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Popularne idiomy dla dorosłych

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to boast (to sb about sth) - speak too proudly or happily about what you
have done or what you own
to insist on (sth) - to say firmly or demand forcefully, especially when
others disagree with or oppose what you say (nalegać)
object to - to express disagreement with or disapproval of something
The city council objects to vulgar art displays in public buildings.
to confess (to/that) - to admit that you have done something wrong or
something that you feel guilty or bad about (przyznać się do czegoś
threaten - to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone
page-turner - a book which is so good that you cannot stop reading it.

fed-up bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you

have experienced for too long

miserable – very unhappy

thrilled – excited
cross – annoyed and angry
offended – upset and angry because someone has been rude.
relieved – happy because something unpleasant has not happened or has
get a bit down/ feel blue - depressed
convince – to make someone believe that something is true
suspect - to think that something is probably true, especially something
reckon – to think or believe
exonerate- to show that someone is not guilty
tax evasion – illegal, paying less taxes
swearing in public – to use rud or offensive language
to accuse – to say that someone has done something wrong
deprived – not having the things that are essential to for a comfortable life.
sprawling – covered whit buildings across a large area, often ones that
have been added gradually over a period of time
hive of activity – busy place
up-to-date- modern and using the lasts ideas.

to take up (a musical instrument/sport) - to begin to do something

recurring dream – a dream which is experienced repeatedly over a long
prophetic – showing correctly what will happened
pipe dream – an idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen
peculiar – something strange but in an unpleasant way
dream up (something)- create some ideas in your mind
snore – breathe in a very noisy way while you are slipping
knackered – very tired (wyrąbany)
snooze – button on alarm clock
to not sleep a wink - to not get any sleep
I mean it – to talk seriously
to me about – going to do something very soon
once in a while – sometimes
meanwhile -in the intervening period if time
to toss spilled salt over the shoulder
down in the dumps – very unhappy
happy-go-lacky – a person who doesn’t plan much and accepts what
to strike a balance – to make or strive to make something equally
proportioned midway between two or more conflicting or contrasting things.
to cut a dash - to look attractive in the clothes one is wearing
to turn sb down – to refuse an offer or request
significant other - a person with whom someone has a romantic
relationship that has lasted for some time and that is likely to last longer
to compete against/ with (for something) - to try to be more successful
than someone or something else
to tackle - to try to deal with something or someone; (especially in football
or hockey) to try to take the ball from a player in the other team, or (in rugby
or American football) to do this by taking hold of the player and making
them fall (uporać się)
toned - be strong, have the firm muscles

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