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Supervised By:
Engr. Waqas Ahmed
Session 2019-2023






A thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree


Computer Systems Engineering

Session 2019-2023




It is certified that the following students have completed their project work on
“Development And Implementation Of Trip-Sharing Services For Domestic Travelers”

Jahan Zaib Signature:___________

Registration No: MUST/ FA19-CSE-047/AJK

Qammar shahzad Signature:___________

Registration No: MUST/ FA19-CSE-027/AJK

M. Uzair khan Signature:___________

Registration No: MUST/ FA19-CSE-014/AJK

Kashan Fida Abbasi Signature:__________

Registration No: MUST/ FA19-CSE-061/AJK

Certified that the contents and form of final year project entitled Development And
Implementation Of Trip-Sharing Services For Domestic Travelers have been found
satisfactory for the requirement of the degree.

External Examiner _______________ Project Supervisor ______________

Chairman ____________________
Department of Computer Systems Engineering


CERTIFICATION .........................................................................................................iii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGRES .........................................................................................................viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABELS ...........................................................................................................x
CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement .....................................................................................................1
1.3 Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................1
1.4 Scope of project .........................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................................................3
SOFTWARE REQUIREMNT SPECIFICATION ........................................................3
2.1 User Classes and Characteristics ...............................................................................3
2.2 Operating Environment ..............................................................................................4
2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints ....................................................................4
2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................................4
2.5 Other Non-Functional Requirements .........................................................................4
2.5.1 Performance Requirements .................................................................................4
2.5.2 Security Requirements ........................................................................................5
2.5.3 Software Quality Attributes .............................................................................5
2.5.4 Other Requirements...........................................................................................5 Availability ..........................................................................................................5 Maintainability ....................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ...........................................................6
3.1 Login Section ........................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Admin Login ...........................................................................................................6
3.1.2 Tripsharing Servises................................................................................................6
3.1.3 Custumer Login ......................................................................................................7

3.1.4 User Login ............................................................................................................8
3.2 Register Section .........................................................................................................8
3.2.1 Tripsharing Servises Registration ...........................................................................8
3.2.2 Use Registration ......................................................................................................9
3.2.3 Custmer Registration ............................................................................................10
3.3 Profile Section ..........................................................................................................10
3.3.1 Trip sharing Services Profile .................................................................................10
3.3.2 Car ........................................................................................................................11
3.3.3 Contact ..................................................................................................................12
3.4 Request ....................................................................................................................12
3.5 Search Bar ................................................................................................................13
3.6 Logout ......................................................................................................................13
3.7 User Dashboard ........................................................................................................14
3.8 Admin Panel ............................................................................................................14
3.9 Database Tables .......................................................................................................15
3.9.1 Admin Database ....................................................................................................15
3.9.2 City Database ........................................................................................................15
3.9.3 Tripsharing services Database ..............................................................................16
3.9.4 Custmer Database .................................................................................................17
3.9.5 Category Database.................................................................................................17
3.9.6 User Database .......................................................................................................18
3.9.7 Comment Database ...............................................................................................18
3.9.8 Request Database ..................................................................................................19
3.9.9 Request Detail Database........................................................................................19
3.9.10 Post Database ......................................................................................................20
3.9.11 Trip-share............................................................................................................20
3.10 Use Case Diagrams ................................................................................................20
3.10.1 Admin Use Case Diagram ...................................................................................21
3.10.2 Tripsharing services Use Case Diagram ..............................................................22
3.10.3 Rider Use Case Diagram .....................................................................................22

3.10.4 User Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................23
3.10.5 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ...................................................................23
CHAPTER 04 33 RESULTS And DISCUSSION….....................................................24
4.1 Front Page in Trip-share...........................................................................................24
4.2 Register/ Sign up in Trip-share.................................................................................24
4.3 Login/ Sign in in Trip-share......................................................................................25
4.4 Admin Add in Trip-share..........................................................................................26
4.5: Passenger Register/ Sign up in Trip-share................................................................26
4.6 Passenger Login/ Sign in in Trip-share.....................................................................27
4.7 Admin Add Passenger in Trip-share.........................................................................27
4.8 Driver Register/ Sign up in Trip-share......................................................................28
4.9 Driver Log in/ Sign in in Trip-share..........................................................................28
4.10 Admin Add Driver in Trip-share.............................................................................29
4.11 Request page in Trip-share......................................................................................29
4.12 Car list page in Trip-share.......................................................................................30
4.13 Car page in Trip-share.............................................................................................31
4.14 Comment Section at Car Page in Trip-share...........................................................32
4.15 list page in Trip-share.............................................................................................32
4.16 Profile page in Trip-share.......................................................................................33
4.17 Contact page in Trip-share......................................................................................34
4.18 About page in Tripsharing......................................................................................35
4.19 ADMIN DASHBOARD in Trip-share...................................................................36
4.20 DASHBOARD in Trip-share..................................................................................37
4.21 DRIVER DASHBOARD in Trip-share..................................................................38
4.22 PASSANGER DASHBOARD in Trip-share..........................................................38
Chapter 5 DATA AND EXPERIMENTS ......................................................................40
5.1 Languages used for implementation ....................................................................40
5.1.1 HTML.................................................................................................................40
5.1.2 CSS ....................................................................................................................40
5.1.3 SQL ..................................................................................................................40

