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Arguementative Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of argumentative essays is, ironically, a task that entails a certain
level of complexity. The challenge lies not only in the necessity to articulate a coherent and well-
structured argument but also in navigating the intricate nuances of persuasive writing. An effective
argumentative essay demands meticulous research, a profound understanding of the chosen topic,
and a keen awareness of opposing viewpoints.

To commence, one must invest considerable time in researching and gathering relevant information
to support the central thesis. The ability to critically analyze sources, discerning between credible
and unreliable information, is imperative. Balancing evidence and counterarguments requires a
delicate touch – a feat that demands a thorough comprehension of the intricacies of the subject

Moreover, constructing a persuasive narrative involves honing the art of rhetoric. The essay must not
only present logical reasoning but also employ persuasive techniques that resonate with the audience.
The choice of language, the arrangement of arguments, and the seamless transition between ideas all
contribute to the overall persuasiveness of the essay.

Additionally, addressing potential objections and counterarguments adds another layer of

complexity. A well-rounded argumentative essay anticipates opposing viewpoints and skillfully
rebuts them. This requires a nuanced understanding of the topic and the ability to preemptively
counter alternative perspectives.

In conclusion, writing an essay on argumentative essays is a task that demands a synthesis of research
skills, rhetorical finesse, and the ability to navigate conflicting viewpoints. The complexity of the
endeavor lies in the multifaceted nature of persuasive writing. Successfully crafting such an essay
requires a writer to don the hat of a critical thinker, a persuasive communicator, and a meticulous

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, there are platforms
like where expert writers can provide valuable support.
Arguementative Essays Arguementative Essays
Raymond Carver Cathedral Theme
Rosa Alicia Ghazaly
Mr. Joel Ohren
English 102
December 15 2016
Cathedral Theme
I read the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver. This story describes the first time
meeting between a blind man and a sighted man. Robert, who is blind, is visiting for a
few days with his long time friend who is the wife and her husband is only referred to
as Bub. The wife and Bub are both sighted.
When the wife ended her employment with Robert over ten years ago, Robert asked if
he could touch her face before she left. Robert and the wife stayed in touch even after
she left her old job by communicating with audio tape over the past ten years. The wife
has just picked up Robert at the train station and brought him to her home. Bub, the
husband has never met ... Show more content on ...
A Cathedral is a place for people to go and worship, to connect with God. By drawing the
Cathedral the narrator is in some ways also making a connection. For the first time he
appears to be able to see.
There is also a sense of irony at the end of the story. The narrator s eyes are closed and he
is being led by a blind man, yet he is able to see. Carver never explains what it is the
narrator sees, but there is the sense that he has found a connection and is no longer
detached or isolated.
Raymond Carvers choice of theme of blindness makes his goal of offering a deeper
understanding of the nature of human a success. He is able to tell readers that there is
physical blindness and psychological blindness. Those with the physical disability
could see well than those who are not. This motif is accentuated by these examples
from the story the first is the demeanor of Bub which shows signs of disapproval of the
imminent visit of his wife s blind friend, the second is his contemplating the basis of his
wife s friendship with Robert, and the third is his verbal and sensory interaction with the
blind man when he draws a cathedral on a paper
Big Island County Fair Report
The Annual Big Island County Fair, full of all sorts of sounds, screams, smells, sights,
and laughter. The carnival is the one place where every little kid can spend loads and
loads of their parents money to ride rides, play games, win prizes, and eat all sorts of
sweets and junk food here on the big island that is. As you already know, it is that time
of the year already. The time to ride on the spinning dragons, the zipper, fireball,
swings, and the new area 51. It is also the time for the funnel cakes, cotton candy,
lemonade, and all the other types of delicious, mouth watering foods and drinks to
ingest. The carnival was the highlight of all kids every year. The rides like the zipper,
and the fireball would always get my adrenaline
Kristaps Porzingis Research Paper
Kristaps Porzingis

When the New York Knicks hired Phil Jackson to run all basketball operations in 2014,
they took a step in the right direction to build a winning organization from the ground up.
The Knicks management made this decision knowing that it would take multiple years
before they return to a championship contender again, even though they committed
roughly $124 million to an impatient and aging star in Carmelo Anthony.

