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Free Natal Chart Report

The following free birth chart tool lists planet signs, house positions, and aspects. It also
allows you to compare multiple house systems. (The default house system is Placidus).

You will only find some interpretations right now (many of the major factors, such as
Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus in signs and house), but I am working on
adding more interpretations frequently, so please check back here from time to time!

The interpretations in the following birth chart report are written by myself, Annie Heese,
and are typically expanded interpretations already found on this site.

**Note: The free report on this page is an alternate free interpretive report that is
meant to supplement the Cafe Astrology’s Free Report section which is still fully
functional with multiple free reports, including natal, transits, and compatibility.
**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone
offset that appears after you enter your birth location. Please don’t adjust the time zone
offset unless you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offset incorporates
crucial factors (such as daylight savings time) and is in the majority of cases accurate.
See also notes below.

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Chart Data For Carlos

13 November 1975 at 00:50 (12:50 am) (time zone = UTC +1)
Universal Time: 23:50 12 November 1975
Barcelona, Catalonia, Kingdom of Spain
41°N23' 2°E10'
Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses
I n t r o duct i o n

The following lists positions of planets and points in your natal chart with interpretations
for key factors.

Planet s and Point s in The Signs

Sun in Scorpio 19°  58' 29"

The Sun in the chart shows our character, personal identity, and ego. It
represents our will to live and our creative life force. Just as the planets
revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from
the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our “adult”– the part of us that
censors our “inner child,” reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The
Sun also gives clues to our overall vitality. The Sun directs us and can be
considered “the boss” of our chart.

When people ask you "What's your sign?", Scorpio would be your answer. Technically,
though, it's your Sun sign that is Scorpio, and you're made up of many different sign
combinations. Even so, your Sun sign is highly influential and significant.

Scorpios are known for their intensity. They are determined folk who positively throw
themselves into whatever they do — but getting them to commit to something is rarely
an easy task. In fact, it’s better not to even try to "get them" to do anything. Solar
Scorpios undoubtedly have their own mind. And, their primary motivation is unlikely to
be prestige (like their Capricorn friends), or even authority (Leos can have that, too)–
it's real power. Their power can absolutely be of the “behind the scenes” variety, just as
long as they have it!

As a Sun sign Scorpio, you are intense and have a powerful memory. You feel things
deeply, and you retain your emotional memories longer than many. Scorpio is a Water
sign, and you are unusually empathetic and perceptive, picking up on the tiniest of cues
on emotional levels. You're able to read a person quickly and thoroughly. Scorpio is also
from the Fixed family, and this endows you with endurance, tenacity, and loyalty.

To others, Scorpios seem to have plenty of willpower. They probably do. Scorpios do
know what they want, and they won't go out and grab it at the wrong moment. They
simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just
right. This apparent patience is, in fact, their powerful strategic skills at work.

Scorpio isn't afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their minds) dirty. The darker side
of life intrigues them, and they're always ready to investigate. With Scorpio as your Sun
sign, you are "all in" when you choose to do something. You're there for people you love,
and you are unafraid of the darker, deeper side of things.
Scorpios rarely give up. They have tremendous staying power. As a Scorpio, you are not
in the slightest intimidated by anybody or anything -- at least that's how you come

Confrontations are not a problem. In fact, talk to any Scorpio about their lives, and you'll
probably be in awe about all they've experienced. Upheaval, change, and intensity of
experience may seem to follow them wherever they go. When a Scorpio is optimistic or
learns optimism, instead of expecting the worst, they'll find that they possess amazing
regenerative powers — the power to heal, create, and transform.

As a Scorpio, you are not a person who takes things (or people, relationships) lightly, and
for you to be on board, you need to find personal meaning in whatever you do. You may
discover that there are people who are intimidated by you since you tend to exude a
particular intensity that may have some wondering and worrying how you feel about
them. Once they get to know you, however, they realize that although you have strong
feelings and opinions, you are exceedingly understanding.

Scorpio is known as a vengeful sign, probably due to that long memory and passionate
nature mentioned above, but on the other side of the coin, they love deeply and don't
give up on those they love without very good reason. Of course, learning to let go
doesn't come easily to this sign, but it's far from impossible. In fact, the sign of Scorpio
rules rebirth and transformation.

You are amazingly resilient, undeniably perceptive, and highly intelligent. You can be
very shrewd when you need to be, and you love to draw up plans and strategies. You are
extremely creative and enterprising, as well as daring and brave. Rarely pretentious,
Scorpio is a sign that places tremendous value on authenticity.

Your Sun sign is modified by various factors, including the aspects it makes to other
planets and points, its house position, the house with the sign the Sun rules (Leo) on its
cusp, and your Pluto and Mars signs since they are Scorpio's planetary rulers. These
positions add more layers to the Sun in Scorpio interpretation. Scorpio is a Fixed Water
sign. More on Scorpio.
Ascendant in Leo 29°  30' 07"

The Ascendant defines, in part, the first impression we make on others in

a personal rather than professional sense. It represents our physical
appearance, our physical bodies and overall health, and the body ego. It
can be the mask or costume we wear to greet the world. It reveals our
natural and personal defense mechanisms that we use to adapt to - and
cope with - our environment. The Ascendant also shows our first
impressions of the world around us and our expectations of same –whether
we are naturally hesitant or enthusiastic, for example. How we begin new
projects and our attitude towards new experiences come under the rule of
the Ascendant.

Leo rising people cannot help but be noticed. They radiate a unique energy and
magnetism that gets others’ attention. Sometimes it’s because they are loud people who
pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance (especially their hair!); other times it’s
due to a regal manner that simply demands interest from others.