5.1.4 PHP.....................................................................................................................40
5.2 Tools used for Implementations .........................................................................41
5.2.1 XAMPP ............................................................................................................41
5.2.2 Bootstrap ...........................................................................................................41
5.2 Tools used for Implementations ...........................................................................41
5.2.1 XAMPP .............................................................................................................41
5.2.3 Laravel ..............................................................................................................41
CHAPTER 6 TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................42
6.1 Admin Login Testing ...............................................................................................42
6.2 Registration Testing .................................................................................................44
6.3 Log in / Sign in Testing ............................................................................................44
6.4 Driver Registration Testing ......................................................................................45
6.5 Driver Log in Testing ...............................................................................................45
6.6 Passanger Registration Testing.................................................................................46
6.7 Passanger Log in or Sign in Testing .........................................................................46
7.1 Implementation ........................................................................................................47
7.2 Existing Work ..........................................................................................................47
7.3 Future Work .............................................................................................................48
7.4 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................49


Figure 3.10.1 (Admin Use Case Diagram) .....................................................................21

Figure 3.10.2 (Use Case Diagram) .................................................................................22
Figure 3.10.3 (Passenger Use Case Diagram) ................................................................22
Figure 3.10.4 (Driver Use Case Diagram) .....................................................................23
Figure 3.10.5 (Entity Relationship Diagram) .................................................................23
Figure 4.1: Index(HOME) page of Trip-share................................................................24
Figure 4.2: Register/Signup in Trip-share.......................................................................24
Figure 4.3: Login / Sign in ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 4.4: Admin register the .......................................................................................26
Figure 4.5: Passenger register/Signup in Tripsharing....................................................26
Figure 4.6: Passenger Login / sign in .............................................................................27
Figure 4.7: Admin register the Passenger ..................................................................27
Figure 4.8: Driver Register/ Sign up ........................................................................28
Figure 4.9: Driver Log in/ Sign in .................................................................................29
Figure 4.10: Admin register the Driver ..........................................................................29
Figure 4.11: Request page ..............................................................................................30
Figure 4.12: Car List page ..............................................................................................31
Figure 4.13: Single car page ...........................................................................................32
Figure 4.14: Comment about Car page ..........................................................................32
Figure 4.15: list page ......................................................................................................33
Figure 4.16: Profile page ................................................................................................34
Figure 4.17: User contact page .......................................................................................35
Figure 4.18: About us page ............................................................................................35
Figure 4.19: Admin dashboard .......................................................................................37
Figure 4.20: dashboard ..................................................................................................38
Figure 4.22: Passenger dashboard .............................................................................39
Figure 6.1.0: Admin Log in (sample) page ...............................................................42
Figure 6.1.1: Admin Logged in .................................................................................43
Figure 6.1.2: Admin didn’t Logged in ...........................................................................43
Figure 6.2: Registration Testing .....................................................................................44

Figure 6.3.0: Login (sample) page .................................................................................44
Figure 6.3.1: Logged in ..................................................................................................44
Figure 6.3.2: Didn’t Logged in .......................................................................................45
Figure 6.4: Driver Registration Testing .........................................................................45
Figure 6.5.0: Driver Log in (sample) page ..............................................................45
Figure 6.5.1: Driver Logged in ......................................................................................46
Figure 6.5.2: Driver Didn’t Logged in ..........................................................................46


Table 2.2 Operating Environment ................................................................................... 4

Table 3.1.1 (Admin Login) ..............................................................................................6
Table 3.1.2 (Login) ..........................................................................................................7
Table 3.1.3 (Passenger Login) .........................................................................................7
Table 3.1.4 (Driver Login) ...............................................................................................8
Table 3.2.1 (Registration) ................................................................................................9
Table 3.2.2 (Driver Registration) .....................................................................................9
Table 3.2.3 (Passenger Registration) .............................................................................10
Table 3.3.1 (Tripsharing Profile) ...................................................................................11
Table 3.3.2 (Car) ..........................................................................................................11
Table 3.3.3 (contact) ......................................................................................................12
Table 3.4 (Request) ........................................................................................................12
Table 3.5 (Search Bar) ...................................................................................................13
Table 3.6 (Logout) .........................................................................................................13
Table 3.7 (User Dashboard) ...........................................................................................14
Table 3.8 (Admin Panel) ................................................................................................14
Table 3.9.1 (Admin Database) .......................................................................................15
Table 3.9.2 (City) ...........................................................................................................15
Table 3.9.3 (Database) ...................................................................................................16
Table 3.9.4 (Passenger Database) ..................................................................................17
Table 3.9.5 (Category Database) ................................................................................... 17
Table 3.9.6 (User Database) ..........................................................................................18
Table 3.9.7 (Comment Database) ..................................................................................18
Table 3.9.8 (Request Database) .....................................................................................19
Table 3.9.9 (Request Detail Database) ...........................................................................19
Table 3.9.10 (Post Database) .........................................................................................20
Table 3.9.11 (Trip-share Database) ...............................................................................20


First and fore most we are thankful to Almighty ALLAH, the most Merciful and
Beneficent. Who endowed us with courage and determination as well as ability in
conducting our research work? We were pleased to express our sincere gratitude to our
research supervisor Waqas Ahmed who has always been there to encourage the work in
progress and to sort out difficulties. His guidance helped us all the time during the current
research work and thesis writing. We would like to extend my thanks to Head of
department of chemistry Dr. Sajid Hussain for his motivational comments and providing
an environment with upgraded research facilities.
We are thankful to our father’s/mother’s for their support and motivations. We are
thankful to our research fellows, friends and lab seniors for their generous advices and
help. Last but not least, We are thankful to MUST Mirpur and Department of Computer
Systems Engineering for providing all possible laboratory facilities to carry out our


