulties in life.
A coping mechanism has been one of the helpful ways to
deal with the current
the situation we face today, especially at this time of
pandemic. Every person has their own ways of coping in
dealing with different circumstances in their lives. The
main focus of this study will be on the coping strategies
of Senior High School students during the
pandemic. Coping happens in response to psychological
stress and is usually triggered by changes in an effort to
maintain mental health and emotional well-
being [CITATION 18SE \l1033 ]. Coping strategies are
behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that you use to
adjust to the changes that occur in your life. Coping is
defined in psychology as, expanding conscious effort to
solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seeking
to master, minimize or tolerate stress or
conflict[CITATION Dom \l 1033 ].According to the World
Health Organization or WHO, children and teenagers
are likely to be experiencing worry, anxiety, and fear, and
this can include the types of fears that are very similar to
those experienced by adults, such as a fear of dying, a
fear of their relatives dying, or a fear of what it means to
receive medical treatment. If schools have closed as part
of necessary measures, then children may no longer have
that sense of structure and stimulation that is provided
by that environment, and now they have less opportunity
to be with their friends and get that social support that is
essential for good mental well-being. Coping patterns are
important because they facilitate a person's handling of a
stressful experience. If someone is going through a tough
time, positive coping patterns provide extra resources
that can help that person deal with the demands of a
stressor.[ CITATION Uni13 \l1033 ].

the study of “Evaluation of Senior High School

Students Coping Mechanism in Time of The Pandemic”
aims to evaluate and assess the different coping
strategies of the students inorder to understand the
important relation of coping mechanism in dealing with
the difficult circumstances brought by the pandemic.
Specifically, the importance of this study is toanswer the
following questions:1.What is the different coping
Mechanisms/strategies of the Senior High School
students during this pandemic?2.What is the importance
of coping mechanisms to the students to
overcome the difficulties and challenges brought by the
Since the pandemic has been a worldwide phenomenon
and has caused a
massive change the lives of many people. Many sectors
have also been affected and countries all over the
the world had enforced new protocols, laws, and policies.
the daily routine of the people has changed in an instant
order for them to cope and adjust in the so-called “new
normal”. We researchers normally think that senior high
school students also face challenges and their coping
mechanisms and strategies have a huge factor in how
they cope and deal with their everyday lives especially
in this time of Pandemic.
The main focus of this study is evaluating the coping
mechanism of senior high school students particularly
students of NHC High School of Caloocan City and how
those coping strategies influence students’ decisions and
how they use those coping strategies in order to adjust
and overcome the challenges that are brought by the
pandemic. This quantitative research study will use
using descriptive research design. Wherein
survey questionnaires and Likert scale will be used in
data gathering and evaluating the findings of the
research study. We will put our survey questions through
use of google forms since the researchers and students
are prohibited from going out because of the safety
and protocol of the government. The total number of our
respondents will be approximately fifty random senior
high students of NHC High School. The researchers will
be conducting the survey the First Semester of
Academic Year 2023-2024 in the month of December
2021. This study delimits and can’t be generalized to
who are not senior high school students of Lamian
National High School.
The main purpose of this research study is to give
reliable and sustainable
information on the evaluation of senior high school
students' coping mechanisms midst of this pandemic.
In order to help, give knowledge and awareness to the
senior high school students, parents, teachers and to the
future researchers in order to expand in developing a
new study. The outcomes of this research study will give
wide range understanding about evaluating students
coping mechanism this of the pandemic. The
beneficiaries of this research are: Students through this
research the students will gain the knowledge on how
they manage the challenges brought by the pandemic
through coping mechanisms.Teachers, it will help the
teachers to know the condition and the perception of
their students to have a basic understanding of their
student’s situation. Parents through this study they will
gain knowledge and awareness about their children’s
capacity on how to handle difficult situation and to
assess and help the students on where to guide them.
Researcher aims to understand and evaluate the
relationship of students coping mechanism and how they
deal with challenges in times of pandemic.
Future researchers to serve this research study as their
basis and guide in making research study related to this

This chapter is composed of related literature and
studies about the main focus of the research study that
necessary in gathering research findings. This chapter
also contains the synthesis of related literature and
studies, conceptual framework, and the definition of

