Fall 2023 - CS403P - 2

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CS403P – Database Management System(Practical)

Assignment No.2

Maximum Marks: 20

Due Date: 15th Jan 2024

The purpose of this assignment is to give your hands-on practice. It is expected that
students will solve the assignment themselves. The following rules will apply during the
evaluation of the assignment.

● Cheating from any source will result in zero marks

in the assignment.
● The submitted assignment does NOT open or file is corrupted.
● No assignment after the due date will be accepted
● Student can submit HTML, Images & Plain text only in this inline Mode. You
may also insert image file/table.
● DOC/pdf File uploading option will not be available) in inline assignment

Uploading Assignment Instruction

You can insert normalized tables directly in inline assignment interface as shown below (see
table creation part by zooming the image).
Objective & Learning Outcome
The objective of this assignment is to:
● implement Normalization.

After completing the assignment, the student will be able to normalize tables in second and
third normal form.

Suppose ABC university has its campuses in different cities. Consider university is storing data
of different study programs, students and campuses in the form of Table 1 in a database. A
student can only enroll in any 6-months certificate course along with any current degree

Note: Table 1 has composite primary key: StudyProgram, Semester, Student_CNIC

Table 1:
Study Duration Semester Student_CNIC Name Campus Campus Semester
Program Code City GPA

MCS 2 Years Fall2018 37405-111 Ali Ahmad ATK001 Attock 3.50

MCS 2 Years Spring2018 37405-111 Ali Ahmad ATK001 Attock 3.75

MCS 2 Years Fall2023 37405-018 Nimra Khan RWP02 Rawalpindi 3.20

Certificate 6 months Fall2023 37405-018 Nimra Khan RWP02 Rawalpindi 3.80

MCS 2 Years Fall2023 37405-105 Sehrish RWP02 Rawalpindi 3.85
MCS 2 Years Spring2023 37405-128 Ahmed ISB03 Islamabad 3.50
Certificate 6 months Spring2018 37405-111 Ali Ahmad ATK001 Attock 3.90
Course (IT)
MS 3 Years Fall2023 37405-111 Ali Ahmad ATK001 Attock 3.5

MS 3 Years Spring2023 37405-111 Ali Ahmad ATK001 Attock 3.9

BS 4 Years Spring2023 37405-100 Akmal LHR01 Lahore 3.2


Question No. 1 (20 Marks)

The given table is in un-normalized form. You are required to carefully analyze the Table 1
and convert up to third normal form. You have to do the following.
● Identify all functional dependencies.
● Your solution should clearly show partial and transitive dependency.
● Provide all normalized tables till third normal form.

Covering Labs:
Assignment 2 covers contents of Lab 8 & 9.

Note: Plagiarism will be checked for each question. Please answer the
questions in your own words and marks will be awarded based on your
answer and plagiarism report.

For any query about the assignment, contact at email cs403p@vu.edu.pk

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