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 A mechanical system is said to undergo forced vibration whenever external energy is supplied to the system
during vibration.
 External energy can be supplied to the system through either an applied force or an impose displacement
 The applied force or displacement may be harmonic, nonharmonic but periodic, nonperiodic, or random. In
the case of Harmonically Excited Vibration, the applied force is harmonic.
 The response of a system to a harmonic excitation is called harmonic response. This response is also
harmonic in nature.

 Spring Extension due to the suspended weight: δ= , where W is weight, and k is spring constant.
 Static Deflection: δ st =
, where Fo is harmonic force amplitude, and k is spring constant.
 Frequency Ratio: r = , where ω is the frequency of harmonic force, and ω n is the natural frequency of
the vibration.
 For r<1,
o Amplitude of Forced Motion: X =δ st ¿, where δ st is the static deflection, ω is the frequency of
harmonic force, and ω n is the natural frequency of the vibration.
X 1
o Magnification Factor or Amplitude Ratio: M = = .
δ st 1−¿ ¿
 For r>1,
o Amplitude of Forced Motion: X =δ st ¿, where δ st is the static deflection, ω is the frequency of
harmonic force, and ω n is the natural frequency of the vibration.
X 1
o Magnification Factor or Amplitude Ratio: M = = .
δ st ¿ ¿
 For r=1,
o Amplitude of Forced Motion: X =∞ .
o Magnification Factor or Amplitude Ratio: M =∞.

Example 3a
A weight of 50 N is suspended from a spring of stiffness 4000 N/m and is subjected to a harmonic force of amplitude
60 N and frequency 6 Hz. Find the extension of the spring due to the suspended weight.
 Given: W = 50 N, k = 4000 N/m, F0 = 60 N, ω = 6 Hz
 Solution:
o δ=
50 N
o δ=
4000 N /m
o δ=0.0125 m

Example 3b
Solve for the static displacement of the spring due to the maximum applied force, and the amplitude of forced motion
of the weight.

 Solution:
o a. δ st =
60 N
o a. δ st =
4000 N /m
o a. δ st =0.015 m


b. ω n= k , W =mg , m=

4000 N /m
ω n=
o b. 50 N
9.81 m/s
o b. s
ω n= =4.458611469 Hz

o b. r =
6 Hz
o b. r = =1.34571044 ,r >1
4.458611469 Hz
o b. X =δ st 2
r −1 ( )
o b. X =0.015 m
( 2
1.34571044 −1 )
o b. X =0.01849713064 m

F. Equation of Motion
Concepts and Formulas
 If a force F(t) acts on a viscously damped spring-mass system as shown in Figure 3.1, the equation of
motion can be obtained using Newton’s second law:
m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=F (t) --- Eq. 3.1

 The general solution x(t) is given by the sum of the homogeneous solution xh(t), and the particular solution
 The homogeneous solution, which is the solution of the homogeneous equation

m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=0 --- Eq. 3.2

represents the free vibration of the system. This free vibration dies out with time under each of the three
possible conditions of damping (underdamping, critical damping, and overdamping) and under all possible
initial conditions.
 The general solution of Eq. (3.1) eventually reduces to the particular solution which represents the steady-
state vibration.
 The steady-state motion is present as long as the forcing function is present. The variations of
homogeneous, particular, and general solutions with time for a typical case are shown in Fig. 3.2. It can be
seen that xh(t) dies out and x(t) becomes xp(t) after some time (in Fig. 3.2).
 The part of the motion that dies out due to damping (the free-vibration part) is called transient.
 The rate at which the transient motion decays depends on the values of the system parameters k, c,
and m.

Example 3.1a
In the cam-follower system shown in Figure, the rotation of the cam imparts a vertical motion to the follower. The
pushrod, which acts as a spring, has been compressed by an amount before assembly. determine the equation of
motion of the follower, including the gravitational force.

 Solution:
o Formula: m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=F (t)
o There is no damping, c ẋ will be 0.
o Total x for kx will be (x+x0) where x0 is the initial displacement of the spring.
o The total mass of the system is m0 = mass of follower + mass of the spring
o Gravity (g) is included, add m0g to the equation.
o m0 ẍ+ k ( x+ x 0 ) + m0 g=F c , where Fc = force exerted on the follower by the cam.

