Cause and Effect Essay About Smoking

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Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking

Crafting a cause and effect essay on smoking can prove to be a challenging task, demanding a
meticulous approach and comprehensive research. The intricacy arises not only from the need to
delve into the historical, social, and health-related aspects of smoking but also in understanding the
intricate cause-and-effect relationships associated with this multifaceted issue.

To begin with, one must meticulously gather relevant information about the origins and evolution of
smoking, tracing its historical roots and societal acceptance over time. This demands extensive
research to comprehend the cultural, economic, and psychological factors that contributed to the
widespread adoption of smoking. Furthermore, the writer needs to explore the complex interplay of
factors leading individuals to initiate smoking, considering elements such as peer influence, stress,
and advertising.

The health implications of smoking constitute another intricate facet that requires careful
examination. Thorough investigation into the physiological effects of smoking on various organ
systems is essential, as well as an exploration of the long-term consequences for both smokers and
those exposed to secondhand smoke. This involves sifting through scientific studies, medical
literature, and statistical data to provide a well-rounded understanding of the health-related cause-
and-effect relationships associated with smoking.

Moreover, constructing a compelling essay involves the skillful integration of information, presenting
a coherent narrative that seamlessly connects the causes and effects of smoking. The challenge lies in
maintaining a balance between factual information and engaging prose, ensuring that the reader
remains informed and interested throughout the essay. The use of clear, concise language is crucial to
convey complex concepts without overwhelming the audience.

In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on the cause and effect of smoking arises from the
multifaceted nature of the topic. It requires a comprehensive exploration of historical, social, and
health-related dimensions, demanding extensive research and careful consideration of cause-and-
effect relationships. Crafting a well-structured and engaging essay on this subject necessitates not
only a deep understanding of the topic but also proficient writing skills to effectively convey the
complex information to the reader.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, professional services
such as can provide expert support. These platforms offer a range of writing
services to help individuals navigate the challenges of academic assignments, ensuring well-
researched and well-crafted essays on various topics.
Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking
Edgar Degas Blue Dancers Analysis
Edgar Degas and the Ballet Dancers Although Edgar Degas preferred to describe his
work as realism rather than impressionism, he was among the most famous
impressionist of the late 1800 s. Degas body of work protrayed many aspects of Paris
life such as café scenes, horse races and operas. Some of his most notalbe portrayals
was that of ballet dancers. Through his many portraits of ballet dancers Degas was
able to convey one the most important attributes of a ballerina, the ballerina ligne.
Dancer Posing for a Photographer and Blue Dancers are just two of the many portraits
Degas created of ballet dancers. Both portraits are fine examples of Degas ability to
render the beautiful line a ballet dancer s body creates, the ballerina ligne. This line can
be seen in both portraits starting at the neck, moving through the shoulders and arms, and
... Show more content on ...
The ballerinas in each portrait can be seen in traditional ballet garb known as the tutu.
They have also been portrayed with the traditional ballet hairstyle, the ballerina bun.
Another comparison between the two works of art is the rendering of the ballerina s
faces in profile. This rendering contributes to the depiction of the the ballerina ligne as
well. Dancer Posing for a Photographer was created with oil on canvas while Blue
Dancers was created with the use of pastels on paper. A single ballerina with a
background of Parisian buildings can been seen in Dancer Posing for a Photographer .
In contrast, Blue Dancers portrays serveral ballerinas and the background is abstract.
The facial features in Dancer Posing for a Photographer are more realistic and defined
through the portrayal of eyeshadow, lipstick and blush. In Blue Dancers , the facial
features for three of the ballerinas are more abstract while the fourth ballerina s face can
not been
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tillage Farming In...
In Ireland many crops are grown. Most of them are meant to be for family or animal
consumption. Over 300,00 hectares of the best land in Ireland is engaged in tillage
farming. Cereal crops are the main output led by barley, wheat, and oats. They also
produce oilseed rape, maize, sugar beets, beans, peas, and potatoes. Between 2000 and
2010 Ireland recorded the highest wheat and Barley yields in the world according to
John Spink. Principal crops in 1999 included barley at 1,278,00 tons, sugar beets at
1,712,000 tons, potatoes at 559,000 tons, wheat at 597,000 tons, and oats at 136,000
tons.Farms that grow cerealcrops are called tillagefarms. The number of individual
farmers growing cereal crops is highest in Cork County.
There are other farms too like fish farms, poultry farms, mushroom, deer, and
christmas tree farms in Ireland. There is also a method called arable farming. Which
seeds that are grown and harvested each year are called arable crops. Another method
is intensive farming. Intensive farming methods mean a lot of food can be grown on
the same amount of land. Most farms in Ireland are mixed farms. Mixed farms are
where the farmers grow crops and raise animals. Maize in Ireland is mainly grown as a
forage crop that is harvested and ensiled for winter for feeding the livestock on the
farm. Some farmers use silage that was harvested and put on the ground to get silage
bales. About 3,326,000 acres of the total area was devoted to growing crops in 1998.
Toussaint Louverture s Stand Against Slavery In Haiti
In the late eighteenth century, Haiti was in a state of turmoil among the African slaves
and French plantation masters, and as the conflict rose, a black man known as
Toussaint Louverture rose to the occasion to free his people from the shackles of
slavery. A former slave once referenced to as nothing more than a simple black man was
deemed by many as one of the black chiefs of Hayti after his death and won international
renown. Toussaint Louverture, born a slave on the islands of Saint Domingo, turned a
band of runaway slaves with nothing more than the clothes on their back into a fighting
force that outsmarted Napoleon Bonaparte in the first and only successful slave revolt.
As Louverture became a growing figure of the movement to abolish slaveryin Haiti, both
the Americas and Europe recognized him as the most influential hero to inspire the
possibility of freedom from slavery could one day be achieved. Louverture s stand
against slavery in 1801 left a lasting impact in Haiti by delivering the country to
emancipation with Louverture s and Dessalines constitution... Show more content on ...
In 1804, enfranchisement was declared in Haiti, although Louverture fell victim to the
calumny of Bonaparte and died in Fort De Joux as a martyr. The Haitian Revolution was
the only successful slave insurgency, therefore emphasizing the will of Toussaint
Louverture and his general Dessalines, as even in the face of an infantry ten times the
number of their troops they prevailed. Toussaint Louverture was in no state of wealth or
power at the time of his political rise, but in the height of his ascendancy acquired twenty
thousand faithful troops.Toussaint Louverture s leadership and the revolution paved the
way for African American rights for the future principle of equal rights for all colors.
Haiti s independence was declared by not the civilians, but rather the slaves it
Computer Science And Engineering Research Report
Department of Computer Science Engineering
Independent Study Research Report
Face Recognition
Submitted to
Amity University Uttar Pradesh in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of
Masters of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Aqsa Zafar
Under the guidance of
Ms. Vandana Dubey
Sr. Lecturer
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
The Report presents a hybrid neural network solution, which compares favorably with
other methods and recognizes a person within a large database of faces. These neural
systems typically return a list of most likely people in the database. Often only one
image is available per person. First a database is created, which contains images of
various persons. In the next stage, the available images are trained and stored in the
database. Finally it classifies the authorized person s face, which is used in security
monitoring system. Faces represent complex, multidimensional, meaningful visual
stimuli and developing a computational model for face recognition is difficult. Face has
certain distinguishable landmarks that are the peaks and valleys that sum up the
different facial features. There are about 80 peaks and valleys on a human face. The
following are a few of the peaks and valleys that are measured by the software:
*Distance between eyes
*Width of nose
*Depth of eye sockets
*Jaw line


