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Capital Punishment Discursive Essay

Crafting a discursive essay on the topic of capital punishment is no easy feat. The subject itself is
highly controversial and polarizing, encompassing complex ethical, legal, and moral dimensions. As a
writer, you must navigate through a sea of arguments, counterarguments, and varying perspectives to
present a well-rounded and informed discussion.

Firstly, delving into the extensive literature surrounding capital punishment demands meticulous
research. A thorough understanding of historical contexts, legal frameworks, and philosophical
perspectives is essential. The writer must grapple with the nuances of capital punishment, exploring
its justifications, societal implications, and impact on human rights.

Furthermore, the emotional weight of the topic adds an extra layer of complexity. The ethical
considerations surrounding life and death decisions require a delicate and empathetic touch.
Balancing facts with empathy is a challenging tightrope act that demands a nuanced approach to
avoid coming across as overly biased or detached.

Constructing a coherent argument within the discursive essay format adds another layer of difficulty.
The need to present multiple viewpoints while maintaining a clear and logical progression can be a
daunting task. Transitions between paragraphs, synthesis of information, and maintaining a
consistent tone are crucial elements that demand careful attention.

Moreover, ensuring that the essay is engaging and thought-provoking for the reader is essential.
Capital punishment is not only a legal issue but also a deeply emotional and personal one for many.
The writer must navigate the fine line between academic analysis and evoking an emotional
response, keeping the audience's interest while respecting the gravity of the subject.

In conclusion, writing a discursive essay on capital punishment is a formidable challenge that

demands in-depth research, emotional intelligence, and a skilled ability to navigate complex
arguments. Only by carefully addressing the multifaceted aspects of the topic can a writer hope to
create an impactful and insightful essay.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources like offer professional support and guidance in crafting well-researched and compelling
Capital Punishment Discursive EssayCapital Punishment Discursive Essay
Surgical Site Infections Plague Among The World On A Daily...
Surgical site infections plague patients all over the world on a daily basis. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that drug resistant bacteria cause
two million illnesses and about 23,000 deaths each year in the United States alone
(Frieden, 2013).
Hospitals report data to The Centers for Disease Control and based on the research and
viewing of the data they have concurred that Surgical site infections are the second most
common type of adverse events occurring in hospitalized patient. While advances have
been made in infection control practices, including improved operating room ventilation,
sterilization methods, barriers, surgical technique, and availability of antimicrobial
prophylaxis, SSIs remain a ... Show more content on ...
The agents chosen by most hospitals are chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) 2% and
isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The use of a 2% chlorhexidine based preparation for
cutaneous antisepsis is classified as a Category 1A recommendation the highest level
of recommendation the CDC bestows (ChloraPrep FAQs, 2015). Alcohol is
contraindicated in some instances ...including procedures in which the preparatory
agent may pool or not dry, for example, procedures involving hai due to fire risk.
Alcohol may also be contraindicated for procedures involving mucosa, cornea, or ear
(Anderson, et. al. 2014) Skin should be allowed to dry after the prepping of the skin.
Chlorahexadine washes are encouraged the night before and the day of surgery. Patients
bring their own host of risk factors into the situation. Age, obesity, malnutrition, smoking,
peripheral vascular disease, and steroid use being the most common risks seen in the
operative arena. The risk of SSI increase with factors that suppress the ability of the
immune response (for example, diabetes, malnutrition, or immunosuppressive therapy
with radiotherapy, chemotherapy or steroids) or local immune response (for example,
foreign bodies, damaged tissue or formation of a hematoma). Smoking cessation should
be encouraged by the practitioner. Blood glucose should be
Goals Of Blackhat Hackers
The Goal of Blackhat Hackers in Using Virtual Viruses
Arci Jeirico P. Malabanan
Danriel Joseph B. Macasaet