Coping is the process of responding effectively to
problems and challenges” The
Coronavirus disease (COVID 19) had brought many
changes in the lives of everyindividual in the whole world
today (Clemens et al., 2020). Coping in this time had
beenextremely difficult for each person yet only through
coping we can manage to adjust in the"new-normal"
setting. It is an action of dealing with the obstacles that
we face daily and thatcertainly includes the situation
today which is the pandemic. Due to certain
circumstancesmajority of the people stayed in their
homes in order for them to be safe and prevent
beinginfected by the virus. The current situation had a
huge factor on the lives of children,teenagers and their
families in a very unusual course of action (Plener et al.,
2020).“Coping is defined as the thoughts and behaviors
mobilized to manage the internal and external stressful
situations” According to Gupta and Algorani coping
mechanism are sets of thoughts and behaviors scrutinize
to handle stressful situations. External stressors like
major life eventsthat happened in a person’s life like in
particular the pandemic. While the internal stressors are
problems occurring within ourselves (Greene, 2017).
They believe that our currentsituation has a much
greater impact in the mental health and had a huge
influence in thedecision making and well-being of the
people especially of the adolescents.“Adolescence is a
period of global changes, a time of turmoil and distress.
It is atime of rapid physical changes accompanied by
shifts in cognitive and emotional capacities” Markova
explained in her article about coping strategies of
adolescents that teenagersenter the developmental stage
wherein they experience changes and growth in many
levelslike in physical, psychological, social and spiritual
(Rew, 2005). In this stage they experiencenumerous
problems that some of them may find difficult to handle.
So that’s why copingmechanism plays a vital role on
helping students or adolescents to adjust and handle
thestruggles that they will encounter especially in the
midst of this pandemic. Coping strategiesdiffers from one
another because everyone has their own way of coping
and handling their stress or problems. In this pandemic
there is a higher risk that teenagers may
experience mental health issues that can lead to worst
situations so that’s why coping mechanism is

he corona virus
which is the COVID-19 had caused a huge disturbance
and threatinto the lives and safety of the
people[CITATION Hey20 \l 1033 ]. A study was
conducted in agroup of students from an institution in
the Philippines. Students where asked a series of
questions through a survey online about their
perceptions and what they felt about the
currentsituation. The Philippines had a major total
lockdown due to COVID-19. Numerous peoplehad
undergone crucial adjustments not just here in our
country but in the entire world.
Students and their family were not ready and prepared
for this kind of situation. Even our government were
lacking in knowledge and awareness about the
pandemic.The Enhanced Community Quarantine or the
other term for lockdown, which has been enforced in
numerous parts of the world has not been anticipated,
and people had facedmassive changes due to quarantine.
Initially, a close group of students with nearly a
thousand population was asked about their readiness for
the online-blended learning (De Guzman &Pastor, 2020)
while the matter is about the current situation in
education, students had sharedthe circumstances of
their families on how they cope up with the pandemic
and majority of them faced stress and depressing
scenarios because of the virus. Their concerns where not
just in relation to their studies in school but students
also had other personal problems thataffects their mental
health (Pastor, 2020). Students and their families
believed that this pandemic had a huge impact
psychologically, they experience stress, anxiety and
depressionthat later on can lead to a much worst-case
scenario (Wang et al, 2020).The connection between
stress and coping strategies has been a topic of past
studies, because in difficult situations stress affects
numerous people, but individual responses haddifferent
ways of coping (Folkman, 2010). Mental Health of people
in China has been greatlyaffected and there numerous
and various coping strategies where observed. They
stated thatcoping strategies for COVID-19 were not
urgently required but they are needed to be adapted by
the college students. They conduct a study in a school
located in China about the copingstrategies of the college
students and how they manage to handle the difficulties
brought bythe pandemic (Nurunnabi, 2020).


