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Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY The National Engineering University ‘Alangilan Campus Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batanga, ‘el Nos: (863 43) 425.0139 local 2121 / 2221 hh | Website Address: hutp:/wvww-batstate-uedu ph pines 4200 Department of Civil Engineering SCI 401: General Chemistry Practice Set sider the following chemical reaction: HCCH + HCI > HACCHCL ‘What isthe change in enthalpy of this reaction? ‘Solution: Use the values in the Standard Thermodynamic Values and caleulate their change in enthalpy using: 1 = Hine Hose ; 7 Yr 2 The theenety nomic valves enight ech: He 298-28 FYmeol Rapes a Bel He" 42,29904 HYmot Pe eo. SEG rege The tqiotion ik elnody bolametd so ve can protec! with te Solvtion- pou bnew he pees, yes get Alte Hproduet ~ Hxactont w fees, Y| = [fans 24 as) #69 28 &) Ae ~ 1H. 120% 4S mol boc tae 2. Determine AHF0 of ethanol (C2HSOH) from its standard enthal Demi 8 ) from its standard enthalpy of combustion (-1367.4 kif molto produce CO2(g) Ginee Ane reaction ic Combistion, avtomatically Ihe cybstonce will react with Ox goe and produ SOig> and Dea os products. We eed fo balance the quation first Catty0W + 20rqg, % 20a + 31,0, Oregy : He 0 nol : es » ies ag, 1: 399.5052 Ng Alls Hpedvet ~Hreact ant HOt: Its -28S. 82440 ToT AE: [inate 5051 Hysenfa.szeis B)]-[ Hoan # 50%) Heateot © 7277-1003 a Scanned with CamScanner 5. What isthe change in enthalpy when creating $ moles of Nitrogen Dioxide from the equation 2NO +O) + 2NO; AH = ~112kT Enthelpy fo mele Relattonship: TN ks Amol NO, Sol: ~ lta ks 5 mpl NO, * | au | ais -290%8 Se 4, Caleulate AH for the following reaction: CHa (g) + O2(8) = CO2 ig) +H20 (1) gore’ Alt= Hpodect ~Hreactont Clgey ee “TH oTIGHL Balonee he equation first, Orgy He 0, Oye): He-998.5060 8 Clay t 20%) Orgy + 240 HOote-25-r06 BL mol alte (covssosa¥, Joeyfassaneee SJ] fern gore 8) + (C0, ] eT iu [ats ~ 590.9104 Scanned with CamScanner 5. Given the equations AH--SOKI AH=+85K) AH--10Kd What isthe hange in enthalpy of A + BC+ D? We cor Ue 2 aaofione for this prdbleny Hees Lower Aged Solutions. ) Hes Low Aagaprerg > E+ tCt+e+D An sCs0 + ¥d - 10s Ata crD \au a5 ks A ESF AW <-S0 ks ae gst} ENF > C%e pie -10 KS pro >D Scaner ABS Hipeuct = Hreactont here fort pap a 2 so cig -E-F tHe at Deb G + WR jon te BB+ CHD, we mest Eow He quvalents of adh «ana our net react seedion) vost ts ‘ Gee : he EHF ESO ql itt OF pb +10 ae art te E+E o 495 @e nae ps Be 710 aa git te aT P Be wet wction? ktB > c+D: ote ) + (D7 6H) > (esr t8%) + (BHG-P) a AK + EYP estes t Bred fpeauct-Hreoctont the for, CEHFHSO Ear esot O- EHO au forms AR * H(prFaso+ De t}0) < AW = At 24H + being (E4F49542 10) cipeetis -(EHFID OF 0) ZaPrerTs BoP Drew e-pigris * OH cutetteting the valu of Dly.F) (p-Gto)-Ptetis = aH pBte-O 4641S = BH Scanned with CamScanner 6 Mow much ene: ‘energy is needed to chance the temperature of $0.0 g of water by 15.0C? Given? Myy + 505 Rep: y AT = 1580 Solin: 4° ms +604) (4164 Ye) (18) res 7. Mow many grams of wate cane etd from 20.0 ta 750C using 1250.0 Joules? Given ims. 44 4 Foe ean HH? Gun 5 TTS athe mete! elcosed W1s.44 J Qireal gon quel = msDT ~IUISHAL © (54,0475) (5) (27-8° C~ 12O*C) ili ia in S* 0-4024 Spee 11, Identity the species being oxidized and reduced in each ofthe following reactions: a Cr+Sn*—> Cr+ Sn ». 3 Hg* +2 Fe(s)—>3 Hg +2 Fe « Al+02>A1+02" q. Ovidized + Cr Redeced So iG Oxidized * Fe Reduced * Hg c- Ovidized o Rede: Al Scanned with CamScanner 12. Inthe following redon reset Int own ‘eactions, identify the species being oxidized and reduced, and which is the oxidizing agent and 2Au+ 3Cu + 2Au» + 3Cu Ovdized’ Ay Oridizing oxen fu Reduced Cy Recweing ogee? Av 1B. Balance the redox reactions: Mg(s)?