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2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY CONVERSATION Ea eka ed What doos he / she look like? What about his / her build / hair / face / ‘eyes / nose / mouth / ote.? ‘Who do you take after Im the family? ‘What kind of personality do you have? tink ny sister my mother my cousin). (quite prety / handsome / attractive / average looking) ... | wouldn't say ha / she Is the most handsome / the pretest). but! think he / she has (a) nice (face / eyes) ... He / she fs (ail / chubby / sim / overweight /wol-butt) . which he/she inherited from {my grandparents / his/her parents) ... He / she has (ong/short, brown hai, biue eyes, a big nose and flips) He / she always wanted to have (curlyAwavy/blond hair/ blue eyes / ‘a smaller nose). but he / she has (straight brown hair / brown eyes / 2 big nose) He/she even thought of (having his/her hair cut/dyed/permed/ geting contact lnses instead of the glasses | have my (mother’s personality / father's looks}. [take after (my mother / my father / my grandmothes) .. My family says | look a lot lke (my grandfather / my uncle) am quite / very (modest / friendly / honest / chesrful / patient). ‘Sometimes | feel | am (bossy / moody / annoying). Tam generally a/an (helpful / pote / easy going / confident / sociable / reliable / adaptable} .. person. EO How many friends do you have? How Iong have you known them? Where did you meet them? What do they do? Who is your best friend? What do you like doing together? Do you have the ‘same interests / goals / Personality featuros / ote.? | have lots of fiends (rom school / from the sports club / from our block of flats /in the house | ive in .. but only a few close ones. Most of my friends (are my classmates / come from the village | live in). [think Iam lucky because | have (many fiends in my class / a close frend) ., and vve can (tak about everything / go everywhere together... ‘We met in / at (primary school / the chess club / football training) ‘We all go to the same (church / schoo! / dance class). ‘We used to be members of the same (fitness club / football team / theatre group) . They are all (students / members of the football team) .. ‘Some of them (ive in my hometown / go to my school play in my bard) .., \whilo the others {ive in the neighbouring villages / chose other schools / {rarely meet). He / She is called (lamas / Kat... and he / she (goes tothe same schoo! as | do / has been my bestfriend for ten years) \We are both (stuconts at the same school / 17 years old / big basketball fans) ../ we both {vein the same hostel / go to the sare pottery lub) We are quite ake because wo (both love nature / are passionate football players / are tiendly and patient) Most ofthe time we go to (the cinema / concerts / parties). \We usually meot on (Saturdays / Sunday afternoong). in/at the (nearby park / internet café / shopping mel) .. We are both interested in (history / sports / fms) .., but when it comes to (music / future plans)... we have diferent (plans / ideas / tastes). Ak hema What are your common characteristics and interests? ‘What are the things that you all like doing? We are all fond of (music / nature / sport) .. ‘We all ko going (on trips / fora walk in the forest / to exhibitions). We enjoy the times when we (celebrate family events / have barbecue parties in the garden / play cards / go bowling together) | 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY CONVERSATION ‘What Is the difference ‘Thay don't understand (my feelings / my tastes / my problems). | between you and your parents? They (grew up/ led). ina diferent word, and that's why they (have | What do you think the term diferent opinions / don't agree with my decisions). “generation gap” means? “Thay think f say (my friends are strange /1 waste my time playing ‘computer games / Iam not reliable enough /| don't take responsibility). What do family members Parents don't it their children (do what they want to / give parties / go to most often argue about? ‘concerts) .., and they usually don't ike their attitude towards school / | friends / clothing style). | Brothers Sisters ere (aways wearing each other's clothes / never helping | ‘each ather tidy their room / never allowed to go to the disco | ‘Apart from occasional arguments, they (respect each ther / love each ‘other / appreciate each other’s efforts / support each other in everything) .. your parents or grandparents strict / more flexble). In any way? I wah they could oe ke my tienes parents / understand my problems give | | Would you like to change It would be nice i they were (more understanding / more lenient / not so { \ ime more freedom) .. | [ike them the way they are, | | Do you think you