Example 3.1b
For the mechanical system shown, the uniform rigid bar has mass m and pinned at point O. For this system, find the
equations of motion.

 Solution:
o In addition to the coordinate θ identified in the original figure, we also define x and y as the
displacment of the block and end of the bar respecively. The directions î and ĵ are defined as
shown in the figure.
o Free Body Diagram:
o Note that the tension in the cable between the bar and the block is unknown and represented with
T while the reaction force FR is included, although both its magnitude and direction are unspecified.
In terms of the identified coordinates, the angular acceleration of the bar αβ/F and the linear
acceleration of the block FaG are
α β / F =θ̈ k^ , F
a G= ẍ ^j .
o We can also relate the coordinates as
x= θ , y=lθ
o The equations of motion for this system can be obtained with linear momentum balance applied to
the block and angular momentum balance out O on the bar. These can be written as
∑ F=mF aG =( T −kx −c ẋ ) ^j=2 m ẍ ^j
∑ M O =IO α β / F=(−T 2l −kyl ) k=
^ m l θ̈ k^ .
o Equate T from first equation to T from second equation:
l ml
−( 2 m ẍ +kx + c ẋ ) −kyl= θ̈.
2 3
o Using the coordinate relations, we can obtain the equation as
2 2 2
5 ml cl 5k l
θ̈+ θ̇+ θ=0.
6 4 4

G. Response of an Undamped System

Concepts and Formulas
 We consider an undamped system subjected to a harmonic force.
 If a force of F(t) = F0cosωt acts on the mass of an undamped system, the equation of motion reduces to
m ẍ+ kx=F 0 cos ωt
 Homogeneous Solution: h x ( t ) =C 1 cos ω n t +C 2 sin ω n t
 Particular Solution (Steady-state solution) = x p (t )= X cos ωt , where X is the Maximum Amplitude (formula
from Introduction part).
 Using the initial conditions x0 (initial deflection) and ẋ0 (initial velocity),
F0 ẋ 0
C 1=x 0− 2,
C 2=.
k−mω ωn
F0 ẋ 0
x h (t )=(x ¿ ¿ 0− 2
)cos ω n t + sin ωn t ¿
k −m ω ωn
 General Solution:
x (t )=x h ( t )+ x p ( t )
F0 ẋ 0
x (t )=(x ¿ ¿ 0− 2
) cos ω n t + sin ωn t+ X cos ωt ¿
k −m ω ωn
 Case 1, 0< r <1, the denominator in the amplitude ratio formula (from introduction part) is positive and the
response is given by x p (t )= X cos ωt . The harmonic response of the system x p (t ) is said to be in phase
with the external force as shown in Figure 3.4
 Case 2, r >1, the denominator in the amplitude ratio formula is negative, and the steady-state solution can
be expressed as
x p (t )=− Xcos ωt
where the amplitude of motion X is redefined to be a positive quantity as

δ st
( )
r −1
 The variations of F(t) and xp(t) with time are shown in Figure 3.5. Since xp(t) and F(t) have opposite signs,
the response is said to be 180° out of phase with the external force. As r approaches ∞, X approaches 0.
Thus the response of the system to a harmonic force of very high frequency is close to zero.
 Case 3, r=1, the amplitude X becomes infinite. This condition, for which the forcing frequency ω is equal to
the natural frequency of the system ωn, is called resonance. The response of the system in this condition is
given by:
ẋ 0 δ st ω n t
x (t )=x 0 cos wn t+ sin ωn t+ sin ω n t
ωn 2

 Total Response:
o For r<1,
δ st
x (t )= A cos ( ω n t−Φ ) + 2
cos ωt
o For r>1,
δ st
x (t )= A cos ( ω n t−Φ )− 2
cos ωt
 If the forcing frequency is close to, but not exactly equal to, the natural frequency of the system, a
phenomenon known as beating may occur. In this kind of vibration, the amplitude builds up and diminishes
in a regular pattern.

