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Beautiful Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Beautiful Essay" presents a unique set of challenges. The
difficulty lies in the inherent subjectivity of the term "beautiful." Beauty is a concept that varies
greatly from person to person, influenced by cultural, personal, and societal perspectives. Crafting an
essay that captures the essence of beauty in a universally appealing manner becomes a delicate
balancing act.

To begin with, defining beauty requires navigating through a myriad of interpretations. It involves
delving into aesthetics, philosophy, and art, attempting to encapsulate the elusive quality that makes
something beautiful. This process demands a nuanced understanding of various cultural and historical
contexts, adding complexity to the task.

Moreover, writing a beautiful essay about beauty necessitates a mastery of language. The challenge is
not just to convey the ideas clearly, but to do so in a way that mirrors the elegance and allure
associated with beauty itself. Crafting sentences that evoke emotions, employing vivid imagery, and
utilizing rhetorical devices become essential tools in the writer's arsenal.

The struggle intensifies when attempting to transcend clichés and stereotypes associated with beauty.
The risk of falling into superficiality or overused tropes looms large. Striking the right balance
between depth and accessibility is a constant challenge, as the goal is to engage the reader
intellectually and emotionally without resorting to commonplace expressions.

Furthermore, the subjective nature of beauty adds an extra layer of complexity. It requires the writer
to anticipate and cater to a diverse audience with varied tastes and perspectives. This demands a
certain level of finesse in presenting arguments and examples that resonate universally, while still
acknowledging the inherent subjectivity of the topic.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of a "Beautiful Essay" is indeed a challenging

endeavor. It involves navigating the intricate landscape of beauty, considering diverse perspectives,
and mastering the art of language to convey the profound and subjective nature of the subject. While
the challenge is substantial, the potential reward lies in crafting a piece that, in itself, embodies the
very essence of beauty.

If you find the task daunting or need assistance in writing essays on various topics, similar
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Beautiful Essay Beautiful Essay
Reducing The Carbon Intensity Of Ict Services
3.Problem Statement4
4.Approaches for reducing the carbon intensity of ICT service5
4.1Cloud Computing, Virtualisation and Consolidation5
4.2Thin Clients6
4.3Product Design6
4.4Power Management6
4.5Software and Deployment Optimization6
a)Algorithm efficiency6
b)Resource allocation6
5.Approaches for recycling or reuse of out dated products8
6.Literature review on e waste as a problem9
7.Literature review on resolution of the problem10
8.Recommendation for green ICT equipment s.12

The purpose of the report is create awareness and understanding of the Reduction of
carbon content and recycling of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
components and to highlight the opportunities for timely action by researchers and
practitioners in this field. Through examples from a diversity of literature sources this
paper defines the problems and the scope of ICT environmental sustainability.

In order to save the organization a protocol must be used to provide a framework that
estimate the carbon content. The organization must prefer to outsource some of the
equipment which produces more carbon. Otherwise different infrastructure can be built
to dump the out dated products. The equipment can be reuse or sold at the lower rate
instead of dumping. The advanced and best quality of equipment s is used so that they
work properly for long span of time.

Internet Crime and Moral Responsibility
Internet Crime and Moral Responsibility

Internet Crime and Moral Responsibility3

What is Internet Crime?3
Types of Crimes3
Child Pornography4
Cyber Stalking5
Computer Intrusion5
Denial of Service Attacks and Cyber War5
Identity Theft6
Whose responsibility is it to report these crimes?7
Reporting agencies8
References9 Internet Crime and Moral Responsibility