You are very self-aware and body-conscious. You are acutely aware of others, and how
you come across. In fact, you are especially aware of your personal "backdrop" – you
consider what the people you're with, and the environments you're in, do to your own
image. Often, Leo rising natives feel as if they are on stage, even in the privacy of their
own homes!

You are given to rash decisions, temper tantrums, and excesses. However, you have
plenty of staying power and drive, and your idealism keeps you from getting into too
much trouble. The desire to oversee the goings-on in your circle can sometimes amount
to bossiness or the appearance of bossiness. If this wish doesn’t go too far, however, it's
really about making sure the people you love are alright. Many Leo rising people are
managers, either by profession or character.

The tendency to overestimate things, and yourself, is entirely possible with this rising
sign. This is due to your natural enthusiasm and optimism about any new undertaking.
Sometimes, people with this position are walking commercials. In fact, Leo rising people
make excellent promoters.

You can be quite demonstrative and given to grand gestures, although if your Sun is in a
less outgoing sign or house, this may not be quite as evident. Quiet power is perfectly
fine. Drama does come naturally to you either way. In fact, sometimes you can be so
caught up in fiction that you're a little blind to fact. You have an unusual need to be
admired and respected.

Whether or not you're popular, you can be hard to resist. In fact, it's probably up to you
whether you want to move with the "in" crowd or not. You can be quite selective about
who you give your full friendship to, probably because you're tremendously loyal and
whole-hearted with those you do, so it's not something you take lightly. People can be
intimidated, however, upon first meeting, mainly because you come across as quite self-
assured and self-sufficient. You do want to appear in control, and you very much exceed
at doing so. This might work against you at times when you could use a bit of help.

No matter your age in real-world terms, you are a kid at heart. You are fun-loving and
warm, generous and spirited. In childhood, you may have acquired the label of the
strong one, and much was expected of you. Even so, caregivers might have also treated
you very carefully, tiptoeing around you, as they knew how easy it was to hurt your
pride. As a child, when you were happy, you were a true peach, but when you weren't,
everyone around you suffered! This may have been a reason for this kind of "special
handling." As you mature, ideally you learn that recognition and feedback are not what
make you powerful, even if this message was absorbed at an early age.

You can often find yourself in the position of leader, whether or not you've chosen that
role - you simply radiate the kind of energy that suggests you're in command and know
what to do next. While you try to hide it, you are worried about failing or coming across
as weak and ineffective. You are very proud! You have a strong sense of bravado and
performance. Almost to a fault, you take the high road.

It's quite likely you have a strong physical constitution. You pay particular attention to
your personal appearance and mannerisms. You often choose clothing and hairstyles that
are youthful and stylish. Your manner is authoritarian and stable, and also quite warm.
You always seem to make a strong impression. There is something about you that is
substantial, and people usually consider you to be trustworthy.

You can be intensely, and quite stubbornly, loyal and giving. It's imperative that others
treat you with the respect and recognition you deserve -- you are unlikely to forge a real
bond with someone who doesn't. You often attract people who are a little more
emotionally detached than you, and those who tend to go their own way rather than
follow the crowd.

Just how magnanimous and outgoing you are will be modified by the placement of your
Sun by sign and house, as well as the Sun's condition by aspect. This is because the
ruling planet of your Ascendant (which is often called the chart ruler) is the Sun. For
example, a Leo rising person with Sun in Virgo may not come across as strongly as a Leo
rising person with Sun in Aries. No matter the placement of the Sun, however, you are
quite self-aware and optimistic. You have a natural flair for presentation, an eye for
quality, and a hard-to-resist warmth of style. You want to make things happen, and you
can create quite a stir, sometimes with your mere presence. More on Leo Rising.

Moon in Pisces 14°  28' 34"

The Moon in the signs reveals much about our habits, reactions, and
instincts. It shows how we express and deal with our emotions. Most
obvious in our homes or in private when we're feeling comfortable, our
Moon sign reveals our innermost needs. The Moon can represent our
experience of nurturing; it also shows how we nurture ourselves! It's
important to note that Moon signs change every 2 or 2-1/2 days, and on
some days, can be one of two signs, in which case an accurate birth time is

Those with the Moon in Pisces are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with
reality. However, though you may not always show real-world savvy in day-to-day,
practical affairs, you make up for this with remarkable intuition. You can put yourself in
anybody's shoes with extreme ease. On the plus side, this endows you with remarkable
compassion and love. The downside with this apparent ability to break down boundaries
is that you can easily lose yourself in the suffering of others.
With your Moon sign Pisces, your sense of humor is delightfully silly and a bit odd. You
are a perceptive soul who seems to be in touch with all the nuances and subtleties of
human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of humor that is more of the
receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make people the "life of the
party." It's generally pretty easy to get them laughing. Crying, too!

Moon in Pisces people may get tagged as "spaced out," but there's a lot more to them
than meets the eye. They feel things out and rely quite strongly on their intuition. It just
doesn't feel right for them to do otherwise. Their dreaminess can mean plenty of
moments of absent-mindedness. These times of oblivion can land them in all sorts of
predicaments with others who can too easily misunderstand these complex souls.
Without plenty of space and time to daydream, Pisces Moons easily get overloaded in life.
Give them room to be alone with themselves, and they're generally able to take on the
world--even if their style when they do so is not always conventional or understandable.

Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, you care about others and are easily
touched by human suffering. This tendency can gain you the reputation as a sucker for a
sob story. Although this may sometimes be true, you learn in your lifetime how to discern
between sincerity and manipulation. Still, you definitely do have plenty of soft corners.

This is a powerfully creative and artistic Moon. It's also one of the most understanding
and nuanced combinations.