Just a year removed from those events and a historically bad season in the Big Apple,
fans were disappointed to end up with only the fourth pick in the 2015 draft. With three
unanimous stars in the draft in Karl Anthony Towns, D Angelo Russell and Jahlil Okafor
going as projected in the top three, Phil Jackson and company were left to play cleanup
with the rest of the prospects. With pressure from a 31 year old Melo wanting draft a
player that would help the Knicks win immediately, the Zen Master went in the
complete opposite direction, taking raw big man Kristaps Porzingis of Latvia, who was
booed by fans as he walked up to shake Adam Silver s hand at the podium. ... Show more
content on ...
He comes into the league measuring at 7 foot 1 and 220 pounds after averaging 10.7
points, 4.8 rebounds and 1 block in 21.7 minutes for Baloncesto Sevilla in
Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that originates from the distal spinal cord and extends
along nearly the entire length of the hind limb, it is formed from the lower segments of
the spinal cord; it is made up from the lumbar and sacral nerve roots from the spine and
consists of a bundle of nerve fibers each of which is the axon of a neuron, whose cell
body is in the spinal cord. As with other nerves in the vertebrate body, the sciatic nerveis
comprised of the axons of hundreds of neurons. Axons are long, cylindrical processes that
project from the cell body of a neuron and that act as a conduit for neural messages called
action potentials. The creation and conduction of an action potential represents a
fundamental means of communication... Show more content on ...
The nerve was laid across the wire electrodes (in contact with the active connections).
Part 1: Determination of threshold voltage and maximal CAP amplitude The nerve
was given a series of electrical stimuli in increasing amplitude. Then, the threshold
voltage for the nerve and the voltage required for maximum CAP amplitude were
calculated. The Macro: Threshold Voltage was selected from the Chart window. The
nerve was automatically stimulated by the chart and the data was recorded for 1.1
seconds. Part 2: Determination of refractory period The nerve was stimulated with a
series of pulses by the PowerLab. The pulse interval was decreased in each block of
data. The relative and absolute refractory periods of the nerve were determined through
these recordings. The minimum stimulus voltage required to elicit a maximal CAP
from your nerve was determined. The Macro: Refractory voltage was selected from the
Chart window. The voltage that is nearest the stimulus intensity used was chosen. A
series of 15 data blocks with duration of 10 milliseconds each were recorded by the
Chart. Part 3: Determination of nerve conduction velocity The velocity of the CAP as it
travels down the nerve was
The Ethnic Conflict Between India And Pakistan
The ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan has been the subject of speculation
and study by political scientists and historians for a number of years. The ethnic
conflict seems to have been sparked at the very beginning in 1947, when the British
used Muslim and Hindu mercenaries against each other before the area finally split
into today s countries of India and Pakistan (Spiegel et al. 2015, 185). The timeline
since then has been full of conflicts, both major and minor. Brutal tactics used by
security forces and a high rate of unemployment have added to the issue (BBC News
2016). The conflict between the two states has involved many non state and state
actors. For example, besides the two main states, the UN Security Council has been
involved. Specific state actors include Japan, the United States, and several European
countries, many of whom had ordered sanctions against both India and Pakistan for
nuclear testing and other issues (BBC News 2017a). Militant groups such as the anti
India terror group, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), became involved
relatively early on with the conflict and ran entire terror campaigns (Mohan 1992, 299).
Peaceful groups such as the Red Cross have provided aid to India and Pakistan at
different points in the conflict. The origins of the conflict can be traced back most
clearly to 1947. The Indian Independence Bill went into effect in August of that year,
resulting in the split of the area into two separate states: India and

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