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Easy Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay On

Writing an essay on the topic "Easy Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay On" may sound like a
straightforward task, but it comes with its own set of challenges. The apparent simplicity of the
subject can be deceiving, as selecting a topic that is both easy and persuasive requires careful
consideration. The challenge lies in finding a balance between a topic that is not too complex for the
audience to grasp and one that has enough substance to be persuasively argued.

The difficulty begins with the initial stage of brainstorming. It's not just about picking any topic that
seems simple; it's about identifying a subject that has sufficient depth to allow for a compelling
argument. Striking the right chord with the audience is crucial, and this involves understanding their
interests, values, and perspectives. A seemingly easy topic might turn out to be challenging if it fails
to resonate with the audience or lacks the necessary elements for a persuasive discourse.

Once the topic is chosen, the challenge continues with the research phase. Despite the topic's
simplicity, gathering relevant and compelling evidence to support the persuasive points can be time-
consuming. It requires sifting through information, evaluating sources, and ensuring that the evidence
presented is credible and impactful. The ease of the topic doesn't exempt the writer from the
responsibility of conducting thorough research to build a solid foundation for their arguments.

Additionally, crafting a persuasive essay involves careful structuring and organization of ideas. Even
with an ostensibly simple topic, the writer must navigate through the intricacies of introduction, body
paragraphs, and conclusion, ensuring a logical flow of arguments. This requires honing the skill of
persuasion and finding the right words to convince the audience, regardless of the apparent
simplicity of the subject.

In conclusion, while the topic "Easy Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay On" might seem like a
breeze, the process of selecting, researching, and persuading the audience poses its own set of
challenges. It demands a nuanced understanding of the audience, diligent research, and effective
communication skills. Writing a persuasive essay on seemingly easy topics is, therefore, not a task to
be taken lightly, as it requires a thoughtful approach to make a compelling case.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance in crafting persuasive pieces,
you can explore additional help through services like , where professionals can
provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Easy Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay OnEasy Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay On
Nathanael Greene Biography
Nathanael Greene
Isaac Perrett
Mountain view high school
12/ 2/ 2015

The Revolutionary War was the reason why we are a country today. It was an 8 year
battle and a hard fight but we came out victorious. A lot of thanks can go to Nathanael
Green who served as a major general for the entire Revolutionary War. This is because he
had won many battles, he led the war in the south and he was one of the most trusted
generals in the Revolutionary War. Nathanael Greene had won three battle which had
raised the morale for the Continental army. The three battles he had won were the battles
of Trenton, German town and Brandywine. He had won these battles because he would
make small sudden attacks on the British which would weaken their defenses. In 1780
General George Washington gave Nathanael the orders to lead the feeble Revolutionary
army in the ... Show more content on ...
His men trusted him which caused them to fight well because they wanted General
Greene to be successful. General Greene was important to the Revolutionary War
because he led the Continental army in many battles, he led the campaign in the south,
and was one of the most trusted generals in the Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary
war was one of the most important wars in U.S. history and Nathanael Greene was a big
part of it.
Work Cited
Nathanael Greene (1742 1786). (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from http:/
/ archaeology/nathanael greene 1742 1786
General Nathanael Greene. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from http:/

Revolutionary War Major General Nathanael Greene Sons of the American Revolution .
(n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

Carbone, G. (2008). Nathanael Greene: A biography of the American Revolution. New

York: Palgrave
Norovirus Research Paper
Many people are affected each year by what is usually misdiagnosed as the stomach flu
. The official medical term for this illness is Norovirus, but is also known as Norwalk
Virus. It was first seen in 1968 at Bronson Elementary School in Norwalk, Ohio. The first
outbreak occurred at the elementary school, infecting 116 of the 223 students and
teachers. Norovirusis a contagious virusthat can lead to an infection called acute
gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which
results in diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. In the United States alone, 19 21 million
cases, 56,000 71,000 hospitalizations, and 570 800 deaths are reported each year (CDC).
Norovirus can be transmitted through fecally contaminated food and water or contact
with an infected person. Shellfish, salads, and oysters are the foods most typically related
to the ... Show more content on ...
The most common symptoms seen with this virus are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting,
malaise (general feeling of being sick), and cramping or pain of the abdomen. Some
other signs and symptoms that are also seen can be a fever, weight loss, dehydration,
and bloody bowel movements. Vomiting and diarrhea can happen many times throughout
the day when a person is infected, which typically leads to dehydration and is a major
concern for any patient with norovirus or in any case.
Dehydration can be detected by seeing symptoms such as dry mouth, low output of
urine, and a decreased state of awareness. To prevent dehydration it is recommended to
drink as much fluids to replace the fluid being lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
Signs and symptoms of norovirus can also not be present in up to 50% of all cases as
stated by the CDC; it is not confirmed if people who are asymptomatic are infectious or
The Masculinity Of Women s Masculinity
Men often receive harsher punishment for breaking gender roles and this may explain
why men are more likely to reaffirm masculinity than women are to reaffirm femininity.
In a similar study done by Robinson et al in 2001, participants were told that other
members of the same sex could withstand a pain pressor task for a particular amount of
time. Some participants were told others members of the same sex typically withstood
the pain task for 30 seconds, while other participants were told that members of the
same sex could withstand the pain for about 90 seconds. A final control group was given
no expectations about the pain task. After treatment, each group performed the pain
pressor task and was asked to report feelings of pain. Robinson found that women
reported more pain sensitivity and lower tolerance than men in the control group. These
findings are consistent with other pain tolerance tests in that women had higher ratings
of pain. Interestingly, women and men responded similarly to pain when expectations
about pain tolerance were provided before the pain pressor task (Robinson et al., 2001).
It would seem that when men and women are given a clear definitions of gender norms,
they are likely to conform to these definitions. When no definitions of gender norms are
provided, women and men will respond to pain in ways they have been previously
socialized. The results of Robinson s study are similar to Fowler s in that situational cues
can be used to manipulate men and
Effects Of Media Violence On Society
Effects of Media on Society
Media violence has numerous negative consequences on youth today to commit criminal
acts in the society.
Violence in the media will never be stopped as long as the society spends more time on
violent movies and video games.
Media violence has been tremendously growing and attaining the hazardous extents.
Around 60 % of TV shows contain some kind of violence. Most self involving video
games contain some violent matter in it. For example, if you manufacture guns, you do
not need to give any advertisement, because it is done by the amusement industry.
Aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, hallucinations, and fear of being
mishandled were caused by the media violence, was explained in a 2009 Policy
Statement on Media Violence, by the American Academy of Pediatrics (Arline, 2012).
The increase in aggressive behavior happens by watching violent video shows on TV,
and by playing violent video games.
The researchers found that boys and girls who played a lot of violent video games
changed over the school year. Media violence is not probable to convert a child into a
violent criminal. But, someday by just smoking a cigarette can increase the likelihood
of a lung cancer. Likewise, a violent show can increase the likelihood of behaving in an
aggressive way (Bushman and Huesmann, p. 248). There are many reasons to be
worried about the level of violence in the society, it is clearly simplistic and confusing to
hold that the major cause of criminal

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