Life in A Small Town Essay

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Life In A Small Town Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Life in a Small Town" can be both a rewarding and challenging
task. On one hand, the subject offers a quaint and intimate backdrop that allows for a rich
exploration of community dynamics, local culture, and the unique charm of small-town living. On the
other hand, the challenge lies in striking the right balance between capturing the idyllic aspects of life
in a small town and delving into the complexities that might be overlooked.

To begin with, one must navigate through the often conflicting perceptions of small-town life. While
some may romanticize the simplicity and close-knit relationships, others might emphasize the
limitations and lack of opportunities that such environments can present. Striking a nuanced tone that
acknowledges both perspectives is crucial for a comprehensive exploration.

Another hurdle is the potential for clichés and stereotypes. Writing an essay that goes beyond the
surface requires delving into specific details, anecdotes, and personal experiences. This demands
thorough research, interviews, or, ideally, first-hand knowledge of small-town life. Presenting a
genuine and authentic portrayal is essential to engage the reader and avoid a superficial account.

Furthermore, weaving a cohesive narrative while addressing various aspects of small-town life
requires a thoughtful organizational structure. Balancing descriptions of local landmarks, community
events, and interpersonal relationships can be a juggling act. Ensuring a smooth flow from one idea
to the next, while maintaining the reader's interest, is a crucial aspect of crafting a compelling essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Life in a Small Town" is no easy feat. It requires a delicate
balance between romanticism and realism, a deep understanding of the subject matter, and a skillful
narrative approach. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a piece that not only captures
the essence of small-town living but also prompts readers to reflect on the broader themes of
community, identity, and the interconnectedness of our lives.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance with any writing task, help is
available. Consider reaching out to professionals who specialize in crafting thoughtful and well-
researched essays. Services like offer support for various topics, ensuring that your
writing endeavors are met with expertise and proficiency.
Life In A Small Town EssayLife In A Small Town Essay
Jeremy Bentham s Theory Of The Panopticon
In February of 2004, an advanced prison system was born for all the world to take part
of. The prison, which was designed for a younger generation, was built to monitor all
inmates at all hours of the day, convert what was once a manual process to automatic, and
to collect personal information from each individual. The lockup is host to billions of
inmates, each having their own cell. One might assume this prisonis a building, but it is
more a state of mind. Located in the public s view, where all can see it each and every
day, anyone is able to join and only takes a click of a mouse. This prison is Facebook.
Michel Foucault, a French philosopher, has brought to attention insights that help clarify
how power and discipline work together to create surveillance for a large group.
Foucault passed away before the birth of the internet, but has provided society with
knowledge on how surveillance is applicable to the online world. In the essay
Panopticism, Foucault expands on Jeremy Bentham s theory of the panopticon. Proposed
by Bentham in the mid 19th century, the panopticon is a prison which was used to
observe inmates constantly (Torres, 2017). The prison has a tower in the middle,
where each inmate can be seen from the tower by a guard (Foucault, 1975, 200).
Therefore, the prisoners always think they are being watched as they cannot see who is
in the tower, or if there even is anyone in the tower watching. Foucault describes this in
his essay as being the major effects of
West African Colonies In The 1800s
During this time a lot of new creations and useful ideas were introduced. In 1837 many
new technological devices were invented. The most important ones were: The steam
engine, it was a big help with transportation because it was a forceful source of power, it
was a faster form of transportation. Secondly, the method of getting quinine from
cinchona tree bark, this was a treatment for the disease of Malaria. Lastly, the repeating
rifle, a faster loading gun that was able to fire multiple shots which gave Europeans an
advantage in the African war.
African colonies were beginning to export new items that benefitted them. The top two
benefitting colonies were: French West Africa, they exported gum, different types of oils,
cotton, peanuts, bananas,
Bacterial Meningitis Research Paper
Bacterial Meningitis
5. Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.
It is a serious communicable infection transmitted via respiratory secretion; bacteria
moves into the blood circulation (Thomas 1027). There are two types of bacteria which
cause most of the meningitis cases, those two are Neisseria Meningitidis and
Streptococcus pneumoniae. Each bacterium has its own shape such as the Neisseria
meningitidis has a diplococci shape. This shape is described as two spherically shaped
bacteria pushed together ( Bacteria Morphology 1). The shape pf Streptococcus
pneumoniae is also diplococci, but it has been called Lancet shaped which mean longer
