Start An Essay

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Start An Essay

Embarking on the journey of writing an essay with the topic "Start An Essay" is akin to navigating
uncharted waters. The very inception of the task demands a delicate balance between creativity and
structure, requiring the writer to grapple with the paradox of starting something that is, by its nature,
a commencement.

The challenge lies not only in crafting an engaging introduction but also in setting the tone for the
entire essay. Choosing the right words, constructing an attention-grabbing hook, and formulating a
thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of what follows—all of these aspects contribute to the
complexity of initiating the essay-writing process.

As the writer delves into the body paragraphs, the struggle intensifies. Striking a harmonious chord
between coherence and variety becomes paramount. Each paragraph must seamlessly flow into the
next, presenting arguments or ideas that build upon one another. The need for meticulous research
and a profound understanding of the topic adds an additional layer of intricacy.

Moreover, the conclusion poses a unique challenge in encapsulating the entire essay succinctly.
Summarizing the key points while leaving a lasting impression on the reader is a daunting task. It
requires a finesse that only comes with a profound understanding of the essay's purpose and the
ability to tie all loose ends together.

However, it is worth noting that this difficulty is not insurmountable. With dedication, practice, and a
strategic approach to essay writing, one can navigate through the complexities and emerge victorious.
Nevertheless, it is undeniable that the process demands time, effort, and a willingness to revise and
refine until the desired clarity and cohesiveness are achieved.

In conclusion, initiating an essay on the topic "Start An Essay" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a delicate dance between creativity, structure, and coherence. While the journey may be
arduous, the satisfaction of overcoming these challenges and producing a well-crafted piece makes
the endeavor worthwhile.

If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of essay writing or are pressed for time, consider
seeking assistance. offers a range of services, including custom essays tailored to
your specific needs. Similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the burden of the writing
Start An Essay Start An Essay
What Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy
What to Do If Someone You Love Has Neuropathy
If someone you love has neuropathy and suffers from chronic, often debilitating pain,
you probably know all too well how seriously it can wear a person down physically,
emotionally, spiritually and affect their overall quality of life. Sometimes though, it s
hard to know exactly what to do for someone who is chronically ill, especially when
you are also feeling the effects of your loved ones illness. While you can t solve all of
their problems, you can certainly be there to support them and help manage their
Understand their pain
The unique and complicated factors that surround neuropathy often make it difficult for
someone to communicate what they re going through. Particularly ... Show more content
on ...
On the other hand, the nerves may not send a pain signal even if something is injuring
Fighting pain can take everything a person has just to get through the day. Sometimes the
person may struggle so hard to cope with the constant onslaught of pain that they can t
see the stress they are inflicting on others. Don t take things personally and try to put
yourself in their shoes. Questioning his or her pain is hurtful to the person experiencing
it and can erode the relationship between you and your loved one.
How to help specifically with neuropathy
One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. In fact,
between 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy
according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. If
someone you love has neuropathic diabetes they may be experiencing pain, tingling, or
numbness (loss of feeling) in the hands, arms, feet and legs. And they could even have
nerve problems in every organ system, including the digestive tract, heart and sex organs.
The type of pain he or she feels depends on the type of neuropathy they have. There are
four classifications of diabetic neuropathy peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy,
proximal neuropathy and focal neuropathy and each affects different parts of the body in
a different way.
Clearly, the pain your loved one is experiencing is real, and because of the chronic pain
they may prefer to withdraw and
Extreme Canyoning Research Paper
There I was, standing on the edge of the Austrian Alps, and all I could think of was
certain death. Why I signed up my friends for an extreme canyoning experience is
beyond me, or as our Austrian tour guide eloquently put it, crazy Americans . The group
consisted of a group of close friends, some that I have known for over twenty years. That
day we tested our friendship to its physical limit. We had planned for this European
backpacking trip for months in advance and I suggested canyoning the Austrian Alps
prior to our Oktoberfest festivities. Collectively, we had zero experience trekking
mountains; naturally it made sense to sign up for the extreme package, which consisted
of a six hour gruelling test of mental, physical and emotional strength.... Show more
content on ...
I remember looking down at my hands and they were covered in blisters and blood.
My body was producing such a high amount of adrenaline that my hands were shaking
vigorously. Through the pain there was beauty. Our fifth and final jump was a
monster. The previous cliff jumps ranged anywhere from ten to twenty feet and the
final jump was a forty five foot jump into a canyon pool the size of a large hot tub. The
jump was surrounded by sharp rocks on all directions except one. You also had to run
and leap forward to avoid the rocks directly beneath us. A false step meant a serious
accident. Everyone was tense, there was no denying that and fear lurked around us.
You could see it in everyone s faces. I felt responsible, as I was the person that set up
the trip and convinced us to take the extreme option . I could not show fear, I needed
to lead and act by example. Without hesitation, Steve said, I can t do this! I am afraid!
With that I replied a saying that my grandmother told me a long time ago, So be
afraid! And then, do it anyway. I was the first to jump and the group followed through.
The water was freezing and I couldn t feel my extremities. At the base of the waterfall
we looked up in disbelief at what we had just done and laughed uncontrollably for what
seemed like a life time. We made it out alive with a great lesson learned. Rise above fear.
It is only a state of mind that anyone can
Walden As A Mirror, Walden
Reflections: Walden as a Mirror, Walden as a Lens
When Henry David Thoreau went to Walden Pond on July 4, 1845, he had no way of
knowing that 200 years later, Walden would be required reading for anyone with even a
passing interest in American literature, environmental literature, or intentional living. But
Walden is so much more than the story of one man s retreat into the woods to transact
some private business. Thoreau s disarming directness and naturalistic style aside,
Walden not an incidental text. With extensive revisions, distilling a little over two years
into one, every chapter, sentence and word of Walden has a purpose and place.
Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo is credited with saying, Every block of stone has a
statue ... Show more content on ...
In fact, aside from a brief reference to the cycle of the seasons, where Thoreau says that
he lived a summer and a winter life; saw how [he] could let the years run off, buffet the
winter through and see the spring come in, this chapter gains seasonal association
through the knowledge that Thoreau went to Walden in the summer. The Ponds brings us
explicitly into autumn progressing from a calm September afternoon, to such a day in
September or October, to a November after the severe frosts have come. The Pond in
Winter brings the seasonal theme into the title and finally the culmination of, Spring.
Where I Lived, and What I Lived For begins Walden s central narrative. Economy
addresses the practicalities and the surface narrative, but Where I Lived, and What I
Lived For lays out the groundwork for the extended metaphor that serves as Walden s
symbolic backbone. Time is but the stream I go a fishing in, I drink at; but while I drink
I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but
eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars,
Thoreau tells us at the end of the chapter. This quote illustrates two concepts that recur
again and again in Walden. First, the idea of water as simultaneously shallow and deep.
Thoreau first proclaims that he can see the bottom of the stream but then elaborates,
implying that there is something beyond the
Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays
Passover: 15th of Nisan (spring, March April)
The Passover in Hebrew is known as Pesach. It begins in the Sunset of Monday, April 10,
2017, and ends at the nightfall of Tuesday, April 18, 2017. The Pesach is depicted in the
book of Exodus 12:23. It describes the day when God passed over Israelites. During the
Passover, the Israelites usually celebrate their Liberation from the Egyptian bondage.
This is when God delivered them from slavery in Egypt. The Passover is also
considered to be one of the most theologically important holidays in the Jewish
calendar. It normally goes for eight days but in other communities, it lasts for only one
week. The Jews are prohibited to eat any bread or leavened food. They are only allowed
... Show more content on ...
Sweet foods like apple and honey are taken during this period. The main activities
comprise the sounding of the Shofar, ram s horn (Hexham, 89). The Jewish also utilize
the period to mend broken relationships and apologies for the mistakes made during the
period year. It is symbolized by the Ram s horn, apple, and wine. The Rosh Hashana
marks a period of repentance that leads to Yom Kippur (Olitzky et al. 137).

Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur is a Hebrew name meaning the Day of Atonement. It is the holiest days in
the Jewish Calendars that marks a day of fasting, prayer, and collective confession. It
begins in the sunset of Tuesday, October 11, 2016, and ends at the nightfall of
Wednesday, October 12, 2016. They totally do not eat food as it is a day of fast.
Children younger than 13 years old and the ill are the only people allowed to eat. In
addition to all the activities involving fasting, other activities entail no drinking,
washing, no having sexual relationships, no wearing leather materials. It is a day when
the Jewish go to the Synagogues to pray and read the book of life. Other go to
memorial services called the Yizkor to honor the dead relatives. It is symbolized by
white clothing and sneakers groomed with a dress. The official greeting is Shanah
Tovah or hatima tovah meaning Happy New Year in Hebrew (Olitzky et al. 143).

Sukkot: Feast of Tabernacles

It is also known as Booths,
What Does Australia Have To Offer
I chose Australia because I have always wanted to go and see the beautiful cities and
there beaches. But, what I couldn t see it that they have so much more to offer than just
the pretty picture of the Sydney Opera house or the Great Barrier Reef. In my research I
will unfold in my paper I will reveal all of the amazing things that Australia has to offer.
From land to sea this great land mass is insanely different from the United States.
Australia is a continent of mystery and contradiction. It is full of tropical rain forest and
endless deserts. It has the most beautiful beaches and the most ancient mountains.
Australia has at least one thing in common from the U.S. and that is that it has many
floods when it rains and also has droughts.
The History of the Term Academy Explained in “Academies...
The article Academies of Art; Past and Present by Nikolaus (1973) encompasses the
history of academies in general. Beginning from the Plato s time, the term academy has
changed its connotations. The writing style is eloquent, yet covers the developments on
the topic in every era. The writer used the article as a prologue for the reader to
understand the term academyin order to make sense of the forthcoming chapters of the
book. As the term had varied meanings, its reference in each century has different
meanings and background. This summary consists of the description of the article,
comments and discussion on the writing style and author s arguments in the article.
The author has discussed the evolution of the term academy in the ... Show more content
on ...
Meanwhile, Renaissance and Antiquity became a synonym of university, which was
used alternatively as its Latin translation academy . As Renaissance was over and was
taken over by Mannerism in art, academies became more loose and informal and grew
in number in Italy. Since 1540 even the associations liked to call themselves academies,
which further made the understanding of its connotation complex. In Rome the
academy found by Queen Christina changed the notion further as it became center of
activities like reading and criticizing poetry, literature, performing drama and comedy
plays. The author focused the meanings of academy getting broader. Feastings
organized by peasants, lecturing, discussions and research by scholars were added
aims to the academies in Italy. However the term was never used for the entire
university or a school. In schools academies were referred as groups of students tutored
privately by some noblemen. This spread in the use of academies affected the art
abundantly after the Mannerism took over. Artists started to specialize in various genre
of art i.e. still life, folk life, water color etc. in contrast with Renaissance academies the
Mannerism academies were organized, with elaborated rules.
The history of the term academy is important, as the writer emphasized, in order to

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