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Descriptive Essay Tips

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Descriptive Essay Tips" presents a unique set of challenges that
requires a delicate balance between creativity and precision. The difficulty arises from the need to
convey vivid and detailed descriptions while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative.

Firstly, one must delve into the intricacies of descriptive writing, exploring various techniques to
paint a vivid picture with words. This involves mastering the art of choosing the right adjectives,
employing sensory language, and creating a sensory-rich experience for the reader. Striking the right
balance between detail and conciseness can be a daunting task, as too much detail may overwhelm
the reader, while too little may result in a lackluster portrayal.

Additionally, the challenge lies in structuring the essay effectively. Ensuring a logical flow of ideas
while incorporating descriptive elements seamlessly requires careful planning and organization. One
must decide on the order of details, considering the impact of each description on the overall
narrative. Maintaining coherence and preventing the essay from becoming a mere list of details
requires a keen understanding of the art of storytelling.

Moreover, the writer must connect with the audience, making them feel the emotions and sensations
evoked by the descriptive elements. This requires a deep understanding of the target audience's
preferences and a skillful use of language to create a connection between the written words and the
reader's imagination.

In conclusion, tackling a "Descriptive Essay Tips" essay demands a skillful blend of creativity,
organization, and audience engagement. It's an intricate process that challenges writers to articulate
their thoughts with precision while captivating the reader's senses. For those seeking assistance or
looking for examples of well-crafted essays, various resources are available, and similar essays can be
explored and ordered on platforms like .
Descriptive Essay TipsDescriptive Essay Tips
Tjx Companies Global Strategy
Global Strategic Management
A Case Study of the TJX
Kestrel L. Ambrose
American Public University System


TJX Companies, Inc. is known as the world s leading off priced retailer of apparel and
home fashions. With its steadily growing brand portfolio, the company aims to offer
consumers better value proposition than department stores. Keywords: global strategic
management, corporate governance, off price retail,

Global Strategic Management:

