Lec 18

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Heat Exchangers: Fundamentals and Design Analysis

Prof. Prashanta Kumar Das

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 18
Extended Surface Heat Transfer: Some Example

Hello everyone, again we are starting a new topic of Heat Exchangers and you if you can
recall that we have started discussing different augmentation techniques and then we
have told that extended surfaces or fins they are very versatile augmentation technique,
they are passive technique they do not need any auxiliary power. But, they can be used in
various condition for various modes of heat transfer on various geometry. And by some
innovative design we can have both increase in surface area whenever we are using any
kind of extended surface or field primarily we get increase in surface area.

But, at the same time by our innovative design we can also enhance the heat transfer
coefficient convictive heat transfer coefficient. So, there is a double gain in many cases
and we can have a good amount of heat transfer enhancement by providing extended
surfaces of fins. And extended surfaces or fins are very extensively used for gas side heat
transfer augmentation, though they are used for liquid side heat transfer augmentation or
heat transfer augmentation for phase change cases, but mainly they are used for gas side
heat transfer augmentation.

And, what we want to do today we like to take several example because fins are
extended surface heat transfer devices are very important, we want to take several
examples particularly numerical example. How the calculation or estimation can be done
for extended surface heat transfer?
(Refer Slide Time: 02:17)

So, first this is kind of a it is not ma truly speaking a heat exchanger problem, but
basically a heat transfer problem, but we will have some idea that how fin calculation
can be done very simple case I have taken. What we have done is like this that we have
taken a fin on a plane surface and this fin is a very narrow cylinder. These type of fins are
called pin fins.

So, only one fin is there whose diameter is d and length is L and all the information’s are
given here. It is said that an aluminum pin fin of uniform diameter 2 millimeter, length
10 millimeter is attached to a hot surface with a temperature of 200 degree Celsius. If the
fin is cooled by passing air across it at 15 degree Celsius resulting in a heat transfer
coefficient of 100 watt per meter square Kelvin calculate the rate of the transfer from the
fin, its effectiveness and efficiency.

For doing this we need the thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity of aluminum is
250 watt per meter Kelvin. Many of you have done this kind of problems while you have
studied heat transfer, but for the benefit of everyone and for the sake of generality let us
have a very simple problem at the beginning. So, data given are this thing that is
diameter of the pin fin is 2 millimeter, length is 10 millimeter you see from here you will
get some idea the length is at least 5 times more than the diameter. Then h heat transfer
coefficient that is also given 100 watt per meter square Kelvin and thermal conductivity
of the fin material that is 250 watt per meter Kelvin. Fluid temperature T f is 15 degree
Celsius T b that is the base temperature of the fin and that is 200 degree Celsius.

Theta b we define theta b that is the temperature difference between the base and the
fluid that is 185 degree Celsius. Cross sectional area of the fin through which heat
transfer takes place that is pi by 4 d square and we get this and then perimeter of the fin
that is the a length. So, perimeter of the fin is equal to pi d so, we have calculated the
value if you go to the next slide now.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:10)

So, that we have to calculate the thermo geometric parameter which is the most
important parameter of fin design that is m it is under root h P by k A c, where h is the
heat transfer coefficient, P is the perimeter of the fin, k is the thermal conductivity and A
c is the cross sectional area. Putting all these values we will get 28.27 per meter; that
means, meter to the power 1 that is what the unit of m is. So, m the unit of m is meter to
the power minus 1.

For fin having insulated tip heat transfer is given by the formula given below see in most
of the cases in heat transfer calculation we are going to achieve insulated pin fin. Now,
here I like to mention that I have shown the analysis of fin this way only, but there are
other ways of analyzing fin taking a heat transfer from the fin tip or taking a given
temperature at the fin tip or assuming that the fin is infinitely long.
So, ultimately it achieves the atmospheric temperature of the surrounding fluid. All these
things are there and these are text book material of heat transfer any standard heat
transfer book. But, amongst them the insulated fin tip is most commonly used, there are
many reasons for that first thing is that in many cases in heat exchanger we will find that
the fin tip is really insulated.