In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and increasing concerns

about sustainable transportation, this research delves into the development and
implementation of innovative trip-sharing services tailored for domestic travelers. The
study explores the intersection of technology, travel behavior, and environmental
consciousness, aiming to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of domestic travel
experiences. Employing a mixed-methods approach, including extensive literature
review, user surveys, and data analysis, this research investigates the preferences,
challenges, and motivations of domestic travelers regarding trip-sharing services.
The findings underscore the significance of user-centric design and seamless integration
of technology in shaping the adoption and success of trip-sharing platforms. Through in-
depth analysis of user feedback and behavioral patterns, this study identifies key factors
influencing the acceptance and utilization of trip-sharing services among domestic
travelers. Furthermore, the research explores the role of policy frameworks,
infrastructure development, and public-private partnerships in fostering the growth of
sustainable travel solutions.
Incorporating insights from both travelers and service providers, this research
contributes valuable recommendations for the development and implementation of
future trip-sharing initiatives. These recommendations encompass user experience
enhancements, trust-building mechanisms, regulatory guidelines, and sustainable
business models. By addressing the diverse needs of domestic travelers and promoting
eco-friendly travel practices, the study advocates for the broader adoption of trip-sharing
services, thereby fostering a more sustainable and interconnected travel ecosystem.

1.1 Background
At the moment, Pakistan has a high population density and a quick rise in the number
of transportation options. As a result, it causes issues including traffic congestion,
environmental pollution, and expensive transportation costs for all automobile owners.
The carpooling programmer was established as a way to address this issue. An effective
solution. Carpool services was founded based on the idea that people having overlapped
journey can use the same car to share the petrol cost of the journey instead of one solely
pays for the entire journey.
In this project we are covering the automotive industry to help people digitally.
Travelling now a days is very difficult and expensive, if you travel through local
transport, you will face many difficulties when traveling or if you want to reach on time
to your destination. Also, when booking a car for travel or on rent you do not have much
information about the rental businesses that what they charge or where they exist
physically. In our system user can book or rent or pool car by using our single online
website and do all these things at one place. We will also provide cargo service for our
1.2 Problem Statement
Currently, Pakistan is facing two major challenges: a high population density and a rapid
increase in the number of transportation options. Unfortunately, this has led to several
issues, including traffic congestion, environmental pollution, and high transportation
costs for car owners. To tackle this problem, a carpooling program has been established
as an effective solution. The carpooling service is based on the simple idea that
individuals with overlapping journeys can share the same car and split the cost of petrol
instead of one person paying for the entire trip. By doing so, carpooling can help reduce
traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and make transportation more affordable for
everyone. Overall, carpooling is a practical and sustainable solution that can help
alleviate some of the transportation challenges facing Pakistan. By encouraging more
people to share rides, we can create a more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally
friendly transportation system for all.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

Mitigating Transportation Challenges: The project's main objective is to lessen traffic
congestion, reduce environmental pollution, and lower transportation costs for vehicle
owners in order to address the issues brought on by Pakistan's high population density
and the abundance of transportation options.

Promoting Carpooling: The goal of the project is to promote carpooling as a practical
response to the transportation crisis. It promises to make travel more affordable and
ecologically responsible by making it easier for people with overlapping routes to split
petrol costs.
automobile Industry Digital Transformation: This initiative is dedicated to the
automobile industry's digital transformation. By giving users access to online tools and
resources, it aims to enable people to make informed decisions about their travel
requirements. Booking, renting, or carpooling are all examples of this includes booking,
renting, or carpooling vehicles, all through a single, user-friendly website.
Enhancing Travel Convenience: The initiative aims to make travel easier and more
economical while taking into account the difficulties that modern travellers must
overcome. It aims to make local transport options less challenging and guarantee that
travellers get to their destinations on time.
Transparency in Rental Services: The project's goal is to increase transparency in the
rental automobile market by providing users with comprehensive data about rental
companies, including costs and physical addresses. This will enable consumers to make
wise decisions when reserving cars for their trips.
One-Stop Online Platform: The initiative aims to offer a complete, one-stop online
platform to simplify the travel process. Through a single website, users can easily
reserve, rent, or share automobiles for their travel requirements, increasing convenience
and effectiveness.
Services for freight: The initiative expands its services to cover the transportation of
freight in addition to passenger travel. With this update, users will have a complete
solution for all of their logistics and transportation requirements.
1.4 Scope of project
The "Carpooling Programmer" project is a complex effort created to alleviate Pakistan's
transport issues. It is based on the idea of carpooling, which enables people with shared
travel routes to split petrol expenditures and cut back on transportation costs. The
project's objective also covers the creation of a userfriendly online vehicle booking,
rental, and carpooling platform, as well as initiatives to encourage rental service
transparency and streamline travel. In order to lessen the negative effects of
transportation on the environment and to increase user participation, it also offers freight
transportation services. Pakistan is included in the project's geographic scope, and it has
the flexibility to grow if transportation requirements change. In conclusion, the
"Carpooling Programmer" project aims to improve Pakistani transport by making it more
affordable, practical, and ecologically friendly.

Chapter 02


2.1 User Classes and Characteristics
There will be four types of user classes which are given below.
Pooling System
Admin login into the admin panel that he/she can perform some basic functions like
admin can add customers, users, rates, cars. Admin can add other admin; it can also
update or delete the users customers control all the activities in website. Admin can add
car posts and check the replies on respective posts. Admin can be logout form admin
Polling System
Using a car pooling arrangement, rather than each person driving alone, allows people
with comparable travel itineraries to share a journey in a single vehicle. Carpooling's
main objective is to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, which has a number of
The user who accesses the platform to search, plan, or reserve rides for their travel
requirements is the customer. This user is looking for transportation options, either as a
passenger willing to share a trip to their location or as a driver with open seats in their
vehicle. Customers can engage with the programmer by looking for available rides,
making reservations, customizing their preferences, monitoring their accounts, and even
making payments.
The software system is designed to cater to the user's needs, offering an intuitive and
convenient interface to enhance the experience of finding and booking rides or offering
rides to others. Users are at the core of the carpooling system, driving its purpose. Users
use the features to facilitate carpooling arrangements, connecting with suitable drivers
or passengers for shared journeys.