* + 02(g)"* > Mg(s)* + 02.(1) at : Ox: Migay? —P Mgnt + Ae at Red AE + Om PO; eee EEG sEL eee ae MgirtOugs) Magus" + Oreo 14. In question 13, which isthe oxidizing agent? O2 15. In the equation: PI+CF* > prscr Did chlorine gained or lose electrons? Lose electors Scanned with CamScanner 16. Predict the sign of As a. 2Mg(s) +02 b. C6IL1206(5)-4. SPAN (posi « ©. 2 NEB(x) + COX oa 4. Culs) (at 1000.¢ sa ) Se 17, Caleulate AGo ran f {ths easton: 2 CABO () 1302 (2 C02 (8) +4120.) The chemical equation is aheacly balanced ms aol CHO Ha 1G £1607 Oy: 6 OB ay ks = 314-9678 et AGryn © Gprstoct ~ Paoctert AG: fcr ere ncn carn meee) fae rey 40] Way) : 40g 5G: 779118405 TUS Vero} HOw 18, Arrange the compounds in order of increasing entropy (SS) and justify your order. CHBOH(s) CHRON) CHRON) CHBCI2OH) . oli igure i Wncwasite entrmpy rule solicl & Niquiel 49 simpler & compl caked Cigolks © CHM J CHOUg) < CHACH OH ). Given these reactions reactions, determine whether the AS increases or decreases or stays the same at 25 °C; 12S04(1)+H2S04(5) H20()-*1120(8) CH(g)+202(g)> CO2e)+2H20() g- Decieaes te Increases ce Detass Scanned with CamScanner 20. Given the dissolving of CaCia(sy CaCI2{s)+Ca2 (ag)! 2CT (aq) Calculate the temperature ofthe reaction, ot By aes ¢ te rei ( CaCl, FMS. 7g | IO4-G = 148.0840 Claes P: Cojeny t LCE tog ay Meg t Ate (a foie fase | 593.04 The equaticr is already balance Gir “eT scot | 5G. He “1p 3640% Solr AG = 41 -TAS Fer DG AG? bpreiit ~ Groctent [esssot) 260! 3g308 y]- t rgd Ace 2CaClEGe How much heat wit evoty meoteni uation le abearly balemeedd Uo) 4 ACL eg) -E LCC, Au * Homie ~ Hreactort Alt « facansaen]-f 3 4 "el a (ai (in. 284 2) — pol. Enthalpy te mole xlolenshp -Bor.o424 Wb SZ mop Cath, "ASGmL ~e mole — {volume ~ mass = moke | 5 m. 4. Pract * DAS gfem? i ey Fem? = Im 2N55 2 cn? 4SGem? we HOM cach, ~comvert to tole Using moter moss: 7717 TL CaCl, Lipa xo 45. oo [ee mass AX inglar mase A “T0.484 Fel 1 Cathe 3-933 705184 : eben « ae : mol Gach tro - (34 ghee 4g 105 151 = 01.6424 ks 4 rokath xX ——————__ maleate = - 5749. 1490 ES Scanned with CamScanner AW Y 0 AO Spontareity depends | Sporttanears at jon T (spontonenos all femperstures (at highes Fempe rateies < - | Nox spontaneous Spontansty ctpeads AS <0 (proceeds only with o fon T tontinows input of | (epontaness at lower energy fomperatyit s Scanned with CamScanner 24, Caleulte AI and AS for the as the following reaction and decide in which direction each of these factors will drive the N28) +3 1208) 3 2 NiIH¢9) Th ied is alveccly balenead ; The equation is alte 17 baloncect las ct re! rele A= Hpredict - Hresedond Wee Ee 112.9481 48 ae “[utsoreey] fiers xy] 0 141. 501s Nacgy . | 5824 | roe 82! AMS = 1.21596 ES | epertomeoes hep 0 Faverformationof products, § Sead ont AS * Spredvet ~Sienct on + eartia. 9401 Lon 3efus) t a rr0-560834) | AS 585192 Emer if AH is mgative and “T(AS) ie positive the action je eportonenos, “25, Hydrogen peroxide decomposes according tothe following thermochemical reaction: 1202() — H120()) + 172 02(@); AH = 98.2 1) Calculate the change in enthalpy, AH, when 1.00 g of hydrogen peroxide decomposes Tira Om [mot HO. Lea x ts-aaq L~ ¥ (00% “34014 g/mct Hedy 1 mol A 248.21 es alg Heo © net Web gs70 1 Ait i Scanned with CamScanner ‘26, What is the E° of the cell diagram if K =25.14 x 10? What is the Gi 7 el is spontaneous or non-spontaneous? isthe Gibss Free Energy and determine whether the rea Mau?" | Mgin || Cha” | Clay b a Baar > Nqw +4 (ac4 att > Cl )2 Re ul 90-0592 alas iyyio%l nant tLe seer gt y ge > ang) -» Ich we $9 ; Shige’ #201" —P Stiga + ACI ©. 00542 k E Sarma ns G Scanned with CamScanner

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