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Black History Month Essays

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Black History Month" can be both challenging and enlightening.
The difficulty lies not in the lack of information or significance of the topic but in doing justice to
the rich and diverse history it encompasses. The responsibility of encapsulating the struggles,
triumphs, and contributions of the Black community throughout history can be daunting.

Firstly, it requires extensive research to delve into the depths of various historical events,
personalities, and movements that have shaped the Black experience. Navigating through the
complex tapestry of Black history involves understanding the nuances of different time periods,
regions, and socio-political climates. It demands a nuanced approach to represent the diverse voices
and narratives within the Black community accurately.

Moreover, the writer must grapple with the emotional weight of the subject matter. Black history is
marked by moments of resilience in the face of adversity, as well as instances of profound pain and
injustice. Balancing the celebration of achievements with a sincere acknowledgment of historical
injustices is a delicate task that demands empathy and sensitivity.

Additionally, the writer must be mindful of the contemporary relevance of Black History Month.
Connecting historical struggles to present-day issues requires a critical analysis of ongoing challenges
and the acknowledgment of progress yet to be made. It demands an awareness of the socio-political
landscape and an ability to articulate the ways in which history continues to shape the present.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Black History Month" is not just an academic exercise; it's an
opportunity to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about equality, justice, and understanding. It calls
for a deep commitment to accuracy, empathy, and a nuanced representation of the diverse
experiences within the Black community. While challenging, this task is also incredibly rewarding as
it allows the writer to engage with a crucial aspect of our shared human history.