 The forcing frequency ω is slightly less than the natural frequency ωn:
ω n−ω=2 ε , where ε is a small positive quantity.
 Then ωn ≈ ω and
ω n+ ω=2 ω
 Multiplying the 2 equation gives:
2 2
ω n−ω =4 εω
 Substituting this and x 0= x˙0=0 to the general solution:
F0 ẋ 0
x (t )=(x ¿ ¿ 0− 2
) cos ω n t + sin ωn t+ X cos ωt ¿
k −m ω ωn
 yields:
( )
x (t )= sin εt sin ωt
2 εω
 Since ε is small, the function sin εt varies slowly; its period, equal 2π/ε, is large. Thus,

( )
m may be seen as representing vibration with 2π/ω and of variable amplitude
x (t )= sin εt sin ωt
2 εω

( )
equal to m .
sin εt
2 ϵω

 It can also be observed that the curve will go through several cycles, while the sin εt wave goes through a
single cycle, as shown in Figure 3.8. Thus, the amplitude builds up and dies down continuously. The time
between the points of zero amplitude or the points of maximum amplitude is called the period of beating and
is given by
2π 2π
τ b= =
2 ε ωn −ω
with the frequency of beating defined as
ω b=2 ε =w n−ω

Example 3.2a
Compute the total response of a spring-mass system with the following values: k = 1000 N/m, m = 10 kg,
subject to a harmonic force of magnitude F0 = 100 N and frequency of 8.162 rad/s, and initial conditions
given by x0 = 0.01 m and v0 = 0.01 m/s.
 Given: k = 1000 N/m, m = 10 kg, F0 = 100 N, ω = 8.162 rad/s, x 0 = 0.01 m, v0 = 0.01 m/s
 Solution:
o ω n=
√ √
1000 N /m
10 kg
=10 rad /s
ω s
o r= = =0.8162 ,r <1
ωn rad
F 0 100 N
δ st = = =0.1m
k N
o X =δ st
( ) 1
=0.1 m
( 1
2 )=0.2995648282 m

F0 ẋ 0
o x (t )=(x ¿ ¿ 0− 2
) cos ω n t + sin ωn t+ X cos ωt ¿
k −m ω ωn
100 0.01
x (t )=(0.01− )cos 10 t + sin 10 t+0.2995648282 cos 8.162t m
o x (t )=−0.2895648282cos 10 t+0.001 sin 10 t+0.2995648282 cos 8.162t m
Example 3.2b
Compute the total response of a spring-mass system with the following values: k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, subject to a
harmonic force of magnitude F0 = 200 N and frequency of 15 rad/s, and initial conditions given by x0 = 0.02 m and v0
= 0.03 m/s.

 Given: k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, F0 = 100 N, ω = 15 rad/s, x 0 = 0.02 m, v0 = 0.03 m/s

 Solution:
o ω n=
√ √
4000 N /m

10 kg
=20 rad /s

ω s
o r= = =0.75 , r <1
ωn rad
F 0 200 N
δ st = = =0.05 m
o k N
o X =δ st
( ) 1
=0.05 m
( 1
1−0.75 )
=0.1142857143 m

F0 ẋ 0
o x (t )=(x ¿ ¿ 0− 2
) cos ω n t + sin ωn t+ X cos ωt ¿
k −m ω ωn
200 0.03
o x (t )=(0.02− ) cos 20 t+ sin ωn t+ 0.1142857143 cos ωt
o x (t )=−0.09428571429 cos ω n t +0.0015 sin ωn t+ 0.1142857143 cos ωt

H. Response of a Damped System

Concepts and Formulas
 In a damped system, c in m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=F (t) is not zero. If the forcing function is given by
F ( t )=F 0 cos ωt the equation of motion becomes
m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=F 0 cos ωt
 The particular solution of m ẍ+ c ẋ +kx=F 0 cos ωt is also expected to be harmonic; we assume it in the
x p (t )= Xcos( ωt−Φ)
where X and Φ are constants to be determined. X = amplitude of the response, Φ = phase angle of the
F0 δ st
X= =
[ ( k −mω ) + c ω ] √ ( 1−r ) + ( 2ζr )
2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2