There's a delightful accepting side to Moon in Pisces that is sometimes mistaken for
weakness. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, and thus carries with it a little
of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, Pisces sees themselves reflected in the behavior of
others, giving them seemingly boundless compassion. Since the Moon represents our
instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel without actual
experience. They may have never experienced something but still seem to understand it
-- even, or especially, the subtleties of it. The ones that aren't too shy make awesome
actors. The ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open
mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both listening and
making), poetry, and art --in fact, the more satisfied people with this position do just
that. Nevertheless, this is a searching Moon sign that is often divinely discontent!
Though some are doormats, most Pisces Moon people instinctively know when they're
due for a much-needed recharge. It's at these times that they retreat from the world
(and its harsh realities) if only to gather strength to face everything and everyone again.
Solitude is important to them, but they also need people, so their retreats will usually be
short-lived. Pisces Moon individuals believe; and, let's face it, the world needs Piscean
leaps of faith.

You are a bit of an escapist or avoider. You don't always feel equipped to face things
head-on. Although your intentions are usually good, a potential weakness is your ability
to "get out of" things. When you are emotionally present, though, you are a wonderfully
entertaining, understanding, and kind-hearted person to be around.

Mercury in Scorpio 10°  40' 16"

What's your style of communication? How do you make decisions? How do

you pick up, process, absorb, and exchange information? These questions
are answered, in part, by Mercury's placement by sign in your natal chart.
Someone may be an assertive Aries, but they could also have Mercury in
Taurus, with a style of communication that's slower, patient, and not quite
as spirited as one would expect from an Aries, as an example. Mercury
refines the Sun sign, and it helps to define how we take in--and give out--

With Mercury in Scorpio, you're exceptionally perceptive. You're on an eternal quest to

get to the very heart of any matter. This trait appears in anything that requires thought,
and in almost every conversation you have. Totally fearless when it comes to delving into
depths that nobody else wants, or even thinks, to explore, you excel at learning the
source and the core of any problem or issue. You're blessed (or cursed, depending on
how you want to look at it!) with the observation skills of a surveillance camera, seeming
to see all and know all.

Sometimes you can be quite "dark" because of your tendency to focus on the false to get
to the truth. You detest superficiality. You can come across as suspicious and can annoy
other, more optimistic people with a slightly cynical or what they may feel is paranoid
take on things from time to time.

As a Scorpio communicator, you're passionate in your speech, sometimes even given to

lecturing. You're just as passionate about giving others real advice and help. You're quite
willing to let others in on a few of your secrets--regarding other people, that is, not
yourself! The truth is, you've observed things that many haven't. You give the best
advice around. You're at your best when you're talking about things for which you're not
personally involved. That's when your shrewd judgment shines. It's when you're
personally involved that clouded judgment is more likely.

Your intelligence is entirely instinctive. Strategies are your specialty! Your idea of
constructive criticism can be interpreted as destructive criticism, depending on your
audience. It can be very challenging for others to win an argument or debate with you.
You're absolutely driven to prevail, not just for the sake of scoring intellectual points, but
simply to come out on top in general. Besides that, it's hard to deny that your thinking is
lucid. Others may need to grit their teeth and concede.

You'll staunchly support and defend anyone you care about. And, the energy in your
speech (or sheer intensity) can be motivating. You give awesome pep talks.

You're also quick to home in on motivations. You size people up quickly and expertly. You
may be naturally suspicious, or your experiences shape this trait. With Mercury in
Scorpio, you love intrigue, mystery, and hidden motives. If you don't channel this interest
into mental pursuits, you can end up creating your own mysteries.

You adore anything that challenges the brain and you're intensely interested in what
makes people tick. There's very little that surprises you, and you make an extraordinary

Venus in Libra 3°  31' 32"

How do you attract things, situations, and people into your life? Venus
rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life.
Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn
about our tastes, preferences, artistic inclinations, and what makes us
happy. We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach
relationships of the heart, as well as what gives us pleasure. We also turn to
Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how
much we spend on leisure activities (not to mention the kinds of leisure
activities we seek). Venus rules attractiveness--both the ability to attract
and attraction to others (and things). Venus rules, amongst other things,
the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money,
entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort.

With your Venus in the Cardinal Air sign, Libra, you impress others with your kindness,
evenhandedness, and willingness to compromise -- you're ready to make your
relationships work! You have a polished manner in love, which at times can give off the
appearance of being insincere or superficial, but your interest in your relationships is

You are a gentle lover who hates to offend or be offended! You're bothered by bad
manners or overly direct and abrasive expressions of feelings. You not only prefer to take
the middle road, you seek the middle ground in your relationships. Your partners can
expect to be treated fairly, and they're likely to fully appreciate your willingness to
concede and adjust your life to fully accommodate them.

You may very well have an idealized image of your relationships, even to the point where
said relationships become bigger than life, taking on a life of their own. You can become
quietly resentful if you feel that you're being taken advantage of, and it may be all too
easy for more aggressive types to bully you around because you're so fair. However, you
won't take this kind of thing for too long--you simply believe in giving others chances and
will do so up to a point.

Pleasing you involves treating you kindly. You love to share everything with a partner,
and a person who makes you feel comfortable enough to do so is ideal. Foreplay for you
can be mental -- you love to communicate with a partner about the relationship. In fact,
sharing itself turns you on, and tactless or uncouth behavior is a turn-off.
Although you may seem to put up with a lot, it's vital that a partner remain fair with you.
Over time, imbalance in your relationship is sure to hit you hard and make you gravely
unhappy. You might even try to even the score in subtle, roundabout ways as you
instinctively seek balance before you seek an "out." A partner would be wise not to let it
come to that, and if they help you keep the scales balanced, you'll reward them with a
partner who always puts themselves in their shoes and treats them exactly how they
would like to be treated.

