RALPH MATEO - Heuristic Evaluation of User Account Management of Rapid Eat

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Heuristic Evaluation of User Account Management of Rapid Eat:

Heuristic 1: Visibility of System Status

- Issue: Lack of real-time status updates. Users are unaware of the progress of their account-related
actions, such as password reset or profile update.

- Recommendation: Implement a progress indicator or status updates to keep users informed during
account-related processes.

Heuristic 2: Match Between System and Real World

- Issue: The app uses technical jargon and complex terminology, making it challenging for users to
understand account-related instructions.

- Recommendation: Simplify the language and use plain terms in instructions and descriptions to make
the process more user-friendly.

Heuristic 3: User Control and Freedom

- Issue: Users find it difficult to correct mistakes or cancel actions when they realize they've made an
error during the account setup.

- Recommendation: Add a "Cancel" or "Edit" option for users to go back and correct information easily.
Offer a confirmation step for sensitive actions.

Heuristic 4: Consistency and Standards

- Issue: Inconsistencies in the layout and terminology of the user account management section. Different
buttons or links perform similar actions.

- Recommendation: Standardize the design and terminology across the app for account-related actions
to reduce user confusion.

Heuristic 5: Error Prevention

- Issue: Users often encounter errors when setting up their accounts due to weak password requirements
and lack of confirmation for sensitive actions like deleting an account.

- Recommendation: Implement password strength meters, confirmations for critical actions, and offer
clear error messages with guidance on how to resolve issues.
Heuristic 6: Recognition Rather Than Recall

- Issue: Users are required to remember information like account numbers, security questions, and
passwords without any hints or suggestions.

- Recommendation: Provide hints and suggestions when users need to recall information, and enable
password recovery through email or mobile verification.

Heuristic 7: Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

- Issue: The app lacks options for quick account setup or login via social media accounts or biometrics
(e.g., fingerprint or facial recognition).

- Recommendation: Implement options for faster and more convenient account management, such as
social login and biometric authentication.

Heuristic 8: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

- Issue: The interface is cluttered with unnecessary elements, making it challenging for users to focus on
the account management tasks.

- Recommendation: Streamline the account management section by removing extraneous elements and
maintaining a clean, minimalist design.

Heuristic 9: Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

- Issue: Error messages lack specificity and do not guide users on how to correct their mistakes during
account setup.

- Recommendation: Provide clear and specific error messages with actionable steps for users to
understand and rectify issues.

Heuristic 10: Help and Documentation

- Issue: The app lacks comprehensive help and documentation for account-related actions. Users struggle
to find guidance when needed.

- Recommendation: Add a dedicated help section with FAQs and step-by-step guides for common
account management tasks.

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