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Conclusion For Compare And Contrast Essay

Writing a conclusion for a compare and contrast essay can be a challenging task, requiring a delicate
balance of summarizing the main points, emphasizing the significance of the comparison, and leaving
a lasting impression on the reader. The conclusion is the final opportunity to leave a strong,
memorable impression, and crafting it effectively requires a deep understanding of the subjects being

One difficulty lies in ensuring that the conclusion not only restates the main ideas but also adds a
new perspective or insight. It's important to avoid mere repetition of information and instead, strive
for a synthesis that ties together the various elements of the essay. Achieving this balance can be
intricate, as it necessitates a keen awareness of the nuances and details of the compared subjects.

Moreover, writing a compelling conclusion involves connecting the individual points discussed in the
essay to a broader context. This requires critical thinking and the ability to highlight the broader
implications of the comparison, making the conclusion not only a summary but a reflection on the
significance of the analysis.

Another challenge arises in crafting a conclusion that is impactful and leaves a lasting impression on
the reader. It should not merely be an afterthought but a crucial component that reinforces the essay's
overall message. Achieving this requires a careful selection of words, a consideration of the essay's
tone, and an understanding of the desired emotional response from the reader.

In conclusion, writing the conclusion for a compare and contrast essay demands a thoughtful
approach, involving the synthesis of ideas, the connection to a broader context, and the creation of a
lasting impression. It's a task that requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the subjects
being compared but also a skillful use of language to effectively convey the essay's message to the

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Conclusion For Compare And Contrast Essay Conclusion For Compare And Contrast Essay
Fraud In Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit organizations are associated with goodwill and helping mankind. Because of
this, many people do not think that fraud is a concern in this sector. However, the
average nonprofit organization does not have strong governance in place. This is due to
their erroneous assumption that their staff and volunteers would not take advantage of
the organization and profit individually from the organization s funds. Internal controls,
very common in for profit organizations, can help these organizations prevent any fraud
by conducting employee background checks and by reducing internal theft opportunities
through segregation of duties.
Nonprofit organizations are generally associated with goodwill and help for mankind.
Because of this perception, ... Show more content on ...
G., Kelly, J. A., Buckhoff, T., 2010). Having an ethical tone at the very top of the
organization is a simple, cost effective governance measure to implement (Daugherty, B.,
Neely, D. G., 2012). This can be accomplished through fraud training, audits, and an
anonymous hotline to report fraud (Daugherty, B., Neely, D. G., 2012). Involving CPAs
for auditing functions can provide more scrutiny and accountability for the employees of
the nonprofit organizations, which can help in detecting and deterring fraudulent
activities (McNeal, A., Michelman, J.,
The Future of Liquefied Natural Gas
The production of natural gas has increased over the past decade along with its
consumption. However, some of the top consumers consist of countries such as Japan
and South Korea, where natural gas is not produced at a sufficient amount domestically.
As a result, the need for liquefied natural gas, also known as LNG, has increased. This
need for LNG comes from the concept of condensing natural gasto its liquid state so that
its volume is reduced to 1/600th of its original volume, making it easier to transport
(Source, 2 ). Plus, the demand for natural gas in countries such as Japan and South
Korea is starting to increase the need for LNG since most natural gas producing
nations are too far for pipelines. Therefore, LNG is becoming a viable option for the
transportation of natural gas. In this paper, the creation of LNG will be discussed to
show how LNG is becoming a major factor in the energy industry and the global
In the creation of LNG, many technological advances to the conversion process from
gas to liquid have been essential to its increasing popularity in natural gas exchanging
nations. The primary idea behind the creation of LNG is condensing natural gas after it
has been removed from a deep subsurface reservoir. This condensing process requires an
LNG plant. While there is not a standard for the components of LNG plants, there are
some major elements that most of the plants contain. These elements consist of 5
different sections as shown below.
Why I Want To Work On My Bachelor s Degree
My plan right now is to work on my bachelor s degree. That is the first priority in my
life. Currently I am an E 5 in the Navy. I have a year left at my current command. I
have a goal to finish my bachelors in the next two and a half years. I have a year left
on my current contract now. In the service, we call the number of years we have
enlisted for contracts. I signed up for 3 years and February of 2017 my contract will
be up. I plan on reenlisting for another 3 years to finish up my degree and save more
money. My job I am doing right now involves Intel. I have been doing this for the past
6 years that I have been in the Navy. I am currently trying to rerate. Rating in the
service is what we call our jobs. Each branch of the service has a different name for it but
the navy call what our jobs are... Show more content on ...
I am trying to rerate to become a paralegal. Law and legal work seems more interesting
to me while I am in the service and is a better fit for me then being in the intel
community. I know that I would enjoy it more being involved with people and learning
about the laws of the military. If I cannot get another job while I am in the service I still
plan on re enlisting for another 2 to 3 years anyway. I want to get my bachelor degree in
Management Information Systems. I love the combination of Business and
Information Systems and I feel that will be more competitive in the civilian world if I
have a mixture of both fields. My plan is not to stay in the service for 20 years. I really
find business to be fascinating. Business is a field that is constantly changing, things
are being created, its fast paced, and in constant motion. The service can be stifling. My
intentions were to only due a 4 year tour however, I did not want to get out of the
service without my degree. It wasn t until recently I figured out what I wanted to do for
college. I reenlisted for another 3
Kerouac Hangover Analysis
To secure these debaucheries as more than just self indulgence on Kerouac s part,
however, we are far better off considering the segments which directly followed, in
where moments of a distinctive clarity are provided to Sal, whether fresh off a hangover
from an evening s indulgences, or the much harder to define hangover, and each mixed
emotion entailed, in returning from another run out into his beloved America, where
whatever he s searching for has either strayed from reach, or simply failed to present
itself. In either circumstance, this dissatisfaction, coupled with the straying in purpose to
have started this endeavor in the first place, takes over in the dissipation of true identity;
in a few, lingering instances, Sal foregoes such

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