My Personal Ad Bio: "I'm just a nice person -- some say I'm too nice. I'm romantic and
love good conversations. I will please you. All I ask for is fairness." Menu

Venus in Libra people turn first to charm and last (if at all) to aggressive behavior to get
what they want. While relationships are huge to you, there can be an air of cool
detachment to your demeanor. You're very obliging with others--almost always ready and
willing to negotiate and compromise--and this makes you one of the most gracious
people around.

You can be especially idealistic about love. In fact, you prefer things be done the "right"
way, and you're turned off by coarse or rude behavior. On the shadow side of this
position are dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid
unpleasant situations, people with this placement can easily gloss over deeper issues at
play in their relationships. As such, it's probably good practice to avoid the trap of
acquiescing to your partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking yourself a martyr
for doing so, as these things can happen to the best of us but never amount to positive

This is one of the more artistically-inclined of the Venus placements. You seek balance in
your personal environment, and you can be quite picky or choosy when it comes to
aesthetics--balanced, harmonious, classical art is preferred. You abhor gaudy, tacky, or
overly "noisy" art, clothing, furnishings, and music. You can be a little picky when it
comes to mood and atmosphere (Virgo is all too often assigned this trait).

You take special and extra care to please someone you love. You can be provocative in a
quiet way. Your need for balance and perfection in your relationships may manifest itself
at all the wrong moments, though. You may be pushed around for longer than most,
perhaps only because it's hard for you to believe that others can be unfair and it takes a
while for you to recognize that it's happening, but it will catch up to you in due time. If
you're happy and treated right, you are an amazing partner -- you seem to be made for
partnership, in fact. You think carefully about your loved one's needs, and you're
supremely thoughtful and considerate. You can charm the birds out of the trees if you so

You should watch for focusing too much on the superficial signs of balance, harmony, and
agreement. As well, watch for conforming just to avoid a confrontation, as this can lead
to serious misunderstandings over time. You're most offended by abruptness and

You're wonderfully approachable. It can be challenging to make up your mind since you
can see the opposite side to whatever you're considering. You love the good things in life!
Beautiful scents, sensations, and views are all very important to you. Your gentleness is a
gift and quite magical for someone who truly deserves you.

Mars in Cancer 2°  21' 39" Rx

With Mars in Cancer, you are moved to action through your emotions and moods, and
you can seem quite moody to others as a result. When happy, you act with high
confidence, and when tense, you can be entirely withdrawn. You rarely confront or
initiate a fight, although you are undoubtedly capable of instigating conflict.

You can be very warm and protective, having an almost therapeutic, healing manner
about you. The protective nature of Cancer is best expressed when you turn the energy
outward -- when you are the protector of others. Turning it inwards is when there can be
some issues. You should watch for over-sensitivity and self-protection if it limits your life.
Otherwise, your great sensitivity is a real strength.

This position may incline you toward passive-aggressiveness. You seem to resist change
and shy away from direct confrontations. This is because you need to feel secure before
you act, and as a result, you can be rather slow to react. You live out the expression "The
best offense is defense." Because you're kind and compassionate, others may be
surprised by your shows of strength, although they shouldn't be! One of your most
exceptional qualities is your tenaciousness.

You may feel somewhat threatened or bothered by indifference, and when frustrated,
many people with this placement in their charts can be irritable or manipulative. Your
energy levels are likely to be quite variable. You can rather quickly become defensive or
emotional bursts can come on suddenly, often well after the incident in question! There
can be some challenges venting your frustrations with Mars in Cancer, as they can come
out erratically. Stomach upsets are real and often brought on by worry. The tendency to
dwell runs high. With more continuity, routine, and discipline, you are likely to be at your
happiest and strongest.

You exude a calm strength that's very attractive and soothing. You are instinctively self-
protective and cautious. This is a good position for chefs, domestic engineers, caregivers,
carpenters, and builders, among other things.

With reassurance and confidence, you are extraordinarily protective, helpful, and in the
long haul, dependable. You prefer to handle situations peacefully and humanely. You care
deeply for who and what you love, and you're not afraid to fight back against injustice,
authority, or tradition. You can be bold and fearless when needed! With Mars in Cancer,
you are sensuous and warm. You'll go to bat for anyone you love or who you consider to
be family.

Jupiter in Aries 16°  01' 45" Rx

With Jupiter in Aries, you believe in the power of positivity--that life is what you make of
it. You love competition or doing things independently. You value instant results!

Jupiter in Aries individuals like yourself attract the most "good fortune" when they take
the lead, initiate, inspire others, and demonstrate enthusiasm and courage. Prosperous
areas for you are ones that allow you to head and lead, and to innovate.
As a Fire sign Jupiter, you identify strongly with your opinions, beliefs, and perceptions,
and you may take it quite personally if others disagree with them! You make your own
opportunities, and you are at your best when you are thinking in big terms, taking
calculated risks, and displaying confidence.

Saturn in Leo 2°  58' 22"

Saturn in our charts shows us where we limit ourselves due to fear or insecurity. It can
be difficult to express or identify with your needs for approval or attention with your
Saturn in Leo. You may hold some disdain for people who seem to need personalized care
or need to distinguish themselves as unique and special. You may deny your own needs
for things like showing off, enjoying feedback and attention, and expressing your
playfulness, for example. You may go out of your way not to call attention to yourself,
but then you feel unacknowledged or overlooked and resentful for it, so there can be a
vicious circle involved.

You may also have problems with people who seem to want to control or direct you. You
believe that people should be their own authority. You may not want to admit to others or
perhaps even to yourself that you want to win or come first. You may worry more than
most about your role in a group or setting. You're proud but insecure, and this
combination can limit your opportunities. You, more than most, require that others treat
you with respect, and you might take jokes or ribbing seriously. With this position, it's
hard to let yourself go, and you may even convince yourself that you don't want or need
to express yourself openly and without self-consciousness, but doing so can result in
denying yourself pleasure.

