Essay About Obesity in America

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Essay About Obesity In America

Crafting an essay on the subject of obesity in America can be a challenging task due to the
multifaceted nature of the issue. The complexity arises from the need to address not only the medical
aspects of obesity but also its societal, economic, and cultural dimensions. To delve into this topic
effectively, one must navigate through a vast array of data, statistics, and research findings, ensuring
a comprehensive understanding of the problem.

The process of composing an essay on obesity requires careful consideration of the various causes
and consequences associated with this health concern. You'll need to explore factors such as
sedentary lifestyles, dietary patterns, genetic predispositions, and environmental influences.
Analyzing the impact of obesity on individual well-being, healthcare systems, and the broader
society adds another layer of intricacy to the writing process.

Moreover, striking a balance between presenting factual information and conveying the human aspect
of the issue is crucial. An effective essay on obesity should not only present statistics and studies but
also tell the stories of individuals affected by this health crisis. This narrative component helps to
engage readers emotionally and fosters a deeper understanding of the human toll of obesity.

Addressing potential solutions and policy implications further complicates the essay, as it involves
navigating through the contested terrain of public health interventions, government policies, and
societal attitudes. Crafting a well-reasoned argument on the most effective strategies to combat
obesity demands a thorough examination of the diverse perspectives within the academic and policy

In conclusion, writing an essay on obesity in America is a challenging endeavor that requires a

nuanced understanding of the issue and the ability to synthesize information from various
disciplines. It demands a delicate balance between scientific rigor and empathy to provide a
comprehensive perspective on this complex health problem.

For those seeking assistance with essays on challenging topics or any other writing needs, various
resources are available. Professional writing services, such as , offer support in
crafting well-researched and compelling essays on a wide range of subjects. Whether it's delving into
complex health issues or addressing other academic challenges, these services can provide the
expertise needed to create a polished and impactful essay.
Essay About Obesity In America Essay About Obesity In America
Domino Effects Of The Age-Graded System
The age graded system, which is the most commonly known structure that group students
by age, was implemented in the United States in the mid 1800 s. With this structure,
students get promoted to the next grade level based on how well they mastered the skills
taught. Subsequently, if the student did not meet the expectations to advance to the next
grade level the studentis retained in that same grade to repeat it. It was believed that
repeating the grade level would provide the student with the opportunity to catch up with
the other students academically. In today s times not everyone shares the same old belief
on grade retention. Which has many people asking, should students who fail their classes
be retained to repeat the grade level? It... Show more content on ...
A recent, systematic review of research exploring dropping out of high school indicates
that grade retention is one of the most powerful predictors of dropping out of high school
(Jimerson 6). This alarming fact should be the main reason to stop grade retention in
schools. Especially since interventions provide an alternative that promotes the student
keeping them engaged and in school. It costs roughly $18 billion per year to keep grade
retention an option in schools (Powell 29), which results in the student eventually
dropping out. Instead, these funds should be used towards intervention programs that
promote success and prevent some of the negative consequence s grade retention
presents, possibly at a fraction of the cost. With that being said, schools should be
providing targeted interventions in order to provide students with the best chances of
History Of Coronary Heart Disease
The student nurse had encountered a patient with heart problems. The patient has a
Coronary heart disease. It is a heart condition that affects the coronary blood vessels that
supply the heart with nutrients and oxygen (Craft Gordon, 2015). The patient also has a
history of Diabetes mellitus, which is an important risk factor for Coronary heartdisease
and a history of Stroke, which is a chronic complication of Diabetes mellitus.

The patient stated that he is still recovering from his stroke. That s why patient s right
arm is still paralysed and weak. This shows that the patient has a left brain stroke or it
was the left side of the patient s brain that got damage (Craft Gordon, 2015). Furthermore,
it also shows that patient s stroke
Transference And Counter-Transference

Transference and Counter Transference

Harriet L. Wiley
Mississippi College

Transference and counter transference are natural behaviors. The literature under review
has focused on the expression of counter transference and transference in many ways.
The value of recognizing both are acknowledged due to them being dually important by
having positive and negative behaviors depending on the approach. The knowledge
provided would help provide insight and comprehension reflected in the quality of care
which the clients receives. Both transference and counter transference will be defined
and explained for a better understanding, ... Show more content on ...
Conscious Transference is when a therapist chooses to share the affect the client is
having on their feelings (Fuertes, 2013). It can also be when a therapist share an
experience they have that relates to what a client is sharing. In this process, it helps the
client and therapist understand each other better and it allows trust to grow. The client
should have several ways on how to approach or gain perspective when it comes to
communicating with others. Useful counter transference is geared to the client and
assists their growth, while the therapist can continue to focus on building a positive
relationship with the client (Oelsner, 2013). In order to have a positive relationship with
a client there should be a personal bond between a therapist and client. If trust is gained it
should limit counter transference and with trust between the client and counselor a level
of comfort comes that will help build a strong relationship. Developing healthy
boundaries and being mindful of counter transference as it can come into the therapy
sessions will eliminate future issues and the therapist can making the client first priority
(King, Obrien,
The Rise of Gladiatorial Combat in Rome
The Rise of Gladiatorial Combat in Rome

Gladiatorial contests (munera gladitoria), hold a central place in our perception of

Roman behavior. They were also a big influence on how Romans themselves ordered their
lives. Attending the games was one of the practices that went with being a Roman. The
Etruscans who introduced this type of contest in the sixth century BC, are credited with
its development but its the
Romans who made it famous. A surviving feature of the Roman games was when a
gladiator fell he was hauled out of the arena by a slave dressed as the Etruscan death
demon Charun. The slave would carry a hammer which was the demon s attribute.
Moreover, the Latin term for a trainer manager of gladiators
(lanista), was ... Show more content on ...
At other times they were thrown to the wild beasts. Criminals that were used had
committed crimes that carried a death sentence or harsh manual labor. The crimes which
led to the arena were murder, treason, robbery and arson.
Criminals sentenced to forced labor were often obliged to serve as gladiators, and were
sentenced to three years of combat and two years in the schools.
Sometimes penalties were differentiated according to social class, thus for certain
crimes which in the case of slaves would involve execution, free men or freedmen (ex
slaves) were condemned to fight in the arena instead. This did not of course make
them gladiators, unless they were trained first, as those required to provide this sort of
sport not always were. And indeed as gladiators became more expensive in the second
century AD the use of untrained criminals in the amphitheater increased.(7:537) Most
gladiators, at Rome and elsewhere were slaves, but in addition there were always
some free men who became gladiators because they wanted to. The profession was an
alternative to being a social outcast. They were generally derived from the lowest
ranking category of free persons, namely the freedman who had themselves been slaves
or were the son of slaves. Free fighters were more sought after than slaves, presumably
because they shower greater enthusiasm in the arena. Such a volunteer was offered a

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