Protein Misfolding And Its Effects On Human Disease
Proteins play a part in every cellular activity and must fold into proper three dimensional
configurations, or native state, to execute their intended functions. Proteomic stressors
such as chemical exposure or elevated temperature can inhibit protein folding upsetting
protein homeostasis and resulting in cell death and human disease (Broadley 2009).
Excessive proteinmisfolding can lead to amyloid fibrillar aggregates which deposit
around brain neurons contributing to the development or progression of
neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer s disease, Huntington s disease and Parkinson s
disease are all fundamentally diseases of protein misfolding (Soto 2003, Hartl 2009).
Molecular chaperones stabilize unfolded or misfolded proteins until native conformations
have been obtained to promote cell survival during and after stress conditions. They do
not change or add to the folding principles encoded by a protein because polypeptide
chains inherently carry within them all the information that is necessary for achieving
the native state of a protein. Instead, they optimize the folding process by stabilizing
folding intermediates and are involved in every aspect of proteome maintenance
including de novo folding, refolding of stress induced misfolded proteins, and targeting
proteins for degradation (Hartl 2009, Hartl 2011). Chaperones, many of which are
induced or upregulated only during stress conditions, work in cooperative networks when
protein aggregate concentration
Geographic Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is the person s right to exercise their authority over a territory, subject
matter or person. Jurisdiction over a person relates to the authority to try him or her as
a defendant. There are two primary categories of jurisdiction; the geographic
jurisdiction and the subject matter jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over a subject matter
relates to authority derived from the country s constitution or laws to consider a
particular case. For example, Tony files a tort case against Steve in a state trial court.
There is no law which gives any court exclusive jurisdiction to hear this type of case.
Therefore, the state trial court has subject matter jurisdiction over this case. The
Geographic jurisdiction is the authority of a court to hear a case based on where the
case is located in the system. For example, if Peter commits a crimein Queens, New York,
the Queens policehave the power to investigate, and the District Attorney for Queens has
the authority to bring criminal charges and prosecute the case. The criminal case would
then be heard in the state court in Queens.
The FBI is the primary investigative agency for all federal crimes. Other federal agencies
concentrate on crimes specific to their missions, i.e. the Secret Service handles financial
crimes and threats to the treasury. The boundary of FBI ... Show more content on ...
Though, because of little manpower or facilities the local city police or county sheriffs
cannot investigate major felonies in small town or in some states. They may turn in the
investigation to the stare police or state bureau of investigation.
Only one level of law enforcement agency can have jurisdiction once a crime has been
committed for example, the FBI or DEA both would argue over who has jurisdiction of
the crime. Once they cannot resolve the issue they would talk directly to the chief of
police or

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