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Immigration Reform Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of immigration reform can be quite challenging for several reasons.
Firstly, it's a complex and multifaceted issue that encompasses legal, economic, social, and political
aspects, making it difficult to address comprehensively within the confines of an essay. Secondly,
the topic often elicits strong emotions and diverse opinions, which can make it challenging to present
a balanced and nuanced argument that considers various perspectives. Additionally, researching this
topic requires delving into a plethora of data, statistics, and scholarly articles to support arguments
effectively, adding another layer of difficulty.

Furthermore, writing about immigration reform necessitates a deep understanding of historical

contexts, current policies, and potential implications of proposed reforms. This requires not only
extensive research but also critical analysis and synthesis of information from reliable sources.

Moreover, discussing immigration reform involves navigating sensitive issues such as human rights,
cultural integration, national security, and economic impact, which requires careful consideration of
language and tone to avoid inadvertently offending or alienating readers.

In conclusion, writing an essay on immigration reform demands a significant amount of time, effort,
and expertise to thoroughly examine the complexities of the topic, present well-supported arguments,
and navigate the intricacies of discussing a contentious issue diplomatically.

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Immigration Reform Essay Immigration Reform Essay
The Effects Of Global Warming On The Environment And...
The phenomena of global warming are the main factors that lead to the world climate
change. The phenomena give a bad impact on the environmental quality that includes
uncertainly of world temperature and a rising sea level (Maslin, 2004). According the
Smith (2005) the other bad impact on global warming is, increased a greenhouse gaseous
emissions, higher atmospheric temperatures, intense precipitation, and increased indoor
discomfort. The environmental problem and pollution is becoming a global nightmare
and commonly affects the urban areas. This also gives many negative environmental
impacts on the society and ecological system. The increase in the greenhouse gaseous
emissions have led to the urban heat island phenomenon, which is the... Show more
content on ...
As the CO2 in the atmosphere increases, the ability of the earth s surface to reradiate heat
to Deforestation is believed to be another major cause of global warming. The cutting and
burning of about 34 million acres of trees each year resulted in an increase of 25% carbon
dioxide entering the atmosphere Ismail et al. (2010). Environmental pollution is
becoming more common in the urban areas and has produced many negative
environmental impacts to society. One of the effects is an urban heat island phenomenon
in which the temperature in urban areas is higher than the surrounding area. Climate
change not only gives impact to the environment but also to the natural heating and
cooling processes of buildings. The warmer outside temperature will affect the indoor
temperature and thermal comfort of buildings. When the outdoor air temperature
increases, buildings will experience indoor discomfort and this situation will lead to a
higher demand for mechanical ventilation and increased energy consumption in
buildings. Various studies have shown that passive and low energy cooling are the most
preferred techniques used to minimise the solar load and conductive daytime heat gain
through the building. Climate change does not only give an impact on the
The Pros And Cons Of Costa Rica
10. Conclusions Since 1985 and after a severe economic crisis Costa Rica has been
implemented a trade liberalization and a foreign investment attraction policy as a core
development program. With a FTA with the United States, the country consolidated a
long relationship with its largest trading partner. Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative all
countries of Central America enjoyed preferential treatment for almost all its exports.
However, the unilateral nature of the CBI had weaknesses and uncertainties that
jeopardized growth and thousands of jobs. This issue gained recognition and moved up
to the political agenda of the region. Consequently, Costa Rica had to support the Treaty
to avoid the loss of its competitive edge in the continent.... Show more content on ...
CAFTA had the support of the Government, mass media and most part of the productive
sector, while the opposition encompassed labour unions, cooperatives, students and other
social groups without big economic resources. Although one week before the
referendum, final polls predicted a victory for the NO Group , one day before the
election a statement of the White House rejecting a renegotiation in case of a disapproval
of the Treaty changed the course of action. In October 2007, Costa Rica narrowly
approved the agreement (51.6% in favor and 48.4% against), enabling its entry into force
at the beginning of 2009. During 2008 the Government focused its attention on
reaffirming their obligations under the Agreement with the approval of a body of laws
included in the Implementation Agenda. For this reason, complementary reforms needed
to take advantage of the benefits of CAFTA and to reduce its disadvantages were moved
into the background. Three funds from international organizations were insufficient on
the promotion of projects to support the local production, while compensation policies to
mitigate the negative distributive effects were
Leadership, Management And Communication Skills
I have been married 25 years to my wonderful husband, Rick. I have 2 beautiful daughters,
Kimberly and Kaitlyn. Kimberly is currently attending Washburn University and Kaitlyn
attends Seaman High School.