cocci with an outer curvature ( Bacteria Morphology 1). Bacterial meningitis is
transmitted through direct contact with infected ... Show more content on
Enteroviruses are present in the fetus, mucus, and saliva of infected people (Bennington
3). The viruses or organisms reach the meninges from foci in the body via blood or
lymph, through trauma, or from adjacent bony structures such as the sinuses (Thomas
1027). Meningitis has harmful symptoms such as irregular fever, loss appetite, intense
headache, constipation, intolerance to light and sound, contacted pupils, delirium,
retraction of head, convulsion, and coma (Thomas 1027). Bacterial meningitis requires
an individual to be hospitalized. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent brain damage
and even death. Bacterial meningitis is threated with strict antibiotic therapy, such as
ampicillin, penicillin G, Chloramphenicol, kanamycin, and gentamicin following strict
isolation techniques (Thomas 1027). Those are the drugs of choice if the organisms
susceptible. Supportive symptomatic therapy is also indicative (1027). According to the
Taber Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary, there must be a dark, quiet atmosphere, analgesic
must be applied, and a cool compression to forehead
Franklin D. Roosevelt
In the 1930 s the United States need a president that would be able to lead the country
through the tough times of the Great Depression and World War II. Franklin D.
Roosevelt was the man who was capable to lead the country through these challenging
times. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the adored only child of James and Sara Delano
Roosevelt born on January 30, 1882 at Hyde Park, New York. Both sides of the family,
the Delano and the Roosevelt had business associates of shipping interests in coal and
railroads. They both had long English Dutch patrician pedigrees (Franklin D. Roosevelt
1). The estate where Franklin grew up had everything that a boy could want. There were
devoted servants; fields and woods to play in and horse, dogs,... Show more content on ...
Franklin came down with polio while at Campobello for summer vacation.
Poliomyelitis (polio) is disease that affects the muscle and the nerves and can lead to
partial or full paralysis. Symptoms of polio include fever, muscle spasms, and muscle
pain. The treatment is heat pads to reduce pain, therapy and pain killers. Franklin was
paralyzed from the chest down at first than the disease relaxed and only paralyzed him
from the hips down. No one knew how polio was contracted. It may have been because
of the exhausting weeks with the Navy Administration or from the chill he received
after falling in to a cold bay while fishing. It also may have been the combo of
tiredness and the chill (Tugwell 56). Doctors were called for a diagnosis and each
time they gave a wrong diagnosis. It wasn t until two weeks after contracting the
disease that a specialist gave a correct diagnosis and it was two weeks after the
specialist came that Franklin was transported to New York for therapy (57). He was so
determined to overcome his disability that he devoted seven years of his life to grueling
physical therapy (Goodwind 109). But unfortunately he would never walk again without
the help of steel braces on his legs and a strong arm to lean on.
As Franklin was recovering Eleanor really became important to Franklin as his
representative. She made appearances to keep his name in public so that the people and
the political party
Annotated Bibliography On Menelaus
Annotated Bibliography Menelaus was a king of Sparta in ancient Greek mythology and
was married to Helen. His immediate family members were his parents Atreus and
Aerope, and his brother Agamemnon who was ruler of the city of Mycenae. Menaleus
was one of the main characters in the Trojan War. When Menelaus and Agamemnon were
children, their father, Atreus battled with his brother, their Uncle, Thyestes. Atrius and
Thyestes could not agree about who would be the king of the city of Mycenae. In the
end, Thyestes materialized victorious. Thyestes son, Aegisthus, helped him by murdering
Atreus. The murder of their father had forced Menelaus and Agamemnon to seek refuge,
by fleeing the city, to the courts of neighboring regions. Some time... Show more content
on ...
Later, during the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris the goddess of strife, was angry
for not being invited. She threw a golden apple with the words, to the fairest one
inscribed on it amidst the guests. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena had a squabble over
who should get the apple. They asked the Prince, Paris of Troy, to be the judge. The
three goddesses offered him glorious gifts, but in the end Paris of Troy gave the apple
to Aphrodite. Helen had promised the Prince the most beautiful woman in the world.
Aphrodite helped him kidnap Helen. Menelaus was enraged by this and conjured the
oath that had been taken by all the suitors of Helen. Helped by his brother
Agamemnon, the two set a course for Troy. The departure of Menaleus and his brother
set off a chain of events, including commissioning the help of Odysseus, which led to
the fall of Troy. At the end of the war, Menelaus initially wanted to kill Helen as a
result of her leaving him for Paris of Troy. He changed his mind though when he saw
her blubbering, in melancholy, and shedding her robes uncovering her beautiful body for
him to gaze upon. Once back in Sparta, the life of the couple was strained by the events
of the
Jimmy Hoffa Failure

