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Great Expectations Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Great Expectations" is a task that demands both literary insight
and analytical prowess. Charles Dickens' classic novel is rich in themes, characters, and symbolism,
making it a nuanced subject for exploration. However, the difficulty lies not only in summarizing the
plot or characters but in delving deep into the underlying messages and social commentary woven
into the narrative.

One must grapple with the intricate character development, such as Pip's evolution, the enigmatic
Miss Havisham, and the complex relationship dynamics within the story. Analyzing the novel's socio-
economic and cultural context adds another layer of complexity, as Dickens used "Great
Expectations" to critique the Victorian society of his time.

Moreover, any essay on this topic should go beyond mere summarization, requiring the writer to
engage in critical thinking and offer their own interpretation of the novel's themes and messages.
This involves drawing connections between various plot elements, characters, and symbols to
construct a cohesive and compelling argument.

The challenge is to strike a balance between providing insightful analysis and avoiding a superficial
retelling of the story. The writer must navigate through the layers of Dickens' prose, deciphering
hidden meanings and exploring the psychological and emotional dimensions of the characters.

Additionally, addressing the broader literary significance of "Great Expectations" within the context
of Dickens' body of work and its lasting impact on literature adds another layer of complexity. This
requires a comprehensive understanding of Dickens' writing style, his thematic concerns, and the
historical background against which he wrote.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Great Expectations" necessitates a profound understanding of

the novel's intricate elements, combined with the ability to articulate one's insights in a coherent and
compelling manner. It is not merely a recounting of events but a deep exploration of the themes,
characters, and socio-cultural commentary embedded within the narrative.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring a diverse range of topics, there are
platforms like where similar essays and more can be ordered, providing valuable
support for academic endeavors.
Great Expectations Essay Great Expectations Essay
The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC II) is a revision
of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) (Braden Thorndike, 2005).
Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman authored both renditions of the Kaufman
Assessment Battery for Children. The KABC was developed in 1970 1980 and published
in 1983, whereas, the KABC II was published in 2004 (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The
major differences between the KABC and the KABC II is that initially there were 16
subtests, but during the revision only eight of those subtests remained while ten new
subtests were added (McGill, 2015). In addition, the revision included strengthening
theoretical foundations, increasing the number of constructs measured, enhancing test
clinical utilities, developing tests that fairly assess children from minority groups, and
enhancing fair assessment of preschoolers (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The focus of the
assessment is to determine children s learning abilities and provide insights into their
problem solving strategies (Dale, McIntosh, Rothlisberg, Ward, Bradley, 2011). The
assessment is designed for children age 3 18 years of age (Kaufman Kaufman, 2004). The
test measures specific constructs in learning (long term retrieval), sequential processing
(short term memory), simultaneous processing (visualization), planning (fluid ability),
and verbal knowledge (crystallized ability) (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The subtests
include Atlantis,
The Discovery Of Grb 980425 And Sn 1998bw
section{Introduction} label{Introduction}
Since the simultaneous discovery of GRB 980425 and SN 1998bw, it has been known
that there is an association with long GRBs and
SNe. This association reinforced the idea that long duration
GRBs were caused by the core collapse of massive stars citep{woosley2002evolution}.
In the most favoured model for long
GRBs, the collapsar model, the core collapse of a massive star into a black hole or
neutron star with an accretion disk, drives a highly relativistic jet, which penetrates the
outer stellar envelope, producing a GRB citep{woosley1993}.
The relativistic jet begins to decelerate when it interacts with the external medium, this
leads to the external shock afterglow, which radiates a significant ... Show more content
on ...
One such LLGRB associated with a
SN is GRB 060218 and SN 2006aj citep{campana2006association}.
Many features make this an exceptionally unusual GRB, such as its long duration, low
redshift, low luminosity, atypical soft and bright X ray afterglow, and the detection of a
substantial thermal X ray and optical component during the first day of emission. The
early observations in the optical UV and X ray can help facilitate an in depth study of
both the thermal and non thermal components of GRB 060218 and their relation to SN