should | could be more (honest / hard-working / reliable) change your behaviour? Maybe | should (show more respect / help more with the housework It's true that (| am not always a saint /| sometimes tll les) .., but (| don't | i ‘want to hurt them / | don’t cary things to extremes). i : PEP Us LLU Lo ceed i What is the role of mon ‘Men are expected to be (polite / protactve / strong) .. and to (maintain the and women in society / ‘emily / pay the bills / earn a living forthe family). | ina family? Traditionally, women are (sensitive / comforting / the centre of the family / the weaker sex). Nowadays, it's not surprising i a man / woman (chooses an unusual job / 1 ‘works as a... /looks after the house / stays at home with the children). | What do men typically do? Men are often the breadwinner in the family. Men usually work in/as (executives / managers / leaders / intellectual | professions / physica! jobs). i Men are considered to be more suitable for (physicel jobs / manager positions). What are typical ‘Most of the (teachers / nurses / pre-school teachers) .. are women, | professions for women? ‘Women ate still sometimes considered to be (the homemakers / mothers. } and wives first ofall). I {tis still popular among women to become (mode's / secretaries / shop. | assistants / teachers) .. What does your mother / My mother does the (shopping / cooking / ironing / washing / cleaning) father do around the house? while my father does the {repalring / fing / mending). o / (sts infront ' of the telly / goes to the pub) My father would never do (any housework / the washing / the cleaning / the cooking). } | Actually, itis sometimes my fether who (prepares dinner / does the washing up / does the garding / fixes things around the house / takes the dog for | wall) What is your dream job? | would tke to be afan (artist / doctor / lawyer / economist / musician / police Is it a typical men’s officer / teacher)... or a women's job? | hope one day | will become a/an (executive in a bank / top manager at a company / successful fm star / computer programmer / architect... People may say that being a/an (doctor / lawyer / manager). is typically a men's/women's job, but I think boing a/an .. could be just as (intresting / fulfling / challenging / attractive. for me. 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY CONVERSATION PEAR ek Dla ced Have you ever done voluntary I've naver done voluntary work, but (t's now compulsory in secondary work or community service? school /I've ahvays wanted to do something / I've been thinking about doing community sevice for a while / | agree that we need to be more active in helping end taking responsibility for others)... ‘Actually | (once helpad collecting ciothes for poor people in my church ‘community / took part in the 60-called “shoebox” chatity event last year / hhave already enlisted for this winter to workin the soup kitchen and serve food for the homeless in my town / always do voluntary works ia my ‘summer holidays and | want to teach by example and show my peers how rewarding iti)... Volunteering and community service fare highly popular in the US / are sstting more and more popular in Hungary)... and | also think (ts a very good trend / these sorts of activities are very rewarding / it's important to give back to those who need it the most / we need to spread awareness about the problems less fortunate people have / we need to be sensitive about issues such as domestic violence and poverty)... Have you every had to take Taking responsibility for someone or something {is very serious responsibility for someone issue /is not easy if you are very young / requires one to be @ real or something? ‘grown Up. Responsibity for people of my age usualy means that you (occasionally hhave to look after your lito brother / pay attention to what you spend your ‘pocket money on / make sure you do not ose your belongings / feed the ‘cats and dogs at home / Keep your room ti)... lve never been in a situation where (| would've been held responsible for someone / | was held resposible for something)... (I only had to babysit my younger siblings / but | have importent tasks at horne, for examole ‘watering the plants end feeding the dogs / but I'm captain of the volleyball team which means some sort of responsibilty even ifs not like personally taking care of someone. How do you think you could I don't know what I could do (so | thought I'd visit an organisation and personally help the needy? inquire about programmes and projects / but I'l look up local chartios ‘on the internet andl gat in touch with them / but I'll nged to co something to meet the graduation roquiremants in secondary schoo)... [think I could (do some voluntary work inthe focal