The Internet is the technological genius of the computer age. Although the Internet is a
phenomenal tool, providing access to the world, it has also become a Shangri La for
criminals. The Internet because of the ability to remain anonymous is the perfect
playground for this type of mayhem. This ... Show more content on ...
Users need to be informed that if they receive an email that appears to be from the
institution or business, they need to contact the company in regards to the validity of the
email. This should be reiterated to users monthly to help insure the reduction of personal
information being gathered unlawfully.
Child Pornography
Child Pornography is the abuse of innocent children that has been put on display and
oftentimes sold for a profit. It is used largely by pedophiles to help lure other children
into illicit relationship situations that no child should ever have to endure. Because the
Internet provides global access, the number of sex offenders using this avenue has
dramatically increased, allowing them greater access to innocent victims.
Child pornography is illegal in the United States regardless of whether it is being sold,
viewed, saved on a computer or copied. Other countries have varying laws regarding
child pornography where it is illegal to produce it but not to have it stored on a computer
that you own. Although laws may be in place to protect against child pornography across
the global community, those laws are not always enforced. Some countries have no laws
at all against child pornography, making those countries a haven for distribution.
The two agencies responsible for handling reports
Taking a Look at Bitcoin
Introduction I thought of writing a paper on Bitcoin because this is a very interesting
topic and everyone tries to get into it, I will try to make this topic understandable by
writing it in laymen s language. Thanks to Professor Dr. Burnham who has given me
this opportunity to write a paper on Bitcoin. According to the name of Bitcoin when
we first hear this word Bitcoin we create image in our mind that there would be some
coin kind of thing but there is no coin it is only a digital currency. Bitcoin is a peer to
peer payment system introduced as open source software in 2009 by developer
Satoshi Nakamoto. Although it does not meet the generally recognized definition of
money, the digital currency created and used in the system is alternatively referred to
as a virtual currency, electronic money, or cryptocurrency. The bitcoin system is not
controlled by a single entity, like a central bank, which has led the US Treasury to call
bitcoin a decentralized currency.[1] US government is flexible in promoting Bitcoin
while China government does not allow bitcoin at all. This is actually not easy for any
country to accept the challenges involved in Bitcoin but still Bitcoin has launched its
first ATM in Singapore because Singapore is a very small country and it easy to manage
if there will be any kind of issue faced at any point of time there. How does bitcoin work?
Whenever you initiate a payment using Bitcoin, it simply means in bitcoin network that
amount in your account
Analysis Of Alexander Solzhenitsyn s One Day In The Life...
To Know One Man is to Know a Nation Abstract: Both Alexander Solzhenitsyn and
Leonard Peltier allow the reader to see life through the eyes of one man, and through
that one man, a vision of a nation of suffering people emerges. Despite using very
different styles and genres, both One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Prison
Writings: My Life is my Sundance show the reader deep truths about a people through
the lens of one imprisoned man. To Know One Man is to Know a Nation Leonard
Peltier is a man who has been immensely wronged by law enforcement, the
government, and many white men in his life, if you believe that his work of non
fiction, Prison Writing: My Life is My Sundance, is the whole truth and nothing but the
truth behind why he is in prison. When the reader sees the injustice he has suffered over
and over again, they can t help but feel infuriated for not only him, but for his people as
a whole: the indigenous population of North America, nay, the whole world. By reading
the story of one man s journey through this life, the reader begins to understand the way
an entire people group has suffered throughout history merely for being who they are, and
you begin to ingest the way indigenous people are continually... Show more content on ...
As Ivan goes about his day, the reader becomes aware of the long term suffering of a
people group beneath the reign of Joseph Stalin. It s impossible to miss that the story of
the individual suffering of one man is really the story of the imprisonment and
punishment of an entire generation of a people group because of what they believe in.
If anyone dissented against the government, they were jailed and set to work, often until
their death. In a way, it s the easier read of the two because it reflects a moment in time
that has passed instead of an ongoing
Glass Menagerie Essay
Glass Menagerie
Written Responses

Topic: Discuss how a theme is developed in the play through two characters. Provide 3
pieces of evidence to support the theme as it applies to each character.

The Glass Menagerie , a memory play by Tennessee Williams, not only depicts the
depressing and unhappy lives of the Winfield family at St. Louis around 1930 s, but also
highlights the obstacle for Tom to pursuing his dreams under the family obligations; the
obstacle for Laura to overcoming shyness and inferiorities to interact with the ... Show
more content on ...
Standing on the fire escape outside the apartment and getting a cigarette allows Tom to
temporarily find peace from Amanda s nagging inquisition and commands, as he said,
I d rather smoke when Amanda complains to him about smoking too much. Through
Amanda s sighing, A fire escape landing s a poor excuse for a porch , it reveals more
clearly that the fire escape has already been a route where Tom could readily escape
from the world of Amanda to a world of new dimensions. Other than Amanda, Tom is
also trapped in the responsibility of supporting his mother and sister who are
dependent on his wages to live, as he complained, Who pays the rent on it, who makes
a slave of himself to... For sixty five dollars a month I give up all that I dream of doing
and being ever! Furthermore, Tom despises the tedious job at the warehouse that stops
him doing his own interests, as he cried out, You think I m in love with the
Continental Shoemakers? ... I d rather somebody picked up crowbar and battered out
my brains than going back mornings! All of these situations cause Tom to have an
even stronger will of escape. Hence, going to movies or having drinks in the bar every
night has been another way that Tom uses to escape and seek adventure to compensate
for his dull and depressed life. In Scene Four, Amanda asks, Why do

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