A Case Study of The TJX Companies, Inc.
Company Overview
Based in Framingham, Massachusetts, The TJX Companies, Inc. (TJX or the company )
is the leading retailer of off priced fashion and home goods merchandise in the United
States and worldwide. The company s brand ... Show more content on ...
The HomeGoods chain of stores was introduced in 1992, and today it operates over 400
stores across the nation. HomeGoods carries an assortment of home décor merchandise
including accent furniture, rugs, wall art and other goods.
The TJX Canada Division operates Winners, HomeSense and Marshalls chains across
the Canada. There are over 200 Winners stores across Canada which offer a selection
of merchandise similar to T.J. Maxx in the U.S. HomeSense carries off price home
fashions similar to HomeGoods in the U.S. The company opened its first chain of
Marshalls stores in Canada in fiscal year 2012, and there are currently 14 stores in
TJX Europe operates 343 T.K. Maxx stores in U.K., Ireland, Germany and Poland. T.K.
Maxx s inventory of merchandise is comparable to T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Winners.
The division also operates 24 HomeSense stores in the U.K.
In 2012, the company acquired Sierra Trading Post, an online off price retailer of apparel
and home goods merchandise. It currently maintains the brand as a separate banner.
Buying Model
With over 3,000 stores in 6 countries and a network of over 16,000 vendors in 60
countries, TJX is able to offer consumers deep discounts on many top names in fashion
apparel and home goods merchandise. However the Company does not like to be labeled
as a discount store. Instead, TJX s vision is to be a global, off price value retailer with a
mission to deliver the same brand name value and
Interrogation Technique
The room is 3 meters by 3 meters and the tension can be felt in the room. The detainee
is pleading for mercy, but the interrogator keeps at it with a straight face. The questioner
knows that what he is doing is wrong but he has orders from above and he also has to
think about his wife in America, who might be in danger of a terrorist attack. This is
what could have been going through the head of a CIA agent or military personnel that
was using enhanced interrogation techniques, also called torture by some people, to get
information from a terrorist suspect. During the War Against Terror, these techniques
were made legal, even though it went against Article 5 in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. The use of torture by the Bush administration... Show more content on ...
The techniques used by the CIA operatives included but were not limited to attention
grasp, walling, facial hold, facial slap, cramped confinement, wall standing, food
deprivation, sleep deprivation, and waterboard. All of these except for walling and
waterboard are methods that are exactly what they say they are. For walling and
waterboarding, they mean something different. Walling is where the suspect is smashed
into a wall in a way that won t cause too much damage, but will still disorient him/her.
Waterboarding, one of the most controversial methods, is where the sense of drowning
is simulated. People say that this is especially cruel because the suspects feel like they
are dying. The places where CIA agents tortured people were called black spots . Those
included military bases, other countries like Iran, and Guantanamo Bay. The techniques
were used against at least 14 suspected terrorists and were used to get information about
terrorist attacks and terrorist groups and leaders. That is about the extent of the ways
enhanced interrogation techniques were
Edwin Hubble Discoveries
Edwin hubble invented the space telescope, he made some of the most important
discoveries in modern astronomy. As an astronomer, Dr. Hubble was a late bloomer.
Before discovering his passion for the stars, Dr. Hubble earned a law degree and
served in World War I. 1373 Cincinnati, provisional designation 1935 QN, is an asteroid
of the outer asteroid belt, approximately 20 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by
the famous American astronomer Edwin Hubble at Mount Wilson Observatory on
August 30, 1935. In his short paper, Hubble presented the observational evidence for one
of science s greatest discoveries the expanding universe. Hubble showed that galaxies are
receding away from us with a velocity that is proportional to their distance
Essay on Most Famous Work and the People Who Discovered
Most famous work
Edward Witten is most known for proving the string theory using a mathematical
equation. Werner Heisenberg s research in 1943 became the base from which the string
theory grew from. Yoichiro Nambu, Holger Bech Nielsen, and Leonard Susskind first had
the idea of string theory in 1970, but the scientific community lost interest quickly. Due
to the discovery of quantum chromodynamics, John. H Schwarz and Joel Scherk where
able to study boson (elementary particle) patterns and found that they acted as strings and
that their properties matched graviton (elementary particle). This discovery led to the
bosonic string theory, which was the first string theory that is still taught to students as
they are starting to understand the ... Show more content on ...
Witten is also known for his mathematical achievements. Witten was the first physicist
ever to win the Fields medal; one of his more known contributions to the mathematics
field was his ability to understand the Jones polynomial. These are only a few of the
countless contributions Witten has made to science and mathematics.
MacArthur fellowship (1982)
Dirac Medal (1985)
Albert Einstein Award (1985)
Fields Medal (1990)
Henri Poincare Prize ( 2006)
Alan T. Waterman Award (1995)
Dannie Heineman Prize (1998)
Nemmers Prize (2000)
Harvey Prize (2005)
Crafoord Prize (2008)
Lorentz Medal (2010)
Isaac Newton Medal (2010)
Fundamental Physics Prize (2012)
Witten was born in Baltimore Maryland on August 26th 1951. His father Lorraine
Witten was also a theoretical physicist who specialized in gravitation. Witten then went
on to attend park school of Baltimore and received his Bachelor of Arts, after this he
went on to get a major in history and a minor in linguistics from Brandeis University. He
then attended Princeton University where he got his PHD in physics. Witten married
Chiara Nappi who is a professor at Princeton University and also has her PHD in physics.
Witten has three children and one grandchild.
Interesting Information:
Steven Hawking stated that Edward Witten s M theory might be the ultimate theory of the
universe. The most interesting fact about my dead physicist is that he is
The Spirit Of Righteousness
As it was, and shall be, from generation to generation, men pursue glorious romances, for

the sake of righteousness, by which they can write an everlasting testimony of their
triumph over

evil. From the plains of Clermont, sprung a bid to assemble the soldiers of Christ to
relieve the

brethren in the East of the yoke of Islamic rule and [liberate] the tomb of Christ .1 The
acts of

these men, who were captivated by the declaration of this holy war, were written
according to the

fervor within their hearts for God and the noble commission entrusted to them.
Restoration of the

land that was sanctified by the Incarnate God was the prime and, arguably, lone purpose
for a

man to leave behind his life and venture to the East with ... Show more content on ...
As they stood divided, the kingdom was taken from them by a

1 Jonathan Riley Smith, The Oxford History Of The Crusades (Oxford: Oxford University

1999), 1.