hospital / clean the ‘cages or feed the animals atthe local animal shelter / sort {ood/clothes donations for Red Gross during my community service hours / work with children in summer camps / help out in @ women's shelter / serve meals in our local soup kitchen before Christmas / hold 2 fund-rasing event for the flood vietims in our schoo).. I's important that (we have physically accessible public buildings everywhere / disabled people have sufficient care systems / support Is avaliable for all handicapped people)... but that's more the task for our ‘government and local leaders, im not sure how ¥ can do anything about eo aa eae nants What sort of differences exist There are poople with different (roigious belies / ethnic backgrounds / among people? physical or intelectual abilities / cultural backgrounds / skin colour)... and we have to show acceptance and tolerance towards them and thelr Gitferences, Tolerance is (@ positive attitude towards others / accepting people the way they are)... bt it dossa’t mean that (we have to accept bad or disrespectful behaviour / we have to overiook rude behaviour / bresking social rules are OK). For me tolerance meane (openness to differences between people / respecting others / valuing differences / bridging cultural gaps / rejecting unfair stereotypes / discovering common grounds / creating bonds). (2)PEOPLE AND SOCIETY Do you know people in your environment who are different from you? How do you think you can help disabled people? CONVERSATION | ave (an uncle whe had an accident and has been wheslchr-bound ‘ver since / a sister who has a food intolerance and everything has to be cooked for her separately / a classmate who suffered a brain hemorrhage at birth and can't use his let hand / a neighbour who is mentally handicapped and needed special education). My (aunt / grandmother / father)... was diagnased with (cancer / ‘Alzheimer’s / epilepsy)... and since then our lives have changed as wo need to (help them with their everyday tasks and their medications / take more responsibility / pay attention to anticipate seizures / help them emotionally / cheer them up occasionally I've had eovaral schoolmates from abroad whose (daly habits / religions / beliefs and cultural traditions)... were diferent from ours, but (they were very nice / they were open about them and taught us a lot about their world / we leamed a lot from them). | think'the biggest hep for people who have disabitios is (we respect them and accept them the way they are / if we can look beyond their disabilities and treat them as equal if we ask them what they neod instead of trying to quess and getting embarrassed)... ‘There are small things we can do for disabled people every day such as (pushing thoir wheelchair for them / opening the door for them / getting something off a high shelf / reading something aloud for them)... depending on what sort of disability they have, | think emotional suppor is very important for the disabled as well bbecause they (often feel isolated / can experience exclusion from society / see offending or negative behaviour all the time / can be ‘embarrassed when they have to ask for help]... but sometimes thelr family can aiso feel (ouilty about thelr problems / exploited if they have to take all the responsibilty)... 2/7 WHAT CONFLICTS ARE THERE IN YOUR LIFE AND HOW DO YOU COPE WITH THEM What do you see at home? What kinds of confljcts do you have at schdol or outside your home? Have you ever seen someone bullied by somebody else? How would you handle such conflicts? I'm fortunate {to live in @ very peaceful home / to have a loving family with very fev conflict)... 80 | (haven't saen many conficts / only see some minor quarrels, Unfortunately, (my parents often fight over al sorts of things / my mother and fether quarrel a lot about money)..and | (usually go to my room and shut the door / don't ike listening to that / foe! strossod out by these conflicts... | sometimes have arguments with my (father / mother / grandmother / sister / brother).... about my (household duties / school grades / habits / friends / laziness 8s they cal it / belongings). My home Is very harmonious but (my best friend has a very aggressive father / one of my classmates suffered abuse in his chilehood / ur neighbour once hit his eon and was arrested for domestic violence) {think my schoo! (has a very supportive and positive atmosphere / has very strong rules about conflicts and violence / has supportive teachers and 4 really good counsellor so whatever arises we can handle i)... I've often seen (kids beating each other up in my school / older kids ‘oullying younger ones on the way to school / school gangs terrorising students)... which {is an alarming trend