For assistance with essays on various topics, including ones related to Black history, you can explore
resources like . Professional writing services can provide support in researching,
structuring, and articulating your ideas to ensure a compelling and well-crafted essay.
Black History Month Essays Black History Month Essays
Essay on The Gaming Industry Should Market to Women
As soon as the video game world pressed the start button on their business, they never
stopped playing. Like any video game, they hit major checkpoints and beat levels.
From Pac Man with joysticks to Angry Birds on iPads, the video game industry has a
consistent history of success. Today, everyone knows someone who plays or has played
a video game. New games and gaming consoles are constantly being advertised and
released. They are even an entertaining method of keeping people up with the growth of
technology. According to Melissa Terlecki, a psychology professor, Involvement and
experience with current computerized important to provide both men
and women...Because computer video games are a seamless lead in to the... Show more
content on ...
These successful early games made the entire industry a total of 27.3 billion dollars by
just 1982. One of the first iconic characters of this generation was Pac Man, which in
its great success, led to the release of its partner in crime, Mrs. Pac Man. This spinoff
greatly expanded their audience. Joyce Worely conducted an interview in the
Electronic Games Magazine in 1982 with Stan Jarocki of Midway upon the game s
release, he stated, It expanded our customer base and made Pac Man a hit. Now we re
producing this new game, Mrs. Pac Man as our way of thanking all those lady arcaders
who have played and enjoyed Pac Man. Due to Mrs. Pac Man being the first iconic
female protagonist in the female gaming industry, it resulted in a huge spike in female
gamers. There was also little controversy surrounding the character being female due to
lack of sexist qualities and undoubted success.
The industry spends its money towards more male oriented gaming than towards female
oriented gaming because they believe that there is a higher demand for their male
audience. These high numbers result in high profit for these industries. Mike Williams, a
writer for Game Industry magazine, concluded that 14.8 billion dollars was spent on
gaming in 2012 . Now, according to Gartner, Inc., the world s leading information
technology research and advisory company, the video game industry
Entrepreneurship Is The Search Of Chances Involving Major...
Entrepreneurship is the readiness to take risks and improve, establish and be able to a
business project in a modest world wide market that is continuously developing.
Entrepreneurs are innovators, leaders and creators. They are at the front of technical and
communal actions in their fields, in their advancing philosophy, in their wish to drive the
cover. (Davidrubin, 2013).
Public and Private Mix
Private funding of care can create world wide power to care more comprehensive and
wide ranging. The probable combination at the point of facility provision confidentially
attained privilege with the public right, can impact, however, upon the objectives (e.g.
enhanced well being, justice, price control, care making proficiency, and customer
satisfaction from service) of the publicly sustained health system. A joint system may be
certain, however, for both financial and politically aware reasons, particularly where
health assets are relatively rare. (Chernichovsky, 2000).
Relationship of entrepreneurship to change management
Entrepreneurship is the search of chances involving major threat, awareness to total
changes, and the progress of revolutions. Earlier studies have observed the matter of
entrepreneurship in health care organizations. The front runners need to be more
entrepreneurial because of the difficulties in the health care setting. Returning to changes
in a practical manner wants a diverse kind of frontrunner, especially one who flourishes
on change and
Deforestation In America s Rainforests
Brazil s rainforests and America s rainforests are great examples of the negative effect
that deforestation has on these specific areas. One of the rising challenges in our rapidly
growing world is the destruction of rainforests and how it is slowly ruining the world
that we live in. Deforestation has a lot of destructive impacts on the environment that is
surrounding us, one of the most important being its effect on the climate. The fast rise in
the world s population, calling for high demand of resources, is only hastening the effects
of deforestation, which can hopefully be put an end to through the enforcement of a
handful of simple, key, and sustainable solutions. The fast rise in the world s population
is one of the many major causes of deforestation. Since the population... Show more
content on ...
Everyone has been told to do this, but I don t think everyone sees the importance of
recycling. Sure, a lot of people recycle, but there are a lot that don t. Recycling has
many benefits, but the major benefit is less destruction of forests. Again, the rising
population calls for many products that are made from trees, mainly paper. Everybody
in the world uses paper, whether it be in the form of books, pencils, toilet paper,
towels, and even shoes. All these paper products, and more, are a direct result of
deforestation, for the trees are taken down and turned into these products. Say you have
a whole box of school papers that you don t need anymore, and you want to throw them
in the trash. Instead of throwing it in the trash, you should recycle it. When you recycle
it, the paper goes to a factory, which adds other products to it, melts it down, and molds it
into other products. This process can eventually rule out the need for deforestation,
reducing the effects of climate change. Clearly, recycling is one of the many sustainable
solutions that can hopefully stop
Vigilance Essay
Spc Drummond, Casey
Vigilance Essay Feb 2015
1028 words
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. (Quote Desmond Tutu)
Vigilance is defined as the action or state of being alert and watchful. It is concerned
both with what is and what will be. Thus it is important to be Vigilant in the army for
many reasons. Not the least of which being it could keep you and your buddies alive
despite the world s best attempts to make you otherwise. But it means more than just
staying awake and alert at guard duty. It means both being mentally and physically
prepared to react to changing conditions and to being aware and cognizant of the current
conditions. There are three important categories to discuss here and expound upon. The
First is Vigilance ... Show more content on ...
Nursing demands vigilance about people. The sights and smells that a patient offers, their
movements and their offhand comments all contribute crucial information to
understanding what they need. Training and experience heighten one s ability to see
what needs to be seen. (Quote Steven Amsterdam)
But vigilance is not just a tangible watchfulness or alertness. It can be intangible as
well. Vigilance TO duty means that you are not only vigilant on duty but about your
duties. It means that you maintain a watch on YOURSELF as well as the world and
others. That way you do not slip and begin to neglect your duties. This is just as
important as being vigilant on duty. Making sure schedules are made and kept,
responsibilities are divided up properly, records are updated, supplies are ordered and
so on ad nauseam are all things you have to maintain vigilance over every day no matter
your duty or post. It is an attention to detail that you resolve to maintain always. It is the
sign of a professional and skilled person to be vigilant to your duties and on duty.

Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts. (Quote by Buddha)

Eternal vigilance is the price of eternal development. (Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley)
It is also a sign of a professional and skilled person to be vigilant in their duties. The
same alert watchful attention to detail that makes such a person stay
Why Should Marching Band Be Considered A Sport
Kaiyah Wilhite
Argumentative Essay
Should marching band be considered a sport? Yes, it should. Being a member for one
year, and having completed the season, I speak from experience. There are so many
things to learn in the season, like body movements and music. We also had to learn all
eighty four sets, which is where to go while we are marching. Having to learn all of
this takes hard work, time, and a lot of money. This is why band should be considered a
The definition of sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical activity and often
of a competitive nature. Marching band includes all of the above. The student playing
must have skill to play, move, and memorize all at the same time. There are physical
activities such as jazz running, body movements, and marching in general. Some students
say this is the most competitive team they have ever been a part of. That is another thing
about being a sport, students are a team pulled together as one. ... Show more content on ...
We practice for countless hours in a season. Some marching bands practice up to 300
hours per season! Basketball, soccer, tennis, all of these most people would consider
sports. These sports practice no where near the span of time marching band pupils do.
One of the reasons band should count as a sport is because of the sweat. I am not
talking about how much students sweat in basketball or tennis. I am talking specifically
about band sweat. This means sweat dripping off your chin, clothes soaked to the point
where you could ring out the sweat and reuse it. Yes, it becomes that bad. Sweat means
physical activity, and anything to do with physical activity is a

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