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The Death Penalty Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of the death penalty can be a daunting task that requires careful
consideration and a nuanced approach. The complexity arises not only from the emotional and moral
dimensions surrounding the topic but also due to the diverse perspectives and arguments associated
with it. Addressing issues such as morality, justice, human rights, and the legal system requires a
thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to navigate through a myriad of
conflicting opinions.

One of the challenges lies in presenting a balanced view that acknowledges both the proponents and
opponents of the death penalty. It demands a writer to delve into the historical, cultural, and legal
aspects of capital punishment, analyzing its impact on society, crime rates, and the ethical
implications involved. Striking a delicate balance between emotions and rationality is crucial, as the
death penalty is a deeply polarizing topic that elicits strong reactions from individuals with diverse

Furthermore, conducting comprehensive research is essential to substantiate arguments and provide

evidence-based support for the claims made. This involves exploring legal precedents, examining
case studies, and staying updated on the latest developments in the field. Juggling these elements
while maintaining a coherent and persuasive narrative can be a significant challenge for any writer.

In addition, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of public opinion on the death penalty adds
another layer of complexity. As societal views shift, a writer must be attuned to the current discourse
and integrate contemporary perspectives into their analysis.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the death penalty demands more than just writing skills. It
requires a deep understanding of the subject, a commitment to presenting a balanced view, and the
ability to navigate through the intricate web of emotions, ethics, and legal considerations. Writing on
such a contentious issue necessitates diligence and a meticulous approach to ensure that the essay
engages readers while respecting the gravity of the topic.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, services like
provide a platform where expert writers can offer support and guidance on a variety of topics.
The Death Penalty Essay The Death Penalty Essay
Negotiating Hall s Caribbean Identity in Kincaid s Annie John
Negotiating Hall s Caribbean Identity in Kincaid s Annie John

In his article Negotiating Caribbean Identities, Stuart Hall attempts to relay to the reader
the complications associated with assigning a single cultural identity to the Caribbean
people. Even though the article is intended by the author to represent the Caribbean
people as a splicing of a number of different cultures, the processes Hall highlights are
noticeable on an individual scale in the main character of Jamaica Kincaid s novel, Annie
John. Annie John s quest for self identification leads her on a path strikingly similar to
the one Hall describes. From Annie s journey, the reader might be able to glean what
Hall hopes to instill in his own readers when he writes, ... Show more content on ...
Annie is literally her mother s daughter and her identity is completely based on her
mother s actions. The mother daughter relationship in Annie s quest for identity has been
a favorite topic for critics. H. Adlai Murdoch s article, Severing the (M)other Connection,
deals specifically with that relationship and its affect on Annie s identity. Murdoch
separates Annie s growth into phases, the earliest of which being an intense attachment
with and affinity for her mother that does not foreshadow the conflict to come. The critic
writes that, There can be no doubt, then, of the extent to which Annie John identifies with
and valorizes the maternal image at this stage (Murdoch 330). Indeed, it is obvious from
the text that their relationship is powerful, though most critics would argue the validity
of Annie s perspective. The memory of the trunk and its contents, which the narrator
seems to enjoy, Murdoch calls representations of Annie s fragmented self and her need