nowadays in schools / needs to be addressed and stopped / was very schocking for me and | had no idea what | should do about it... F've heard about conficts between (the students and the teachers in ‘some schdols which is a very delicate situation / teachers and parents)... and usually i's the child who suffers the most. I've (never seen anyone being bullied / never met this phenomenon)... as (t's not present in our schoo! / my school community is very close kn. I've had a friend who was bullied in primary schoo! by older kids and they (took away his money / stole his cell phone / spread rumours 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY CONVERSATION about him on Facebook)... which (made him scared / left him with emotional scars). and eventually we solved it by ( using the so- called “buddy system” which means that we went everywhere in pales / reporting it to our teachers / teling our parents / putting on a poker face and ignoring the bad guys / avoiding the kids who would bully Us)... Bullying is vary (dangerous / widespread)... and it needs to be stopped because in some cases (it can lead to suicide / people can bbe hurt for the rest of thei ives /it can result in school shootings or ‘thor crimes) PERUIGa hk ketch Oe ‘Which do you celebrate: birthdays / namedays / ‘Christmas / Easter / etc.? How do you celebrate ‘these events? What do you do on these days? What is your favourite family celebration? oa Can you remember a present that made you really happy? 219 When do wo colobrate / ‘commemorate them? Prue huckitnsienneckee ‘As my family is quite big we (colebrate alot of birthdays / we often come togethor for namadays / we have had a lat of weddings recent. We celebrate (Easter / Christmas) ‘My famiy usuelly comes together fr aiffrent occasions, for example {oraduations / engagements / anniversaries. (On my birthday last year we (invited all my fiends / organised a party / went foraitip to... ate in a restaurant)... then (| blew out the candies and wished for something / we had a great time) [At Christmas wre normally (stay at home / travel somewhere / visit all my relatives... while at Easter we (cook ham / paint alot of eggs / go to the church) COn/At (birthdays / namedays / graduations). we usually eat (cekes / biscuits. drink soft chinks / champagne). and (alk / laugh a lot / sometimes even dance). ‘At Christmas we (always visit my grandmother who lives in Zala county / sometimes go to a restaurant ‘We never miss going to (the Midnight Service in our chureh / the village Christmas calebration) Instead of going somewhere we generally invite (my cousins and aunts / my grandparents for several days / some of my relatives on Boxing Day) ‘Afow days bofore Christmas we (bake the cakes / decorate the house and the tree / buy/vrap the presents). and then on Christmas day we (open the presents / invite my grandparents / play cards / go fora walk / visit relatives / watch Christmas programmes on TV)... We usually eat (ish soup / stuffed cabbage / poppyseed-cake / turkey) . ‘and my parents dink (eggnog / champagne) . At (weddings / graduation parties / anniversaries / birthday parties) ‘we (oat cakes / have a few drinks / have a good time) .. | can haraly wait for (my graduation / my cousin's wedding in July / Christmas)... when | (mest my relatives / eat a lot of cakes / talk to my ‘American cousin) .. ove (Christmas / Easter / New Year's Eve... the most. | think (Christmas)... s the best because (everybody gets presents / the ‘whole house is nicely decorated / the whole family s together) | will never forget the (birthday party / Christmas Eve) .. when | got (ny first watch / the latest Robbie Wiliams CD / a mobile}. ‘The best present | have ever received was a (book about Winston Churchil's life / DVD player / scooter)... always get great presents from (my bestfriend / my sister / my parents) . ‘because he / she / they reacl) my mind and he / she / they knows) my taste. Ee scuud On (15! March / 20! August / 23° October. ve commemorate (the Hungarian Revolution and War of independence / the Foundation ofthe State / the Revolution of 1956)... ‘These days are bank holidays, s0 we don't have to go to achool/ work). ‘Those days were milastones in Hungetien history. The schoo! celebration is always the day before. 