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11 STEM Gold
Oral Communication

To give impactful words that would be absolutely remembered by us,and to reflect on

things that happened in the past is what the 3 speakers are trying to imply to inspire or
motivate each one of us.They all shared their experiences . That gave us an opportunity to
reminisce and realize that if they can, we also can. Inspiring Indeed. But along with that, one
of them who shared their experience to motivate us, also gives information about how their
nationality’s culture works, and how it is easy for them to encounter criticism, for our
awareness. And that’s Patricia Evangelista, the second speaker.

I noticed that all of them were confident as they gave their speeches, because of their
good poise and posture.They all engaged in an interaction with the audience using eye
contact, that made their speeches more interesting. Their tone, facial expressions and the
rhythm on how they deliver their message adjusts depending on how strong the message they
are conveying.On Liam McCoy’s valedictory speech, and on Patricia Evangelista’s speech
There’s this specific part where their story gets sad. I noticed that the loudness of their voices
minimize as the smile from their facial expression fades away. This helps me as an audience
to relate and adapt to the emotions they were expressing in giving information for us to be

Barack Obama and Patricia Evangelista used hand gestures, that for me, serves as an
indication, as if they really know what they are saying. But Liam McCoy didn't use hand
gestures, which I think is just fine, because he still got my interest in the way he let go of
those impactful words he wanted to say. Who really got my interest is Patricia Evangelista,
her story entitled Blonde and Blue Eyes,which I turned out to be much more interested in
than the other two speeches. I also observed, that sometimes what's catching the interest of
audiences, is the topic itself where they can relate themselves even more. Even though I
wasn’t given a chance to watch their speeches personally, I was convinced, informed and
motivated by the message they shared on how they overcame those situations that made them
reach where they are right now.

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