2.2 Operating Environment
Operating Environment detail for “Trip sharing Services” are

Name Description
Operating System Windows
Browser Google,Chrome,Internet
Languages HTML,CSS,BootStrap,PHP,Laravel
Tools Visual Code, Sublime Text
Database MYSQL

Table 2.2 Operating Environment

2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints

We developed front end of our application on CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap. For the
backend development, we used PHP. We used XAMPP server and MYSQL database to
store the in cloud database which is more reliable and efficient as compare to any other
traditional database and hardware server.
2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies
The performance of (Trip sharing Services) depends on the user internet, user with good
internet can easily approach the application in case of user with slow internet facing
problems related to internet to use this app because fast internet helps to retrieve data
very efficiently.
2.5 Other Non-Functional Requirements
2.5.1 Performance Requirements
The system should perform all the actions frequently and correctly
The system should give a responsive within a reasonable time
The system should display a confirmation message to the user in a sensible time after
the submission of information to the system
Internet is very essential to run the system because the websites usually relay on the
internet. So the faster internet will give better performance for the system .

2.5.2 Security Requirements
Only an authorized person can register or login. It means that a user with proper unique
email address can only register or login the app.
Only Admin can make changes but trip sharing services also makes some changes such
as update or delete the user data in case of any issue related to users.
2.5.3 Software Quality Attributes
This is web based application and gives it users high portability so it can be used with
internet access and browser. User with an internet access can easily use this web based
2.5.4 Other Requirements
2.5.4 .1 Availability
The system should be available 24/7. It means that users at any time can easily approach
the application if they have an internet access.
2.5.4. Maintainability
The system should be maintained and configured easily. System should be user friendly
any when new user visits the app it can easily registered and used the application.

Chapter 03


3.1 Login Section
This is login section. Here admin, trip sharing services, user and customer login after
registering. They can see their dashboards and can perform specific tasks they are
3.1.1 Admin Login
This is admin login section. perform actions after login i.e add customer, add user, add
offer. Admin also list and update all these entities.
Name Admin Login
Responsibilities Add Trip Sharing Services
,Customer, User and show
recommendations according to users preferences
Cross Reference None
Exception Admin entered wrong credentials.
Preconditions 1.Admin must be registered.
2.The data of admin must be stored in database.
Post-Conditions 1.Admin can Update data, remove data and add
2.Show selected preferences
according to users (Trip Sharing Services,
Customers, Users).
3. can process request

Table 3.1.1 (Admin Login)

3.1.2 Trip Sharing Services Login

After Trip Sharing Services logged in they can add and list customers and can process
the request generated by users and provide simple interface for users.

Name Trip Sharing Services login

Responsibilities Add Customers, Users and show

recommendations according to user’s

Cross Reference None

Exception Trip Sharing Services entered wrong credentials.

Preconditions 1. Trip Sharing Services must be registered.

2 .Trip Sharing Services must be added by Admin.
Post-Conditions Trip Sharing Services Can Update data, remove data and
add data
Show selected preferences according
to customers and users

Table 3.1.2 (Trip Sharing Services Login)

3.1.3 Customer Login
Customer can update or remove its data and can see the user request to denote the blood
according to its requirements with specific location.

Name Customer login

Responsibilities Customer can update its data and can select its preferences.
Cross Reference None
Exception User entered wrong credentials.
Preconditions 1.Customer must be registered.
2.Customer must be added by admin or Trip Sharing
Post-Conditions Customer can select Trip Sharing Services and can check its

Table 3.1.3 (Customer Login)

3.1.4 User Login
User generate the request to Trip Sharing Services and customers by selecting its location
or city and nearest Trip Sharing Services and can see its all requests.

Name User login

Responsibilities User can update its data and can select its preferences

Cross Reference None

Exception User entered wrong credentials.

Preconditions 1.User must be registered.

2.User must be added by admin or Tgrip Sharing
Post-Conditions Users can select Trip Sharing Services and can check
its preferences.

Table 3.1.4 (User Login)

3.2 Register Section

The users (Trip Sharing Services, customers and users) can register here.
They cannot login or perform any task without registration process.
3.2.1 Trip Sharing Services Registration
Trip Sharing Services can register before they can add or list customers, users and
They are provided a simple interface to register in system.

Name Trip Sharing Services register.
Responsibilities Trip Sharing Services can add its data and can add customers and users.
Cross Reference None
Exception 1.The system does not respond properly in case of when the server link
is down.
2.Invalid email or password does not match with confirm password
Preconditions 1.Trip Sharing Services must be registered in record.
2. Trip Sharing Services must have some number of Passangers.

Post-Conditions 1. Trip Sharing Services can add its data and can check preferences.
2.Can process request.

Table 3.2.1 (Trip Sharing Services Registration)

3.2.2 User Registration
Before they can generate request to trip sharing services or customers they must have
to register in system in users interface.
Name User registration.

Responsibilities User can add its data and select preferences.

Cross Reference None
Exception 1.The system does not respond properly in case
of when the server link is down.
2.Invalid email or password does not match
with confirm password
Preconditions 1.User must be above eighteen years.
2.User must have CNIC and email.
Post-Conditions User can check its preferences.
Can generate request.

Table 3.2.2 (User Registration)

3.2.3 Customer Registration
Customers can respond to the user request and can update data or can see its recent
donations or cars they have to register.
Name Customer registration.

