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Hohete Tibeb Share Company

Education and Technology Team

Ethio-Parents' Schools, Addis Ababa/Hawassa

2019/20 A.Y 2nd Semester Grade 11Geography Worksheet 2 for Home study
April, 2020

Name __________________ Section ____Campus ______Date ________________

I. Write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement is not

1. In the tropical rain forest region the annual range of temperature is low
2. The Sahel region which extends from east to West Africa is the most drought affected region.
3. Atlantic ocean drainage system is the largest drainage system in terms of annual discharge.
4. Nile river is the largest basin that cross the tropic of cancer twice.
5. The lower Nile basin includes the two countries namely Ethiopia and Uganda.
6. The savanna vegetation covers about 65% of Africa.
7. Xerophytes are mostly found in the swampy areas of Africa.
8. Mangrove vegetation mainly consists of grasses with few trees and shrubs
9. The peripheries of Africa experience moderate temperature.
10. Most hardwood trees are found in the Mediterranean climate region.

II. Match the items stated under column A with the corresponding items
under column B
11. On shore wind system that causes rain over North Africa A. ITCZ
12. Winter is wettest season B. South east monsoon wind
13. Main rainy season for Africa C. Westerly wind
14. January rainfall over southern Africa D. Equatorial Westerly
15. Causes rain over Maghreb E. summer
F. Cape Province of S. Africa

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V. Choose the best answer from the given options and write the letter that holds
the answers on the space provided.
16. Eastern Africa has all types of climate Except
A. Tropical B. highland C. desert D. Mediterranean
17. One of the following is not among tropical crops.
A. Coffee B. Rubber C. Cacao D.Apple
18. Which one of the following Ethiopia lakes has the lowest depth?
A. Abiata B. Shalla C. Zeway D. Tana
19. Which one of the following trees naturally grows in the equatorial rainforest zone?
A. Acacia and Olive C. Eucalyptus and Olive
B. Maquis and Olive D. Mahogany and Ebony
20. Which one of the following African countries is not found in the Sahel region?
A. Sudan B. Somalia C. Chad D. Kenya
21. Identify incorrect match of river, dam and host country.
A. Niger, kaindji Democratic Republic of Congo
B. Zambezi ,kariaba Zambia and Zimbabwe
C. Volta, Akosombo Ghana
D. Nile, High Aswan Egypt
22. The river with the least fluctuation in volume is
A. Nile B. Zambezi C. Niger D. Zaire
23. Tropical climate region Covers the area
A. from Gulf of Guinea to highlands of Africa
B. North and south of the equatorial climate
C. of highland with in the tropics
D. outside the north and south of tropics
24. The largest inland basin in Africa is
A. Zambezi basin B. chad basin C. Nile basin D. Niger basin
25. Which one of the following two African countries are the major beneficiaries from the
water of the Nile river?
A. Uganda and Sudan C. Sudan and Ethiopia
B. Egypt and Ethiopia D. Sudan and Egypt

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26. Mediterranean vegetation is confined to
A. Eastern Africa C. Northern and southern Africa
B. Western Africa D. Central Africa
27. Which one of the following is an inland drainage basin in Africa?
A. Zair basin C. Cunene basin
B. Okovango basin D. Limpopo basin
28. The lake which forms a commercial and cultural contacts between three East African
counties (Kenya, Tanzaria and Uganda) is
A. Tanganyika Victoria C. Malawi D. Kivu

29. Which regions of Africa is the most drought prone area?

A. Mediterranean region C. the Sahel region
B. The highlands of Ethiopia D. coastal zone of Guinea
30. The transitional zone between true savanna and the equatorial rainforest is _______.
A. High savanna C. park savanna
B. Drier savanna D. Thorn scrub
31. The Volta river is to Akosombo as Nile is to _______
A. Kariba B. Aswan C. kaindiji D. Kabrobassa
32. A wet land which is dominated by forests, which one?
A. Marsh B. swamp C. greenheart D. Maquis
33. Which one of the following is not true about the characterstics of equatorial climate?
A. The region is located within 5 – 60N & S of the equator
B. Both diuranal and monthly average temperatures are high throughout the year.
C. Annual range of temperature is very small.
D. The precipitation of the area mostly falls in the form of snow.
34. Which of the following dam of Africa was built mainly for the purpose of irrigation?
A. Kaborabassa B. High Aswan C. Akosombo D. Kariba
35. One of the following areas of Africa is known for its constantly hot and wet climate?
A. Congo basin B. Bihe plateau C. Sahel region D. Somalia plateau
36. Afromontane /Afro Alpine/ vegetation
A. grow in the desert areas of central Africa
B. are located in the eastern Africa
C. is dominant in the Mediterranean coast

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D. generate large income through export of timber
37. As Tis Abay falls are located in Blue Nile, the Victoria fall are to
A. Orange river B. Zambezi river C. Congo river D. Limpopo river
38. Which one of the following type of natural vegetation covers the largest land area in
A. Tropical rainforest B. shrubs C. savanna D. semi desert vegetation
39. Which river has the highest known hydroelectric potential in Africa?
A. Volta B. Niger C. Congo D. Nile
40. Temperature is as high as 270c, all months have abundant rainfall and high humidity
A. Tropical region C. savanna region
B. Tropical monsoon D. Equatorial rainforest region

IV. Answer the following questions by relevant answer

41. What are the regions of Africa whose climate is significantly modified by altitude?

42. Discuss rainfall distribution in Africa

43. Give account for Africa’s equatorial climate.

44. Describe the major characteristics of tropical climate of Africa

45. Describe the characteristics of tropical desert and semi desert of Africa.

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