You may take fun and games quite seriously. Of course, this can also mean you're very
talented at turning a hobby into a business. You're exceptionally skilled at organizing and
management. Health issues sometimes associated with this placement relate to the heart
and back--domains ruled by Leo.

Uranus in Scorpio 3°  53' 17"

You're most interested in making changes, innovating, and updating traditions related to
intimacy, healing, metaphysics, psychology, transformation, investigation, privacy,
dependence, support, the management of resources, and debts. You seek more freedom
in or through these areas, and you don't feel much need to conform! You may believe in
breaking through some of the inhibitions or taboos related to sexuality, power dynamics,
mortality, and self-knowledge. Despite the need for progress, you can be very stubborn
and set in your ways in these areas. You may challenge authority or rules and laws in
place only if you feel they are limiting our progress, seeking to revolutionize the ways we
view our intimate relationships with others and ourselves, or to awaken others to new
thinking in these areas. Your intuition is powerful and hunches uncannily on point. You're
excited to break new ground when attempting to understand the layers of yourself, a
person in your life, or a situation. Research is a talent.

Neptune in Sagittarius 10°  43' 25"

Your vision of an ideal world may center around the truth, tolerance, freedom, liberty,
generosity, and intellectual understanding. You may idealize truth, justice, and the power
of positive thinking. Your optimism is a breath of fresh air, but may at times be taken so
far that you are somewhat blind to the practical side of an endeavor. Or, your goals and
ideals are set so high that it can be challenging to reach them. Fantasizing about
something better is your escape. Your openness to mystical or alternative interpretations
of life is refreshing.

Pluto in Libra 10°  37' 49"

The quest to bring reform or to distinguish yourself through your relationships and
connections with others can be so fraught with pressure at times that you have a hard
time letting go or feeling content and satisfied with your accomplishments in these areas.
The goal should be to feel more personally powerful through your ability to compromise
and treat others fairly, not to seek your power from your relationships. You have brilliant
insights into people and relationships. You know that improving the world starts with
reforming the ways we interact with one another.

Chiron in Aries 24°  46' 24" Rx

You are a champion for the underdog, always ready to remind others of how special and
important they are. However, you can have trouble absorbing that lesson yourself, and
you may go through many years of telling yourself that you count and that you
sometimes need to prioritize yourself to feel whole. You know it in your head, but it's
hard to practice. Keep trying!

Black Moon Lilith in Aries 1°  23' 28"

You may have felt shame for displaying assertive traits, for taking the lead without
asking, or for making self-centered choices. You might harbor some fear of taking the
lead, asserting yourself, and making executive decisions. Learning to accept this side of
yourself and integrating these rejected qualities in palatable, small ways can be
empowering and rewarding.

North Node in Scorpio 21°  48' 15" Rx

One theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node)
suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped and
overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to
these specific qualities: the South Node represents our overdeveloped
character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here,
but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we
may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North
Node suggests the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve
inner balance.

With the True North Node of the Moon in Scorpio, your South Node is in Scorpio's
opposing sign, Taurus.

This position can give the tendency to be overly self-reliant and set in one's ways. You
may fall back on clinging to your possessions and habits, or you can be rather fearful of
crisis or excessively focused on security. You may default to attempting to achieve your
goals through willpower, not always stopping to consider your sixth sense and intuition.
Learning to loosen the grasp you may have on your stuff, the people in your life, or the
methods to which you're accustomed can help you open yourself to your soul's needs for
transformation, change, and regeneration. In the first part of life, you may experience
difficulties in partnerships because you may expect that others have or should have the
same values as you do, but this can close you off to intimacy and sharing, and ultimately
compromise the security you so crave. It would benefit you to avoid relying only on your
instincts to support yourself and learn to share yourself more often with others. If you
remain fearful of taking chances or if you continue to resist change and others' input, you
could find yourself unhappy or limited. Moving out of the seemingly solid and stable
material world can seem intimidating. But clinging to things or situations that are either
outdated, limiting, or that run counter to our growth will keep you in a state of lack.
Releasing yourself from your attachment to doing things our own way will contribute to
inner balance and satisfaction, and this is then reflected outward.

Part of Fortune in Taurus 5°  00' 01"

You excel and find joy or fortune in pursuits that allow you to apply yourself over time
and that require methodical, stable, and reliable effort. You love things that last, and
you'd rather put effort into something that can withstand the test of time or that brings
steady, secure returns rather than flashy or flash-in-the-pan ventures. Pursuits that
involve the natural, tactile, robust, or earthy can be most rewarding for you. Industries
relating to finance, beauty, luxury, agriculture, biology, and comfort might draw you in.

Look to Venus, planetary ruler of Taurus, for more clues to where and how you improve
your lot in life.

Vertex in Capricorn 22°  44' 55"

Midheaven in Taurus 23°  32' 08"

Planet s and Point s in The Houses

Sun in Third House

The Sun's house position modifies and refines its position by zodiac sign. With the Sun in
the third house of your birth chart, you need activity and a change of scenery often, or
else you feel restless! You take pride in your mental agility and your friendships. You can
adapt quite quickly to whatever environment in which you find yourself. There is a high
need to communicate your knowledge to others and to learn in your lifetime. Your
curiosity is endless. You may frequently be on the go. Take pride in your intellectual or
communicative abilities without feeling the need to always be "in the know." You tend to
communicate with authority or strength, and your voice is powerful.