2 Ibid., 2.

powerful and exceedingly unified power who, seeing their instability, rejoiced and seized

opportunity to regain the Levant and expel the Franks back to Europe. In the film
Kingdom of

Heaven,4 Sir Ridley Scott, director, portrays the historical events in the final days of the

Kingdom of Jerusalem under Frankish rule. The presence of historically significant

characters in

the film begs the question of accuracy from a historical perspective. Raynald of
Châtillon, being
of the knightly class, was a crucial figure during the period of time presented in the film,

provided a seemingly precise and parallel portrayal of the traditionally noted villain.

Furthermore, the idealized vision of the Kingdom was shared by the men of this time,

those portrayed in the film, as a once holy enterprise spoiled by the corruption of the men

embarking in this holy war. The Kingdom was more than stone upon stone in a foreign
land, but

rather, a metaphysical entity in its own right.

As a villain, Raynald of Châtillon, played by Brendan Gleeson in the film, is quickly

introduced as a
Stars, I Heard The Learn D Astronomer
Art comes in many different forms, and there are similarities and differences in all
forms of art. While Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall by A.E. Housman, When I Heard the
Learn d Astronomer by Walt Whitman, and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh have
some obvious similarities, they have striking differences as well. While the poems
and painting may seem like innocent pieces of work, they all share a similar theme
and tone. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall just sounds like a more pessimistic poem just
by the title, but when if someone were to actually read the poem, they would come
across But no star is lost at all / From all the star sown sky (Housman 3 4). These lines
are expressing that even though a star may fall and die, it does not make... Show more
content on ...
First, the two poems have the most obvious difference between all three, as Whitman s
poem has an unclear and optimistic ending by saying Till rising and gliding out I
wander d off by myself, / In the mystical moist night air, and from time to time, / Look
d up in perfect silence at the stars (6 8), while Housman s poem is pessimistic the
entire poem. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall ends by saying It rains into the sea, / And
still the sea is salt (7 8), which is more the author seemingly accepting the fact that
human life is meaningless, so Housman s poem does not have a resolution. Both
poems can speak to different people depending on their views on life and how they are
emotionally at that point in time. Starry Night contrasts more to Housman s poem,
because while it is uncertain as to what Van Gogh s piece real meaning is, the meaning
can be inferred, and with the possibility of yellow representing hope, then it is
different from Housman s which is more acceptance that life has no meaning. As Van
Gogh was mentally unstable for the majority of his life, he was put in a mental health
asylum, where he made Starry Night, and the artwork itself was the view he saw from
his window. Van Gogh felt isolation for the majority of his life as most people did not
appreciate his art when he was alive, so Starry Night s dark colors can express how he
felt, and the yellow could
Characterization Of The Novel Fearless
In the novel Fearless by Eric Blehm, the main character Adam Brown starts out in
highschool being a great student but, in college he finds some difficulties in his life.
When everything does not go to smooth, he tried drugs, and it just got worse as he
used cocaine. He started stealing from his family and friends and would run away,
eventually his family had enough of him and was afraid of something happening to
him. His family and friends would always see the old Adam wishing he was still
there,but he no longer had control until he met his wife Kelly and tried his hardest. At
Arkansas Tech he was no longer the standout player on the football field, started
getting mediocre grades, and in his free time he would be at parties or the club. One
night after a party with his old friends Jeff, Heath, and Richard they were almost driven
off the road and met four guys and got in a fight. One of the guys had a blade in his
hand and hit jeff right in the side, filled with anger Jeff quickly got back at him and
started pounding his head in but was soon pulled off by Adam. The guys then hopped
back into the truck until a one of them came back out with a shotgun and shot Jeff. Adam
immediately ripped his shirt off and walked to the guywith the gun and told him If you
re going to shoot me, f ing shoot me! (page 40 41) He then walked to the guy with the
gun and said a few words, then took his friend to the hospital where Jeff was barely
breathing but was still alive thanks to Adam, he

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