That means there is no heat transfer from the fin tip, we do not provide any insulation on
there, but the design is such that from the fin tip there is no heat transfer. So, that is one
point, second point the loss of heat is very small from the fin tip. So, if we assume that
the fin tip is not taking part in the transfer our estimations are not wrong. Third point is
that in many cases what we can do? We can do an approximation.

We can correct the length of the fin taking into account that there is some amount of heat
transfer from the fin tip and yet we use the formula for fin with insulated tip. Because,
that formula is easier to use compared to using a formula for convictive heat loss from
the fin. So, that is what we will do in the entire exercise or whatever numerical examples
I will present we will assume the fin tip to be insulated.

So, what we have done we have the fin having insulated tip the heat transfer is given by
q f fin heat transfer that is under root h P k A c into theta b into tan hyperbolic m L, m is
the thermo geometric parameter which already we have calculated, L is the length of the
fin and theta b also we have calculated in our previous slide I have shown you. So,
putting all this value we will get k f is equal to 1.1275 watt. So, for a single fin a fin
provided over the hot surface this will be the heat transfer.

Now, this point we will come back once I mean again in much detail that on a heat
transfer surface rarely we find a single fin. So, there will be number of fins and in that
case we have to calculate: what is the heat transfer from all the fins. Not only that, there
will be spaces in between fin we also want to know that what will be the heat transfer
from the inter fin spaces, then we will be able to find out what is the total heat transfer
from the fin surface.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:38)

Now, for the single fin, the fin a effectiveness we can find out what is the heat transfer
from the fin and what is the heat transfer without the fin and fin effectiveness by giving
the formula by using the formula which although already I have told and here also I have
written. So, it is coming 19.4. So, in simple words what does it mean? It means that if we
do not have a fin and we propose to use a fin by using a single fin we can have this much
amount of heat transfer enhancement ok, very larger amount of heat transfer
enhancement we can have. So, this is what is say, I mean given by this particular
calculation. So, this really justifies use of the fin, then fin efficiency. So, first it justifies
the use of the fin but, then let us see how good is the fin we are using.

So, there it is fin efficiency the fin heat transfer and the maximum heat transfer that
could be possible by a fin of same geometry and it is 0.9704. So, it is a very high
efficiency, suppose we decide to use this geometry from some other consideration then
our fin design for this case means the length of the fin the material of the fin etcetera we
have selected in such a way. So, that we are getting 97 percent capability of an ideal fin.
So, really one can think of that this design is good. So, time to time we have to calculate
the effectiveness and the efficiency of the fin to check whether we have done a good job
or not.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:45)

Now let us take another problem, this problem is from the book of R. K. Shah and
Sekulic on heat exchanger. Basically though it is associated with a heat exchanger, but
the problem is one can take this as a simple heat transfer problem in problem. Let us read
the problem, a plate fin heat exchanger has 24 millimeter high, 0.12 millimeter thick
rectangular fins with a fin density of 600 fins per meter. The heat transfer coefficient for
air flow over the fins is 170 watt per meter square Kelvin. Determine the fin efficiency if
the fins are made from copper with a thermal conductivity of 401 watt per meter Kelvin.

If the fin thickness is reduced to 0.06 millimeter what happens to the fin efficiency and
associated heat transfer rate? How would you change the fin density to bring the same
level of heat transfer performance with the thinner fins. If you idealize that there is no
change in heat transfer coefficient with the change in fin density. Now, change the fin
material from copper to aluminum with the thermal conductivity as 237 watt per meter
square Kelvin. Discuss the implication of fin efficiency and heat transfer of changing the
material from copper to aluminum. The mass densities of this materials are given for
aluminum; obviously, it is much lighter and copper it is having a I mean the density of
copper is higher.