( cω
−1 2 ζr


 The formula for static deflection, δst, and frequency ratio, r, in a damped system is the same as that in
undamped system.
 Combining the concepts of Damped Vibration (ζ, ωd) from Chapter 2B, we obtain the formula for
magnification factor M
X 1 1
M= = =

{[ ( )] [ ]} √ ( 1−r ) +( 2 ζr )
δ st 2 2
1 2 2 2
ω ω 2
1− + 2ζ
ωn ωn

 The complete solution for an underdamped system is

−ζ ωn t
x (t )= X 0 e cos ( ω d t −Φ0 ) + Xcos(ωt−Φ)
√ 2
X 0= ( X 0 cos Φ 0 ) + ( X 0 sin Φ 0 ) ,and
−1 X 0 sin Φ 0
Φ 0=tan
X 0 cos Φ 0

X 0 cos Φ 0=x 0− Xcos Φ

X 0 sin Φ 0= ( ẋ 0 +ζ ωn x0 cos Φ 0−ωXsinΦ)

Example 3.3a
Find the total response of a single-degree-of-freedom system with m = 20kg, c = 100N-s/m, k = 5120 N/m, x0 = 0.012
m, and ẋ0 = 0 under an external force F(t) = 100cos12t.
 Given: m = 20kg, c = 100 N-s/m, k = 4000 N/m, x0 = 0.012 m, ẋ0 = 0, F0 = 100 N, ω = 12 rad/s
 Solution:

 ω n=
√ √
5120 N /m

100 N
20 kg
=16 rad /s

 δ st = = =0.01953125 m
k 5120 N /m
c c 100 N −s/m
ζ= = = =0.1767766953

 c cr 2 √km N
2 4000 ∗20 kg
ω d= √ 1−ζ ωn= √ 1−0..1767766953 ∗16
2 2
 =15.74801575 rad /s
ω 12rad /s
 r= = =0.75
ω n 16 rad /s
δ st 0.01953125 m
 X= = =0.03817795136 m
√ 2
√ 2
( 1−r 2 ) + ( 2 ζr )2 ( 1−0.752 ) + ( 2∗0.176776953∗0.75 )2
 Φ=tan
−1 2 ζr

( −1 2∗0.176776953∗0.75

2 )
=0.5448865294 rad

 X 0 cos Φ 0=x 0− Xcos Φ=0.012 m−0.03817795136 m cos 0.5448865294

 X 0 cos Φ 0=−0.02064925373 m
 X 0 sin Φ 0= ( ẋ 0 +ζ ωn x0 cos Φ 0−ωXsinΦ)

X 0 sin Φ 0= (0+0.1767766953∗16∗−0.02064925373 m−12∗0.03817795136 m∗sin 0.54488652
 X 0 sin Φ 0=−0.01878751879 m
 √
X 0= ( X 0 cos Φ 0 ) + ( X 0 sin Φ 0 ) =√ (−0.02064925373 m ) + (−0.01878751879 m )
2 2 2 2

 X 0=0.02791706543 m
−1 X 0 sin Φ 0 −1 −0.01878751879 m
 Φ 0=tan =tan
X 0 cos Φ 0 −0.02064925373 m
 Φ 0=0.7382250901 rad
−ζ ω t
 x (t )= X 0 e n
cos ( ω d t−Φ0 ) + Xcos(ωt−Φ)

−0.1767766953∗16 t
x (t )=0.02791706543 e cos ( 15.74801575 t −0.7382250901 ) +0.03817795136 cos (12 t −0.544886

x (t )=0.02791706543 e cos ( 15.74801575 t−0.7382250901 ) +0.03817795136 co s (12 t−0.544886529

Example 3.3b
Find the total response of a single-degree-of-freedom system with m = 10 kg, c = 40 N-s/m, k = 4000 N/m, x0 = 0.1
m, and ẋ0 = 0 under an external force F(t) = 200cos10t.
I. Measurement Devices
Concepts and Formulas
Example 3.4a
Determine the maximum percent error of a vibrometer in the frequency-ratio range 4 ≤r ≤ 8 with a damping ratio of
ζ =0.

Example 3.4b
Determine the maximum percent error of an accelerometer in the frequency-ratio range 0 ≤ r ≤0.65 with a damping
ratio of ζ =0.75.

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