Hackers by definition are persons who use computers to gain unauthorized access to
data. Hackers are people who by use their knowledge in hacking and are categorized by
how they use their knowledge in hacking. There are blackhat hackers, whitehat hackers,
greyhat hackers, script Kiddie, and hacktivist. Blackhat hackers, unfortunately, are the
reason why hackers are defined as or synonymous to being a cybercriminal because
these kinds of hackers are. ( Types Of Hackers , n.d). According to Bhardwaj, M. and
Singh, G.P. (n.d.). Types of Hacking Attack and their Counter Measure. there are a lot of
methods that hackers use for hacking, one of them is the ... Show more content on ...
The sources are limited through the internet, books, and journals that have been
analyzed and summarized to better understand the subject of focus. The research will
not explain how hacking came to be and it s history. The other methods that blackhat
hackers use will not be given emphasis except for the viruses they use. The different
kinds of viruses that blackhat hackers use are limited to through the sources found in the
internet and books. The goal of the research is to learn about blackhat hackers but will
not give emphasis of the other kinds of hackers except for blackhat hackers.
According to Whitty, B. (n.d.), a black hat hacker is a person that has a wide range of
computer knowledge and their purpose is to hack security for their own goal and
reasons. This type of hackers create computer viruses: to command the computer and use
it for specific activity, to generate money, steal personal information like credit card,
security keys or password, personal detail, etc., to prove something to other people or for
vengeance, and to manipulate a computer or
Student Loan Debt And Consumer Choice
Student Loan Debt and Consumer Choice In today s society, student loans are haunting
the lives of millions of postgraduates all over the United States. Students who have
carelessly taken out loans and those in serious need of financial aid for their college
education are now burdened with thousands of dollars worth of debt. As the student debt
average continues to increase in our nation, the budgets of postgraduates begin to
dwindle and the amount of defaults grow dramatically. With the large student debts our
young adults are now dealt with, recent graduates are forced to compromise certain
aspects of their quality and standard of living after graduation. Our nation s recent
graduate s budgets are being directly affected by the student loandebt and interest
accrued during and after their college careers. Student loans are a form of financial aid
given by federal and private organizations designed to help fund the student s tuition,
housing, books, and other expenses. Student loans are primarily given to those who are
in most need of financial assistance. The interest rates that accompany these loans are
relatively lower than those of credit cards, housing and auto loans, because these loans
were meant to be quickly and easily paid off. With federal interest rates fixed at as low
as five percent and private loan interest rates decreasing, it comes to question: why is the
amount of student loan debt in our nation increasing so rapidly? And with the amount of
student loan
Unconsciously In Harriet Ross s Abou The North Star
Harriet knew a few thing abou the North Star. Paragraph four says, At the same time,
someone had taught her where to look for the North Star, the star that stayed constant,
not rising in the east and setting in the west as the other stars appeared to do; and told
her that anyone walking toward the North could use that star as a guide. So Harriet
knows where the North Star can be found and that if you can follow it if you want to
go north. The uneasiness of fear Harriet shared with the grownups is of the patrollers as
they chased an escaped slave. five says that Harriet, Knew about fear too. Paragraph five
also says, She saw the grown folks freeze into stillness, not moving, scarcely breathing,
while they listened. She could not remember... Show more content on ...
In the first paragraph, the word unconsciously is used in the sentence, By the time
Harriet Ross was six years old, she had unconsciously absorbed many kinds of
knowledge, almost with the air she breathed. Based on the way it s used in the text
and what I know, I can determine that the word unconsciously means to do something
without being aware of your actions. TUsing the prefix and suffix defintiions, the way
it s used in the text, and what I know, I can determine the meaning of unconsciously. In
the first paragraph, the word unconsciously is used in the sentence, By the time Harriet
Ross was six years old, she had unconsciously absorbed many kinds of knowledge,
almost with the air she breathed. Based on the way it s used in the text and what I
know, I can determine that the word unconsciously means to do something without being
aware of your actions. The group members acknowledge new information in different
ways. Alexis feels that when it shows the many things Harriet is learning, that the
author is trying to compare them. Daniella then says, Learning how to address people;
that s about how to survive life on the plantation. Then she acknowledges how the North
Star can be used as a guide. The group then decides that Harriet is learning how to live
on the plantation and what to do if she escapes at the same
Audi King Trailers
One day not too long ago, Audi King was on a business trip in northern Wisconsin.
Audi is a curious and adventurous man full of vigor for the unexpected. While in
Wisconsin he made a stop at a local farm to sell the farmer his company s product, Agra
King, a silage preservative. While driving to the farm he noticed several old tractor
trailers that looked abandoned, scattered across a vast field.
Before leaving the farm, he asked the farmer what the trailers were used for. The farmer
told him that the trailers belonged to a hippy who made fireworks. They were scattered
across the field because if one caught fire they wouldn t all blow up. Audi thought that it
would be nice to have some fireworks, since fireworks of this size were illegal ... Show
more content on ...
After a few seconds the first fuse lit. Just before the package lit he glanced up at the
work bench and saw the mass chaos that was unfolding before him. Without thinking
Audi dropped the grinder and quickly ducked behind his lawn tractor. That was when it