So, some data are given, heat transfer coefficient data is given that is one sib 170 watt
per meter square Kelvin, length is given, then copper fins the thickness is given, then
conductivity of the fin k f that is given, density of fins per meter that is given and then
copper fin we are considering 2 cases, one is 0.12 millimeter and another is 0.06
millimeter thickens. So, all the data are given ok. Now, let us go to the next diagram.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:25)

So, in the left hand side how the fins are there in a plate fin heat exchanger that is shown;
so, plate fin heat exchanger if you notice carefully this will be explained when we will
ma like to discuss plate fin heat exchanger, but here in connection with fins let us have
some idea. So, you see these are 2 plates, in between there are fins like this. So, you see
these are very thin and this one acts as a longitudinal fin, this one acts as a longitudinal

And you see if we assume that the both the plates are at same temperature then one can
think of that this is the base of the fin and here at the mid plate we will have the thin tip
at insulated condition. This is very important to appreciate that most of the fins we have
seen that it is attached to the base and it goes out of the primary surface and the tip is not
connected to any solid surface. But here, it is kind of a surface which is connected
between other 2 surfaces which are at 90 degree which are at 90 degree to the fin.

Then there is no free end so, one can assume as if it is made up of 2 fins, one fin is
attached to the upper plate, another fin is attached to the lower plate. So, this is the base
condition of one fin, this is the base condition of other fin and at the mean plane the fin is
insulated is having insulated tip.
Similar thing one can assume. So, if the total length is given b as 2 L then length of this
fin will be L only. So, this is what is given in the left hand side diagram sorry right hand
side diagram. Left hand side diagram what is there? Left hand side diagram a very
convenient chart is given by which fin efficiency can be estimated without doing a and
elaborate calculation.

So, at the top we have a straight fin whose thickness is delta, length is L and if the heat
transfer coefficient is given and the thermal conductivity is given then what we can do?
We can calculate the this thing m L we can calculate and as a function of m L we can
find out what is the efficiency of the fin that this straight field. Then below there are
number of a curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 curves are there below the top curve. So, they are for
radial fin or annual fin or sometimes they are called circular fins; that means, fin around
a circular tube. So, here what we need? We have to calculate m into r e minus r o, r e and
r o those these 2 things are given ok.

So, if the fin geometry is known r o should be known, r e should be known we can
calculate this and m is a thermo geometric parameter. How to calculate m we have
discussed and again we will see how to calculate m. So, if that is known then it depends
inefficiency of the circular fin depends on any multiplied by r e into r o and r e by r o.
So, there are this 4 different curves or 5 different curves are for different r e by r o other
values for other values we have to do interpolation.

So, with this we can calculate or estimate the efficiency of the circular fin without going
into some sort of a tedious calculation which involves basal function. So, you know that
in the estimation of efficiency for this one straight fin we need to have the hyperbolic
trigonometric function and for the estimation of this circular fin we need to have the
basal function. Now, if we want to avoid this thing that can be done for ready calculation,
for quick calculation and then this curve will be very or this graph will be very useful.
So, these are kind of data given or the solution of the problem. So, now, let us move to
the solution.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:34)

So, what we have to determine? We have to determine the change in the fin efficiency
and heat transfer rate if the copper fin thickness is changed from 0.12 millimeter to 0.06
millimeter. Next thing we have to do is the change in fin density for the same heat
transfer when reducing the fin thickness from 0.12 to 0.06 millimeter. And third how the
fin efficiency is changed if the fin material is changed from copper to aluminum keeping
the same fin geometry: what are the other design implications. What we assume? We
assume the heat transfer coefficient does not change if we change the fin density heat
transfer coefficient.

We have what we are doing? We are changing the fin thickness accordingly sometimes
we are changing the fin density how many fins will be there on a particular length, but
our heat transfer coefficient does not change. So, this is one assumption, this assumption
is not truly correct. But, just to get an idea that what is the effect of fin density, what is
the effect of fin material on this simplified assumption we are working ok. So, first let us
try to find out.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:02)

The efficiency of a copper fin we have calculated m and m you see m how it is calculated
giving all the values etcetera. And then what we have done? We have um putting all the
values we got 84.057 meter to the power 1 that is your m. So, with m we have got m L
and with this formula we have got the fin efficiency is equal to 0.759 now here we are
calculating. So, what is the point of having that curve? So, we can go to the to that curve
I have shown in the previous slide some previous slide and let us see we can a I will go
back to this curve and let us see that what we will do from that curve.

