DELTA Disclaimer2021 2

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DELTA Disclaimer

Please read this carefully before signing, scanning and returning to and then paying your
deposit. I understand that...
1 my deposit (or in the case of M1 or M3 the full course fee) is non-refundable and that if I withdraw
from the course at any time, no money will be refunded to me.
On Module One or Module Three you would be offered the opportunity to complete the Module in a later course, this is also
true of the part time Module Two. However, we cannot offer this degree of flexibility with Module Two intensive courses. If
you are in a position to complete on a later part time M2 course that would be possible, but otherwise you would lose your
deposit. You would not be able to transfer your place to the intensive Module Two the following year. If in exceptional
circumstances a refund of any kind is granted, the refund will be processed in the same currency you paid at the original
amount you paid and any bank transfer fees will be deducted.

2 when I wish to enter the exam or submit work I will first have to pay the Cambridge ESOL entry
fee (through ITI) and this is different from and extra to the course fee. It is paid on my behalf by
ITI to Cambridge ESOL and is non-refundable.
The courses are preparation courses that will show you what you need to do to enter the exam (in Module One) or to submit a
portfolio (in Module Two) or an extended assignment (in Module Three). You pay ITI for the course, but you pay Cambridge when
you actually want to have completed work assessed. If circumstances arise that mean you cannot complete something after you
have been entered for it, we cannot retrieve the money for you (though Cambridge make exceptions for some documentable
circumstances such as medical emergencies).

3 ITI do not (and rightly cannot) guarantee that I will pass any Modules.
We have a very good track record of helping people to pass (and gain higher grades) in all three Modules, but the work is
assessed and moderated externally and you have to achieve objectively set standards. Cambridge will not relent and award a pass
simply because you have tried several times. You have to meet the requirements. Very occasionally people have found they are
not able to.

4 completing all three Modules will take me a considerable amount of time and effort.
Doing the Delta part time is likely to impact significantly on your free time and if you are on an intensive course it is likely to
take all of your waking hours.

5 it is not the responsibility of ITI to provide me with accommodation.

If you do an intensive course in Istanbul and don’t usually live here, we can make recommendations, but arrangements will be
your responsibility. Check if the Module premises have been booked or not BEFORE you arrange accommodation as intensive
Module Two is usually run off site. It will be on the metro line, but will likely not be in the main ITI office.

6 plagiarism is not acceptable and if it is detected in my work I will be disqualified from the
course. Cambridge reserve the right to disqualify candidates from further entry for up to three
years. ITI reserve the right not to work with candidates again in the future.

7 I will receive constructive criticism from my tutors and peers and that I must respond to it in
a professional manner.

8 If you have any health issues you wish to declare (so you could talk through what strategies you
intend to use to ensure they do not impact on your ability to do the course) please state here:





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