Anthem Essay Contest

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Anthem Essay Contest

Crafting an essay on the "Anthem Essay Contest" can pose a unique set of challenges. The intricacies
lie not only in comprehending Ayn Rand's novella, "Anthem," but also in delving into the
philosophical underpinnings that it explores. The task demands a deep understanding of
individualism, collectivism, and the significance of self-discovery within the narrative.

Navigating through the complex layers of the story while dissecting the characters, plot, and Rand's
objectivist philosophy requires careful analysis and critical thinking. Moreover, it involves
articulating one's insights coherently and persuasively. Engaging with the subtle nuances of the text
and drawing connections to broader societal themes can be intellectually demanding.

Furthermore, the competitive nature of the Anthem Essay Contest adds another layer of difficulty.
Standing out among a pool of talented participants necessitates originality and a distinctive
perspective. Balancing personal reflections with a scholarly tone and adhering to the contest's
guidelines can be a delicate juggling act.

Despite the challenges, the essay offers an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual
exploration. It prompts writers to confront complex ideas and articulate their thoughts with clarity.
However, the effort required to produce a winning essay should not be underestimated.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the "Anthem Essay Contest" demands a profound engagement
with Ayn Rand's work, a nuanced understanding of philosophical concepts, and the ability to present
original and compelling arguments. While the journey may be demanding, the rewards in terms of
intellectual enrichment and personal development can be significant.

(Without mentioning the topic) For those seeking assistance with essays or similar tasks, various
resources are available. Services like offer support in crafting well-researched and
expertly written pieces on a variety of subjects.
Anthem Essay Contest Anthem Essay Contest
Horse Soring Issue
In this essay, I will explain the facts, and argue my own views and opinions on horse
soring, a topic that has been booming for horse owners and horse lovers in the United
States and other foreign countries for the past forty years. This issue has not only been
affecting the horse population, but its controversy has spread and became a huge issue
in our government. People use soring to win competitions in a very cruel way. Nothing
about this issue seems very fair to me whatsoever.
The HPA otherwise known as the horse protection act, passed as a bill by congress in
1970 to ensure the protection of all horses from soring in shows, sales, auctions, and
practices. The bill in 1970 stated it to be cruel and inhumane to force a horse to sore in a
competition if it did not naturally have it that way already ... Show more content on ...
Not too recently a case of soring hit the spotlight in August of this year. A USDA
Medical Officer working at a Tennessee Walking Horse Show and found a horse being
sored in a forced way. The person who had gotten caught had rubbed foreign oil on the
horse s legs. The officer who captured this case mentioned in an article, Its a
Competitive World Out There. Unfortunately there are people who make unethical
choices to gain unfair advantages. This shows me, how badly people want to win,
when they do not even consider what pain this does to the horses that help them win.
Even now in 2016 after almost forty years horses seem to still suffering from the
choices that people make. But we can help; we can do something to stop it. Multitudes
of people capable of turning in a violator of this act; once turned in, the penalties
include: spending up to two years in prison, fines of five thousand dollars,
disqualification from showing for up to one year or more, and a $2,200 fine or less for
each hose found sored, and the person will also no longer be able to compete in events,
but they will be able to
The Hurt Locker Character Analysis
In 2008, director Kathryn Bigelow presented The Hurt Locker, a war drama focusing
on an army bomb squad during the Iraq War. When Sergeant JT Sanborn loses one of
his men from to an explosion, Sergeant First Class William James replaces the bomb
defuser and joins Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge. Due to Sanborn s heavy ego
and James reckless methods, tensions rise and the men constantly quarrel until the three
realize their similarities of being entrapped by war. The film explores the idea of
soldiers as heroes and even questions the validity of this concept; various situations
challenge James and his reactions do not always correspond with those of a cliché idol.
Although James contradicts the idea of the typical hero, he ultimately exhibits... Show
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Bigelow operates this idea entirely; she begins by proving realistic heroes also benefit
from their own actions. Past films display heroes actions as only benefiting the lives of
citizens as a collective whole, but Bigelow does not believe in solely choosing between
the happiness of the people and the happiness of the hero. Instead, James endeavors
serve his country and himself personally. Additionally, Bigelow recognizes how heroes
possess flaws and how this forms a connection between heroism and humanity. James
demonstrates his faults through his humane reaction to a body bomb; instead of
following common protocol and destroying the young boy s corpse, he keeps the
carcass intact and ultimately ends of killing another soldier due to an explosion. This
scene also validates how heroes must take risks that threaten the lives of others.
Audiences already understand how a typical American hero can jeopardize his own life,
but the modern American hero understands he cannot sacrifice himself alone; others
might face risks as well. The scene in which James and his squad oppose military orders
during their final mission also supports this characteristic. Because Bigelow portrays the
character of James as a
Orm Risk Assessment
ORM department partnered with Compliance to conduct a Market Conduct Risk
Assessment with Ron Hamby as the project sponsor in 2011. The purpose of the
assessment was to identify the risks associated with the Live Market Conduct Exam
process from the initial DOI s request to the final response from Compliance.
During this time, there were limited resources in Compliance, and ORM was a conduit to
assist Compliance with gathering supporting documentation from the Operational
business units for Market Conduct exams, conducting Pre assessment Market Conduct
Audits, and working with Compliance to participate in Market Conduct examiners
meetings and close out sessions.
ORM s Risk Assessment validated process gaps within compliance, ORM, and the ...
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The Market Conduct team would house commitments made to the state DOI, deliverables
made within the business unit, and when applicable, follow up on target completion
dates to ensure compliance.
During the transition, there was an increase of Market conduct exams at. The Market
Conduct Market Conduct Manager requested ORM s partnership to continue to conduct
2nd line of defense audits on behalf of the operational business due to their limited
resources. As of today, ORM continues to assist the Compliance Market Conduct team
with these audits and provides copies of the audit summaries to the Market Conduct team
as each audit is
Alexander Hamilton Was The First U.s. Secretary Of The...
Alexander Hamilton was the first U.S. secretary of the Treasury. He was involved in
developing the Federalists, the nation s first political party. He was born on Jan. 11,
1755 on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies. Hamilton was the illegitimate
son of a Scottish merchant named James Hamilton, and the daughter of a French
Huguenot physician, Rachel Fawcett Lavien. Hamilton began working when he was
12 years old as a clerk in a trading firm located in St. Croix. His father had business
failures which resulted in a bankruptcy and his mother had passed away. When he was
15 years old he was left in charge of the business. He left this job in 1772 to attend
school at the encouragement of his employers. With the help of his employers he went
to school at an academy in New Jersey, and after that he enrolled in King s College in
New York City. He left college without graduating in 1776.
The American Revolution of 1776 offered Hamilton the opportunity to become captain of
a company of artillery. He became a lieutenant colonel in the Continental Army and an
aide de camp to George Washington, a commanding general. Hamilton made no military
decisions, but he was sent on important military missions and he drafted letters to Army
officers, Congress and the states. He also drafted reports on reorganizing and reforming
the army. Hamilton still found time to read and to express his ideas about the economic
policy in newspaper articles and he wrote letters to public figures of

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