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Martin Luther King Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of Martin Luther King requires a delicate balance of historical
accuracy, social context, and a deep understanding of the civil rights movement. The difficulty arises
not just from the need to recount the life of this iconic figure but also to analyze his impact on
society, his philosophy, and the challenges he faced. To do justice to such a significant topic, one
must delve into extensive research, examining primary sources, scholarly articles, and historical

Moreover, capturing the essence of Martin Luther King's message demands a nuanced exploration of
the racial tensions prevalent during his time and an understanding of the complexities of his
nonviolent activism. Juggling these elements while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative
can be a formidable task.

Expressing a personal viewpoint while staying objective adds another layer of complexity. Balancing
admiration for King's accomplishments with a critical examination of his strategies and the broader
social implications requires finesse. Striking the right chord between admiration and analysis is
crucial for a well-rounded essay.

The challenge lies not only in narrating the historical events accurately but also in interpreting their
significance and relevance in today's context. A successful essay on Martin Luther King must
transcend mere retelling and offer insightful reflections on how his legacy endures and influences
contemporary conversations on justice and equality.

In conclusion, tackling a Martin Luther King essay demands meticulous research, a deep
understanding of historical and social contexts, and the ability to navigate complex themes while
maintaining a balanced perspective. It is a task that requires both intellectual rigor and empathy to
truly capture the essence of this extraordinary figure and the era he lived in.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore resources like , where a wealth of expertise is available to provide support and guidance.
Martin Luther King Essays Martin Luther King Essays
NSA Surveillance Paper
The National Security Agency operates the most secretive surveillance in history;
however, disclosures have demonstrated the agency to be a rogue state that is out of
control. Intelligence leaders have openly lied to elected officials and the public about the
nature and extent of the agency s data collection. Policymakers and intelligence officials
have supplied intensive surveillancethat secretly monitors everything it can get its claws
onto. The illegal surveillance of Americans was first discovered by the public in 2005.
Since then, and before, many organizations were founded to defend civil liberties in our
digital war such as the EFF. Secret government documents, published by the media in
2013, confirm the NSA obtains full copies of everything that is carried along major
domestic fiber optic cable networks. The reports showed and the government later
admitted that the government is mass collecting phone metadata of all US customers
under the guise of the Patriot Act. Moreover, the media reports confirm that the
government is collecting and analyzing the content of communications of foreigners
talking to persons inside the United States, as well as collecting much more, without a
probable cause warrant. (EFF) NSA surveillance tracks the location of hundreds of
millions of people, collects phone records of our entire nation, and taps into the very
backbone of the internet. The US government, with assistance from major... Show more
content on ...
The internet represents a medium for both liberty and control. However, it can be used a
a tool of control and dominance, increasing governmental power, enhancing government
ability to monitor its citizens and potentially control individuals. the NSA uses
supercomputers to hack even encrypted systems. This opens a wider door for hackers; it
leaves us more vulnerable to being hacked by others, and not just the
The Role Of God In Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy
The Role of God in Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy
In his work Meditations on First Philosophy, published in 1641, René Descartes sets
out to establish a set of indubitable truths for the sciences. He begins by discarding all
of his beliefs, then works to rebuild his beliefs based on careful thought. Descartes
clearly states this goal, saying in the First Meditation, I will work my way up... I will
accomplish this by putting aside everything that admits of the least doubt (I, 17). He is
able to establish his own existence, but struggles to move beyond his internal thoughts to
discuss external objects. Descartes decides that the Christian God is the bridge he needs
to escape the confines of his own mind, and argues for the existence of God in the Third
Meditation in order to move on to discussing the physical world. In this paper I will
argue that Descartes rationalistic project would have been improved without an appeal to
the Christian God, although I will also argue that Descartes thinks this appeal is necessary.
Descartes declares that he will only accept ideas that he can absolutely affirm, but
accepts the existence of God without adequately proving it. This inadequacy undermines
his declared project of defining the world in terms of established ideas. He does not
sufficiently prove the idea of God, yet bases so much on it. When he later discusses
physical bodies, intellect, and mathematical concepts, the reader cannot forget that
everything he writes is
Ethanol And Alternative Sources Of Energy
Abstract Due to energy and environmental concerns, producing fuels from renewable
energy sources has seen advancements, especially through collecting biofuels produced
from microbes. Many of the biofuels produced from microbes are done so by different
pathways in order to generate fatty acid branched chain esters (FABCEs) and branched
fatty acid branched chain esters (BFABCEs), which are promising isopentenols. These
can be produced via multiple pathways, the leucine and valine pathway as well as the
fatty acid pathway. Another and main source pathway producing biofuels, which
produces isopentyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl dipho sphate (DMAPP), are the 2
methyl (D) erythritol 4 phosphate (MEP) and mevalonate dependent (MVA)... Show more
content on ...
This is proof that it is crucial to begin to create biofuels that have a lesser negative
impact that can sustain the energy demands that we have today. Currently, as seen in
the table, microbes have been proven to produce ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen,
which are all sources that can be used for producing renewable fuels. One of the
various types of ethanol produced are C5 alcohols also referred to as isopentenols and
other 5 branched carbon alcohols. As Connor and Liao suggest Higher chain alcohols
(C3 C5) contain a high energy density, and are compatible with the current
infrastructure as they are less hygroscopic. These alcohols (iso propanol, 1 propanol, 1
butanol, isobutanol, 3 methyl 1 butanol, 2 methyl 1 butanol, isopentenol) can be
blended with gasoline and also have potential to be used as replacements, as 1 butanol
has already been shown to perform well in conventional gasoline engines (Connor; Liao,
2009). There is some controversy about how current biofuels are not efficient at low
temperature; however, FABCEs and BFABCEs have low freezing points, which can
allow for the biofuel to have greater performance (Tao et. al, 2015). As previously
mentioned, isopentenols have properties, which mirror those of octane and
Cytochalasin D Lab Report
The purpose of the experiment was to observe the effect of the antimitotic drug
cytochalasin D on the organization of actin in human fibroblasts. The human fibroblasts
were treated with increasing concentrations of the antimitotic drug and viewed using
fluorescence microscopy. With each increase in concentration of cytochalasin D, we
successfully observed that the presence of stress fibers decreased. The treatment of
10µM of cytochalasin D indicated that higher concentrations consistently alter actin
organization. In the highest concentration treatment, the human fibroblasts no longer had
stress fibers, lamellipodia, filopodia, and F actin organization was completely disrupted.
This behavior was consistent across all cells on the slide. With... Show more content on ...
These findings are consistent with previous studies that report the effects of cytochalasin
D on fibroblasts. However, cytochalasin D is not the only reagent that can disorganize the
cortical layer of actin microfilaments. Cytochalasin B has very similar effects on mouse
fibroblasts and can disrupt organization of actin microfilaments as well (Domnina et al.,
1982). This study indicates that cytochalasin D and cytochalasin B both alter certain
characteristics of the actin cytoskeleton. Yet, cytochalasin D can have this effect on any
cell type that has actin because cytochalasin D is altering the actin organization.
Cytochalasin D can also have clinical applications because the treatment of cells with
cytochalasin D activate the p53 protein (Rubtsova et al., 1998). This p53 protein plays a
major role in the control of cell growth and in the cell s response to various stress
signals. More importantly, p53 is a gene that functions as a tumor suppressor, and if
cytochalasin D activates the p53 protein then there are possible cancer treatments that can
be found. Moreover, phalloidin was used to prevent depolymerization by binding to
Essay about Strategic Financial Management
Strategic Financial Management University of Phoenix Finance for Managerial
Decision Making / FIN 554 Professor Greg Garay January 17, 2006 Table of Contents
Abstract3 Strategic Financial Management..4 Working Capital Management.4 The K
mart Corporation Debacle..5 Long Term and Short Term Strategies..6 Financial
Performance. 7 To Merge or Not to Merge...7 Reasoning for the Merger.8 Pros and Cons
for the Merger 9 Morale Issues9 Managing International... Show more content on ...
A cash balance of $50,000 needs to be maintained in the cash flow account after the
loans are repaid. However, the recent late payment by Mayo, Lawrence Sports principal
customer, and the delay of payment to its other debtors, Gartner Products and Murray
Leather Works, have eroded the company s profits and crippled the effects on its
business and partner relationships. Therefore, Saunders needs negotiate short term
payment and collection strategies in order to keep the amount invested in loans to a
minimum, aid in the solution of the challenge of balancing working capital and debt,
and learn to manage its debtors more efficiently. The Kmart Corporation Debacle The
Kmart Corporation and its highly publicized bankruptcy, resulting from its immense
working capital problems, resemble those displayed in the simulation discussed. Kmart,
a corporation headquartered in Troy, Michigan, is a large discount and general
merchandise retailer. In 2001, Kmart was accused in litigation of making an ill advised
and reckless over purchase of inventory, in the approximate amount of $850 million, in
order to stock its shelves for the holiday season. This overbuy dramatically impacted the
liquidity of the corporation. (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2001, p.1) The
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
Why Marijuana Should Be Legal
Valid Argument? You Must Be High