I graduated from Nemaha Valley High School in Seneca, Kansas. Beyond high school,
my education has been learned from on the job experience.

I have leadership, management and communication skills. In addition, I have the abilities
to multi task, problem solve, listen attentively, and teach effectively.

I began my career with the State of Kansas in August of 1985 as a Clerk Typist II with
the Kansas State Board of Agriculture (now the Kansas Department of Agriculture). I was
self motivated and knew I ... Show more content on ...
The majority of my years of service (1988 2014) have been with the SCC and in 2011
Governor Brownback combined SCC with the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA).
Throughout my years of employment with SCC/KDA, I advanced my career
significantly with on the job experience, involvement within the agency, willingness to
learn new tasks, and volunteering to do tasks or special projects for the department. With
the SCC/KDA, I held the following positions: Secretary II, Office Specialist,
Administrative Officer, Accounting Specialist, Program Consultant I, Program
Consultant II, Public Service Executive I, and the last held position of Public Service
Executive III. In June 2014, the SCC/KDA was relocated to Manhattan, Kansas. The
relocation caused me to look for employment in Shawnee County as I live in Topeka,
Kansas. In November 2014, I obtained a Public Service Executive position with the
Department of Administration, KTOP team.



I have only been employed with the Department of Administration for a little over a year,
so I am unfamiliar with the different OCFO team functions. At this time, the only area
that sparks my interest is with the State Revolving Fund as I was previously employed
with the SCC/KDA for 26 years, and our agency had interactions with KDHE in
conjunction with the State Revolving
Effective Communication Among Every Group Member
team legitimately needs to complete the task.

Work group Features Group must work for common objectives of their group. There must
be mutual understanding between group members. There must be predefined rules and
regulations for every group member. There should be effective communication among
every group member. (Wride, 2012)

Supervisory Encouragement Most managers and supervisors can encourage creativity by

offering due recognition and credit to their team members. Managers can also support
creativity by serving as a role model, persevering through tough problem, as well as
encouraging trust, collaboration and communication within the team.

Organizational Support Encouragement from supervisors certainly fosters creativity, ...

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2] T. Bateman and H. O Neill, The Goals of the Top Manager: A General Taxonomy and
Customized Hierarchies, Working manuscript, University of North Carolina, 1999.

3] White Paper: Innovation in the workplace a multi level approach drawn from academic
research Penni Wolfgramm 19th September 2011.

4] Riesman, F. K., Hartz, T. A. (2010).Crafting a Culture of Creativity and Innovation the

Talent Management Handbook: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage by
Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the Best People.

5] Christensen, C., Dyer, J., Gregerson, H. (2011). The Innovator s DNA: Mastering the
five skills of disruptive innovators. Boston: Mass, Harvard Business Press.

6] Zenith International Journal of Business Economics Management Research.2012.vol.6

7] T.M. Amabile, Motivational Synergy: Toward New Conceptualizations of Intrinsic and

Extrinsic Motivation in the Workplace, Human Resource Management Review. 3 (1993):
185 201.

8] Amabile, T. M. (1998).How to kill creativity (pp. 77 87).Harvard Business School


9] Harnessing Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace by Olivier Serrat.2009.vol.69.

10] Special Edition on Innovation in Organizations November 2012, Illumination.APS.

Shelley Logan.

