Example Argument Essay

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Example Argument Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Example Argument Essay" can be a challenging endeavor that
requires a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The
difficulty arises from the need to develop a coherent and persuasive argument while providing
concrete examples to support your claims.

Firstly, selecting a compelling thesis statement is crucial. It sets the tone for the entire essay and
guides your argument. The challenge lies in formulating a thesis that is specific, debatable, and
interesting to the audience. Once the thesis is established, the next hurdle is gathering relevant
evidence and examples to substantiate your claims. This involves conducting thorough research to
find credible sources and data that enhance the persuasiveness of your argument.

Structuring the essay appropriately is another obstacle. Organizing ideas in a logical sequence,
ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs, and maintaining a coherent flow can be
demanding. Striking a balance between providing enough evidence to support your claims without
overwhelming the reader is a delicate task that requires careful consideration.

Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments adds complexity to the writing process.

Anticipating opposing viewpoints and skillfully refuting them demonstrates a depth of understanding
and strengthens the overall persuasiveness of the essay. Balancing objectivity with persuasive
language is another challenge, as striking the right tone is essential to engage the reader while
maintaining a sense of credibility.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Example Argument Essay" is a demanding task that
involves selecting a compelling thesis, conducting thorough research, structuring the essay
effectively, and addressing counterarguments. It requires a careful balance of critical thinking,
research skills, and effective communication to produce a coherent and persuasive piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, services likeHelpWriting.net
offer a range of options. Professional writers can provide support in developing well-researched and
articulate essays on various topics, ensuring that the final product meets high academic standards.
Example Argument Essay Example Argument Essay
Better The Upper Class
Currently politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the
lower class. The upper class is the property owning class, those who live from earnings
made from the ownership, control, and exploitation of property such as land, capital,
large businesses, or share holdings. According to the Boundless, Wealthy, well educated
Americans are more likely to vote and to donate money to politicians than lower class
individuals (www.boundlesssociology.com). In other words, rich people are more likely
to vote rather than poor people. Wealthy people would vote for a politician that has to do
more with bettering him or herself, which is usually the Republican Party. The
Democratic Party usually makes it seem as they are focused... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The parties focus on current groups of people to get what they want. For instance,
Republicans go to religious people and talk about abortion. It is seen as ending the life
of a child before it is even born. Abortions have a big impact throughout the United States
for women. Every type of ethnicity is involved. When it comes to religion they are
against it. Abortion is an issue upon the lower class. A lot of young women happen to
get pregnant at a young age, and then decide that they don t want the child. According
to on the issues, Donald Trump believes abortion should be banned at some point in
pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother (www.ontheissues.org).
In other words, abortions should be banned and only allowed if they got pregnant
because of being raped, has to do with something incest, or the mother can die because
of the birth. Their behavior towards this act is wrong. Abortions should be decided upon
the person giving birth. It should be allowed in every state as Planned Parenthood.
Politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower
class. There are many black and white people now in the United States with the same
equal rights. In the 1940 s white people didn t acknowledge the Negros. Knowing that
the population of the states out numbered them. Their goal was to allow black people to
vote only if they voted for Republicans. They
Consistently, a large amount of young boys and girls sign...
Consistently, a large amount of young boys and girls sign up to play in neighborhood
youth games alliances all over the nation. From hockey to Little League Baseball,
numerous youth long for one day playing under the lights, in a jam packed stadium,
before many shouting fans. This is what many tykes would consider living the dream .
Tragically, for most youngsters, that dream will never turn into an actuality. This leaves
us to ponder in thought, what is the genuine part of youth games in the public eye? Is it
accurate to say that it is just to distinguish the chosen few bound for sports significance
and to remove the rest? Then again is there an essential worth for youth in playing
games, regardless of the possibility that a kid might... Show more content on
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Taking an interest in sports is not a magical equation to keep youth out of
inconvenience. A grieved kid doesn t just put on football pads and all of a sudden turn
into a flawless child. Nonetheless, when he or she participates in a sorted out game,
rehearses consistently and figures out how to turn into an essential piece of a group,
they are less likely to fall into inconvenience. A kid with a lot of free time on his or her
hands might be a formula for catastrophe. At the point when playing an intense game
you are obligated to practice. Generally these practices happen 3 5 times each week for
2 hours for every day. This leaves less time accessible for a kid to get into evil. Youth
who are completely included in their game, are less intrigued by drinking, medications
as well as hazardous sexual practices. Female players are 65% less like to end up being
a teenage parent, when they are heavily involved in sports. Sports can give youngsters a
feeling of self esteem and achievement. Numerous youth players light up at the prospect
of doing something that profits themselves, their companions and their groups. Pushing
for a hearty and dynamic lifestyle through wellness and physical activity is a clear
advantage to playing games at a youthful age. With youth obesity on the rise, creating

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