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Persuasive Essay About Animal Abuse

Crafting a persuasive essay on the topic of animal abuse can be a challenging endeavor. The
complexity arises not only from the emotional and ethical aspects associated with the subject matter
but also due to the need for thorough research and a nuanced approach to argumentation.

To begin with, one must delve into the heart-wrenching realities of animal abuse, confronting
distressing images and stories that may evoke strong emotions. It's essential to strike a balance
between evoking empathy and maintaining a rational tone in order to persuade the audience
effectively. The writer must navigate through the delicate nuances of the issue, considering various
forms of abuse, its prevalence, and the diverse perspectives surrounding it.

Research becomes a crucial component, demanding an in-depth exploration of scientific studies,

statistics, and expert opinions. Addressing counterarguments is equally challenging, requiring a
comprehensive understanding of opposing viewpoints and the ability to refute them convincingly.
This necessitates not only intellectual rigor but also emotional intelligence to acknowledge and
counter alternative perspectives without diminishing the gravity of the issue.

Crafting a compelling essay also involves structuring arguments logically, ensuring a smooth flow of
ideas, and maintaining a persuasive tone throughout. The writer must carefully choose words that
resonate with the audience, aiming to foster understanding and empathy without alienating readers
who may hold differing opinions.

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on animal abuse demands a delicate balance of emotion and
reason, extensive research, and skillful argumentation. It's a task that requires not only a strong
ethical stance but also the ability to convey that stance effectively to a diverse audience.

If the process seems overwhelming, there are resources available for assistance. Similar essays and
more can be ordered on , providing a helping hand for those tackling challenging
topics with sensitivity and complexity.
Persuasive Essay About Animal AbusePersuasive Essay About Animal Abuse
Forgiveness In The Kite Runner
Author of The kite runner , Khaled Hosseini once said, I wondered if that was how
forgiveness budded; not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things,
packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night. Forgiveness is
an attribute that all should possess. In Hosseini s first novel the main character Amir is
on a mission to forgive himself and make things back to normal. Forgiveness is shown
conscientiously in the novel and is a result of jealousy, unconditional loves, and the
desire to get a fresh start in life. The main character, Amir has always been jealous of his
servant, whom he later came to know was his half brother. Time to time, Amir did
unreasonable things because he was jealous of the treatment... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Amir chose to be a coward and not to take stance, he always looked back at
the incident and felt guilty for his decision. Amir was happy to move countries
because he knew he would be able to bury his past behind and have a fresh start in
America. Amir knew it had been his fault, he knew he could have done something, and
he knew there was more than one option. Amir wanted to leave all his mistakes in
Kabul, not have to face them, and not own up to them. Amir was relieved and was
with his father s idea of moving to America he stated, I could wade into this river, let
my sins drown to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far. Someplace with
no ghosts, no memories, and no sins . Amir s fresh start in life was going well until
Rahim Khan his father s business partner asked him to pay a visit. Rahim khan stated
over the phone, quote forgive me baba and yourself. Hence, Amir knew the only way
he would be able to forgive himself because of his past would be to save the son of
Hassan of his half brother, Hassan whom he had wronged. Amir later adopted Sohrab
and made sure no one would treat him rudely, similar to how hehimself treated Hassan
or call him the wrong names. People will ask. They will want to know why there is a
Hazara boy living with our daughter. What do I tell them? Consequently, Amir forgave
himself and moved on from
Adult Entertainment and First Ammendment Rights Essay
Adult Entertainment and First Ammendment Rights

The essence of the American dream stems from freedom. Before this nation was even
called the United States of America, religious separatists ventured across the Atlantic
Ocean so that they would be free to practice a religion that was not controlled by the
state. Today, we find ourselves in a constant battle with ethics, morals and values in the
United States. Seeing that we are a nation that is culturally diverse myriad of cultures
and religions has been mixed together and the final outcome is the society that we live in
today. A serious conflict between the morally correct and the ethically deficient is the
topic of sex and sexuality. Most of the arguments against adult ... Show more content on ...
These people have the absolute right, based on the first amendment, to voice their
opinions without question, but to place a person at a disadvantage because they own a
certain type of business is against the foundations on which our nation was established.
Current laws in Seminole and Orange counties prohibit adult entertainment
establishments from being located within one mile of any residential area. Further, recent
changes in county codes have limited full nudity in Seminole County. Having instituted
this law prior to the foundation of an adult entertainment facility in the county it is fair to
say that any business man would have equal opportunity to commercial property that is
within the boundaries that the law requires. Unfortunately to better suit the growing
nature of society residential areas expand quickly and sometimes without regard to these
businesses that were founded legally. Should these business be forced to move because
the residence moved closer to them or should the residences have foreseen this matter
before it occurred? In New York City, Mayor Rudolph Guliani believed that since
citizens moved into the area and the business were creating a public nuisance they should
be shut down. In 1998, the adult entertainment facilities of Times Square, New York were
forced to shut
Babylon Research Paper
The Babylonian Kingdom (about 3500 years BC in 729 BC) in Mesopotamia, roughly
in the territory of the Republic of Iraq today. About 5000 years ago, people here to build
the country by eighteenth Century BC, here the ancient kingdom of Babylon. The
ancient Babylon, also known as mesopotamia. Is the civilization that developed in the
Mesopotamiaplain between Tigris and Euphrates rivers(Benjamin R. Foster and Karen
Polinger Foster, 2009).