Responsibilities Customer can add its data and select


Cross Reference None

Exception 1.The system does not respond properly in case

of when the server link is down.
2.Invalid email or password does not match
with confirm password

Preconditions 1.Customer must be above eighteen years.

2.Customer must have CNIC and email.

Post-Conditions 1.Customer can check its preferences.

2.Can process request.

Table 3.2.3 (Customer Registration)

3.3 Profile Section

Basically, profile section is collections of front pages which are available to any users
on the homepage and user without registration can see about these things and system.
3.3.1 Trip Sharing Services Profile
User can learn more about trip sharing services by clicking the specific services and can
also see about the lists of trip sharing services and can see the basic information about
trip sharing services.

Name Trip Sharing Services Profile.

Responsibilities Show the information of blood bank.

Cross Reference None

Exception The data of trip sharing services must be

stored in database.

Preconditions Show the list of trip sharing services to

Post-Conditions Users can learn more or select required trip
sharing services.

Table 3.3.1 (Trip Sharing Services Profile)

3.3.2 Car
User can see about recent posts by opening this section. This section may consist of
images, videos or posts depending upon the category of post.
Name CAR

Responsibilities Uses can learn more about posts by admin i.e.

images, videos or information shared.

Cross Reference None

Exception The car post must be available or present in


Preconditions Users can see number of or list of cars.

Post-Conditions Users can select car according

to preferences.

Table 3.3.2 (Car)

3.3.3 Contact
This also a front page section of the system. Here user can contact us by filling the form
given at this section and can tell or ask about the system.

Responsibilities Users can contact admin or trip sharing services.
Cross Reference None
Exception The user entered wrong credentials.
Preconditions Users must be logged in or must have an email account.
Post-Conditions User can send message to or admin.

Table 3.3.3 (contact)

3.4 Request
Here the admin, trip sharing services and user add the requests and also lists the
requests. While customer only lists the requests of user. The user can generate the
request and other entities process the request.

Responsibilities 1.User can add single or multiple requests. 2.Customer
and Trip Sharing Services can process the request.

Cross Reference None

Exception None
Preconditions User, Customer and Trip Sharing Services must be
registered or logged in.
Post-Conditions User can generate request according to preferences
while, Customer and Trip Sharing Services can process
this request according to User preferences.

Table 3.4 (Request)

3.5 Search Bar
Search bar is placed on homepage. The user can search trip sharing services by selecting
specific cities and can request or registered to specific trip sharing.


Responsibilities Search bar deals according to user requirements.

Cross Reference None
Exception The user enters check –in data greater than check out data.

Preconditions The user must be at home page.

Post-Conditions System show trip sharing services details according to user


Table 3.5 (Search Bar)

3.6 Logout
The registered entities can logout of the system after logging in the system. The user just
has to click the logout button to logout of the system.


Responsibilities Logout from system.

Cross Reference None
Exception None
Preconditions The user must be logged in.

Post-Conditions Successfully logout.

Table 3.6 (Logout)

3.7 User Dashboard
User dashboard means the dashboard which trip sharing services, customers or user can
use after login or registration process and can perform tasks according to preferences.
Name User Dashboard
Responsibilities Show user recent searches and user can change their password.
Cross Reference None
Exception The user enters invalid or old password, new password or confirm
Preconditions The user must be logged into the system.
Post-Conditions User can check their searches and change password.

Table 3.7 (User Dashboard)

3.8 Admin Panel
Admin panel means the dashboard or panel the admin can perform tasks according to
user’s preferences and can see all processes after being logged in.

Name Admin Panel.

Responsibilities Show contact us data, user data. Admin can

also update or delete user’s data.

Cross Reference None

Exception None

Preconditions Admin must be logged in.

Post-Conditions Admin can check to contact us data, user’s

data and also change or update user’s data.

Table 3.8 (Admin Panel)

3.9 Database Tables
These tables are used to show fields and their types present in database of our system.
Following are some tables along with their fields and types.
3.9.1 Admin Database
Field Type

First Name Varchar

Last Name Varchar

Contact Varchar
Email Varchar

Password Varchar
Address Varchar
Gender Varchar
Cnic Varchar

Table 3.9.1 (Admin Database)

3.9.2 City Database

Field Type

Id Int

Name Varchar

Table 3.9.2 (City)

3.9.3 Trip Sharing Services Database

Field Type

Name Varchar
Type Varchar

Contact Varchar
Office Contact Varchar

Registration Number Varchar

City Id Varchar
Email Varchar
Password Varchar
Established Date Date
Address Varchar
About Trip Sharing Text
Rep.First Name Varchar
Rep.Last Name Varchar Varchar
Rep.Email Varchar
Rep.Address Varchar
Rep.City Varchar
Rep.Cnic Varchar
Rep.Info Text
Image Url Varchar
Author Image Varchar

Table 3.9.3 (Trip Sharing Services Database)

3.9.4 Customer Database

Field Type

First Name Varchar

Last Name Varchar

Contact Varchar
Email Varchar

Password Varchar
Address Varchar
Gender Varchar
Cnic Varchar
City Id Int
Trip Sharing Id Int
Trip-share ID Int
Date Of Birth Date
Last Donated Date Date
Status Int

Table 3.9.4 (Customer Database)

3.9.5 Category Database
Field Type

Id Int

Title Varchar

Table 3.9.5 (Category Database)

3.9.6 User Database

Field Type

First Name Varchar

Last Name Varchar

Contact Varchar
Email Varchar

Password Varchar
Address Varchar
Gender Varchar
Cnic Varchar
City Id Int
Trip Sharing Id Int
Trip-share ID Int
Date Of Birth Date

Table 3.9.6 (User Database)

3.9.7 Comment Database
Field Type

Post Id Int

Email Varchar

Name Varchar

Message Varchar

Table 3.9.7 (Comment Database)