for self identity and self expression; they are put into place here as a symbolic depiction
of Annie herself, and thus of the mother s enclosure containment, limitation, possession,
and direction of her daughter s life and identity (Murdoch 330). This view calls into
question the narrator s reliability concerning her journey away from the mother imposed
identity into an identity of her own. This examination of her reliability will be a key
element of the later portions
Absurdity In The Stranger
World Literature
Ms. Megan Wall
Jin Woo Lee
September 23, 2015
The Stranger Essay: Topic One The Stranger, written by a famous French philosopher
Albert Camus, tells a story of a young Algerian man, Meursault, who perceives his life,
values, behavioural norms differently from other people in his society. Throughout the
course of the rest of the novel, readers can easily notice Meursault as a detached and
indifferent character who shows difficulty in expressing his emotions. However, by
characterising Meursault in such ways, Camus indirectly challenges the society s
conventional moral standards and brings up the idea of absurdism philosophy. By
describing the actions of Meursault and minor characters, Camus successfully conveys
ideas such ... Show more content on ...
This idea is clearly shown in part one when Meursault describes Raymond s encounter
with the policeman after the beating incident. Meursault describes, right then the cop
slapped him a thick, heavy smack right across the face ; this quote clearly shows that
concept of justice is flawed in this society because although people criticises Raymond
for hitting his mistress and calls the act immoral, they deem the cop s action to be moral
(36). Physically, both violence are nearly the same, yet one is regarded as wrong, and the
other, is justified. Through Meursault s interaction with the policeman, Camus implicitly
challenges the truth of society s accepted moral order and the concept of justice. In
addition, the trial scene in part 2 of the novel also conveys this theme. Although
Meursault s act of murder is a serious crime, it seems as if the magistrate and the juries
are not judging Meursault for his murder, but for his indifferent behaviour toward Maman
s death because the latter explanation makes more sense to them. For example, when the
magistrate gives his closing statement, Meursault describes it was then that he talked
about my attitude toward Maman. It went on much longer than when he talking about
my crime (100). In addition, the magistrate claims that Meursault s indifferent reaction
over Maman s death threatens the moral
Speech On Hostel
A.Opener/ Attention Getter
Hostel life is not a new thing in Malaysia and UMT particularly. Every year, applying
for a hostel becomes a hot issue among students in the hostel. They confuse whether
they want to keep stay in the hostel or stay outside of the hostel on their second year.
As we all know, UMT hostel are very limited which only one block is provided for senior
year students. Okay, before I go further, let me ask all of you one question; how many of
you prefer to stay in the hostel? B.Greeting
Good morning, everyone. My name is Biha and I m very happy to be here today. C.Topic
So, as you can probably guess from my opener before, I stand here today to tell to each
and every one of you that a hostel is place ... Show more content on ...
Hostel is a place where cultures clash.
It is like a nerve center, where students from all over the state including Sabah and
Sarawak meet, get to know each other and makes friends.
1.Sub sub point/elaboration
During your first two days in a hostel, you will meet more new people, new roommate
and also new housemate.
2.Sub sub point/elaboration
People in hostel are usually friendly and relaxed, often ready to share their stories, food
and experience with you and also expecting the same from you. Yeah, I m not saying
everyone will do the same things but I believe most of them are. By the end of the
first week, I m pretty sure you will already start hanging out with your roommate or
any other people who also staying in a hostel. Therefore, you learn to have regard for
others, to live with others and to help one another in times of need. Hostel life thus helps
to develop in students a sense of fellow feeling.
(Academic Help, 2017)

