Revire Class 12 Isc Reason Based Questions

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Question: Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for


1. In the poem ‘Birches’ the poet fails to learn baseball because he
lives on an isolated, New England farm and has to work. He has
to entertain himself year round and so he explores his natural
2. The poet often dreams of going back to his childhood because his
current life becomes too tiresome. Sometimes, he even wishes that
he could escape earth for a while, but not permanently.
3. The poet feels his one eye is weeping because when he walks
through a pathless wood he gets sharp branches and spider webs
in his face.
4. The poet talks of the pain taken to fill a cup, up to the brim
because he keeps "his poise," meaning he stays balanced and
calm, sort of hovering up on a tree branch. The speaker
compares it to filling a cup to the brim.

5. In the poem ‘Darkling Thrush’ the poet says ‘so little cause for
caroling’ because the bird is old with ruffled feathers so logically
no reason to celebrate yet sings a happy song./ it was a desolate
and dead world with gloomy atmosphere.
6. The poet feels motivated on seeing the thrush that strives to
shrink off the glowing gloom because it suggests both hope and
desperation and resonates with the speaker's own emotions.
7. Poet thought the bird's happy song carried some secret and holy
hope because there was no cause for such joyful singing—at least
no cause was evident in the world around the poet.
8. Frost is described as ‘specter–grey’ or ghost-like grey. The
Winter’s dregs — the fallen snow and heavy fog — are making
the twilight/ dusk (the weakening eye of day) look desolate
because they cannot arouse any sense of cheerfulness.


9. The poet says there may be no sadness of farewell because
although he may be carried beyond the limits of time and space
as we know them, he retains the hope that he will look upon the
face of his “Pilot” when he has crossed the sand bar.
10. The image of the sunset and evening star is used because
symbolizes death and the hope of a new life after death as the
evening star that rises with the sunset.
11. It is a poem that argues that death is a kind of comfort
because it depicts speaker's religious faith in the afterlife.
Accordingly, the speaker wants to die quietly and gently, without
fear, reassured by the knowledge that what comes next is a
meeting with God.

12. The poet calls the world a ‘darkling plain’ because the poet
grieves over this purposeless life and dark and ignorant
world. The people are running after material gains blindly.
13. The poet used the word’ grating’ to depict the sound of the
water hitting the pebbles because those little rocks are being
pulled out by the waves as they go out, and then thrown back up
on the beach ("strand" is another word for beach or shore) when
the waves come back in.


14. Artists are acknowledged as World-losers and world-
foresakers they are people who renounce the world, people on
whom the moon shines. But we also always seem to be the people
who shake the world to its foundations.
15. Artists destroyed those cities with prophecies of a new and
better world because every era is a dream that is either dying or
being born.

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