3.9.8 Request Database

Field Type

Name Varchar

Contact Varchar

User Id Int

Customer Id Int

Trip-share ID Int

City Id Int

Request Date Date

Booking Date Date

Entertain Status Varchar

Table 3.9.8 (Request Database)

3.9.9 Request Detail Database

Field Type

Request Id Int

Customer Id Int

Table 3.9.9 (Request Detail Database)

3.9.10 Post Database

Field Type

Image Url Varchar

Title Varchar

Description Text

Author Varchar

About Author Text

Category Id Int

Date Date

Author Image Varchar

Table 3.9.10 (Post Database)

3.9.11 Trip-share

Field Type

Id Int

Title Varchar

Table 3.9.11 (Trip-share Database)

3.10 Use Case Diagrams

Use case diagrams are used show the relation between system and its users, means that
how the use can interact with system in different manners and what user is able to do.
So, it is the graphical representation of user’s possible interactions with the system. Here
are some use case diagrams of our system.
3.10.1 Admin Use Case Diagram
Admin can interact with the system in different ways which are shown in following

Figure 3.10.1 (Admin Use Case Diagram)

Trip sharing Services can do following task in the system.

3.10.2 Trip sharing Services Use Case Diagram

Trip sharing Services can do following task in the system after logged in.

Figure 3.10.3 Rider Use Case Diagram

Rider can perform multiple task in the system after registration or after logged in.

Figure 3.10.4 User Use Case Diagram
User can also interact with in system in several ways shown in the diagram.

3.10.5 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Chapter 4
4.1 Front Page in Trip-share
On Home page user can visit the profile of Trip sharing Services. Here user can visit the
Car page, About page, Contact page, Login pages and Register pages. User can select
Register pages to register his/her self as Driver, Passenger and Trip sharing Services. If
the user is already registered, he/she can visit the Login pages to login his/herself as a
Passenger, Driver, and admin. On this page(Home) the user can view the information
about our system, details of Trip sharing Services, cars.

Figure 4.1: Index(HOME) page of trip


4.2 Register/ Sign up in Trip-sharing

User can visit the Trip sharing Services register page to registered in the system as a
user. By filling all the information fields on the page and representative fields and then
click the REGISTER button to register the in the Trip sharing Services. If the is already
registered the system gives option(link) as Login Here to go on Login page.

4.3 Login/ Sign in Trip-share
If the user is already registered as a than users can visit the Trip sharing
Services login page to access his/her account as by giving correct email and password.
If the user visits the login page without registration the system gives option(link) as
Register Here to go on trip share register page.

Figure 4.3: Trip-share Login / Sign in

4.4 Admin page
The System gives access to admin to add the Trip sharing Services in the system by
filling all the fields of add page.

Figure 4.4: Admin page

4.5: Passenger register/ Sign up in Trip-share

User can visit the Passenger register page to register his/herself as a Passenger in the
system. User registered his/herself in system to as a passenger. Passenger needs to fill
all the fields on Passenger register page and then click the REGISTER button to register
his/herself in the Trip sharing Services. If the Passenger is already registered the system
gives option(link) as Login Here to go on Passenger Login page.

Figure 4.5: Passenger register/ Sign up in Trip-share

4.6 Passenger Login/ Sign in Trip-share
If the user is already registered as a Passenger than he/she can visit the
Passenger login page to access his/her account by giving correct email and password.
If the user visits the login page without registration the system gives option(link) as
Register Here to go on Passenger register page.

Figure 4.6:PassangerLogin / sign in

4.7 Admin Add Passenger in Trip-share

The System gives access to admin to add the Passengers in the system by filling all the
fields of add Passenger page.

Figure 4.7: Admin register the passenger


4.8 Driver register/ Sign up in Trip-share
User can visit the Driver register page to register his/herself as a Driver in the system.
User registered his/herself in system to request for services. Driver needs to fill all the
fields on Driver register page and then click the REGISTER button to register his/herself
in the Trip sharing Services. If the Driver is already registered, the system gives option
(link) as Login Here to go on Driver Login page.

Figure 4.8 Driver register/ Sign up in Trip-share

4.9 Driver Log in/ Sign in in Trip-share

If the user is already registered as a Driver than he/she can visit the Driver login page to
access user account by giving correct email and password.
If the user visits the login page without registration the system gives option(link) as
Register Here to go on Driver register page.

Figure 4.9:Driver Log in/ Sign in
4.10 Admin Add Driver in Trip-share
The System gives access to admin to add the Passengers in the system by filling all the
fields of add Passenger page.

Figure4.10: Admin register the customer(driver)

4.11 Bookingpagefor Passengerin Trip-share )
User as a Driver on request page add request in the system. User registered his/herself
in system as a Driver to request for required service. User needs to fill all the fields on
Request page and then click the SUBMIT button to add his/her request in the

Figure 4.11: Booking page

4.12 Car list page in Trip-share

User can visit the Car list page where he/she can read the multiple cars.
User read the main points about cars on this Car list page. The system give option to user
to visit the complete detail of car by clicking READ MORE button. Where he/she can
read the full detail of car and author’s information, his recent posts, his

Car’s categories and also he/she can give reviews/messages/comments/feedback about

Figure 4.12:Carlist page

4.13 Car page in Trip-share

User can visit the Car page to read the cars, author’s information, his recent
posts, his Car’s categories and also he/she can give
reviews/messages/comments/feedback about car.

Figure 4.13: Single car page
4.14 Message section for passenger
user can visit the Car page to read the cars, and also he/she can give
reviews/messages/comment/feedback about car.