Moon in Seventh House

The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking
emotional satisfaction. If it's an issue, we can discover vital clues to the
reason for perpetual emotional unrest through the study of the house
position of the Moon, and these can manifest as constant changes or ups
and downs in the areas of life ruled by the house. It is in these areas that
we should aim to make deep attachments rather than chase superficial and
temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a genuine feeling of
belonging and emotional fulfillment. It's important to note that house
positions are quite sensitive to birth times.

With the Moon in the seventh house of your natal chart, more than usual, you have an
emotional need to connect with a partner. You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to
have a companion for emotional support. You are not a person who would happily take in
a movie by yourself, or dine alone, for example. A partner awakens feelings in you that
you may never know you had, and you seem to need a partner to learn about your own
needs and feelings. More than others, you tend to seek emotional fulfillment through
relationships. You seem to come alive in one-to-one settings.

Whether you connect with one person for a long time or you have multiple relationships,
you put a whole lot of emotional energy into your connections. Taking time between
relationships is something that may be hard for you to do, but entirely necessary, as you
may be afraid of being alone. Knowing that you can be on your own and fulfilled is
powerful, and in fact, draws out the best in you.

You are very adaptable to others' needs and quite likable as a result! Be careful that you
don't become overly dependent on someone, or assume that a partner is going to treat
you the same way as you do them all of the time. Watch for giving more to a partnership
too often.

You are an extraordinarily supportive person to the people you care about, you tend to
draw emotional or needy people into your life, or you draw out strong emotional
responses from others with the Moon in your seventh house of partnerships and "other."
You are also a seeker of peace and harmony in your close friendships and partnerships.
You will bend over backward to make things right! You're very talented at making others
feel comfortable, quickly sensing their needs. You make a good counselor.

Mercury in Third House

This is an especially curious and inquisitive house position for Mercury. You are a quick
study! You can be very interested in reading, teaching, speaking, exchanging ideas,
keeping current with the daily news, and perhaps gossiping. Your interests are many and
varied, sometimes to the point that you barely skim the surface of any one topic. You can
be easily distracted, and your attention span can be quite short, but you're mentally
agile. You're an excellent translator or imitator since you're so acutely attuned to the
nuances of language and expression, and you may be especially good at teaching or
otherwise explaining ideas to others.

You enjoy the challenge and variety of having a number of things going at once, and you
can quickly become bored with routines. This house position is often strong in the charts
of people who run a lot of errands or take many short trips. Quick to learn, you are also
swift to share what you know with others. You can be very talkative when you have the
chance. You very likely are a list maker, and you can be quite involved in your
community, or at the least an avid people watcher who is curious to a fault. Some with
this position are quite nervous or fidgety, perhaps given to pacing, too.
These traits are Mercury in the third house in pure form and can be modified by
Mercury's sign and aspects. Strong aspects of Mercury to Saturn or Pluto in your chart,
for example, can point to a less chatty and more serious conversationalist and/or to
deeper studies and interests, for example. [Note that house positions are highly
dependent on birth time.]

Venus in Second House

Tangible expressions of love and affection are essential to you. Your tastes are usually
"simply extravagant," well-defined, strong, and something you are proud of. Some might
feel you have a talent for finding items of value and good taste. You are certainly
attracted to items of quality. You may use generosity for your own benefit–in other
words, you might give gifts with the expectation of reward. Some people with this
position are hedonistic and overly attached to winning admiration from a partner, at the
expense of discovering true love.

Many with Venus in the second house have pronounced musical ability. Your neck and
upper chest can be erogenous zones, and your voice is unusually attractive. You usually
don't jump into a new relationship quickly unless Venus aspects Mars or Uranus, but if
you do, your feelings grow gradually. A partner who makes you feel safe and secure is
ideal for you. Once committed, your love is usually long-lasting and sincere. You have
high values and others will find it hard to sway you in this area. Sensual, the world of
touch and smell is most appealing to you. Complex or mysterious partners are not as
intriguing to you as simple and genuine ones.

Mars in Eleventh House

With Mars in the 11th house of your natal chart, you like to organize events and
activities, and sometimes take the lead a little too often! However, for the most part,
you're an engaging, helpful friend who is ready to jump in and take action when need be,
and this is a wonderful, rare quality. Your mind needs to be engaged in order for you to
be at your most passionate, and for this reason, you can seem a little detached or
impersonal in close personal relationships. You're not afraid to be different or to march to
the beat of a different drummer. You're likely to enjoy working towards an important
cause, and you can be quite a crusader! You may be attracted to intense, passionate, or
energetic people, and your friendships can be quite colorful and possibly strife-ridden at

Jupiter in Eighth House

You are talented at strategy, research, and investigation with Jupiter in the eighth house
of your birth chart. You are able to get to the root of any problem and instinctively feel
that this is where the answer lies! You take great pleasure in unraveling mysteries and
solving complex problems. You can be excellent at research and investigation. You are
naturally giving to a partner, both emotionally and materially, and you tend to benefit
from partnership or managing others' resources and talents. Support tends to come
easily to you. You are not easily shocked by taboos.

Saturn in Twelfth House

Uranus in Third House

Neptune in Fourth House

Your childhood was likely complicated, likely due to an unusually sensitive, absent,
preoccupied, or confusing parental figure, or someone you perceived as such. Early home
life may have been chaotic in some manner, and you might have failed to achieve a
strong sense of identity and groundedness as a result. You might long for a more robust
sense of home, family, or mothering and nurture in your life. This might lead you to
create an extended family of sorts that includes non-family and helps you to feel loved
and nurtured. Or, you might be a nurturing figure yourself, giving of yourself quite freely,
and perhaps hoping to receive unconditional love and nurturing in return. If you feel that
you often become a "doormat," then it will be important to set some limits. Alternatively,
you might have frequent needs to escape into solitude to replenish your spirit. You might
isolate yourself from others needlessly or avoid obligations because they overwhelm you.
Seeing your family and your childhood in a realistic light may be challenging for you, as
you have many dreams and inflated expectations from home and family which can
interfere with your perceptions. You might swing from over-idealizing them to
impressions that they are far more challenging than they actually are/were, and in both
cases, you are going to extremes. Make it a goal to see family more clearly.

