Achievement of Voayges 2

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2 History
Major Achievements
Voyages of discovery
Major achievements
1. Voyages to the East
(From Europe to Asia)

2. Voyages to the West

(From Europe to the Americas)

3. Voyages around the world

Voyages to the East
1. Henry the Navigator
Prince Henry of Portugal
Sailed to Sierra Leone ( 塞拉利昂 ) in West Africa
2. Bartholomew Diaz (Portuguese 1450-
Sailed into Indian Ocean (1487)
Europe  Coast of Africa  Cape of good hope
Where was the Cape of Good Hope?

Cape of Good Hope

3. Vasco da Gama (Portuguese 1469-
First European to arrive to the East by sailing through
Africa (1497)
Portugal  Cape of Good Hope  East coast of Africa
 India
What were the commonalities between
the voyages?
Travelling to the East
All of them were Portuguese
Voyages to the west
1. Christopher Columbus (Italian 1451-
Sent by Spain (1492)
Travel through the Atlantic Ocean
Arrived at Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti
(Mistakenly) considered himself to be in India
2. Amerigo Vespucci (Italian, 1451-1512)
Sent by Spain (1497)
Travelled to the Americas
Discovered that it was not India
The land (America) was named after him
What were the commonalities in the two
They all travelled to the West
Sent by Spain
Voyages around the world
Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese 1480-
Travelled with 5 Spanish ships (1519)
Spain Tip of South America Philippines (Killed by
natives)  Cape of Good Hope  Spain
With one ship remaining
Routes of the four navigators during the voyages of discovery
Major voyages around the world
1. Henry the navigator West Africa

Cape of good hope

2. Diaz

3. Columbus The American continent

4. Da Gama India

5. Magellan Circumnavigation
What does it mean?
Extension: sea power in Europe from
15th century
Late 15th century-early 17th century: Portugal/ Spain
Mid 17th century: Holland
18th century onwards: Britain

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