When telling a story, it is often best to start at the beginning to add a little background
for the ending. Jimmy Hoffa was born in Brazil, Indiana on February fourteenth in 1913.
He married his wife Josephine, and had two kids, Barbara and James. He became an
American labor union leader who served as the President of the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters union from 1958 until 1971, when he was arrested for jury
tampering, attempted bribery, and fraud. Hoffa was released in 1975, when he was
pardoned by Nixon as long as he gave up his position. Shortly after, he vanished without
trace, or at least none that went anywhere, leaving his family behind. This essay is ...
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Hoffa went to the Red Fox Restaurant outside of Detroit to meet them. He called his
wife and told her that he was going to wait for a few more minutes after arriving first
around 2:00 in the afternoon and waiting for twenty minutes. She never spoke with her
husband again. At a quarter till 3, Hoffa was seen getting into a car with multiple men
in the restaurant parking lot. Investigators don t think that he made it out of the car
alive. The FBI stated that Hoffa had been killed after going to a conference with
mobster Anthony Tony Pro Provenzano. Provenzano was one of the many suspects in
relation to the disappearance Hoffa, although he had a good alibi at the time of the
union leader vanished. In fact, some would say that it was too good. Tony was
apparently touring a number of union officials around Hoboken, New Jersey on July 30.
He may not have actually done the deed but that did not mean that he wasn t
The Admnistrator of the Highway Department Essay
The administrator of the highway department was given a task to find a way to fill
more potholes. This program to fill more potholes would decrease the number of
complaints in the city and the number of damages to the residents cars. To do this, the
Highway Administrator implemented a goal setting program, in hopes this would
encourage the workers to fill more potholes. This program sets a standard for each
crew to fill a certain amount of potholes per day, no matter the location of where the
crew was working. The results will then be posted for all of the crews to observe and
compare. As an incentive to fill as many potholes as possible, the crew who filled the
largest amount of potholes each week was given a reward. I personally believe... Show
more content on ...
The standard set by the highway administrator were that each crew was to fill 20% more
potholes than they usually fill on a daily basis. This aspect of the goal is extremely
efficient and specific which gives the workers a clear idea of what they need to do at
work. If the goal were to simply fill more potholes than you normally fill than each
crew could fill one more pothole than they normally do and still meet the goal but this
would probably not get the work done as fast and it needs to be. This goal is also a
clear standard because of the different working conditions each crew operates in.
Asking each crew to fill 5 more potholes than normal might prove to be easy for one
crew and extremely hard for another, depending on the conditions. Each crew was also
given a step by step sheet on how to properly fill each pothole. This will make each fill
last longer, therefore, making less work for the future.
The feedback that accompanies each goal comes at the end of each week. Feedback is
objective information about performance. Motivational feedback serves as a reward
and the highway administrator clearly understands that since he is using rewards to
drive his employees productivity. (Hogue, 2004) Each week, the highway administrator
will post performance data on a board for all of the other crews to view. Since there are
only rewards and no harsh consequences, this creates friendly competition for each crew.
The crew who has the most potholes

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