Pluto in Second House

When it comes to building your resources, your instincts are powerful. You might find it
hard to let go of things, attaching much sentimental value to your possessions or holding
on to them because you fear poverty -- or because you fear a feeling of helplessness and
wanting. You can feel a powerful need for control over your money and possessions. You
could be driven to make money. Others taking something from you without asking, even
right in front of you, could be especially irritating to you. It's not about being stingy--you
simply have a strong sense of ownership and prefer to be asked. You may experience
some form of loss in your life in order to learn lessons of change, and that strength,
worth, value, and wealth come from within. You are excellent at strategy and planning
when it comes to finances, and you can spot a good deal or objects of value instinctively.
Your advice on these matters can be invaluable to others.

Chiron in Ninth House

Black Moon Lilith in Eighth House

North Node in Third House

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node)
suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped and
overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to
these specific qualities: the South Node represents our overdeveloped
character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here,
but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we
may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North
Node suggests the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve
inner balance.
With your North Node in the third house, your South Node is naturally in the ninth house.

You're encouraged to seek out facts and figures to balance out your beliefs and hunches
with the North Node in the 3rd house of your natal chart. Paying more attention to your
daily affairs can improve your life tremendously, particularly your confidence and sense
of order. Aim to adapt on a mental level, and maintain some impartiality more often in
your life for a stronger feeling of balance and a sense of being whole. Your desire to be
free is strong, but you're likely to live in a state of chaos until you discipline yourself to
make yourself present in your daily affairs. Taking the time to listen, learn, and organize
can do wonders for your peace of mind.

Part of Fortune in Ninth House

Vertex in Fifth House

A spect s

Sun Trine Moon (orb 5°30')

With the Sun and Moon in harmony with one another in your natal chart, generally
speaking, your emotions and will are at peace with one another, suggesting a reasonably
balanced personality. The "messages" you received in childhood were explicit, or at least
not contradictory overall, and you have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of
harmony than most people. You can be personally popular, likely because you expect
harmony in your relationships. You are unusually open to relationships, and you're
attractive to others. A certain level of self-confidence and a sense of security make you
quite easy to deal with on many levels. Your relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at

Because your expectation of harmony is well-developed, you may not be prepared for
conflict, and you might often avoid rocking the boat. In fact, you may often acquiesce, if
only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony. After all, conflict is something you not
only dislike, it’s something you may fear. In some ways, you may be too accepting–of
yourself and others. You may benefit from questioning life more often, or you run the risk
of taking things for granted.

Your vitality is usually good and quite constant. Unless other parts of your chart strongly
suggest otherwise, you are not a very hard-driving person, but your constitution is
strong. You seem less prone to the kinds of ups and downs that plague those with
challenging aspects between the Sun and Moon. This is because your goals and
emotional needs are in harmony, despite being different. You have a fantastic ability to
understand your limits, and this positively impacts your life in many areas.

Sun Conjunction North Node (orb 1°50')

Sun Sextile Vertex (orb 2°46')

Sun Opposition Midheaven (orb 3°34')

Moon Trine Mercury (orb 3°48')

Moon Square Neptune (orb 3°45')

Mercury Opposition Part of Fortune (orb 5°40')

Venus Square Mars (orb 1°10')

Venus Sextile Saturn (orb 0°33')

Venus Quincunx Part of Fortune (orb 1°28')

Mars Trine Uranus (orb 1°32')

Mars Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 2°38')

Mars Sextile Ascendant (orb 2°52')

Jupiter Trine Neptune (orb 5°18')

With Jupiter trine Neptune in the birth chart, you have an intuitive or spiritual approach
to solving problems and a compassionate and tolerant worldview or perspective. You
believe in your dreams, and perhaps humanity in general, more so than most. You care
for the underdog, you're hospitable, and you look out for the vulnerable. There can be a
natural love of rousing music, art, religion, ceremony, and drama. This influence is often
connected with a kind of spiritual protection or helping hand. Ideally, you also have
sensible aspects in your chart that help you deal with the practical world.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto (orb 5°24')

Saturn Square Uranus (orb 0°55')

With Saturn square Uranus in your natal chart, there may seem to be more abrupt
changes, shake-ups, or disruptions in your life than the average person. This is especially
so if an inner planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) is involved with the Saturn-
Uranus square. Otherwise, the effects are more general and not as personal as other
influences in your chart.

It can be difficult to call you progressive or traditional since you're very much both of
these things! When you feel the desire to adapt and move forward, you might frequently
feel stuck or tied down by your duties, obligations, or traditions. Mood changes can be
extreme at times due to this inner struggle between wanting to break free and needing
to follow the rules.

You might often feel pulled between sharply different urges–handling your responsibilities
or living up to others' expectations of you and breaking free from expectations or
obligations. Finding a balance between these two urges can be a real struggle in your

You might maintain an unhealthy pattern in which you bottle things up and then burst
with frustration. You might wrestle with decisions more than most, particularly when
considering making a change in your life. The desire to do things in new and improved
ways can be strong, but you might worry too much about doing them well, suffering
some self-consciousness when faced with something brand new. Overcoming the fear of
making useful changes is vital to your growth and fulfillment, as well as immensely

You can feel extremes of feeling and reaction--tensions escalate quickly. You might often
feel divided or indecisive, torn between two opposite inclinations, which complicates life.
Certainly, you're fascinated and sometimes tormented by the impact of every small
decision on your life. You might often resent restrictions, more so than most, and you
could find that you're often irritable as a result of this sensitivity. However, you're also
quite resilient.