It seems as though everyone has their own opinion when it comes to the legalization of
marijuana. The question spans all age groups, races, and religions. You will hear
different answers from individuals under each group. Some view the use of the
substance as a sin and believe that the use should be a crime and others view it as a
freedom that each citizen should be granted. Marty Nemko, a Ph.D. holding, education
evaluation specialist, says otherwise. In his article published by TIME magazine,
Nemko goes into details as to why he believes legalizing marijuana will have far more
consequences than it does reward. His points seem as though they would be valid,
however his argument is stretched and very weak. Nemko uses irrational logic, slanted,
biased data, and opinion based assumptions to attempt to persuade readers to join his
cause. At first glance, Nemko s article seems as though it is full of logical reasons as
to why marijuana should stay illegalized in the United States. The problem lies in his
arguments. One of Nemko s main points of emphasis is what the drug would do to
children. If his argument was against the legalization of marijuana for all ages, this
would have sound reasoning. However, Nemko is not arguing this proposal. The
argument in discussion is to legalize marijuana for adults, and Nemko argues for a large
portion of his paper about a group of people who will not be affected by the law. Nemko
makes the assumption that
Role Of Financial Market Authority On Corporate Business...

In this essay my aim is to discuss and compliment the various roles of financial market
authority in corporate business world. My research will depict that Financial market
authority (FMA) has been emerged as a financial regulatory authority which regulates
and controls the capital market and the financial services in New Zealand very effectively
and efficiently. And it works on the financial risk bearing factors and majorly
contributes towards developing trustworthy, clear and well regulated financials markets
by executing various roles. In order to address the ever existing issues of divided
regulatory body, the ultimate aim of creation of FMA by the Government of New
Zealand was to replace security commission.
Further the Primary objective of creating new single operator was to unify the market
administration activities as the security commission faced many criticisms and faltered
on the main function of regulating the market in order to give stability to the financial
sector and thus resulted in ceasing of security commission. In 2011, when the financial
markets authority act 2011 (FMC ACT) has been sanctioned and came into action on 1
may 2011, certain changes were made and one of the most important changes by this
enactment is the introduction of new reinforced regulatory body. The FMA was
designated under the crown entity act 2004, with supreme powers to monitor and control
the financial markets by revoking the authorities of

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