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY ‘What do people do on these days? How do you celebrate ‘them at school? Which national holiday do you like the most and why? CONVERSATION On... people wear (formal clothes / a rosette) / go to (commemoration ceremonies / the town centre) / watch (epeeches on TV / films about these events / performances / fireworks display). There aro (events / processions}. in (parks / squares). where people {walk Fisten to speeches). Some people just (stay at home and enjoy the day off / go on trip itis a long weekend / follow the events on TV) At school we usually have (class performances / shorter lessons / a short commemoration ceremony). and sometimes even ( reathe statues). The school celebration is organised by fa senior class / one ofthe teachers / the student school board). and performed by (students / guest performers / teachers). Students Usually wear (a white blouse/shir / a dark skrt/suit / clark trousers / school badges) (The Hungarian Revolution and War of independence)... was a big turning Point in the couriny’s history and people's lives. (The Foundation of the State) .. means the most to me because it determined ‘ur history the most (World War I .. happened only. (70 yeats) ago, and still many people remember it ERR kaa What do you wear in different seasons? ‘What do you like wearing the most? Hov do you dress when you go to special events ‘or parties? ‘What about a not shoot day? Do you normally follow the latest fashion? It depends on the weather, if is cold, | wear (a warm coat / waterproof boots). while in summer mostly have (Bermuda shorts / atop) .. on. In summer | ke wearing (sandals / flip-flops / colouril clothes / miniskirts / shorts / sunglasses / hat). in wintor | always wear (@ winter coat /a cap / gloves / a scarf / boots) Most of the time | wear trousers / skirts / shirts / T-shirts / jeans) When lam at home | usually wear (some baggy trousers / comfortable clothes / my good old tracksuit/ my favourite Jeans) | prefer (casual / comfortable / designer / fashionable) .. clothes, rather than (formal / uncomfortable / second-hand! / hand-me-down) .. clothes. | don't really ke (sporty / formal / worn-out / colourful plain}. clothes. | used to have a lot of hand-me-down clothes from my sister / brother, but nowadays (can afford to buy my own clothes / we are older and just borrow from each other. \When it comes to (weddings / parties / special occasions). ke ta dress up. | even (go to the hairdressers / visit the beautician's / browse women's magazines)... 1 look (trendy / pretty / neat . For these occasions | sometimes buy & new (suit / tie / shirt / evening dress / ‘kit / pair of high-heeled shoes) | don’t make much etfort for school, | ust put on (a pal of jeans / trainers / trousers / a Tshirt). What | wear depends on (the weather / my mood / the occasion / the time of day) It doesn't take a long time to get dressed in the moming because | just (open ‘my wardrobe and put on the first thing | see / put on @ pair of jeans and a Thin). It takes a long time to get dressed in the morning because (I have to put on my makeup / never Know what to wear / Ihave to do my hair. {ike to tip through the fashion magazines but ('m not really fashion- conscious / | don't really follow the fashion) .. If had more money, | would buy some (designer / chic / more fashionable) clothes. | have to admit I'm not really interested in the latest fashion. BEE Eee eee eee eet 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY SAMPLE PRESENTATIONS Ea ‘There are teenagers who Ike spending time together and doing al Kinds of activites. They are outgoing, sociable, talkative, open-minded and friendly. They often go to parties or on trips together. They ke having fun and they Usually have a big cele of friends. ‘On the other hand, there are teenagers who prefer to be alone, They are usuelly shy, reserved and don’t tke to bee the contre of attention. They sit in front oftheir computers most ofthe time, and all they do is play computer ‘games of watch TV. This way they lose all thelr fiends and become lonely. ‘When you are outgoing and have alot of friends, you can improve your personal relationships and your social ski's, You learn how to be part of a group and cooperate with others, which can be usetul in your future, ‘Spending most of your time In front ofthe computer can also be beneficial but in a diferent way. There is plenty of information on the internet you can learn from. i Is elso true that you can have virtual relationships ut they are rot the same as eal ones. Parents are never satisfied with their children’s activities because they want to protect them from everything: Unreliable friends or dangerous activities. So if you are outgoing your parents might worry about you a lo, but i ‘you spend too much time alone they are afraid that you won't have any frends, | think there are a lot of exciting activites for teenagers to do. For example: rips and parties. Isa lt of fun to be with your fiends and exploce new places, go sightseeing, and share these experiences. You can play football, oF do other sports, do handlcrts, go shopping or just go down to the park and