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Principal Quantum Number (n)

•the energy of orbital.
•Distance of orbital from nucleus
•Size of orbital
The smaller the value of n, the lower the energy , the closer the orbital to the
nucleus and the smaller the orbital.

•The principal quantum number can have any positive value: 1, 2, 3, . . .

Orbitals with the same value for n are said to be in the same shell.
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l)
•Gives shape of orbital
•It can have values from 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . to a maximum of
(n – 1).

•For a given n, there will be n different values of l,

•n=1 l=0
•n=2 l=0, 1
•n=3 l=0,1,2
•n=4 l=0,1,2,3

. 7|2
• Each l value has a corresponding letter label
•l=0 s orbital
• l= 1 p orbital
• l=2 d orbital
• l=3 f orbital
• l=4 g orbital

Magnetic Quantum Number (m)
This quantum number specifies the different
orientations possible for a given orbital.

Each different value of l represents a different orbital.

•The magnetic quantum number depends on the value
of l and can have any integer value from –l to 0 to +l.

•For a given l value there will be (2l + 1) values of ml

and therefore (2l + 1) orbitals.
l no of orbitals ml values orbital
0 [2(0) + 1] = 1 0
1 [2(1) + 1] = 3 -1, 0, +1 x,y, z
2 [2(2) + 1] =5 -2,-1,0, +1, +2 xy, xz, yz,
x2-y2 , z2

• An orbital is defined by 3 quantum numbers
If n=1; l=0, m =0 1s orbital
• If n=2; l=0, m =0 2s
• If n=2; l=1, m =-1 2px
• If n=2; l=1, m =0 2py
• If n=2; l=1, m =+1 2pz

What are possible values of l and m, for H in
the ground state and its excited state(n=1
and n=2)?

Q n=1 l=0, ml=0
n=2 l = 0,1
l=0 ml = 0
l=1 ml = -1, 0, +1
The orbitals will have possible n, l, m combinations as
2,0, 0 (2s);
2,1,-1(2px); 2, 1,0(2pz); 2, 1,+1(2py)

• Brief periodic classification of elements and its
relationship to their electronic configuration
A number of books name main group and the transition elements
as A and B subgroups respectively.

The s-block and p-block were numbered as groups I to VII and 0.

There is also the d-block and f-block

The work of 19th century chemists such as Newland, Lother and

most especially Mendelev, led to what is today known as the

Periodic Table.

The Periodic Table
The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements in

the order of increasing atomic number (number of protons)

 The occurrence of similar properties at regular intervals,

with increasing atomic number is known as Periodicity

Groups (columns)
The Periodic Table
Metals, left
1 2 of red line 3 4 5 6 7 0
Non metals,
1 right of red 1
2 line 2
3 Transition metals 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Periods (rows)
• Elements are arranged in order of their atomic number.
• The elements in each group have similar properties.
• Elements show changing trends across a period.
Elements in the same Group in the Periodic
Elements are arranged such that elements in a
particular vertical column (Group) have the
same number of electrons in its valence shell.
• Li [He] 2s1
• Na [Ne] 3s1
•K [Ar] 4s1
• Rb [Kr] 5s1
The elements arranged in groups (columns) possess related
chemical and physical properties
Elements in the same Period in the Periodic
Each element in a horizontal row (Period) differs from the
preceding element by addition of an electron to the
electron shell and a proton to the nucleus.
• Li Be B C
•3 4 5 6
[He]2s1 [He]2s2 [He]2s22p1 [He]2s22p2

The elements arranged in periods (rows) possess

progressively different physical and chemical properties
Ground State Electron Configurations of the Elements







Periodic Properties
Periodic properties are the properties of the elements which
depend on their electronic configuration
These are properties that repeat after certain intervals or down a
group in the periodic table
Elements show gradual changes in certain physical properties
across a period or down a group.

Periodic properties include:

Atomic Radius Ionic Radius Ionization Energy
Electron Affinity Electronegativity
• Size of an atom decreases from left to right across the
periodic table.
• Because one extra positive charge is added to the nucleus, an
extra orbital electron is also added.

• As nuclear charge increases, all orbital electrons are pulled

closer to the nucleus, hence smaller size of the atom.
• Alkali metals are largest atoms while halogens are smallest.

• On descending a group, the sizes of atoms increase due to

the effect of extra shells of electrons added.

Group trends in Atomic radius

• As we go down a group H 1s
• Each succeeding atom is in a Li 2s

higher energy level Na 3s

• so the atoms get bigger K 4s

• Atomic radius increases
down the group Rb 5s
• Also the radius decreases across a period owing to increase
in the positive charge from the protons.

Large Small .
Ionization Energy

Ionization energy (IE) is defined as the energy

(in kJ/mole) required to remove the most
loosely bound electron from an isolated
gaseous atom to form a positive gaseous ion
First Ionization Energy
First Ionization energy is the minimum energy (kJ/mol)
required to remove an electron or first electron from a
gaseous atom in its ground state to form a gaseous ion .

X(g) X+(g) + e-
I1 first ionization energy
X+(g) X2+(g) + e-
I2 second ionization energy
X2+(g) X3+(g) + e-
I3 third ionization energy
I1 < I2 < I3
Ionization energy is always endothermic, that is energy is

added to the atom to remove the electron.

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom

reduces as the size of the atom increases.

Ionization energy and atomic radius are inversely


The larger the atom, the smaller the ionization energy

Group trends in Ionization Energy (IE)
Group trends is based on first, second, third, fourth etc IE

Down a group, first IE decreases because

Atomic radius of the atoms increases

Shielding effect increases.

• Electron affinity is defined as the change in energy (in
kJ/mole) or energy given off when an electron is added to a
neutral atom (in the gaseous phase) to form a negative
gaseous ion

X(g) + e− → X− (g) + energy first electron affinity

X−(g) + e → X2−(g) + energy second electron affinity


Electron affinity decreases down the group in a periodic

table. As the principal quantum number increases, the size
of the orbital increases and the affinity for the electron is
less. The change is small and there are many exceptions.

Electron affinity decreases or increases across a period

depending on electronic configuration. This occurs because
of the same subshell rule that governs ionization energies.

Since a half-filled ‘’P’’ subshell is more stable, carbon has a

greater affinity for an electron than nitrogen.

Halogens which are one electron away from a noble gas

electron configuration , have high affinities for electrons. 25
Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to
attract toward itself the electrons in a covalent

A . B

Metals: Low tendency to attract electrons, high

tendency to release electrons.

Non-metals: High tendency to attract electrons, low

tendency to release electrons.
Group Trends in Electronegativity
• Down a group in the periodic table, the size of the atom
increase therefore valence electrons are further away from
the nucleus and better shielded from the nuclear charge .

• This results in less attraction of nucleus for the valence


• For that reason the electronegativity decreases as you go

down the group

Periodic Trends in Electronegativity
• The atoms have same energy levels but size decreases

across the period.

• Attraction of nucleus for valence electrons increases.

• Hence, Electronegativity increases from left to right across

a period

• F is highest or most electronegative element

Summary of Periodic Trends

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