GRB 060218 was detected with the BAT on board $extit{Swift}$ on February 2006
18.149 UT. $extit{Swift}$ slewed autonomously to the burst. This GRB had a very long
T$_{90}$ of 2100 $pm$
$SI{100}{second}$ and is therefore considered to be an ultra long GRB (T$_{90}$ $ $
$SI{1000}{second}$) citep{virgili2013grb}. GRB 060218 had a redshift of $z$ =
0.0331 citep{sollerman2006}, making it the second nearest GRB with a determined
redshift, the nearest GRB being GRB 980425 at $z$ = 0.0085
citep{galama1998unusual}. The gamma ray flux slowly rose to a peak flux at
$t=431pmSI{60}{s}$ since the BAT trigger citep{campana2006association}. The
gamma ray spectrum of GRB
060218 is soft for a long GRB, with a photon index 2.5 $pm$ 0.1 in
15 150,$si{keV}$ energy bands. The isotropic equivalent emitted energy was calculated
as $E_{ext{iso}} = (6.2 pm
The Execution Of Willie Trottie
Introduction All countries on the planet either have capital punishment or have had it
at one time. The death penalty is utilized as a part of most cases to rebuff the
individuals who infringed upon the laws or models that were anticipated from them.
Executions basically infuse more brutality into an officially antagonistic American
culture. This paper will discuss the execution of Willie Trottie . Willie Trottie Willie
Trottie, black, poor, abandoned at a young age by an alcoholic mother, and victim of
abuse started dating Barbara Canada in 1989 and and soon thereafter began living
together and had a child. In September 1992, Willie and Barbara separated and she
moved in with her family. After some time, the relationship soured. Willie... Show more
content on ...
All of his subsequent appeals in state and federal court were denied. Willie Trottie was
executed by lethal injection on September 10, 2014 for the murders of Barbara and
Titus Canada. Willie asked for forgiveness serval times before he was executed. His
final words were I love you all; I m going home, going to be with the Lord. Find it in
your hearts to forgive me. I m sorry. As the lethal dose of the powerful sedative
pentobarbital took effect, he closed his eyes and breathed quietly. After about eight
breaths, he opened his mouth to exhale, and then closed it. Why Death? A life sentence
is sufficient deterrent, and many would argue more so than the death penalty. There is no
evidence that countries that still apply the death penalty have lower crime rates, in fact
the opposite seems to be true with the US. The greatest deterrent in crime is the fear of
getting caught, not the resultant punishment. If criminals knew that they would get
caught and would have to spend a long time in a prison that would make them think
twice. If they can be confident that they won t get caught, even though the punishment is
a death sentence, some would take the chance. Countries with effective criminal justice
systems, catching people early before they descend into worse and worse offending
have the lowest crime, not contries with the harshest penalties. Willie Trottie is a case in
point. As a society we will do better to learn about him, what he did, what
A Report On Aluminum Recycling
Aluminum recycling is the process by which scrap aluminum is reprocessed to be used in
products after its initial production. Aluminum producers and recyclers in the aluminum
industry work with individuals, businesses, and communities to enable both curbside and
industrial recycling programs. For most aluminum products, the metal is not consumed
during the products lifetime, but it is simply used making it easy to recycle without
losing its intrinsic properties. Used beverage container (UBC) recyclingis the most
recognized of the aluminum recycling programs. However, end of life recycling of
certain products like building parts and cars allows for the production of recycled
materials like window frames, wire, tubing and electronic parts. The following is step by
step process of aluminum recycling:

Collection of Scrap Aluminum

Drinks cans, aluminum foil trays, and aerosol cans are collected from homes, streets and
garbage collection centres by hired individuals or business people who major in
aluminum collection. They are sometimes mixed with steel cans. The scrap aluminum is
then collected together and then it is transported to the treatment plant.