A.Signal Phrase
I think it time for me to end my speech. So, before I end my speech today, i would like
to recap back what i have covered
History And Racism Of Canada
History of Racism in Canada My belief was that people of African descent were the
only group that experiences racism, but when I migrated from the Caribbean to a
multicultural country Canada, I soon realize that my understanding of racism was
inaccurate and did not reflect social reality. As a result of my new environment, I learnt
that racism is solely based on supremacy where a person of a different background may
justify their advantages/power by placing a negative meaning behind cultural differences,
thus resulting in unequal treatments. In particular, this short journal will briefly explore
how slavery affects(d) people of colour in and over race of people in Canada. Being
exposed to African history has helped me to understand the... Show more content on ...
Throughout the years living in JNF, I ve asked myself why are there so many
negative stereotypes and what causes them? The media does not report positive
stories of the neighbourhood, so when something bad happens, that becomes a brand.
As a result, it affects that people who lives there because they continue to receive
messages that implies that they are more likely to become criminals because of where
they reside. Not only do blacks receive a negative responses for living in JNF, but also
people of other cultural backgrounds. As I ve stated before, my thought process in the
Caribbean was that blacks were the only ones that experience racism, but I began to
realize that this was untrue. For example, after the Canadian government was done
using Chinese for labour to build the Canadian Pacific Railway, they were deemed
useless where some were left with no jobs and the others were unfairly paid compared to
their white counterparts (Packota, 2017). Similarly, Japanese, Jewish and South Asians
faced hardships too. 1967 was a pivotal period in Canadian history due to the changes in
the immigration laws as the system became less objective. This was done by developing
a point system to protect applicants from racial discrimination. Even though, Canada is
recognized for plurality and multiculturalism, that does not mean that societal racism can
be easily
Symbolism Of Sea On The Sea
Setting The story takes place in Cuba,near Havana, in the 1940 s. Mostly on the
water.Most of the novella takes place in the old man s boat out on the sea. Symbols .
DiMaggio and the lions are symbols of motivation for Santiago.The lions are dreams
from his youth and youth is what Santiago desires the most as he becomes older. .
DiMaggio represents Santiago s pride and strength as he was also injured with a
painful bone spur but his baseball career wasn t affected. These two symbols inspire
Santiago to overcome the challenges he faces at sea. Quote But I think the great
DiMaggio would be proud of me today. I had no bone spurs.But the hands and back
truly hurt. (Pg.97) . The mast represents the cross. Then he shouldered the mast and
started to climb. (Pg.121) The way Santiago held the mast across his shoulders is very
similar to the way Jesus was forced to drag his cross on the way to his crucifixion. .
The sea represents life and the struggles that every person must endure in their life
time. Quote You are killing me,fish,the old man thought. (Pg.92) . Manolin symbolizes
pure love and compassion,he also symbolizes the circle of life. Quote The boy saw
that the old man was breathing and then he saw the old man s hands and started to cry.
He went out very quietly to go to bring some coffee and all the way down the road he
was crying. (Pg.122) Allusions .Santiago s injured hands . Jesus when his is crucified .
.Santiago climbs the hill to his
Dogs Essay
I was gone a lot from my wife during my four years of service in the United States
Navy. At the housing unit my wife and I lived in weapons were not authorized, But I
wanted to find a way to protect her while I was gone. I left months at a time for
training exercises, and deployments and I knew she needed protection while I wasn t
around. We lived in Virginia Beach which is about 1,700 miles from home, so she didn t
have much family around. It was paramount to get something to watch over her and the
house. That is when I religiously started researching dog breeds. I was comparing and
contrasting each dog. What dogs are too big, too small, even too aggressive, or not
aggressive enough. After a few hours, days, weeks of research I found the... Show more
content on ...
These dogs aren t overly territorial but they must have their eyes on their owner at all
times making sure that the owner is ok. Another great perk about this breed of dog is
that it is fairly knew to the United States. The relevancy of it being new to the United
States is that the Cane Corso genetics haven t been altered that much by Americans in a
negative way. A lot of Americans want the animal to be too big, or even more
aggressive, or another big problem is that Americans want the dog to look aggressive
but not hurt a fly. Some examples of these dogs who have been genetically altered in a
negative way are: The Rottweiler, Pit bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and most other
mastiff breeds that have come to the United States early on. The Cane Corso is an
aesthetically pleasing animal to look at, with its short coat you are able to better see
all the muscles in this beautiful, bulky yet elegant creature. This is the type of dog
you can walk around with holding your head up with pride because multiple people
will comment on how beautiful your dog is, and they will be asking you what kind of
breed it is. All in all this dog has the perfect balance of being a great companion and
family dog while still also taking its guarding duty very seriously. This dog will watch
after your home and everyone inside of in ensuring that you are all safe. Another great
quality about this animal is how much they love being touched by their human. The Cane
And Symbolism In Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Bong, By
Imagery, detail, and symbolism play a crucial role in this work. Imagery has the
function of painting a picture of the situation in the reader s mind so that he or she is
able to develop a version of the story individually. It makes the reading a more
personalized experience that helps the reader to understand what s going on. When O
Brien was just about to escape to Canada to avoid being drafted, he described the scene
that was presented in front of him. The shoreline was dense with brush and timber. I
could see tiny red berries on the bushes. In this quote, the reader can visualize the
setting of the lake where he has to make his life changing decision. It appeals to the
visual sense by describing the shoreline and even the sense of... Show more content on ...
The sewage field that Kiowa died in was very graphic at times because O Brien used
lots of imagery to describe it. As a whole, the field represented the worst parts of the
war. It consumed whoever entered it and eventually took O Brien s best friend. It
came full circle when later in life, he returned to the exact same field and buried
Kiowa s moccasins in the marshland. Metaphors and comparisons are extremely
important to the flow of the work and how each story is connected with each other.
During this work, O Brien keeps a casual tone. It sometimes gets more formal and
serious, but for the most part, it s friendly and almost playful. When he is describing
the conversations he had with his friends, he looks back on them with happiness.
Consequently, when he is describing the death of one of his friends, his tone gets
more somber and less playful. For example, the entire chapter of Stockings is devoted
to describing the soldier Henry Dobbins and an interesting knack of his. Even now,
twenty years later, I can see him wrapping his girlfriend s pantyhose around his neck
before heading out on an ambush. This cute, two page chapter provides a bit of relief
after the chapter about Mary Anne Belle. It has light connotations and is a generally
funny short story. Later in the book, however, he gets more serious when talking about
the death of his dear friend Kiowa. He

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