enjoy the fresh al while talking, | usually goto the cinema with my friends or we just walk down High Street and do some window-shopping. We ccan chat about all kinds of things and have fun, We sometimes goto the zoo or to the amusement par, too | think It doesn't realy matier what you do as long as you do it together and you all enjoy ‘it PPRua ur eos In Hungary the most important family celabrations are Christmas, Easter, birthdays, namedays, wedding anniversaries, chvistenings and graduations. ‘At Christmas family members buy presents for each other. We decorate the Christmas tree and gather around it ‘on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. My mum always prepares a dalicious Christmas dinner which we eat together in a cosy atmosphere. ‘At Eastor families eat a lot of ham and chocolate Easter bunnies. On Easter Monday the boys sprinkle the ghris, with water or perfume so that they stay young forever. What | hate about these feasts is that my parents always expect me to tidy my room, but | lke being together with them and playing cards or having a chat. | enjoy birthdays best. | cannot imagine my birthday without a cake and a fine dinner with my family. | also get presents which I am very heppy about, but these are not the most important things. My last birthday was memorable because my mother baked me my favourite chocolate layer cake and | had a surprise party. | visited one of my friends on Saturday and by the time I got home all of my fiends and family members were there, which was realy surprising because | didn't notice any cars In front of our house. We laughed a lot together and had a great time. Mi never forget that party. Prone se ‘When people are at home they usually wear a tracksult with a T-shirt because itis very comfortable. When they go ‘out with friends, vist relatives or just go down to the shop they wear shirts and tops with a pair of jeans, which ever goes out of fasion, Basically, you can put on anything which you feel good in, but you should choose ciothes which reflect your personality and taste, ‘Many people wear formal clothes even to work, but most people dress up only for special oocasions such as weddings, funerals, graduations, theatre and opera evenings or balls. Men usually wear a sult and a tia with a nice shirt and elegant shoes. Women have more possiblities to choose from, but it also makes it more dificult to find the best outiit for the occasion. They can choose from evening dresses, suits or skits with blouses. When they finaly manage to decide on the clothes, they have to find the matching accessories such as shoes, handbags and jewellery. ‘When I'am at home | lke my good, old tracksuit. When I go to school | put on a pair of jeans and a pullover. ‘Sometimes I wear a skit to look pretty. What | Ike wearing the most is a striped top | got from my sister for my last birthday. | usually wear it with my dark blue jeans and my favourite cardigan | bought in Austria. | don’t like formal clothes simply because | don't feo! comfortable in them. My mum always wants me to wear a terrible white sik blouse end a pair of old-fashioned shoes with low heels, but | like high-heeled shoes mare to {ook taller If Ihave to go to a special occasion, I put them on, but | can hardly wait to gat home and take them off (2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY SAMPLE PRESENTATIONS 2/4 NEN’S AND WOMEN'S ROLES IN SOCIETY Taitionaly, men were the breadkwinners who gamed money for the family to lve on and women were the homemakers wo stayed at home withthe kids and kept the house tidy and neat. Inthe oid days men dic most of the physical work. They had postions in poitics and they were Involved in decision ‘making, taking responsiblity and leadership. Women were always considered to be the weaker sex who would take cae of the housework, bring up and nurse the children, care forthe older generation, be soft, tender and! loving, supporting the husband and creating peaceful home for hi and the whole family. ‘With women's movements, increasing rights and emizncjpation inthe 204" century, these roles have changed a lot. "Nowadays roles are quite mixed up and wo can find men and women with al sorts of occupations and in all sorts of roles. Lots of women have careers and can be found in high postions sometimes earning more than thelr husbands do. We have women in the army, some drive buses and trucks. On the other hand, we have male nurses, kindergarten teachers or accountants too. Men can also stay at home with kids on paternity leave now if they want to. [think Fm quite modem and I'd also lke to have a modem family where we don’t have these old-fashioned rules ‘and roles, | would expect my husband to help me with the housework