This study is unique because it focuses on the current
situation of the senior high school students of NHC High
School during the time of the pandemic. This study also
Evaluates the students coping mechanism and how
those coping strategies affects their lives,
decisionmaking, and their entire well-being. Due to
lockdown cause by COVID-19 students facedcountless
struggles that affects their actions on how to cope up
with various problems thatthey encounter that includes
the home-based learning system, restriction and not
allowed toleft their houses, minimal physical interaction
and etc. In this research the students will gainknowledge
and awareness about the significant relationship and
importance of copingmechanism in dealing with their
daily lives and the problems that was brought by the


CopingMechanism of senior high schoolstudents in

timesof the pandemicfrom NHC HighSchoolEvaluating
andanalyzing thesignificance of thecoping mechanism of
senior high schoolstudents inovercoming thechallenges
brought bythe pandemicSenior high schoolstudents were
givensurveyquestionnairesthrough online platforms
Figure no. 1: The Representation of the Research
VariablesThis study aims to understand and evaluate the
students coping mechanism during inthe times of the
pandemic. The figure shows the relationship among the
variables utilize inthe research study. The researchers
scrutinize Input, Process, Output (IPO) model
inconstructing the conceptual framework. Distinctively,
the first variable is the copingmechanism of senior high
school students that is considered as the independent
variable of the study. The second variable is the
intervening variable, this is the process of
gatheringimportant data's that will be needing in the
research study. And the last is the expectedoutcome of
the research study and that is evaluating the significance
of the students copingmechanism in dealing with the
struggles in their lives and considered as the
dependentvariable of the study.The pandemic brought
numerous life challenges to each and every one especially
tothe students or teenagers. So that’s why it should be
given priority to conduct a research studyabout the
student’s actions on how they cope with stress,
problems, and hindrances thathappened because of the
Coronavirus disease or known as the COVID-19.

This are the few terms associated and scrutinize in the
study. Comprehending thefollowing terms will help
others to fully understand all aspects associated in the
researchstudy.Coping Mechanism - Coping means to
invest one's own conscious effort, to solve personaland
interpersonal problems, in order to try to master,
minimize or tolerate stress and conflict.Coronavirus
Disease (COVID-19) - is a disease caused by a new strain
of coronavirus.Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
is the strictest of such measures. The largest of these
measures was the enhanced community quarantine in
Lockdown- a state of isolation or restricted access
instituted as a security measure.New normal - a way of

living and going about our lives, work and interactions

with other people.Pandemic - A pandemic is defined as
an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very
widearea, crossing international boundaries and usually
affecting a large number of people.


This research chapter represents the research design,

population and sampletechniques, research instrument,
procedures and statistical method applied. This
researchchapter focuses on research design and the
statistical techniques used to address this
study’sresearch questions.RESEARCH DESIGNIn order
to give reliable and sufficient information’s, the beginning
of this chapter explains the research design that is
scrutinize in the study. This study used the method of
quantitative research approach. The research design is
non-experimental research thisincludes descriptive
research approach because the study focusses on
observing, describingand evaluating senior high school
students coping mechanism in midst of the
The pandemic had greatly influenced the changes in the
students coping mechanism.in this research study the
total number of participants in the research study will be
fifty senior high school students from NHC High School
during the Academic year 2023-2024, CaloocanCity. The
respondents will be distinguishing for this research study
using random samplingtechnique based on the
participants characteristics which all of the students
were considered as a senior high school student who
attends at NHC High School. This technique is the
purest form of probability sampling frame because it is
impartial and ideal for the quantitative research study
(Maheshwari, 2017). In order to evaluate and get the
significance of coping mechanism of senior high school
students in dealing with the pandemic.

The researchers will utilize
survey questionnaires through Google Forms as
a necessary tool that will be answered by senior high
school students to get the important data that will be
needed in the research study. The type of questions that
we will use in the study be mixing demographic and
dropdown questions when asking for the student’s
personal profile. While the questions that the researchers
will used in finding the significance of coping
mechanisms of students in times of the pandemic will be
in the form of declarative statements that can be
answered through the Likert scale. Survey question
Likert scale where proven to be more reliable and
because it’s easy to draw conclusions and the data
gathered are more understandable, especially in a
quantitative type of research (Cleave,2017)


In doing the research procedure, the first thing that the

researchers will do is to ask for the teacher's consent
upon proceeding with the survey and the researchers will
create a letter of permission for the students upon
agreeing to proceed and conduct the survey to the
students. Survey questions will be distributed to the
respondents through the use of Google Forms in order to
avoid physical contact for the safety of everyone. The
researchers will be giving the respondents enough time to
answer the survey form. After the researchers obtained
the exact number of respondents the researchers will
closed the google forms to accept no more responses.
Furthermore, the researchers will proceed on analyzing
the data's that are gathered in the survey. And the data’s
gathered will be stored in a file document for data
analysis and completeness.

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