happened. Like a bomb, a nuke, a grenade the exposition rocked the entire garage,
causing the grinder, once laying on the workbench, to catapult through the air towards the
door, and towards Audi. He caught the airborne tool with such force it threw him to the
ground. Just when he thought that was it, the second package went off, filling the garage
with a loud rumbling, and a light brighter than the sun. This explosion blew out the
windows. This chain of events continued with a third and final explosion Causing his
ear drums to pop, and his lungs to fill with the aroma of freshly lit gunpowder, Audi
was left gasping for air. After this series of events took place he stood up, scratched his
head, and started laughing. At that moment his wife Judy came bursting through the
door, looking like she had just seen a ghost. Audi quickly told her that he was alright
and that he wouldn t be buying anymore fireworks. He quickly cleaned up the mess that
his mistake had created. Then he finished his job of sharpening the blades and mowing
the yard. Life for Audi has been ordinary ever
Bf Skinner Theory
Child Development: B.F. Skinner In the field of child development, many psychologists,
sociologists, and behaviorists contributed and came up with different theories that helped
to form our current education system. One of those is B.F. Skinner s theory of
behaviorism, which had a great impact on many strategies we use today for teaching and
training. In his theory, operant conditioningis the most famous and influential idea that
helped people to understand the behaviors of children and even adults. Skinner focused
on how the environments, in the form of reinforcement and punishments, influence
behaviors. Thus, his theory cannot explain the higher cognitive functions such as
problem solving and critical thinking. Despite his theory s critiques, Skinner stood
strong on his ideas and theories. While other psychologists believed that human
psychology is a complex system because there are so many external influences,
Skinner had believed that human s mind is the same as other animals, which explains
why he had done experiments using pigeons. Inspired by Watson and Pavlov, Skinner
decided to study psychology and focused on behaviorism. Skinner s theory was based
on self observation, which made him stood onto his believes regardless of the
oppositions. In fact, during WW II, Skinner convinced the military to fund his research
the famous Project Pigeon to train pigeons to guide bombs and torpedoes. (Greengrass,
pg, 80) He chose pigeons because he thinks they live
Kpmg s Representation Of A Professional Career
Company name: KPMG Int l Nigeria
Location: KPMG has two offices in Nigeria. National office in Lagos and regional office
in Abuja.
Business: KPMG provides audit, tax, advisory services and industry insight to help org
negotiate risks and perform in the dynamic and challenging environment in which they
do business.
Purposes: KPMG combines multi disciplinary approach with deep, practice industry
knowledge to help clients meet challenge and respond to opportunities.
Value and culture: KPMG reputation is crested by the way the people within the member
firm s are with clients, colleagues and their communities. People and culture: KPMG
encourage people to make sustainable difference for clients and firm s while assuming
that ... Show more content on ...
I prefer hands on experience and I like to learn by being involved in new and challenging
experience. Although I can make do with the other learning styles, I prefer to learn things
2.2Based on varks model. My learning style would be kinesthetic, which focus on the
use of experience and practice (simulated or real). I learn better and faster through
concrete personal experience, examples, practice or simulation, which includes
demonstration, video, movies and applications. If a topic is based on reality it s
possible to write or speak about with ease.
2.3Result:As a result of the being able to identify my learning styles, it will be more
easier for me to channel attention to the way I learn rather than the way I am thought. I
can do this by transforming a training method to suit my learning styles and applying it
as preferred For examples, practical learning skills can be developed by consistent
practice and use of learning materials.
2.4Consulting and training roles:
a)Approach on training role: As a trainer, I should be able to develop competency and
skill sets in a trainees to perform effectively and efficiently in the work. Motivate the
trainees to learn, delete the negative perception of the trainees regarding the training.
Assess training needs. Design training program. Plan and coordinate resources.
Administer and evaluate training program.
b)Approach on consulting role: As a consultant I should be able to spend
I ve Been Feeling Like A Beta Author Who Supplies...
As you know, I ve been feeling like a beta author who supplies occasional story ideas
and grammatical and stylistic edits to our fics, rather than a full fledged co creator. We
both know that many of my feelings are irrational, and are deeply rooted in my own
insecurities in my worth as an independent human being. However, the fact is that I feel
the way I do, no matter how absurd these feelings may seem to you and me. I do think
that at least some of these feelings have tangible sources that, if you ll permit me, I will
attempt to explain.
The crux of my feelings concerns the entire premise of our fictional series. When we
first started writing, we did so purely for fun, and to make ourselves happy. We
indulged in our fancies without any restrictions, and though we were embarrassed to
confess our secret pleasure to others, we had the freedom to be wild and inventive and
simply write for the sake of experiencing relationships and emotions against a canvass
of creative thought. But now, the stories have become a spiritual endeavor. Their
purpose has evolved from pure fun and games into a process that is supposed to bring us
closer to God, and to uplift everyone around us. This purpose is pure, good, and noble,
so it has been difficult to explain why this new paradigm of story making has left me
feeling so trapped.
To be honest, when you first proposed dedicating our stories to Gurudev, and to making
the premise of our universe a spiritual one, my first instinct was to

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