and raising our chikiren and I'd also lke to have ‘a careot. | think if you share the tasks equal, you can have a balanced Ke having both a career and family. Pina aad Volunteering means that we make a conscious decision to do some ungald work to help the people or some public institutions, whle community service means that we assist these people or organizations in some form but not necessarily voluntarily, Usually they are about helping underprvieged people such as those who are disabled, whe live in poor conditions, in homes or day care facies, or those who have been victims of abuse or violence. Other forms of voluntary work include tending tothe animals in animal shelters, doing something for the environment such as collecting rubbish, plenting trees, or helping out at sporting events, chikken's camps, museums or tbrarie. Doing good and helping others selflessly is alvays e fantastic and rewarding feckng. You can relly change the lives ‘of the poor and underprivileged if you just donate a few hours of your oem time and support and assist them so that ‘they fel that someone i caring fr them and they belong somewhere. Volunteering and community service teach us alot about fife and they can croate bonds between people. They provide an opportunity for team buiding as well if ‘you are doing it with fiends or classmates. | have many possiblities in my area to do my required work. I can help out inthe local soup Kitchen, inthe animal shelter, inthe hospital and old people's home, but iI want to I can choose a camo, aibrary or a museum es well ‘Tm thinking about choosing the soup kitchen. I actually know a woman who is homeless and I sometimes stop and have a conversation with her In front ofthe supermarket where she goes to beg for money, | think its important to lear their stories because they are often vitims and are not to blame for their conditions. Id ike to help out in the kitchen to learn more about paopie like her and listen to thek stories so that one day I can do more for them, Poe Unfortunately, thore are lots of genetic disorders and conditions which make people's Ives dificult and which are hard to cope with. Some people have viible cisabitios auch as missing @ body part, being paralyzed and wheelchair ‘bound, oF moving with cificity using cenes or walkers. Some people have hidden cisabilties, for example bran damage, chronic iinesses, food intolarances, cllergies, diabetes, etc, Some may have behavioural problems, hearing Cr speech impairments which also make everyday life hard for them. Having some form of dsabilty or an ilness means that you ive your if in acifrent way from others. You may be restricted in your movements, you may need to take medications every day, even simple things such as breathing and talking may be impossible for you. You may not be able to go out, use public transportation, ertar certain busines which are not phyisically accessible, eat out, dance at a party with your friends, drive a car, eto. Disabilties do not ‘only cause pisysical restrictions but they can mean social exclusion too. The mare you stay away from these actvties the fower fiends you will have and the less you wl nieract with people It often means that such people aro isolated ‘and lonely, so clsebilties do not only cause physical Imitations and occasional pan but social isolation as well ‘Tho closest people to them are thelr families, who also need to handle an increased responsibilty and readiness to help and assist in everything. In some cases they also need to cope with social isolation and exclusion. They can often feel exploited and the situation for tham can also be emotionally dificult. ‘We have a wheelchair-bound git in our school and all my schoolmates are trying to help her the best we can by opening the doors for her, helping her in every situation. | think its important that we integrate these people into society. We have to give them the feting that they belong to society and are also valuable members oft. We ‘nged to treat them equally and look beyond their disable. It is also important to learn what they need and to ‘educate children and young peopl in how to handle situations when a disabled person is involved. Spreading awareness is 2ls0 very Important. 2) PEOPLE AND SOCIETY WORD LisT APPEARANCE & CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES appearance ‘megjelenés look pretty / handsome csinos /joképti take after sy hhasonit vkiro look quite like sy pont tigy nz ki mint vki e of average build oral testalkata overweight /slim/ skinny tdistlyos / karest / sovény have a good figure J6 alakja van be of average / 4tlagos magességu / ‘medium height keizepmagas have curly / wavy /

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