The mixed metals (aluminum and steel cans) are taken to a materials recovery facility
where they are cleaned, sorted into different metal streams and later compressed into
bales. This step is very important in ensuring that the aluminum is separated from other
metals. It is important to point out that drink cans
Background Guide Of World Health Organization
CMUNS 2015
Ou Jinzhou Chongqing Bashu secondary school
Guo fangzhu Chongqing Foreign Language School
Li kexin Chongqing Foreign Language School

2015 Chongqing Seniors Model United Nations Committee

2015 Cmuns World Health Organization

Background guide of World Health Organization

2012 2015 CMUNS Committee. All rights reserved

Table of contents Welcome letter from the Secretary General

Welcome letter from the chair
History of the committee

2. About the topic

2.1 A brief scan of the topic
1.UN Millennium Development Goals
2.2 Case
Global Epidemic disease
1.Retrospect of the epidemic disease Case1 Aids 1.Aids
2.The cause of Aids and Aids human factor
3.The distributing of aids
Suggestions for Further Research
Relevant UN Action Case2 Ebola
1.Statement of Ebola
4.Factors of losing control Position Paper Requirements
Essay on California Space Heaters
California Space Heaters, Inc.
November 30, 2010

There is a fine line between how much safety a corporation should provide to the
consumer regarding its products vs. how much responsibility of safety should fall on
the average consumer. Take, for instance, the all too familiar McDonald s coffee
episode. Does McDonald s have a responsibility to its customers to ensure the coffee isn
t hot enough to scald if spilled upon one s lap? Or should the customer be held
responsible for their own safety in regards to common sense judgment? This is what
California Space Heaters, Inc. (CSH) must consider when deciding exactly which
products to launch. Kerosene heaters are often times used in shops and garages as well
as inside homes. They ... Show more content on ...
A corporation that has been given such estimates from its engineering department has
a responsibility to implement a safety device. Electric start is the single most
important option that should be incorporated on all models for safety reasons. The
profile of users in a shop or garage setting differs greatly from users in a home. Users in
a shop or garage are more likely to be mechanically inclined. Additionally, safety features
are arguably more important in a home than in a shop or garage. In a home, the heater is
typically closer to combustibles, including furniture, curtains, and carpet. Due to these
variables, CSH should market an indoor/outdoor heater and an outdoor only heater.
The only necessary option on the outdoor heater is the electric start, as previously
discussed. A shop or garage user will likely be more mechanically inclined and able to
adjust the wick accurately. A thermostat shouldn t be needed because the unit will less
likely be near combustibles. Overheating due to flare ups will not be as big of an issue
either because of the surroundings, not to mention the user is more likely to notice
flare ups because the unit will only be operating when he or she is in the garage or shop,
in most cases. A removable tank would also not be necessary since fill up is easier
On the other hand, the indoor/outdoor heater should have three options incorporated on
the base model. The first is the electric start option, as mentioned
Elon Musk And Its Impact On The Planet
Within every generation, there are some individuals who transcend expectations and seek
to innovate beyond all preconceived boundaries. Elon Musk is one of those individuals,
and he s currently valued at $11.9 billion.

But how did this South African born entrepreneur make his way into virtually every
technological industry on the planet? How did he become the space traveling, futuristic
car selling, loudmouthed computer genius we all know today?

Elon Musk took an interest in computing and innovation from a very young age. By his
thirteenth birthday, he had already taught himself programming, constructed a complex
space themed computer game, and sold it to a large corporation. After moving to the
United States and earning a bachelor degrees in Economics and Physics from the
University of Pennsylvania, Musk moved on to Stanford University in attempt to earn his
PhD in energy physics.

What follows is a tremendous rise to success. Taking a look at exactly what happened,
what struggles and what successes this man endured, we are in turn able to learn
valuable lessons on hard work, innovation, and life itself. Here are the most powerful
takeaways from Elon Musk s life, as said in his own words:

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

Musk never did complete that PhD at Stanford. After only two days, he decided to drop
out and pursue his passions in the fields of energy, technology and space travel. Had he
been afraid of

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