Figure 4.14: Messa

ge section for
4.15 Car list page
User can visit the list page where he/she can get information of famous trip sharing
services. From this page user will get the information about main points of blood banks.
The system give option to user to visit the complete detail of by clicking READ MORE
button. Where he/she can read the full detail of carpooling and representative’s

Figure 4.15: list page

4.16 Profile page in Trip-share

User can visit the profile page to read the information, profile images, established date,
number of Passengers and representative’s information. The User can become the
Passenger of any by using link Register Here to go on Passenger register page.

Figure 4.16: Tripsharing Profile page

4.17 Contact page in Trip-share

User can visit the contact page he/she will fill the page and contact with us in the case

any query
. User can send us message, give us suggestions and ideas.

Figure 4.17: User contact page

4.18 About page in Trip-share

User can visit the about page and read the aim behind the development of
“Design and Implementation of carpooling Networks” System. User can also study about
the implementation steps in this trip sharing.

Figure 4.18: About us page

4.19 ADMIN DASHBOARD in Trip-share

The System gives access to admin to perform different and specific operations in the
system by filling all the fields and requirements of pages.
Admin login into the admin panel that he/she can perform some functions like admin
can add Trip sharing, Passenger, Driver. Admin can add other admin; it can also update
or delete the users (Passenger, Driver, blood bank). Admin can add car posts and check
the replies on respective posts. Admin can be logout form admin panel.
Admin’s Functions / Responsibilities:
Admin add admin Admin list admin
Admin update and delete admin

Admin add Driver Admin list Driver

Admin update and delete Driver

Admin add Passenger Admin list Passenger Admin update and delete

Admin add Admin list

Admin update and delete

Admin add car Admin list car

Admin update and delete car

Admin add request Admin list request

Admin View and Edit request

Admin add city Admin list city

Admin update and delete city
Admin add category Admin list category admin update and delete category

Admin add Trip-share Admin list Trip-share admin update and
delete Trip-share

Admin can Accept and Deny the Request about Passenger driver.

Figure 4.19: Admin dashboard

4.20 DASHBOARD in Trip-share

can login on their respective panel. can add Passenger, it can also add Driver, it can
update or delete the Passenger and Driver data in the system. is responsible for the reply
of any request that is generated by any Passenger or Driver. can be logout form the panel.

Trip sharing services Functions / Responsibilities:

add Driver list Drivers update and delete Driver

add Passenger list Passengers update and delete Passenger

add request list requests
View and Edit request

Figure 4.20: dashboard

4.21 DRIVER DASHBOARD in Trip-share

Driver login into the Driver panel. Driver can generate a request on their respective
panel, related to their Trip-share needed. Driver can be logout form Driver panel.
Driver’s Functions / Responsibilities:
Driver add request Driver list requests Driver
View and Edit requests

4.22 PASSANGER DASHBOARD in Trip-share

Passenger login into the Passenger panel. Passenger only view the request from
Passenger panel and list the requests. Passenger can be logout form Passenger panel.
Passenger’s Functions:
Passenger list requests Passenger View requests

Figure 4.22: Passenger dashboard

Chapter 5


5.1 Languages used for implementation

5.1.1 HTML
Html stands for hypertext mark-up language (HTML) is a language which is used to
create web pages and web applications. this is the front end language used to show
content on web pages.
HTML is CSS dependable, html relays on the tags to developed a web pages. It is one
of the simplest language to design a web pages, the language is not case-sensitive
.HTML can nearly run on all the operating systems it is not specific for Android OS or
5.1.2 CSS
CSS stands for cascading style sheet. CSS defines how HTML elements are shown on
screen and used for the styling of front end content.CSS helps the developers to style
their web pages which are not possible in HTML to design a web pages.CSS is in
dependable of HTML and it is useable with many other markup languages based on
5.1.3 SQL
SQL stands for structure query language used for storing, manipulating and retrieving
data from the data base. this is why it is used in the project because they are certain forms
which are used to store and manipulate information. SQL allows to handle the information
using tables and shows a language to query these tables and other objects related (views, functions,
procedures, etc.).SQL can only access relational data means that the data that is stored in the form of
5.1.4 PHP
PHP stands for hypertext pre-processor but it’s original name is Personal Home Page.
PHP is open source server side programming/ scripting language that is especially suited
for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP code is written between
the starting and ending tag of PHP. It is commonly used to extract data from the database
and show on the web pages. PHP is used with MySQL database and it is supported by
all web servers. For developing the backend of our project we used PHP. PHP is runs on
various platforms Windows, Linux etc.

5.2 Tools used for Implementations

5.2.1 XAMPP
XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl that is free and
open source. In this project, it is used for the local host of data. The host is counting the
database of the project in which there are a collections of tables and each table holds
data. It works on both operating systems like Windows and Linux.Xampp is a local
server it is free of cost we can only access our web based apps only on our laptops or
mobile phones.
5.2.2 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is open-source and free CSS framework directed at responsive MobileFirst
platform front-end web development. It consists of CSS and JavaScript based design
templates for composition, forms, buttons navigation, and other interface components.
In our project we used Bootstrap v5. Bootstrap provide basic style definition for all the
elements of HTML, the result is uniform appearance of the tables and forms across the
web pages. The most prominent components of bootstrap are layout components it can
effect on the entire page. This layout component is Container as every element is placed
in this layout component.
5.2.3 larval
The open-source Laravel PHP web application framework is well-known for its grace
and effectiveness in creating online apps. By providing a full range of features and
capabilities, Laravel streamlines web development chores by adhering to the model-
view-controller (MVC) architectural paradigm. It boasts the Blade templating engine for
building views, the Eloquent ORM for database operations, and Artisan, a command-
line tool for numerous tasks. Creating routes, managing user authentication and
authorization, and implementing middleware for filtering HTTP requests are all areas
where Laravel excels. Additionally, it offers task scheduling and facilitates database
schema administration with migrations. Additionally, Laravel is developer-friendly
thanks to its dependency injection and IoC container, which promote best practices and
testable code. Laravel has gained popularity as a top option for current developers
because of its strong features and a helpful community.

