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Essay Writing For Highschool Students

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Writing for High School Students" presents a unique
challenge that goes beyond the typical essay-writing process. The irony lies in the fact that
addressing this topic requires not just the application of standard essay-writing techniques but also
the ability to cater to a specific audience – high school students.

To begin with, one must navigate the delicate balance between providing comprehensive guidance
and avoiding overwhelming these students with information. It's not merely about showcasing one's
writing prowess; it's about empathizing with the struggles and aspirations of high schoolers as they
grapple with the intricacies of essay composition.

Moreover, addressing this topic demands a nuanced understanding of the educational landscape.
High school students are at a pivotal stage in their academic journey, transitioning from basic writing
skills to more sophisticated forms of expression. The essay must serve as a beacon, guiding them
through this transformative process while acknowledging the diversity of learning styles and abilities
among the audience.

Attempting to encapsulate the essence of essay writing for high school students requires more than a
mere regurgitation of generic tips. It demands a personalized touch, an understanding of the specific
challenges faced by this demographic – from time management to finding their unique voice in their

As a writer delves into the nuances of this theme, the complexity deepens further. How does one
strike a balance between providing practical advice and inspiring confidence? How can the essay
serve as a tool for empowerment rather than a source of stress? These are the intricate threads that
need to be woven into the fabric of the essay, making it a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.

In essence, tackling the subject of "Essay Writing for High School Students" is akin to navigating a
labyrinth of educational intricacies. It requires a writer to step into the shoes of the intended
audience, recognizing the struggles and aspirations inherent in this academic phase. Only then can
the essay truly fulfill its purpose – serving as a beacon of guidance and inspiration for high school
students embarking on their writing journey.

And for those seeking assistance beyond the realm of personal essay crafting, there are platforms like where similar essays and much more can be ordered. These resources provide
invaluable support for students navigating the intricate world of academic writing, offering a helping
hand on their educational journey.
Essay Writing For Highschool Students Essay Writing For Highschool Students
Essay On Melchizedek
The book of Hebrews was written to the Christian Hebrews by an unknown author. The
author addresses how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament sacrificial system. He/she also
compares Jesus to Melchizedek a priest appointed by God. The Author also addresses
how Jesus fulfills the Old Covenant Therefore, one can conclude that Jesusbecame the
High Priest by sprinkling his own blood on the mercy seat as the perfect sacrifice to
atone for sin, fulfilling the Old Covenant which was conditional.
The Book of Hebrews was written to Christian Jews, addressing Jesus position as the
High Priest and that he fulfilled the Old Testament sacrificial system. In the Old
Testament, the only way to atone for sin was to use the Jewish sacrificial system. This
first took place in the Tabernacle then later in the Temple, and it was only performed
by priests who were from the tribe of Levi. The High priest would enter the Holy of
Holies once a year on the day of atonement, to make a blood sacrifice. On this day the
High Priest would take the blood of a bull and sprinkle it on the mercy seat to atone for
his and the people s sins. Moreover, this sacrificial system is ... Show more content on ...
Melchizedek is only mentioned four times in the Bible; he is mentioned in (Genesis 14:18
20, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6 20, and Hebrews 6:20 7:28). Some theories suggest that
he was a theophany, or an Old Testament appearance of Christ. Others suggest that he
was an angel, or just a simply a man who was a king/priest. Melchizedek was, in fact,
an early appearance of Christ according to John 8:56 Jesus visited Abraham in the Old
Testament. The passage says Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day.
He saw it and was glad . Melchizedek was also the king of Salem, and he worshipped
God even though he was not a Jew. Therefore Melchizedek being Jesus, appointed
himself to be High Priest fulfilling the Old
Obamacare Persuasive Speech
Cayla Gonsowski
7th period
11 Aug 2017
Should Obamacare be repealed?
As of now, many Americans have problems with their health care and the two political
parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are split on the issue. The past president,
Barrack Obama, enacted the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, commonly
called Obamacare, on May 23rd, 2010.
After the first attempt to repeal Obamacare failed, a skinny repeal of Obamacare was put
in place to repeal only parts of Obamacare. This repeal also failed with a Senate vote of
49 51, not repealing Obamacare.
Although most Americans are not happy with their healthcare, Obamacare should not be
repealed because its repeal would result in coverage loss, prices to rise, and it would take
a step backward in health care rather than solving the main concerns Americans have
about health care.

Although health care is already very expensive in the United States, the result of the
repeal would only raise the premiums more so. If Obamacare were to be repealed, the
individual mandate would follow along with it. The individual mandate is a rule that
everyone has to purchase insurance. Analysts have said that health insurance would
become more expensive and cover fewer people (Sanger Katz 2). With the influence of
the individual mandate, healthy people tend to buy insurance, reducing the average cost
of coverage (Sanger Katz 2). Without the individual mandate, healthy people would not
be buying insurance, causing
The Importance if My Mom to My Career Choice
In my email, I use an academic article as my basis for my whole argument. This article
is based on academic research and thus, my topics of discussion in my email stem from
parts of the paper. I mention information from the article like psychopaths are usually
stuck at the primary stage (the second developmental stage in the run) which leads to
their lack of understanding of morals and emotions such as empathy and their more
narcissistic behavior. My main credibility stems from the fact that I am talking to my
mom. My mother has known me all my life. She has also knows that I am majoring in
psychologyspecifically so I can study criminal behavior and join the Behavioral
Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI. She knows that I am very smart and that I have held
an interest in psychology for several years. My mom also knows that I have been
studying psychology for two years now. I took an Advanced Placement class during
my senior year of high school and over the past summer took a class on Theories of
Personalities at the local community college. A side long to this is that my mom trusts
my knowledge in the subject so thus when I talk about specific terms, she knows that I
am giving her reliable information since not only were they used and explained in the
article, but I know them from my studies and can explain them to her. Another piece of
my article that adds to the amount of credibility I have with my mom is that I don t have
to tell her the source of the article (The Journal

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