The remains of ancient Babylon are about 90 kms to modern bagdhad south. Its original
name, bab ili , translated as the gate of the Gods . Babylon is one of the most famous
cities in ancient times of the world. It is famous for its exquisite, beautiful and
magnificent. As cultural and political prosperous ... Show more content on ...
A lot of sand and mud, visible mixed debris, being dug sandbags and metal net basket
from the site to fill tens of thousands of. When this practice was halted, a large number of
sand and dirt were brought from elsewhere, polluting the site of the archaeologists
Curtis called on the Iraqi people to conduct an international investigation, in order to
record all the damage done by the occupation forces.
Babylon, a city known for its beauty and splendor of the 1000 years ago, was built on
what can be compared to the site of an American military base in April of 2003, just
before the invasion of iraq.
In one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, a central military
commander has set up their camps, surrounded by a part of the ancient city. At least
2000 soldiers were installed every day through the iconic cultural relics of the Babylon
sculpture, like the giant basalt lion.
On the basis of the September 2003, through the power of a leader of Poland, until
today, the official transfer of the site to the Iraqi Ministry of
Bioterrorism Advantages And Disadvantages


Bioterrorism is the use of infectious agents that are harmful to humans as weapons of
terrorism. Agents of bioterrorism include bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi, and
biological toxins. Bioterrorism can cause high mortality and morbidity thus lead to social
disruption and public panic. This phenomenon already occur in 17 century where
American revolution, colonial British military officers gave blankets containing smallpox
scabs to native Americans with serious intent to kill them by 1763. In 1944, American
and British scientists developed and produced thousands of an anthrax bombs during
World War 2. However, these bombs were tested but never actually used in warfare. The
latest usage of biological weapon ... Show more content on ...
For an example, in 1996, a major cholera outbreak occurred in Penang with subsequent
spread to the other Peninsular States which results in a total of 1,182 reported cases
and 231 detected carriers. Even though there were no fatalities, the consequences of
direct and indirect costs of the outbreak had adverse implications in several sectors.
While in 1997, an outbreak of The Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Sarawak,
mainly during the months of June and July, gained a lot of attention because of the 31
pediatric deaths cases. In 1999, a deadly emerging paramyxovirus called Nipah virus
were isolated during a large outbreak of viral encephalitis resulted in 283 cases
including 109 deaths. This was the first report of such infection in the world. This virus
has many of the physical attributes to serve as a potential for bioterrorism. The
outbreak cause widespread fear and panic because of its high mortality and the inability
to control the spread of the disease. This deadly virus, believed to be introduced into pig
farms by fruit bats then spread easily among pigs and was transmitted to humans who
came to close contact with infected animals. The virus was also transmitted to the other
animals such as cats and
Bladder Research Paper
Bladder is one of the organ which is part of the urinary system of body. The major
function of the bladder is to store urine produced in the kidney prior to urination. The
urinary system of the body ensures the removal of wastes and excess fluid from the
body in the form of urine. To ensure normal urination to ensue, all the parts in the urinary
system have to work in the right order. The process of urineelimination begins in the
kidneyand ends in the urethra. Human body is composed of a pair of kidneys which is
bean shaped and located right under the rib cage each on one side of the spine (Keast
et al., 2015) (where in this Kanai paper is this mentioned?). The kidneys work in pairs to
filter approximately 200 liters of bloodper day so that any excess salt, water and urea, a...
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A normal healthy bladder can hold up to 600 mL of urine (Elmissiry et al., 2014)
(where in this Kanai paper is this mentioned?). The smooth muscles which builds the
bladder wall remain relaxed when urine is occupying the bladder and contracts when it
is filled to capacity. Signals are sent to the brain to expel urine when the bladder reaches
its capacity to hold urine and is emptied from bladder via urethra, located at bottom of
bladder (Kanai et al., 2014). (where in this Kanai paper is this mentioned?)

2.1.1 Anatomy of human bladder

In both males and females, the urinary bladder is located in the pelvis, posterior to the
abdomen cavity. In males, the bladder is located above the seminal vesicles and prostate
gland and inferior to the peritoneum (Martini, 2007). Rectum is located posterior to the
bladder (Figure 2.2). Meanwhile in females bladder is located in front the uterus,
fallopian tube and rectum and superior to the vagina (Figure

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