Chapter 6


6.1 Admin Login Testing

Admin can be Log in or Sign in by entering his / her correct / authentic email and
Otherwise, he / she can’t be Log in or Sign in.

Figure 6.1.0: AdminLog in (sample) page


If Admin entered the correct / authentic email and password, then he would be Logged
in and then he/ she will access the admin dashboard successfully.

Figure 4.6:
Login / sign in
Figure 6.1.1: Admin Logged in
 If Admin entered the incorrect / authentic email and password, then he would not be
Logged in and a message “In correct email or password” will be displayed on screen.

Figure 6.1.2: Admin didn’t Logged in

6.2 Registration Testing
can be registered by entering their relevant details for registration. After filling all the
required fields, a Message “Successfully Registered” will be shown on screen.

6.3 Log in / Sign in Testing

can be Log in or Sign in by entering the correct / authentic email and If entered the
correct / authentic email and password, then it would be Logged in and then it will access
the dashboard successfully.
Figure 6.3.1: Logged in


 If entered the incorrect / authentic email and password, then it would not be
Logged in and a message “In correct email or password” will be displayed on screen.
6.4 Driver Registration Testing
Driver can be registered by entering his/her relevant details for registration.
After filling all the required fields, a Message “Successfully Registered” will be shown
6.5 Driver Log in Testing

Driver can be Log in or Sign in by entering the correct / authentic email and password.
Otherwise, he/she can’t be Log in or Sign in.
Figure 6.5.0: Driver Log in (sample) page .
 If Driver entered the incorrect / authentic email and password, then he / she would not
be Logged in and a message “In correct email or password” will be displayed on screen.
Figure 6.5.2: Driver Didn’t Logged in

6.6 Passenger Registration Testing

Passenger can be registered by entering his/her relevant details for registration. After
filling all the required fields, a Message “Successfully Registered” will be shown on
6.7 Passenger Log in or Sign in Testing
Passenger can be Log in or Sign in by entering the correct / authentic email and
Otherwise, he/she can’t be Log in or Sign in.
If Passenger entered the correct / authentic email and password, then he / she would be
Logged in and then he / she will access the Passenger’s dashboard successfully.
 If Passenger entered the incorrect / authentic email and password, then he / she would
not be Logged in and a message “In correct email or password” will be displayed on


Chapter 07


7.1 Implementation
Our smart ridesharing service, also known as a carpooling service, was created to make
interactions between people on the same route easier. Users have the option of renting
cars based on prior arrangements or sharing a group member's vehicle. Our system's
predominance of automobiles enables users to cut costs, ease traffic, and improve social
ties. Our idea offers an Android smartphone application for users to connect effortlessly,
making the procedure much more user-friendly than earlier systems that required online
registrations and information retrieval..

The information that they are interested are

System coverage
Processes and links between programs and modules
Validation is done programmatically
Actual usage of the system

The user manual contains:

Menu plan and disk usage
Instructions for use
Backup procedure
Safety measure
Input and output formats
Bidding and Prohibitions

7.2 Existing Work

The original idea presented in our project, which addresses the transportation challenges
in Pakistan through an intelligent carpooling service, has similarities with existing
carpooling systems. The common thread among these systems is the aim to promote
ride-sharing, reduce traffic congestion, and lower transportation costs. Here's how your
project aligns with some existing carpooling services:
UberPool and Lyft Line:
Like UberPool and Lyft Line, your carpooling program encourages individuals with
similar journeys to share a car and split the cost. The focus on reducing traffic congestion
and making transportation more cost-effective is shared.

Similar to BlaBlaCar, your project promotes carpooling for both daily commutes and
longer trips. By connecting users with overlapping journeys, you aim to reduce the
number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road.
Waze Carpool:
Your project's carpooling service, like Waze Carpool, connects drivers and riders with
similar routes. Both platforms are designed to alleviate traffic congestion and share the
costs of journeys.
Your project, much like Carpool-Karao in India, seeks to make carpooling more
accessible and convenient for users, especially for daily travel. Both initiatives aim to
reduce the environmental impact of transportation.
While SPLT focuses on carpooling for businesses and organizations, your project has a
broader scope, targeting individuals as well. Both share the goal of reducing the carbon
footprint and promoting sustainable transportation. convenient through digital platforms.
The key to your success will be in the implementation of your carpooling program and
the extent to which you can encourage individuals to participate, ultimately .

7.3 Future Work

This system is according to our design and knowledge. It can be improved with time.
We will work on our system for further betterment according to requirements of our
project. After our project will be online we can practically feel the needs and
improvement our project needed, and we will work accordingly.
The system was tested with a sample cover.
All possible options and their performance is good. The system is flexible and modular,
so further changes to this package can be easily integrated.


7.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, the core concept of our proposal is a relevant and creative response to
Pakistan's current urgent transportation issues. The country struggles with problems like
traffic congestion, environmental pollution, and the financial load on car owners due to
its high population density and rapidly expanding transit options.
Our carpooling program's implementation provides a workable and long-term answer to
these issues. We seek to lessen traffic congestion, minimize carbon emissions, and
increase accessibility to transit by enabling ride-sharing among persons with overlapping
Additionally, our initiative goes beyond carpooling to include the entire automotive
sector, offering a digital platform that streamlines transportation, car rentals, and pooling
in a single handy location. This streamlining not only enhances the efficiency of
transportation but also bridges the information gap that exists when booking cars or


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