So, let us say that efficiency for this straight fin we do not want to calculate, we want to
get from the curve. So, m L value we have got and from the m L value we can get
directly from the efficiency that is one way of doing it, you I am requesting you to check
what by calculation we have got whether from this curve we are getting the same value
or not; another way that we calculate the hyperbolic trigonometric function, tan
hyperbolic and then we calculate the fin efficiency alright.

So, fin efficiency we have calculated and then if the fin thickness is reduced; obviously,
our fin efficiency will be lower. In the first case it is it is 7.759775 percent or 76 percent
in the sec c see a second case it is 62 percent. So, we get an idea that if we reduce the fin
thickness fin efficiency falls.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:59)

Well then what we do that there is an 80 percent reduction. So, what we can do? If we
increase the fin density number of fins per unit length then we can again recover the
same amount of heat transfer. Now, this has been discussed, now what we can do
changing the fin material from copper to aluminum and then all the calculation again one
can be one can do. And here the efficiency we are getting 0.659 with our 12 millimeter of
let me see yes, 12 millimeter of same thickness we are getting 0.659 efficiency. So,
obviously, from copper if we switch over to aluminum and keeping everything constant.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:58)

Then there will be a falling efficiency, here we were we got the 2 efficiencies, we got that
there is 18 percent reduction in heat duty if we move from 12 millimeter sorry 12 0.12
millimeter thickness to 0.06 millimeter thickness. And then we are considering the
change of fin material from copper to aluminum. We have kept everything alright
uniform 0.12 millimeter thickness of the fin and with that we get an efficiency of 0.659;
that means, 66 percent efficiency we are getting, which is less than our efficiency of
copper fin and it is expected.

Then what we like to do that we want to make some sort of a comparison, it is like this
that copper is a costly material, then there were and again it is heavier material. So, there
was a tendency there is a tendency that if we can replace the copper tins by aluminum
tins. Now, again there is another comparison can be made between these two material
copper is having larger strength compared to aluminum. So, the way we can use thin
copper fins we cannot use thin aluminum fins; that means, the minimum thickness of
copper which we can use in our fin design the same minimum thickness we cannot use
for aluminum fin design.

So, here it is very important, we can see that changing the material from copper to
aluminum reduces a fin efficiency from 76 percent to 66 percent; however, if we
compare 0.12 millimeter thick aluminum fin with 0.06 millimeter copper fin then the fin
efficiency is about the same. That means, let us say we have seen earlier 2 cases. In one
case we have used 0.06 millimeter thickness of fin and if we take that is one design
option and on another side we have got another design option that is 0.12 millimeter
thick aluminum fin then the efficiencies are comparative ok.

Now, let us make another kind of a comparison, now let us compare the material used for
the 2 fins that 0.12 millimeter of aluminum fin and 0.06 millimeter of copper fin. And
then since the mass densities of aluminum is much lower compared to the mass density
of copper we can make and we can make a comparison like this aluminum thin material
and that is the thin material.

This is the density, this is copper fin material and this is the density and you see by
comparing them or by taking a ratio we get 0.6; that means, for same kind of heat
transfer if you use copper we can we need to use only 60 percent aluminum. So, it makes
the material use much less it makes the weight of the equipment much less that could be
that could have some relevance for equipment which are not stationary which are
moving. Because, the weight if weight of a moving equipment is larger than the traction
power is more; so, by providing aluminum fin aluminum parts etcetera lighter parts. So,
what we can do we can reduce the we can reduce the tractive power without sacrificing
the heat transfer.

So, this is one point I like you to keep in mind and with this I like to end today’s lecture.

Thank you.

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