11] Sternberg, R. J., Lubart, T. I. (1999). The concept of creativity: Prospects and
12] Brouwer, M.T. (2002), Weber,
Stephen Crane s Maggie, A Girl Of The Streets
Stephen Crane s novella Maggie, A Girl of the Streets is the story of a young girl
named Maggie and how she blossomed in a mud puddle only to die by drowning after
being heartbroken by the man Pete. Pete and the Johnson family s relationship is one
that describes a common occurrence in their tenement neighborhood and it is shown
through imagery, comparisons, and dialogue. First of all, Stephen Crane uses imagery
to establish the difference between Pete and the Johnson family. Pete is, through
Maggie s eyes, a supreme warrior. When, in an an encounter with another older man,
told that he would be damned to everlastin pe dition , Pete responded by saying Deh
hell I am . Pete has a large ego and considers him to be above going to hell. He is high
and mighty, or at least higher than the Johnson family, even though he has a flawed
personality and is from the same tenement neighborhood as the Johnson family. The
Johnson family in the other hand is below him. Their home is a ruin with a floor strewn
with wreckage. Their window curtains are hung by one tack and there are heaps of
sullen grey ashes. The Johnson family is a broken mess and they are characterized
through the appearance of their home, which is also... Show more content on ...
Pete is always above Maggie and her family. Literally, Pete is introduced on the paper
first and the Johnson family comes after his paragraphs. When Pete finds Maggie she
is in a work black dress... in the midst of a floor . To Maggie, she marvelled at him and
surrounded him with greatness. She believes that he must have looked down upon her.
If Maggie is the flower that bloomed in the mud puddle, then Pete is her sun and Nellie
is the clouds which block out the sun. Maggie is dependent on Pete, she looks up to
him, loves him, and like a flower that gets no sunlight, she dies once he leaves
Systematic Study Of Avalanche Effect
Systematic study of Avalanche effect in Triple DES using various Binary codes
Radhika Rani Chintala 1, Pujyasri Jetty 2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2Student, Department of Computer Science and
K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. ABSTRACT
The usage of internet and its applications has increased tremendously in our day to day
lives. We are utilizing the internet for various purposes such as communication, gathering
the information, educational purpose, financial transactions, real time updates etc...
Sensitive data and information ... Show more content on ...
In this paper we implement Triple DES algorithms in which the plain text is encoded
using various binary coded decimal systems such as 8421, 7421, 5421, excess 3, gray
code etc...before encrypting it and then observe the avalanche effect. Variations in the
avalanche affect are observed in the results. Experimental results exhibit a higher
avalanche effect when the plain text is encoded in some of the binary coded decimal
Keywords: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES (3DES), Avalanche effect,
Binary code.

Information security is of prime concern as data is being transmitted digitally. A system
must provide the essential security services such as authentication, data integrity, data
confidentiality, non repudiation, access control, availability [1]. Cryptography is the study
of techniques that provide a means for secure communication. It enables the transmission
of the information over insecure channels. It ensures that the data is being accessed or is
understood by the authorized persons only. Encryption algorithms are one such
mechanism that provide the data security. They are used to encode the plain text into a
cipher text which is not in a readable format. The initial input data is known as the plain
text. The scrambling of the data in the plain text using various substitution and
permutation mechanisms is encryption. The scramble data obtained is not readable and
is the cipher text.
A Report On The s Performance Indicators, Current Status...
Company Reports One of the first reports used is the Company Dashboard Report.
This is a visual report displaying key performance indicators, current status of metrics,
and can be tailored for a department s metrics or the overall company metrics. The
dashboard provides data for a specific measure of time (Rouse, 2016) versus a
Scorecard, which provides it for a period of time. It is an important tool for any
business looking for departmental information. The information from this report
comes from within the company and provides a snapshot of where the company
stands. The PharmaSim dashboard shows a snapshot of the overview of the company
that includes revenue, gross margin, net income, and stock price. It also has a bar
chart based on the department s metrics. In this case, Allround s performance is shown
(Performance Summary Period 1, 2016). The last portion of the dashboard includes
customer comments from social media. This allows for the department to see
customer feedback on a real time basis and make decisions to improve brand
performance. The second report a company can utilize is the Performance Summary.
This report measures the success of a company over a period of time (Performance
Report, 2016). The example in the PharmaSim module shows the company s overall
summary for period 1 of the Allround brand and includes a summary of the decisions
made. A snapshot of this information can help a company decide which decisions are
making an impact on positive trending for

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