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The word hip-hop was derived from the word “___”, an African-American vernacular English
language since 1904 which means “_____”.
2. Who is the grandfather of hip-hop.
3. Hip-hop evolved as a street dance which was a cultural dance variation in the __________.
4. Street dance arrived in the Philippines from the United States during the ____.
5. The first Philippine Team who won the World Hip Hop Dance Championships is the ______.
6. One of the pioneers of street dance in the Philippines is _______.
7. Hold the position of the movement for a few seconds before continuing or shifting to the next
8. A quick contraction and relaxation of muscles to producing jerking of various joints.
9. A physical activity with a combination of different dance genre and gymnastics skills such as
tumbling, pyramids, tosses and stunts.
10. Cheerdance emerged during the ______.
11. This is used to identify Training Intensity (TI).
12. A way of measuring physical activity intensity level.
13. It is the difference between your Resting Heart Rate and your Maximum Heart Rate.
14. It is the maximum number of beats made by your heart in 1 minute of effort.
15. Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute.
16. Feet together, hands down by the side in blades.
17. Feet more than shoulder width apart, hands down by the side in blades
18. Arms bent at elbow, fists in front of shoulders.
19. Arms extended up forming a “V”, relax the shoulders.
20. Arms extended down forming a “V”.
21. Arms extended straight upward and parallel to each other, fist facing in.
22. Both arms extended straight out to the side and parallel to the ground, relax the shoulders.
23. One arm extended in a high “V” and the other arm extended in a low “V” (Right Diagonal
24. One arm extended to the side with other arm extended in a punch motion.
25. Arms are straight, above the head in a clasp and slightly in front of the face.
26. Lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, back leg straight, feet perpendicular to each other.
27. Lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, feet perpendicular to each other.
28. In stride position, both feet away each other. Hands can be on the waist or clasp in front.
29. The ball and the toes should not be parallel when hitting the ground.

Four fundamental characteristics
Fundamental Movements:(hip-hop)
Fundamental Movements: Starting Positions
Hand Positions
Arm Positions
Feet Positions
Basic Jumps

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