Your traditions are often unusual, and you're likely to have mathematical ability, or at
least a keen interest in how things work. You might enjoy tinkering and experimenting,
attracted to inventions and innovations.

Saturn Square Part of Fortune (orb 2°2')

Uranus Opposition Part of Fortune (orb 1°7')

Uranus Sextile Ascendant (orb 4°23')

Neptune Sextile Pluto (orb 0°6')

Chiron Square Vertex (orb 2°1')

Chiron Trine Ascendant (orb 4°44')

North Node Sextile Vertex (orb 0°57')

North Node Opposition Midheaven (orb 1°44')

Part of Fortune Trine Ascendant (orb 5°30')

Vertex Trine Midheaven (orb 0°47')

Ascendant Square Midheaven (orb 5°58')

Com pare House Syst em s

Carlos's Planets' and Points' House Positions By House System

Alcabitius 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 8
Campanus 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 8-9
Equal 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 8
Koch 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 8-9
Meridian 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 9
Morinus 4 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 9
Placidus 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 9
Porphyry 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 8-9
Regiomontanus 3 7 3 2 11 8 11 - 12 3 4 2 9
Topocentric 3 7 3 2 11 8 12 3 4 2 9
Vehlow 4 7-8 3 2 11 9 12 3 4 2 9
Whole Sign 4 8 4 3 12 9 1 4 5 3 9
Carlos's House Cusps
HOUSE SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Alcabitius 29°  30' 07" 27°  57' 25" 26°  33' 34" 23°  32' 08" 25°  04' 40" 26°  07' 26" 29°  30' 07"
Campanus 29°  30' 07" 28°  56' 06" 26°  03' 34" 23°  32' 08" 23°  47' 50" 26°  53' 45" 29°  30' 07"
Equal 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07" 29°  30' 07"
Koch 29°  30' 07" 27°  34' 12" 25°  41' 25" 23°  32' 08" 1°  53' 06" 1°  37' 42" 29°  30' 07"
Meridian 18°  43' 08" 20°  22' 03" 22°  51' 47" 23°  32' 08" 21°  52' 10" 19°  32' 29" 18°  43' 08"
Morinus 23°  32' 08" 21°  52' 10" 19°  32' 29" 18°  43' 08" 20°  22' 03" 22°  51' 47" 23°  32' 08"
Placidus 29°  30' 07" 22°  18' 55" 20°  20' 59" 23°  32' 08" 28°  44' 47" 1°  17' 49" 29°  30' 07"
Porphyry 29°  30' 07" 27°  30' 47" 25°  31' 27" 23°  32' 08" 25°  31' 27" 27°  30' 47" 29°  30' 07"
Regiomontanus 29°  30' 07" 22°  45' 14" 19°  17' 20" 23°  32' 08" 1°  58' 33" 4°  13' 53" 29°  30' 07"
Topocentric 29°  30' 07" 22°  18' 54" 20°  21' 17" 23°  32' 08" 28°  35' 23" 1°  11' 38" 29°  30' 07"
Vehlow 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07" 14°  30' 07"
Whole Sign 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00" 0°  00' 00"

You might also try the Natal Chart generator in our Free Report section.

Some notes about this birth chart calculator:

Please be patient when entering your birth city to allow the program to call up the
list of locations as sometimes it’s not instantaneous. If you’re just not getting
results and can’t submit, it may be that the atlas is busy (GeoNames has certain
limits per hour and per day). In this case, you can use this same tool on my sister
site, Astrology Cafe here.

It’s important to enter the city name only or the first several letters of the city in
the Birth City field, not the country or state/province/region. For example, if you
were born in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, you should enter “fuzhou” or similar and not
“fujian” or “china.” It’s better not to overtype – for best results, type in the CITY
name and scroll through the list for the correct city.

**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time
zone offset. Please don’t adjust the time zone offset unless you know for certain
what you’re doing since the default offsets incorporate crucial factors (such as
daylight savings time), and are in the majority of cases accurate for births after
1970. There are some discrepancies in all historical time zone atlases, particularly
for birth years before 1970, however, so if you need help with the time zone offset
value, send an email to Be sure to mention why you’re
writing and include full birth data. **Note that the atlas in this software is not as
particular about historical time zones (before 1970 births) as the atlas in our Free
Report Section, but is excellent for post-1970 time zones. It is always a good idea
to check up on older dates since time zone changes, especially regarding Daylight
Saving Time, were erratic in some areas and not well-documented.

I have received many emails from people who feel they should be changing the +/-
value of the time zone offset number, quoting time converter formulas. Doing so will
give you incorrect results. Please see the FAQ here for the reasons not to change
the +/- value. Bottom line: astrology software converts local time to UT and not
vice versa, and the +/- values produced by this software are correct.

Do you prefer Whole Sign houses? If so, you can create your free natal chart report
with Whole Sign houses here. We also have a birth chart generator that draws the
chart using Koch houses and using Equal houses.

You can also produce a free chart wheel with a list of planetary positions only
(without the interpretations).

See also Cafe Astrology’s Free Reports site, including full interpretations of the natal
chart, transits, and compatibility.

Note about house systems: If you’re new to astrology, simply stick with the Placidus
house system on this page and later in your studies, you can explore different house
systems. Mind you, many astrologers do end up sticking with Placidus after further study.
Using Placidus is not a sign of an unevolved astrologer, in other words, as some will have
you believe!

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